Optimal annual routines: a path from physiology to populations?
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Orsolya Feró, Zoltán Barta, Alasdair I. Houston, John M. McNamara, Anders Hedenström: Prospects of optimal annual routine models in conservation biology, 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, 2006, 2006 | Czirják, G.Á., Barta, Z., , Vágási, I.C., Tökölyi, J., Takács, Z, Pap, P.L.: A széncinege (Parus major) kondíciójának és egészségi állapotának éves változása: előzetes eredmények, VII. Kolozsvári Biológus Napok, Románia., 2006, 2006 | Czirják, G.Á., Pap, P.L., Vágási, I.C., Tökölyi, J., Barta, Z.: Seasonal changes in condition and health state indices in the Great Tit (Parus major), 11th International Behavioral Ecology Congress Tours, France., 2006, 2006 | Orsolya Feró, Zoltán Barta, Alasdair I. Houston, John M. McNamara, Anders Hedenström.: Effects of increased predation risk on population dynamics of migratory birds: optimal annual routine simulations, J of Ornithology, 147, 165, 2006, 2006 | Pap, P.L., Tökölyi, J., Vágási, I.C., Barta, Z: Adaptive allocation of condition dependent feather abnormalities during ontogeny and moult in the Great Tit, J Ornithology, 147, 224, 2006, 2006 | Tökölyi, J., Pap, P.L., Vágási, I.C., Barta, Z.: Condition-dependent feather quality and the dynamics of feather abrasion during the annual cycle in the Great Tit., J Ornithology, 147, 263, 2006, 2006 | Vágási, I.C., Barta, Z., Tökölyi, J., Pap, P.L.: Széncinegék (Parus major) tollminőségének változása a részleges poszt-juvenilis és teljes poszt-nupciális vedlés során., VII. Kolozsvári Biológus Napok, Románia., 2006, 2006 | Barta Z, Orsolya Feró, Alasdair I. