TECTOP-Hungary. Ongoing deformation pattern and tectonic topography in Hungary: Active structures, seismotectonic habitat, river network development and dynamics of basin inversion
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Horváth F; Bada G; Szafián P; Tari G; Ádám A; Cloetingh S: Formation and deformation of the Pannonian basin: Constraints from observational data, pp. 191-206 in: Gee DG; Stephenson RA. European Lithosphere Dynamics. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 32, 2006 | Cloetingh S; Cornu T; Ziegler P; Beekman F; Ustaszewski K; Schmid S; Dezes P; Hinsch R; Decker K; Lopes-Cardoso G; Granet M; Bertrand G; Behrmann J; van Balen R; ... Bada G; Dost B; van Eck T: Neotectonics and Intraplate continental topography of the northern Alpine Foreland, Earth-Science Reviews 74: 127-196, 2006 | Jarosiñski M; Beekman F; Bada G; Cloetingh S: Redistribution of recent collision push and ridge push in Central Europe: Insights from FEM modelling, Geophysical Journal International 167: 860-880, 2006 | Bada G; Horváth F; Cloetingh S; Fodor L; Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Dunai T; Dombrádi E: Active tectonics and topography development in the Pannonian basin: problems and progress, Absztrakt #01670. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 8, 2006 | Cloetingh S; Bada G; Matenco L; Lankreijer A; Horváth F; Dinu C: Modes of basin (de)formation, lithospheric strength and vertical motions in the Pannonian–Carpathian system: inferences from thermo-mechanical modelling, pp. 207-221 in: Gee DG; Stephenson RA. European Lithosphere Dynamics. Geological Society, London, Memoirs 32, 2006 | Bada G; Horváth F; Tóth L; Fodor L; Timár G; Cloetingh S: Societal aspects of ongoing deformation in the Pannonian region, pp. 385-402 in: Pinter N; Grenerczy Gy; Weber J; Stein S; Medak D. The Adria Microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics, and Hazards. NATO Science Series, Volume 61, 2006 | Bada G; Cloetingh S; Dövényi P; Dunai T; Fodor L; Grenerczy Gy; Horváth F; Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Timár G; Tóth L; Tóth T; Wórum G: Introduction to the neotectonics of the Pannonian basin: Data and models, CRONUS-EU Summer School, Harkány, Abstract book, 2006 | Dombrádi, E; Timár, G; Bada, G; Horváth, F; Cloetingh, S: Fractal characteristics of drainage network in the Pannonian and Transylvanian basins, Absztrakt #06393. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 8, 2006 | Horváth, A; Szafián, P; Bada, G; Tóth, T; Horváth, F; Spiess, V: High resolution seismic surveys on Lake Balaton, central Pannonian basin, Absztrakt #09445. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 8, 2006 | Bada, G; Horváth, F; Fodor, L; Tóth, T; Jósvai, J; Grenerczy, Gy; Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Zs; Szafián, P; Dövényi, P: Magyarország fiatal tektonikája komplex adatrendszerek együttes értékelése alapján, pp. 49. Geofizikai-Földtani-Környezetvédelmi Vándorgyűlés és Kiállítás, Zalakaros, Absztrakt kötet, 2006 | Bada G; Horváth F; Dövényi P; Szafián P; Windhoffer G; Cloetingh S: Present-day stress field and tectonic inversion in the Pannonian basin, Global and Planetary Change 58/1-4: 165-180, 2007 | Bada G; Dövényi P; Windhoffer G; Szafián P; Horváth F: Jelenkori feszültségtér a Pannon-medencében, tektonikai környezetében, Földtani Közlöny 137/3: 327-357, 2007 | Dombrádi E; Timár G; Bada G; Cloetingh S; Horváth F: Fractal dimension estimations of drainage network in the Carpathian-Pannonian system, Global and Planetary Change 58/1-4: 197-213, 2007 | Bada G; Grenerczy Gy; Tóth L; Horváth F; Stein S; Cloetingh S; Windhoffer G; Fodor L; Pinter N; Fejes I: Motion of Adria and ongoing inversion of the Pannonian basin: Seismicity, GPS velocities and stress transfer, pp 243–262 in: Stein S; Mazzotti S. Continental Intraplate Earthquakes: Science, Hazard, and Policy Issues. Geological Society of America, Special Paper, Volume 425, 2007 | Bada G; Horváth F; Fodor L; Szafián P; Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Cloetingh S: On the topography development of the Pannonian basin: results from geophysics, geomorphology, and active tectonic studies, Absztrakt # 03561. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 9, 2007 | Horváth F; Bada G; Sztanó O; Szafián P; Timár G: Topography of the Pannonian basin: a key to understand basin evolution, Absztrakt # 08443. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 9, 2007 | Szafián P; Bada G; Vincze O; Székely B; Spiess V: Neotectonic analysis of high resolution seismic data, Lake Balaton, Pannonian basin, Absztrakt # 03600. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 9, 2007 | Bada G: Late-stage tectonic inversion and landscape development of the Pannonian basin and the Topo-Hungary initiative, p.7. Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian workshop, Siófok, Abstract book, 2007 | Szafián P; Bada G; Sztanó O; Zlinszky A; Székely B; Horváth F: High-resolution seismic invertigations at Lake Balaton, Transdanubia, I: Paleoenvironments and lake level variations, p. 33. Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Vándorgyűlése, HUNTEK Workshop, Sopron, Abstract book, 2007 | Bada G; Szafián P; Fodor L; Vincze O; Tóth Zs; Horváth F: High-resolution seismic invertigations at Lake Balaton, Transdanubia, II: Neo- and morphotectonics, p. 34. Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Vándorgyűlése, HUNTEK Workshop, Sopron, Abstract book, 2007 | Szanyi Gy; Bada G; Surányi G; Leél-Őssy Sz; Varga Zs: Pleistocene uplift rate of te Buda Hills (Hungary), using uranium-series dating of cave rafts, p. 48. Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat Vándorgyűlése, HUNTEK Workshop, Sopron, Abstract book, 2007 | Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Bada G; Csillag G; Dunai T; Fodor L: Landforms and timing of Quaternary deflation in the western Pannonian Basin, Hungary, using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, Carpatho-Balakan-Dinaric Conference on Geomorphology of the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG), Pécs, Abstract book, 2007 | Houseman GA; Horváth F; Bada G: Continental tectonics in central and eastern Europe, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 89/9: p. 6, 2008 | Szanyi Gy; Bada G; Surányi G; Leél-Őssy Sz; Varga Zs: A Budai-hegység pleisztocén kiemelkedéstörténete barlangi lemezes kalcitkiválások uránsoros kormeghatározása alapján, Földtani Közlöny (közlésre benyújtva), 2008 | Dombrádi E; Sokoutis D; Bada G; Cloetingh S; Horváth F: Modelling the Pannonian lithosphere: Lithospheric folding and tectonic topography, Tectonophysics (közlésre elfogadva), 2008 | Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Fodor L; Dunai T; Bada G. Csillag G; Braucher R; Müller P: Regional deflation rates constrained by 10Be exposrue ages of wind polished rock surfaces in the Pannonian basin, Hungary, Geology (közlésre benyújtva), 2009 | Bada G; Szafián P; Vincze O; Tóth T; Fodor L; Spiess V; Horváth F: Neotektonikai viszonyok a Balaton keleti medencéjében és tágabb környezetében nagyfelbontású szeizmikus mérések alapján, Földtani Közlöny (közlésre előkészítve), 2009 | Dombrádi E; Dövényi P; Horváth F: Geoelektromos tomográfia lehetőségei a somogyi meridionális völgyek és hátak vizsgálatában, Földtani Közlöny (közlésre előkészítve), 2009 | Horváth F; Dombrádi E: A magyar tektonika fejlődése a Balaton és környéke kutatásának tükrében, Földtani Közlöny (közlésre előkészítve), 2009 | Corver MP; Doust H; van Wees JD; Bada G; Cloetingh S: Classification of rifted sedimentary basins of the Pannonian Basin System according to the structural genesis, evolutionary history and hydrocarbon maturation zones, Global and Planetary Change (közlésre elfogadva), 2009 | Csillag G; Fodor L; Sebe K; Müller P; Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Thamóné Bozsó E; Bada G: Deflációs formák és folyamatok a Dunántúl hegységi területein és környezetükben, pp. 84-90 in Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia, Debrecen, Konferencia Különszám, 2008 | Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Dunai T; Csillag G; Fodor L; Bada G; Müller P: Quaternary deflation in the western Pannonian Basin, Hungary – landforms dated using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, Absztrakt #04665. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 10, 2008 | Dombrádi E; Sokoutis D; Bada G; Cloetingh S; Horváth F: Large-scale lithospheric folding controlling active deformation and topography development in the Pannonian basin: insights from analogue modelling, Absztrakt #08002. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 10, 2008 | Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Fodor L; Bada G; Dunai T; Csillag G; Braucher R; Müller P: Cosmogenic 10Be ages support long lasting Quaternary deflation as a possible origin of the linear valley network in the western Pannonian basin, pp. 116-117. Proceedings and Excursion Guide, 6th CETeG meeting, Upohlav, Slovakia, 2008 | Szanyi Gy; Bada G; Surányi G; Leél-Őssy Sz; Varga Zs: Pleistocene uplift history of the Buda Hills, Hungary: Insights from new uranium-series ages of cave rafts, p. 134. Proceedings and Excursion Guide, 6th CETeG meeting, Upohlav, Slovakia, 2008 | Dombrádi E; Sokoutis D; Bada G; Cloetingh S; Horváth F: Quaternary inversion of the Pannonian basin: large scale lithospheric folding controlling active deformation and topography development, Bollettino de Geofisica 49/2: 38-42, 2008 | Tóth Zs; Szafián P; Bada G; Göncz G; Spiess V: Multichannel seismic surveying on Lake Balaton, Hungary, providing insights into high-resolution basin stratigraphy and neotectonic habitat, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 11, EGU2009-0, 2009 | Dombrádi E: Folyók, fraktálok, felszínmozgás, p. 37. XXXVIII. Ifjú Szakemberek Ankétja absztraktkötet, Bakonybél, 2007 | Horváth F; Dombrádi E: A Föld mélye a kéregtől a magig, Földrajzi Közlemények 132(4): 385-400, 2009 | Grenerczy Gy: Magyarország összenyomódik, Élet és Tudomány 2006/20: 624, 2006 | Grenerczy Gy; Kenyeres A: GPS velocity field from Adria to the European Platform, in: Pinter N; Grenerczy Gy; Weber J; Stein S; Medak D. The Adria Microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics, and Hazards. NATO Science Series, Volume 61, 2006 | Grenerczy Gy; Borza, T: The 2005 HGRN and CEGRN GPS campaigns and their integrated analysis, Absztrakt #08268. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 8, 2006 | Caporali A; Aichhorn C; Becker M; Fejes I; Ghitau D; Grenerczy Gy; Hefty J; Medac D; Milev G; Mojzes M; Mulic M; Nardo A; Pesec P; Rus T; Simek J; Sledzinski J; Solaric M; Stangl G; Vespe F; Virag G; Vodopivec F; Zablotskyi F: Geokinematics of Central Europe: new insights from the CERGOP-2/Environment Project, Journal of Geodynamics 45/4-5: 246-256, 2008 | Szanyi Gy; Bada G; Surányi G; Leél-Őssy Sz; Varga Zs: Pleistocene uplift history of the Buda Hills, Hungary: Insights from new uranium-series ages of cave rafts, p. 134 in Proceedings and Excursion Guide, SlovTec08 Conference, Upohav, Szlovákia, 2008 | Petrovszki J: Archív térképek használata a környezeti földtudományban: esettanulmány a Körösök vidékéről, Geodézia és Kartográfia 61(2): 28-31, 2009 | Petrovszki J: Morphometric analysis of the Koros drainage basin (Hungary/Romania) using historical topographic maps, Absztrakt #02016. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 11, 2009 | Petrovszki J: River planform anomalies on the Sebes Körös/Crişul Repede River in the sheets of the Habsburg military surveys, Absztrakt #02018. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 11, 2009 | Petrovszki J: An anastomosed section of the Crişul Repede River in the old military survey maps, Geographia Technica (közlésre beküldve), 2009 | Timár G; Petrovszki J: Pre-regulation planform of the Körös/Criş River system (Hungary/Romania) in the maps of the Second Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire (1857-61), Absztrakt #01705. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 11, 2009 | Petrovszki J; Timár G: Channel sinuosity of the Körös River system, Hungary/Romania, as possible indicator of the neotectonic activity, Geomorphology (közlésre beküldve), 2009 | Timár G; Mészáros J: High-resolution digital elevation model and historical topographic maps of the Tisza River floodplain, the Great Hungarian Plain, Absztrakt #00008. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 11, 2009 | Timár G; Székely B; Molnár G; Ferencz Cs; Kern A; Galambos Cs; Gercsák G; Zentai L: Combination of historical maps and satellite images of the Banat region – re-appearance of an old wetland area, Global and Planetary Change 62/1-2: 29-38, 2008 | Zámolyi A; Székely B; Draganits E; Timár G: Neotectonic control on river sinuosity at the western margin of the Little Hungarian Plain, Geomorphology (közlésre beküldve), 2009 | Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Dunai T; Csillag G; Fodor L; Bada G; Müller P: Quaternary deflation in the western Pannonian Basin, Hungary – landforms dated using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, Absztrakt #04665. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 10, 2008 | Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Fodor L; Bada G; Dunai T; Csillag G; Braucher R; Müller P: Cosmogenic 10Be ages support long lasting Quaternary deflation as a possible origin of the linear valley network in the Western Pannonian Basin, pp. 116-117 in Proceedings and Excursion Guide, SlovTec08 Conference, Upohav, Szlovákia, 2008 | Horváth F; Dunkl I; Tóth TM; Tari G; Bada G: Surface vs. Moho topography and the core complex mode of extension in the Pannonian basin, Absztrakt #04290. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 8, 2006 | Cloetingh S; Ziegler P; Bogaard P; Andriessen P; Artemieva I; Bada G et al.: TOPO-Europe: the geoscience of coupled deep Earth - surface processes, Global and Planetary Change 58/1-4: 1-118, 2007 |




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