Extrasolar planet and variable star research by wide-field photometry  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Kovács, Géza
Title in Hungarian Extraszolaris bolygo es valtozocsillag kutatas nagylatomezeju fotometriaval
Title in English Extrasolar planet and variable star research by wide-field photometry
Keywords in Hungarian valtozocsillagaszat, adatanalizis
Keywords in English variable star astronomy, data analysis
Astronomy (Council of Physical Sciences)100 %
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences)
Participants Bakos, Gáspár
Starting date 2006-02-01
Closing date 2010-01-31
Funding (in million HUF) 14.853
FTE (full time equivalent) 4.99
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
A jelen projekt fo celjai a kovetkezok:

(i) extraszolaris bolygok keresese nagy-latomezeju automata kistavcsovek,
elsosorban a Wise Hungarian-made Telescope (WHAT) segitsegevel, a
HATNet rendszerrel egyuttmukodve.
(ii) altalanos valtozocsillag kutatas a fenti adatbazisokon.
(iii) elmeleti munkak vegzese a pulzalo valtozocsillagok, valamint az
idosor analizis problemaival kapcsolatban.

Az (i) temakorben jo eselyunk van uj forro Jupiterek felfedezesere.
Jelenleg a HATNet + WHAT rendszer az egyetlen halozatban mukodo,
specialisan bolygo fedesek vizsgalatara specializalodott nagy-latomezeju
program. Az elmult evek soran kifejlesztettuk a szukseges kepfeldolgozo
es idosor analizalo programot, amelyek segitsegevel a legmodernebb
modszerekkel tudjuk majd a beerkezo nagymennyisegu adatot feldolgozni.

A (ii) temakorben vizsgaljuk az erdekes valtozocsillagokat a fenti
adatbazisban, beleertve a multimodusu valtozok szisztematikus vizsgalatat is.

A (iii) alatti munkakbol kiemeljuk a Blazhko effektus hidrodinamikai
vizsgalatat, valamint a Cepheidak PL relaciojaval es femessegevel
kapcsolatos kutatasokat.
The goal of this research plan can be grouped around three main
(i) search for extrasolar planetary transit candidates through
the analysis of the data that was gathered primarily by the Wise
Hungarian-made Automated Telescope (WHAT) and also by the HAT Network
(ii) conduct general variability search based on the above databases;
(iii) perform related theoretical works on pulsating stars and on
problems of time series analysis.

In topic (i) we have good chance for making discoveries due to the
satisfactory, steady performance of the HAT telescopes and the
multi-site, longitude-spread nature of HATNet, especially when it is
extended by WHAT. To our knowledge, currently this is the only
multi-site network of small automated telescopes working on planetary
transit search. During the past years we have developed an image
reduction pipeline and several other codes for time series analysis
which enable us to conduct front line data management and effective
signal processing.

Topic (ii) is a 'by-product' of the main initiative and will lead
to the discovery of many new variables. Detailed analysis of some
interesting variables will also follow, including a more thorough
study of multimode and amplitude-modulated RR Lyrae stars and
Cepheids. These data, with their unprecedented high sampling rate,
will also be a good data mining center for the variable star research

In topic (iii) we continue our theoretical studies on multimode
variables and other pulsation problems, including classical Cepheid
period-luminosity relations, metallicity issues, modeling
amplitude modulations.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A kis-teleszkopos/nagy-latoszogu fotometriai felterkepezo programjaink (HATNet es WHAT) segitsegevel 13 fedesi extraszolaris bolygot (TEP-et) fedeztunk fel. Tomeguk a Neptunetol egeszen a barna torpe csillagok hatarahoz kozeli ertekekig terjednek (a Jupiter tomegenek 8%-nak megfelelo tomegu HAT-P-11b-tol a HAT-P-2b-ig, melynek tomege a Jupiterenek 9-szerese). Tobb, a Jupiter tomegenel alacsonyobb tomegu bolygok kozol az alacsony tartomanyban kiemelekedik a HAT-P-12b, amelynek tomege a Szaturnuszenak 2/3-a. A keringesi periodusok a 2 es 5.6 nap kozotti tartomanyban szorodnak, melyek kozul a leghosszabb az osszes (szamszerint 69) TEP hosszu-periodusu tartomanyanak vegen (annak 10%-ban) talalhato. Mas parameterek, mint peldaul a suruseg vagy a palya excentricitas, szinten szeles tartomanyt fednek le. Fontos megemliteni a HAT-P-13b,c-t, amely az elso olyan tobbszoros bolygorendszer, amelynek az egyik (a rovidebb periodusu) tagja egyben fedesi bolygo is. A pulzalo csillagok teruleten megmutattuk, hogy pulzacios es fejlodesi modellek felhasznalasaval csupan a periodusok ismereteben lehetseges a ketmodusu RR Lyrae csillagok parametereinek meghatarozasa. Ezek a parameterek jo egyezest mutatnak a fuggetlen modon meghatarozott mennyisegekkel, mint peldaul a femesseggel, homerseklettel es tavolsaggal.
Results in English
Within the small telescope/wide field of view photometric survey projects HATNet and WHAT, we have discovered 13 transiting extrasolar planets (TEPs) spanning from the mass of Neptune (HAT-P-11b with mass 8% that of the Jupiter) to near the brown dwarf limit (HAT-P-2b, with 9 Jupiter masses). We also have a planet (HAT-P-12b) with a mass two-third that of the Saturn and several others in the sub-Jupiter mass range. Orbital periods range from 2 days to 5.6 days, the latter value is in the upper 10% at the long period tail of the 69 TEPs discovered so far. Other parameters, such as eccentricity and density also span wide ranges. We highlight HAT-P-13b,c, the first multiple system, in which the short-periodic component is transiting. In the field of pulsating variables we have shown that the physical parameters for double-mode RR Lyrae stars derived solely from their periods by using evolutionary and pulsation models are in good agreement with other, independently computed quantities, such as metallicity, temperature and distance.
Full text https://www.otka-palyazat.hu/download.php?type=zarobeszamolo&projektid=60750


