Info-Bionics, Nanoelectronics and Artificial Understanding - Multidisciplinary Information Technology  Page description

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Type NI
Principal investigator Roska, Tamás
Title in Hungarian Info-Bionika, Nanoelektronika és Mesterséges értés - Multidiszciplináris Információs Technológia
Title in English Info-Bionics, Nanoelectronics and Artificial Understanding - Multidisciplinary Information Technology
Keywords in Hungarian Celluláris hullám számítógépek, Vizuális mikroprocesszorok, CNN Technológia, Bionikus interfészek, Nanoelektronika, Nanoantenna tömbök, Humán nyelvtechn., Multimodális érzékelő-navigáló számitógépek
Keywords in English Cellular Ware Computers, Visual Microprocessors, CNN Technology, Bionic Probes and Interfaces, Nanoelectronics, Nanoantenna arrays, Human language Technology, Multimodal Sensory-navigating Computers,
Information Technology (Council of Physical Sciences)40 %
Automation and Computer Science (Council of Physical Sciences)40 %
Molecular and cellular neuroscience (Council of Medical and Biological Sciences)20 %
Panel Informatics and Electrical Engineering
Department or equivalent Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics (Pázmány Péter Catholic University)
Participants Csurgay, Árpád István
Iván, Kristóf
Kalló, Imre
Karmos, György
Kovács, Ferenc
Levendovszky, János
Nyékyné dr. Gaizler, Judit
Prószéky, Gábor
Rekeczky, Csaba
Szirányi, Tamás
Takács, György
Ulbert, István
Vidnyánszky, Zoltán
Starting date 2006-03-01
Closing date 2009-02-28
Funding (in million HUF) 75.000
FTE (full time equivalent) 2.06
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
A PPKE Információs Technológiai Kara néhány éve az információs technológiák és a neurobiológia tudományát ötvöző, multidiszciplináris kutatási programot indított, amelyhez öt éve társult a nanoelektronika és a mesterséges értés kutatása is. A Karon folytatott elekro- és számítástechnikai mérnökképzés különleges multidiszciplináris jellegű: az első öt szemeszterben egy-egy tárgy az idegtudományokkal foglalkozik.
A Tudományos Iskola az alábbi fő kutatási irányokra és módszerekre koncentrál:
1. Tér- és időbeli hullám számítógép elmélete, amelyet CNN technológiának és a topografikus tömbök számítástechnikájának nevezünk. Ide tartoznak az algoritmikus kérdések, a fizikai implementáció kérdései és ezek biológiai relevanciája.
2. A szubmikron- és nanoelektronikai áramkörök megvalósíthatóságának tanulmányozása, ide tartoznak a mély szubmikron CMOS áramkörökkel kombinált nanoantenna tömbök.
3. Nyelvi technológiák és mesterséges intelligencia. Az emberi nyelv morpho-szintaxisának mintákra alapozott leírása, amely a mesterséges szövegértés és –fordítás eddigieknél hatékonyabb implementációjához vezet.
A jelenleg folyó projektek jól jellemzik a kutatási és oktatási tevékenységet: irányított helyi gyógyszerbevitel epilepsziás betegek agyába, mobiltelefon halláskárosultaknak, bionikus szemüveg látássérültek számára.
A multidisciplinary research program has been started several years ago, eventually, combining Information Technology and Neurobiology. Since five years, two additional directions have been added: Nanoelectronics and Artificial Understanding.
The underlying undergraduate program in electrical and computer engineering has a special multidisciplinary feature as well: it includes a thread of neuroscience, as one subject during the first 5 semesters.
There are a few disciplinary main directions and methods we are relying on:
1.A spatial-temporal, cellular, sensory wave computing paradigm, also called as CNN Technology, and topographic array computing integrated . It includes the algorithmic aspects, the physical implementation, the biology relevance, etc.
2.Realizability studies in deep submicron and nanoelectronic circuits and systems, including nanoantenna arrays combined with deep submicron CMOS.
3.Human language technology and artificial intelligence. Pattern-based descriptions of the morpho-syntax of human languages lead to a much more efficient implementation of text understanding and translation support.
Some resent multidisciplinary projects highlight the research and teaching potential: controlled local brain drug delivery for epileptic patients, mobile phone for the deaf, and a bionic eyeglass for visually impaired people


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A Multidiszciplináris Doktori Iskolánk három tudományága: az informatikai tudományok, a villamosmérnöki tudományok és a biológiai tudományok. Az utóbbi két évben tízen szereztek fokozatot és a doktori iskola létszáma közel 50 főre nőtt. Néhány konkrét kiemelendő eredmény a következő: • Celluláris hullám számítógép chip-en logikai, analóg és a zaj jelek algoritmikus keverése, pl. valódi véletlen bit térképek generálása • Navier-Stokes és geotermikus PDE megoldó Celluláris Multiprocesszoros gépek kidolgozása • Audio események detektálása Celluláris algoritmusokkal • Celluláris hullám algoritmusok sok mozgó tárgy követésére, mesterséges immunrendszer algoritmusokat • Részvétel nano-antenna elemek tervezésében • Molekuláris dinamika modellezése szuper számítógépen • Feltűnőségi modellek a látásban, emberi teszt-kísérletekkel • Agyi bionikus interfész elektróda MEMS kivitelben • CMOS technológián részegységek tervezése, hiperpontosság az időben • 3 Dimenziós tapintó mérő eszköz és szoftver • Siketek mobiltelefonjához szájmozgás animáció • Bénult végtagú gerincsérültek lábmozgatása bionikus, nem invazív úton • Új nyelvtechnológiai eszközök magyar és angol szövegelemzéshez és fordítástámogatáshoz Fontos eredmény egy olyan doktorandusi közösség létrehozása, amelyben a multidiszciplináris gondolkodásmód természetessé válik. A publikációkon túl - számuk a beszámolási időszakban mintegy 100 – évente a szakmai beszámolókat nyilvánosan meghirdettük és egy-egy színes kötetben megjelentettük.
Results in English
The Doctoral School on Multidisciplinary technical Sciences is composed of three scientific branches: information technology, electrical engineering and biology. The number of doctoral students is about 50 and 10 PhD degrees were granted during the last 2 years. Some representative results: • Algorithmic combination of logic, analog, and noise array signals on a chip, resulting true random bit patterns, as well • Cellular Many-core chips used for solving Navier-Stokes and geothermic PDEs • Detection of auditory events by using cellular processor array algorithms • Many-target detection and tracking via cellular wave algorithms • Design of nano-antenna array elements • Molecular dynamics simulation on Supercomputers • Determining visual saliency – models and human tests • Design and characterization of MEMS bionic brain interfaces/probes • Designs and testing deep submicron CMOS circuits for hyper acuity in time • 3D tactile sensor array – design, testing and software environment • Visual mouth animation for deaf people via a mobile phone • Moving the limbs of spinal cord injured patients via electronic non-invasive stimuli • Development of new tools of human language technology including some special classes of problems given by their specific ontology The emerging common multidisciplinary mindset of the doctoral student body. In addition to about 100 publications during the grant period, an annual research reporting symposium has been organized and its content published.
Full text


List of publications

T. Roska: “Implementing and use of spatio-temporal nonlinear dynamics on Cellular Wave Computers via Kilo-processor Chips”, International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization,, 2009
T. Roska: “Virtual and physical cellular machines”, Workshop on Architectures for Post-CMOS Switches, 2009
K. Karacs, Á. Kusnyerik, M. Szuhaj, T. Roska: “Situation-specific Scene Interpretation in a Bionic Navigation Device for Visually Impaired, International Conference on Vision in 3D Environments, 2009
K. Karacs, M. Radványi, Á. Kusnyerik, T. Roska: “Basic Scene Understanding and Navigation with a Bionic Camera,”, International Conference on The Eye and The Auto,, 2009
K. Karacs, M. Radványi, M. Görög, T. Roska: “A Mobile Visual Navigation Device: New algorithms for crosswalk and pictogram recognition,”, Proc. of 2nd International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, 2009
F. Corinto, T. Roska, and M. Gilli: “Spatial-temporal patterns in hardware oriented oscillatory CNN architectures”, Proc. of ISCAS, 2009
Á. Zarándy, Cs. Rekeczky: „Low-Power Processor Array Design Strategy for Solving Computationally Intensive 2D Topographic Problems”, New York, 2009
Á. Zarándy, P. Földesy, R. Carmona, Cs. Rekeczky, J. A. Bean, and W. Porod: „Cellular Multi-core Processor Carrier Chip for Nanoantenna Integration and Experiments”, New York, 2009
P. Földesy, R. Carmona-Galan, Á.Zarándy, Cs. Rekeczky, Á.Rodríguez-Vázquez, T. Roska: “3D multi-layer vision architecture for surveillance and reconnaissance applications”, Proc. ECCTD, 2009
S. Kocsárdi, Z. Nagy, Á. Csík, P. Szolgay: “Two-dimensional Compressible Flow Simulation on Emulated Digital CNN-UM”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2009
S. Kocsárdi, Z. Nagy, Á. Csík, P. Szolgay: “Simulation of two-dimensional supersonic flows on emulated digital CNN-UM”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009
S. Kocsárdi, Z. Nagy, Á. Csík, P. Szolgay: “Two-dimensional Compressible Flow Simulation on Emulated Digital CNN-UM”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2009
S. Kocsárdi, Z. Nagy, Á. Csík, P. Szolgay: “Simulation of two-dimensional supersonic flows on emulated digital CNN-UM”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009
Zs. Vörösházi, Z. Nagy, P. Szolgay,: „A Real-time, Multi-channel Emulated-digital Retina Model Implementation on FPGA”, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009
Z. Kincses, Z. Nagy, L. Orzó, P. Szolgay, Gy. Mező: „Implementation of a parallel SAD based wavefront sensor architecture on FPGA”, Proc. of ECCTD, 2009
Z. Nagy, A. Kiss, S. Kocsárdi, M. Retek, Á. Csík, P. Szolgay: „A Supersonic Flow Simulation on IBM Cell Processor Based Emulated Digital Cellular Neural Networks, Proc. of CMFF, 2009
N. Bérci, P. Szolgay: “Towards a gesture based human-machine interface: fast 3D tracking of the human fingers on high speed smart camera computers”, Proc. of ISCAS,, 2009
L.Füredi, P.Szolgay: “ CNN model on stream processing platform”, Proc. of ECCTD, 2009
A.Gacsádi, P. Szolgay: “Variational computing based image denoising methods by using cellular neural networksthod”, Proc. of ECCTD, 2009
B.G. Soós, V.Szabó, and Cs. Rekeczky: „Elastic Grid based Multi-Fovea Algorithm for Real-time Object-motion Detection in Airborne Surveillance”, New York, 2009
L. O. Chua and G. E. Pazienza: “Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science, Part XII: Period-3 and Period-6 rules”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2009
L. O. Chua, G. E. Pazienza, and J. Shin: “Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science, Part XI: Period-1 rules”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2009
L. O. Chua, G. E. Pazienza, and J. Shin: Nonlinear Dynamics Perspective of Wolfram's New Kind of Science, Part X: Period-1 rules”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2009
G. E. Pazienza and E. Gomez-Ramirez: “New properties of 2D Cellular Automata found through Polynomial Cellular Neural Networks”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2009
A. Rubi-Velez, E. Gomez-Ramirez and G. E. Pazienza: “Computing the weights of Polynomial Cellular Neural Networks using Quadratic Programming”, Congreso Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones, 2009
B.Bánhelyi, T.Csendes, B.M. Garay: “Sigma-2 chaos in iterates of the classical Henon mapping”, Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 2009
Z. Nagy, A. Kiss, S. Kocsárdi, Á. Csík: „Computational Fluid Flow Simulation on Body Fitted Mesh Geometry with IBM Cell Broadband Engine Architecture”, Proc. of ECCTD, 2009
Z. Nagy, A. Kiss, S. Kocsárdi, Á. Csík: „Supersonic Flow Simulation on IBM Cell Processor Based Emulated Digital Cellular Neural Networks”, Proc. of ISCAS, 2009
N. Bérci and P. Szolgay: "Towards a gesture based human-machine interface: Fast 3D tracking of the human fingers on high speed smart camera computers", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and, 2009
É.M. Bankó, V. Gál & Z. Vidnyánszky: Flawless visual short-term memory for facial emotional expressions, Journal of Vision, 2009
V. Gál, L.R. Kozák, I. Kóbor, É.M. Bankó, J. Serences & Z. Vidnyánszky: Learning to filter out visual distractors, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2009
É. Bankó, J. Körtvélyes, V. Gál, K. Nagy, G. Kovács, Z. Vidnyánszky: Dissociating the neural processes associated with perceptual processing demands and decision difficulty, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2009
J. Körtvélyes, É. Bankó, V. Gál, P. Domsa, J. Németh, Z. Vidnyánszky: Neural correlates of fovea-related impairment of visual object processing in amblyopia, The Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology Annual Meeting, 2009
É. Bankó, J. Körtvélyes, V. Gál, G. Kovács, Z. Vidnyánszky: Judging facial attributes: the neural locus and dynamics of perceptual decision making, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság XII. Konferenciája, 2009
J. Körtvélyes, É. Bankó, V. Gál, G. Pápay, J. Németh, Z. Vidnyánszky: Neural correlates of fovea-related impairment of visual object processing in amblyopia, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság XII. Konferenciája, 2009
B. Hunyadi, V. Gál, É Bankó, I. Kóbor, J. Körtvélyes, Z. Vidnyánszky: Dynamic imaging of coherent sources reveals feature-specific modulation of low frequency oscillations in specialized visual areas, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság XII. Konferenciája, 2009
V. Gál, L.R. Kozák, I. Kóbor, É. Bankó, J. Serences, Z. Vidnyánszky: Learning to filter out visual distractors, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság XII. Konferenciája, 2009
Laczkó J, Pilissy T, Tibold R: Neuro-mechanical modeling of human limb movements for controlling neuroprostheses of spinal cord injured patients, 2nd International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies, 2009
Fazekas G, Dénes Z, Pilissy T, Tóth A: Application of robots in neuro-rehabilitation, 41th International Danube Neurology Symposium, 2009
Fazekas G, Stefanik Gy, Pilissy T: Szervizrobotok alkalmazása a rehabilitációban, ORFMMT XXVIII. Vándorgyűlése, 2009
Katona P, Pilissy T, Fazekas G, Laczkó: Ízületi szögsebességek, izomaktivitások és a pedálhajtás sebességének kapcsolata kerékpározó mozgáskor, VII. Országos Sporttudományi Kongresszus, 2009
M. Radványi, G .Pazienza, K. Karacs: "Crosswalk Recognition through CNNs for the Bionic Camera: Manual vs. Automatic Design", Proc. 2009. European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, 2009
Ákos Tar, Miklós Koller, György Cserey: 3D Geometry Reconstruction using Large Infrared Proximity Array for Robotic Applications, International Conference on Mechatronics, 2009
Janos Levendovszky, Gabor Kiss, Gergely Treplan Long Tran-Thanh: Fading-aware Reliable and Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, 2009
Gergely Treplan, Long Tran-Thanh, Andras Olah, Janos Levendovszky: Reliable and energy aware routing protocols for WSN, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM, 2009
G. B. Soos, A. Rak, J. Veres, and Gy. Cserey: GPU boosted CNN simulator library for graphicalow based programmability,", Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008
G. B. So os, A. R ak, J. Veres, and Gy. Cserey: GPU powered CNN simulator (SIMCNN) with graphical ow based programmability,", Proceedings of 11th International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, 2008
