Modeling of plasmaphysical many-body systems  Page description

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Details of project

Type PD
Principal investigator Hartmann, Péter
Title in Hungarian Plazmafizikai sokrészecske-rendszerek modellezése
Title in English Modeling of plasmaphysical many-body systems
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Laser Physics Dept. (Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics Hung. Acad. Sci.)
Starting date 2005-10-01
Closing date 2008-09-30
Funding (in million HUF) 12.693
FTE (full time equivalent) 0.00
state closed project


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A jelen pályázat keretében plazmafizikai alapjelenségeket vizsgáltunk elsősorban numerikus modellezés és számítógépes szimulációk segítségével. Figyelmünket az erősen csatolt plazmák és az alacsony nyomású gázkisülések tanulmányozására koncentráltuk. Az erősen csatolt plazmák az anyagnak olyan állapotai, ahol az alkotó részecskék (ezek lehetnek elektronok, ionok vagy elektromosan töltött porszemcsék is) közötti kölcsönhatás (Coulomb vagy Yukawa jellegű) lényegesen felülmúlja a véges hőmérsékletből adódó rendezettlenséget. Ilyen több asztrofizikai objektumban, fémekben, ioncsapdákban, részecskegyorsítókban és poros plazma kísérletekben fordul elő. Vizsgáltunk 2-, és 3-dimenziós, valamint rétegelt rendszereket széles paraméter tartományban. Szerkezeti, termodinamikai és transzport tulajdonságokat, valamint a sokrészecske-rendszerek kollektív dinamikáját (elsősorban hullámdiszperziót) tanulmányoztuk. Ízelítő a legérdekesebb eredményekből: 2-dimenziós Yukawa rendszerekben superdiffúziót, 2-, és 3-dimenziós rendszerekben nem-Newtoni nyírási viszkozitást mutattunk ki. Elektro-lyuk kettősrétegek hullámdiszperziója gap-elt módust mutat, amely energia-gap egyértékű a kristályos fázisban is. Kváz-iklasszikus kvark-gluon plazma modellünk egy lehetséges fűtési mechanizmust és a hadronizációs küszöb felé csökkenő viszkozitást mutat.
Results in English
In this project we have investigated some of the basic processes of plasmas primarily by means of numerical modeling and computer simulations. We have focused our attention on the physics of strongly coupled plasmas and low pressure gas discharges. Strongly coupled many-particle systems (which can be electrons, ions or even electrically charged dust particles) are states of matter where the inter-particle interaction (of Coulomb or Yukawa type) dominates over the thermal random motion in the system. Such systems can be found in several astrophysical objects, metals, ion traps, particle accelerators and dusty plasma experiments. We have investigated the structural, thermodynamic and transport properties, and collective excitations (mainly wave dispersion) of 2- and 3-dimensional particle ensembles and layered structures in a wide parameter range. Some of the most interesting results: In 2-dimensional systems we have found super-diffusion, in 2- and 3-dimensions we have sown the non-Newtonian nature of the shear viscosity at large shear rates. For electro-hole bilayers we have identified the so called out-of-phase oscillation modes which are gaped modes, and this finite energy gap is single valued also in the crystalline phase. Or quasi-classical model for the quark-gloun system shows a possible heating mechanism of the system, and decreasing shear viscosity approaching the hadronization temperature.
Full text


