Algebraic Geometry and Its Neighbouring Fields
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List of publications |
J. F. de Bobadilla, I. Luengo, A. Melle-Hernandez, A. Némethi: On rational cuspidal projective plane curves, Proc. of London Math. Soc. 92 (3), (2006), 99-138, 2006 | J. F. de Bobadilla, I. Luengo, A. Melle-Hernandez, A. Némethi: On rational cuspidal curves, open surfaces and local singularities
whose singularities have one Puiseux pair, Proceedings of the 2005 Marseille Singularity School and Conference, 411-442, 2007 | J. F. de Bobadilla, I. Luengo, A. Melle-Hernandez, A. Némethi: Classification of rational unicuspidal projective curves
whose singularities have one Puiseux pair, Proceedings of Sao Carlos Workshop 2004 on Real and Complex Singularities, Series Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser 2006, 31-47, 2007 | G. Braun, A. Némethi: Invariants of Newton non-degenerate surface singularities
whose singularities have one Puiseux pair, Compositio Math. 143 (2007), no. 4, 1003--1036, 2007 | G. Braun, A. Némethi: Surgery formula for the Seiberg-Witten invariants of negative definite plumbed 3-manifolds, J. reine angew. Math. 638 (2010), 189-208., 2010 | P. Candelas, X. de la Ossa, Y.-H. He, B. Szendrői: Triadophilia: A Special Corner in the Landscape, Adv. Math. Theor. Phys, 12 (2008), 2008 | C. Caubel, A. Némethi, P. Popescu-Pampu: Milnor open books and Milnor fillable contact 3-manifolds, Topology 45(3), (2006), 673-689., 2006 | J-L. Colliot-Thélène, T. Szamuely: Autour de la conjecture de Tate à coefficients Z_l pour les variétés sur les corps finis, R. Akhtar et al. (eds.) The Geometry of Algebraic Cycles, AMS/Clay Institute Proceedings, 2010, pp. 83--98., 2010 | A. Dimca, B. Szendrői: The Milnor fibre of the Pfaffian and the Hilbert scheme of four points on C^3, Math. Res. Lett. 17 (2010) 243-261., 2010 | M. Domokos: Typical separating invariants, Transformation Groups 12 (2007), 49--63, 2007 | M. Domokos: Covariants and the no-name lemma, J. Lie Theory 18 (2008) Number 4, 839-849., 2008 | M. Domokos: Vector invariants of a class of pseudo-reflection groups and multisymmetric syzygies, J. Lie Theory 19 (2009), 507-525., 2009 | M. Domokos: On singularities of quiver moduli, Glasgow Math. J., elfogadva, 2010 | G. Elek, E. Szabó: On sofic groups, Journal of Group Theory 9 (2006), 161-171, 2006 | L. Fehér, A. Némethi, R. Rimányi: Coincident root loci of binary forms, Michigan Math. J. f 54 (2), (2006), 375-392, 2006 | L. Fehér, A. Némethi, R. Rimányi: The degree of the discriminant of irreducible representations, J. Alg. Geometry 17 (2008), 751-780., 2008 | L. Fehér, A. Némethi, R. Rimányi: Equivariant classes of matrix matroid varieties, Comment. Math. Helv., elfogadva, 2010 | T. de Fernex, A. Küronya, R. Lazarsfeld: Higher cohomology of
divisors on a projective variety, Mathematische Annalen 337 (2007), 443-455, 2007 | P. E. Frenkel: Character formulae for classical groups, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 4
(2006), no. 2, 242--249, 2006 | P. E. Frenkel: Pfaffians, hafnians, and products of real linear functionals, Math. Res. Letters 15 (2008) no. 2., 351-358., 2008 | P. E. Frenkel: Remarks on the alpha-permanent, Math. Res. Letters, elfogadva, 2010 | D. Gay, A. Stipsicz: Symplectic surgeries and normal surface singularities, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 9 (2009), no. 4, 2203--2223., 2009 | P. Gille, T. Szamuely: Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 101, Cambridge University Press, 2006., 2006 | D. Harari, T. Szamuely: Local-global principles for 1-motives, Duke Math. J. 143 (2008), 531-557., 2008 | D. Harari, T. Szamuely: Galois sections for abelianized fundamental groups, Math. Annalen 344 (2009), 779--800., 2009 | M. Hering, A. Küronya, S. Payne: Asymptotic cohomological functions of toric divisors, Advances in Mathematics 207 (2006), 634-645, 2006 | A. Horváth, A. Némethi: On the Milnor fiber on non-isolated singularities, Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica 43 (1), (2006), 131-136., 2006 | D. Kerner, A. Némethi: The Milnor fibre signature is not semi-continuous, Proceedings of the conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of A. Libgober, Topology of Algebraic Varieties, Jaca (Spain), June 2009, elfogadva., 2010 | A. Küronya: Asymptotic cohomological functions on projective varieties, American Journal of Mathematics 128 (2006), 1475-1519, 2006 | A. Küronya, A. Wolfe: A Briancon-Skoda type theorem for graded
systems of ideals, Journal of Algebra 307 (2007), 795-803, 2007 | L. Lempert, E. Szabó: Rationally Connected Varieties and Loop Spaces, Asian Journal of Mathematics 11 (2007), no. 3, 485--496., 2007 | P. Lisca, A. Stipsicz: On the existence of tight contact structures on Seifert fibered 3-manifolds, Duke Math. J. 148 (2009), no. 2, 175--209., 2009 | P. Lisca, P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Heegaard Floer invariants of Legendrian knots in contact three-manifolds, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 11 (2009), no. 6, 1307--1363., 2009 | A. Némethi: Graded roots and singularities, Proceedings `Singularities in Geometry and Topology', ICTP (Trieste, Italy), World Sci. , 394--463
on Singularities in Geometry and Topology',
ICTP (Trieste, Italy), 2007 | A. Némethi: Lattice cohomology of normal surface singularities, Publ. RIMS, 44 (2008), 507-543., 2008 | A. Némethi, T. Okuma: The Seiberg-Witten invariant conjecture for splice quotients, J. London Math. Soc. 28 (2008), 143-154., 2008 | A. Némethi: Poincaré series associated with surface singularities,, Contemporary Mathematics, 474 (2008), 271-299., 2008 | A. Némethi, T. Okuma: On the Casson Invariant Conjecture of Neumann-Wahl, J. Alg. Geometry 18 (2009), 135--149., 2009 | A. Némethi: On the canonical contact structures of links of complex surface singularities, Proceedings of the conference Geometry of Singularities and Manifolds, Kusatsu 2008, 99-118., 2009 | A. Némethi, W. Veys: Monodromy eigenvalues are induced by poles of zeta functions --- the irreducible curve case, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 42 (2010), 312--322., 2010 | A. Némethi, P. Popescu-Pampu: On the Milnor fibers of sandwiched singularities, Int. Math. Res. Not. 6 ( 2010), 1041--1061., 2010 | A. Némethi, P. Popescu-Pampu: On the Milnor fibers of cyclic quotient singularities, Bull. London Math. Soc., elfogadva, 2010 | A. Némethi, M. Tosun: Invariants of open books of links of surface singularities, Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica, elfogadva, 2010 | A. Némethi, W. D. Neumann, A. Pichon: Principal analytic link theory in homology sphere links, Proceedings of the conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of A. Libgober, Topology of Algebraic Varieties, Jaca (Spain), June 2009, elfogadva., 2010 | A. Némethi, T. Okuma: The embedding dimension of weighted homogeneous surface singularities, J. Topology, elfogadva, 2010 | A. Némethi: The Seiberg--Witten invariants of negative definite plumbed 3--manifolds, J. Eur. Math. Soc., 2010 | P. Ozsvath, A. Stipsicz, Z. Szabo: Floer homology and singular knots, J. Topology 2 (2009), no. 2, 380--404., 2009 | T. Szamuely: The ex-Ax conjecture (after Kollár), Oberwolfach Reports, vol. 3, issue 1, 2006 | T. Szamuely: Corps de classes des schémas arithmétiques, Séminaire Bourbaki, exposé 1006, mars 2009. Astérisque 332 (2010), 257--286, 2009 | T. Szamuely: Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 117, Cambridge University Press, 2009 | B. Szendrői: Sheaves on fibered threefolds and quiver sheaves, Comm. Math. Phys 278 (2008), 627-641., 2008 | B. Szendrői: Non-commutative Donaldson-Thomas invariants and the conifold, Geometry and Topology 12 (2008) 1171-1202., 2008 |





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