A. Tar, J. Veres, and Gy. Cserey: Design and realization of a biped robot using stepper motor driven joints,", IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, 2006
Z. Clemens, B. Weiss, A. Szűcs, L. Erőss, G. Rásonyi, P. Halász: "Phase coupling between rhythmic slow activity and gamma characterizes mesiotemporal rapid-eye-movement sleep in humans,", J. Neuroscience, 2009
B. Weiss, Z. Clemens, R. Bódizs, Z. Vágó, P. Halász: "Spatio-temporal analysis of monofractal and multifractal properties of the human sleep EEG,", in Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2009
B. Weiss, Z. Clemens, R. Bódizs, P. Halász, T. Roska: "Topographic distribution of temporal self-similarity properties of human sleep EEG recordings,", presented at 12th Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society, 2009
B. Weiss, I. Ulbert, L. Erőss: "Fractal properties of epileptic local field potentials recorded from different layers of the frontal cortex using a chronically implanted laminar microelectrode in humans,", Proceedings of the 4th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2009
B. Weiss, Y. C. Tang, F. R. Tang: "Fractal properties of epileptic field potentials recorded from the CA1 area of the hippocampus in the mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy,", presented at 28th International Epilepsy Congress, 2009
Sass Bálint: Igei vonzatkeretek az MNSZ tagmondataiban, Alexin Zoltán, Csendes Dóra (szerk.): IV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia., SZTE, Szeged, 2006, 15-21., 2006
Bankó É. & Vidnyánszky Z.: High-fidelity short-term memory for facial expressions, SfN Neuroscience 2006, Atlanta, USA, 2006
D. Hillier, S. Xavier de Souza, J. A. K. Suykens, J. Vandewalle: CNNOPT: Learning dynamics and CNN chip-specific robustness, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Cellular Neural Networks and its Applications, 2006
G. Takács, A. Tihanyi, T. Bárdi, G. Feldhoffer, B. Srancsik: Speech to facial animation conversion for deaf applications, 14th European Signal Processing Conf., Florence, Italy, September 2006., 2006
T. Harczos, G. Szepannek, A. Kátai, and F. Klefenz: An auditory model based vowel classification, . IEEE Biomed. Circuits and Systems Conf. BioCAS, pp. 69-72, London, 2006, 2006
T. Harczos, G. Szepannek, A. Kátai, and F. Klefenz: An auditory model based vowel classification, . IEEE Biomed. Circuits and Systems Conf. BioCAS, pp. 69-72, London, 2006, 2006
B. Hegyi, Á. Csurgay, W. Porod: Investigation of the nonlinearity properties of the DC I-V characteristics of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) tunnel diodes with double-layer insulators, 11th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, 2006. május 25-27., Bécs, Ausztria, 2006
M. Ercsey-Ravasz, T. Roska, Z. Neda: Perspectives for Monte Carlo simulations on the CNN-UM, J. of Modern Physics C, Vol. 17, No. 6, p. 909 (2006), 2006
M. Ercsey-Ravasz, T. Roska, Z. Neda: Stochastic Simulations on the Cellular Wave Computers, European Physics Journal B, Vol. 51, No. 3, p. 407, (2006), 2006
Gy. Takács, A. Tihanyi, T. Bárdi, G. Feldhoffer, B. Srancsik: Signal Conversion from Natural Audio Speech to Synthetic Visible Speech, Int. Conf. on Signals and Electronic Systems - ICSES ’06, Lodz, Poland, 2006., 2006
I. Kóbor, L. Füredi, G. Kovács, C. Spence & Z. Vidnyánszky: Back-to-front: Improved tactile discrimination performance in the space you, Neurosci. Lett. Vol. 400/1-2:163-167, 2006
M. Miháltz, G.Pohl: Exploiting Parallel Corpora for Supervised Word-Sense Disambiguation in English-Hungarian Machine Translation, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pp. 1294–1297, 2006., 2006
G. Pohl: A MorphoTM főnévicsoport-szinkronizáló módszereinek továbbfejlesztése és vizsgálata., IV. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia (MSZNY 2006), pp. 190 201, 2006., 2006
R.Wagner, M. Szuhaj: Color processing in wearable bionic eyeglass, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE InternationalWorkshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, 2006
Hillier, D., Binzberger, V., Vilarino, D. L., Rekeczky, Cs.: Topographic cellular active contour techniques: Theory, implemenations and comparisons, Int. J. of Circuit Theory and Appl., Vol. 34., pp183-216, 2006
T. Roska, D. Bálya, A. Lázár, K. Karacs, R. Wágner, M. Szuhaj: System aspects of a bionic eyeglass, Proc. of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS 2006 Greece, 2006, pp. 161-164, 2006
Z. Fodróczi, A. Radványi: Computational Auditory Scene Analysis in Cellular Wave Computing Framework, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications Vol: 34(4) pp: 489-515 ISSN:0098-98, 2006
A. Lázár, T. Roska: Human Tested Saliency Map Generation in the Bionic Eyeglass Project, Proceedings of The 10th IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications, pp.91-95, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
A. Kis, F. Kovács & P. Szolgay: 3D Tactile Sensor Array Processed by CNN-UM: A Fast Method for Detecting and Identifying Slippage and Twisting Motion, International Journal on Circuit Theory and Application (CTA), 2006; 34: pp. 517-531, 2006
G. Vásárhelyi, M. Ádám, É. Vázsonyi, Zs. Vízváry, A. Kis, I. Bársony & Cs. Dücső: Characterization of an Integrable Single - Crystalline 3D Tactile Sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2006, vol.6, nr.4, pp. 928-934, 2006
A. Kis, F. Kovács & P. Szolgay: Grasp Planning Based on Fingertip Contact Forces and Torques, Proceedings of the Eurohaptics International Conference EH 06, July 3-6, 2006, Paris, France, pp. 455-459, 2006
G. Vásárhelyi, B. Fodor: Enhancing Tactile Capabilities with Elastic Hemispheres, Proceedings of EuroHaptics 2006, Paris, pp. 491–494, 2006
B. Hegyi, J. Levendovszky: Optimal statistical energy balancing protocols for wireless sensor networks, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 6, pp. 689-694, 2007
R. Wagner, A. C. Molnar, and F. S. Werblin: Analysis of the interaction between the retinal ON and OFF channels using CNN-UM models, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Application (elfogadva, publikálás alatt), 2007
A. Lázár, Z. Vidnyánszky, T. Roska: Modeling stimulus-driven attentional selection in dynamic natural scenes, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (elfogadva, publikálás alatt), 2007
Z. Vidnyánszky, V. Gál, L. R. Kozák, É. Bankó, I. Kóbor: Inhibitory mechanisms of visual attentional selection, A Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság XI. Konferenciája, Szeged, 2007. január 24-27, 2007
V. Gál, L. R. Kozák, I. Kóbor, É. Bankó, J. Serences, Z. Vidnyánszky: PERCEPTUAL AND NEURAL MECHANISMS OF VISUAL ATTENTIONAL SUPPRESSION, 30th European Conference On Visual Perception, Italy, 2007 augusztus 27-31, 2007
Z. Fodróczi,A. Radványi: Localization of Directional Sound Sources Supported by a Priori Information of the Acoustic Environment, IEURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2008, Article ID 287167, doi:10.1155/2008/287167 (publikálás alatt), 2007
C. Baatar, W. Porod, and T. Roska (Editors): Cellular Nanoscale Wave Computing, Springer, New York, 2009
T. Roska, L.Belady, M.Ercsey-Ravasz: „Cellular Wave Computing in Nanoscale via Million Processor Chips”, New York, 2009
G. Gandhi, G. Cserey, J. Zbrozek, and T. Roska: “Anyone can build Chua’s Circuit: Hands-on-Experience with Chaos Theory for High School Students”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2009
G. Gandhi and T. Roska: “ MOS-integrable circuitry for multi-scroll chaotic grid realization: A SPICE-assisted proof”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2009
T. Roska, P. Arena, CT Lin, and R. Tetzlaff: Special issue on cellular wave computing architectures, Part II, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2009
M. Ercsey-Ravasz, T. Roska, and Z. Néda: “Stochastic optimatization of spin-glasses on cellular neural/nonlinear network based processors”, Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2009
M. Ercsey-Ravasz, T. Roska, and Z. Néda: “Cellular Neural Networks for NP-Hard Optimatization, Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2009
A. Lazar, Z. Vidnyanszky, and T. Roska: “Modeling stimulus-driven attentional selection in dynamic natural scenes”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2009


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2009-06-26 14:59:34
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