List of publications

Bakos, G. A., Torres, G., Pal, A., Hartman, J., Kovacs, G., et al.: HAT-P-11b: A Super-Neptune Planet Transiting a Bright K Star in the Kepler Field, ApJ, 710, 1724 (arXiv0901.0282), 2010
Latham, David W., Bakos, Gaspar A., Torres, Guillermo, Stefanik, Robert P., Noyes, Robert W., Kovacs, Geza, et al.: Discovery of a Transiting Planet and Eight Eclipsing Binaries in HATNet Field G205, ApJ, 704, 1107 (arXiv: 0812.1161), 2009
Szulagyi, J., Kovacs, G. and Welch, D. L.: Application of the trend filtering algorithm to the MACHO database, A&A, 500, 917, (arXiv0903.1165), 2009
Shporer, A., Bakos, G. A., Mazeh, T., Kovacs, G. and Sipocz, B.: The WHAT Project, IAUS, 253, 331, 2009
Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. A., Torres, G., Kovacs, G., et al.: HAT-P-12b: A Low-Density Sub-Saturn Mass Planet Transiting a Metal-Poor K Dwarf, ApJ, 706, 785, (arXiv0904.4704), 2009
Bakos, G. A., Howard, A. W., Noyes, R. W., Hartman, J., Torres, G., Kovacs, G., et al.: HAT-P-13b,c: a transiting hot Jupiter with a massive outer companion on an eccentric orbit, ApJ, 707, 446, (arXiv0907.3525), 2009
Dekany, I.: Physical Properties of Double-mode RR Lyrae Stars Based on Pulsation and Evolution Models, AIPC, 1170, 245 (arXiv:0907.5110), 2009
Dekany, I. and Kovacs, G.: Study of the globular cluster M53: new variables, distance, metallicity, A&A, 507,803 (arXiv0909.0472), 2009
Bakos, G. A., Noyes, R. W., Kovacs, G. et al.: Search for Transiting Exoplanets with HATNet, IAUS, 253, 21, 2009
Kovacs, G.: The Blazhko effect, AIPC, 1170, 261 (arXiv0908.4536), 2009
Pal, A., Bakos, G. A., Fernandez, J., Sipocz, B., Torres, G., Latham, D. W., Kov\'acs, G., et al.: Independent discovery and refined parameters of XO-5b: a hot Jupiter transiting a moderately faint star, ApJ, 700, 783 (arXiv:0810.0260v2), 2009
Bakos, G. A., Pal, A., Torres, G., Sipocz, B., Latham, D. W., Noyes, R. W., Kovacs, et al.: HAT-P-10b: A light and moderately hot Jupiter transiting a K dwarf, ApJ, 696, 1950 ( arXiv:0809.4295v2), 2009
Dekany, I., Kovacs, G., Jurcsik, J. et al.: Pulsational and evolutionary analysis of the double-mode RR Lyrae star BS~Com, MNRAS, 386, 521 (arXiv:0802.0135v1 [astro-ph]), 2008
Kovacs, G.: On the Cepheid Metallicity Dichotomy, "Nonlinear stellar hydrodynamics and ...", Eds.: Goupil M-J., Kollath, Z., Kervella P., Nardetto N., , EAS Publ. Ser., 38, 91. ( arXiv:0802.4166v1), 2008
Kovacs, G. and Bakos, G. A.: Application of the Trend Filtering Algorithm in the search for multiperiodic signals, CoAst. 157, 82 (arXiv:0812.2824 [astro-ph]), 2008
Noyes, R. W.; Bakos, G. A.; Torres, G.; Pal, A.; Kovacs, Geza; et al.: HAT-P-6b: A Hot Jupiter transiting a bright F star, ApJ, 673 ,L79, (arXiv0710.2894 [astro-ph]), 2008
Pal, A., Bakos, G. A., Torres, G., et al.: HAT-P-7b: An Extremely Hot Massive Planet Transiting a Bright Star in the Kepler Field, ApJ, 680, 1450 (arXiv:0803.0746v1 [astro-ph]), 2008
Pal, A. and Bakos, G.: Astrometry in wide-field surveys, ASP Conf. Ser. , 366, 340, 2007
Kovacs, G. and Bakos, G.A.: Signal Search and Reconstruction by a Trend Filtering Algorithm, ASP Conf. Ser. , 366, 133 (astro-ph/0612716), 2007
Bakos, G.A., Noyes, R.W., Kovacs, G. et al.: HAT-P-1b: A Large-Radius, Low-Density Exoplanet Transiting one Member of a Stellar Binary, ApJ, 656, 552 (astro-ph/0609369), 2007
Shporer, A., Mazeh, T., Moran , A., Bakos, G., Kovac, G.: Searching for Variables in One of the WHAT Fields, ASP Conf. Ser. , 366, 99 (astro-ph/0612112), 2007
G. Kovacs, G. Kupi: Computation of the Fourier parameters of RR Lyrae stars by template fitting, A&A, 462, 1007 (astro-ph/0610823), 2007
Kovács, G.; Bakos, G. Á.; Torres, G. et al.: HAT-P-4b: A Metal-rich Low-Density Transiting Hot Jupiter, ApJ, 670, L41 (arXiv:0710.0602v1 [astro-ph]), 2007
Bakos, G. Á.; Kovács, G.; Torres, G. et al.: HD 147506b: A Supermassive Planet in an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Bright Star, ApJ, 670, 826 (arXiv:0705.0126v2), 2007
Bakos, G. A.; Shporer, A.; Pal, A.; Torres, G.; Kovacs, G. et al.: HAT-P-5b: A Jupiter-like hot Jupiter Transiting a Bright Star, ApJ., 671, L173 ( arXiv0710.184), 2007
Torres, G.; Bakos, G. Á.; Kovács, G.; et al.: HAT-P-3b: A Heavy-Element-rich Planet Transiting a K Dwarf Star, ApJ, 666, L121( arXiv:0707.4268v1 [astro-ph]), 2007
O'Donovan, Francis T.; Charbonneau, David; Bakos, Gáspár Á.; et al.: TrES-3: A Nearby, Massive, Transiting Hot Jupiter in a 31 Hour Orbit, ApJ, .663, L37 (arXiv:0705.2004v1 [astro-ph]), 2007
Beatty, Thomas G.; Fernández, José M.; Latham, David W.; Bakos, Gáspár Á.; Kovács, Géza; et al.: The Mass and Radius of the Unseen M Dwarf Companion in the Single-Lined Eclipsing Binary HAT-TR-205-013, ApJ, .663, 573 (arXiv:0704.0059v2 [astro-ph]), 2007


Events of the project

2012-01-04 06:36:06
Kutatóhely váltás
A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: (MTA Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont), Új kutatóhely: Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézet (MTA Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont).

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