List of publications

Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Donkó Z: Two-dimensional Yukawa liquids: structure and collective excitations, J Phys A: Math Gen; 39, 4485-4491, 2006
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Lévai P: Molecular dynamics simulation of strongly coupled QCD plasmas, Nucl Phys A; 774, 881-884, 2006
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Rosenberg M, Bakshi P: Collective modes in 2D Yukawa solids and liquids, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 35 337-340, 2007
Bánó G, Hartmann P, Kutasi K, Horváth P, Plasil R, Hlavenka P, Glosik J, Donkó Z: Combined Langmuir probe, electrical and hybrid modelling characterization of helium glow discharges, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 16, 492–500, 2007
Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kutasi K: Effects of fast neutral particles in low-pressure gas discharges, J. Phys. Conf. Series 71, 021008/1-15, 2007
Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Goree J: Shear viscosity of strongly-coupled two-dimensional Yukawa liquids: experiment and modeling, Modern Physics Letters B 21, 1357-1376, 2007
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J: Numerical experiments on complex plasmas: 2D Yukawa systems [invited lecture], Proc. of 28th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, July 15-20, 2007, Ed.: Schmidt J, Simek M, Pekarek S, Prukner V; Prague, Czech Republic; T04, 2007
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S, Rosenberg M, Bakshi P: Collective modes in 2D Yukawa solids and liquids, 11th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (Williamsburg, USA, 2006 June 28-July 1), Book of Abstracts, 2006
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Bakshi P, Kyrkos S: Molecular Dynamics studies of the solid-liquid phase transition in 2D Yukawa systems, 11th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (Williamsburg, USA, 2006 June 28-July 1), Book of Abstracts, 2006
Hartmann P, Feldmann J, Kalman G J, Donkó Z: Two-dimensional Magnetic Dipole Lattices: Ground State and Dynamics, 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas (Darmstadt, Germany, 2006 September 4-8), Book of abstracts p. 44, 2006
Hartmann P, Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Golden K I: Collective Excitation in Electron-hole bilayers, 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas (Darmstadt, Germany, 2006 September 4-8), Book of abstracts p. 17, 2006
Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P, Kutasi K: Shear Viscosity and Shear Thinning in Two-dimensional Yukawa Liquids, 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Non-Ideal Plasmas (Darmstadt, Germany, 2006 September 4-8), Book of abstracts, 2006
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Bakshi P, Kyrkos S: Molecular Dynamics studies of the solid-liquid phase transition in 2D Yukawa systems, Diagnostics and Simulation of Dusty Plasmas workshop (Kiel, Germany, 2006 September 13-15), Book of Abstracts, 2006
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J: Numerical experiments on complex plasmas, 16th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes (Podbanske, Slovakia, 2007 January 20-25), Book of Abstracts, ISBN 978-80-89186-13-6, p. 39, 2007
Donkó Z, Hartmann P: Shear viscosity of strongly coupled Yukawa liquids, Phys. Rev. E 78, 026408, 2008
Ott T, Bonitz M, Donkó Z, Hartmann P: Superdiffusion in quasi-two-dimensional Yukawa liquids, Phys. Rev. E 78, 026409, 2008
Golden K I, Kalman G J, Donkó Z, Hartmann P: Acoustic dispersion in a two-dimensional dipole system, Phys. Rev. B 78, 045304, 2008
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Kalman G J: Structure and phase diagram of strongly-coupled bipolar charged-particle bilayers, Europhys Lett; 72, 396, 2005
Donkó Z, Goree J, Hartmann P, Kutasi K: Shear viscosity and shear thinning in two-dimensional Yukawa liquids, Phys Rev Lett; 96, 145003, 2006
Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Golden K I: Collective excitations in electron-hole bilayers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 236801/1-4, 2007
Feldmann J D, Kalman G J, Hartmann P, Rosenberg M: Ground State of Magnetic Dipoles on a Two-Dimensional Lattice: Structural Phases in Complex Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 085001/1-4, 2008
Hartmann P, Donkó Z, Bakshi P, Kalman G J, Kyrkos S: Molecular dynamics studies of the solid-liquid phase transition in 2D Yukawa systems, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 35 332-336, 2007
Donkó Z, Kalman G J, Hartmann P: Dynamical correlations and collective excitations of Yukawa liquids, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 413101, 2008
Donkó Z, Hartmann P, Kutasi K: On the reliability of low-pressure dc glow discharge modelling, Plasma Sources Sci Technol; 15, 178-186, 2006

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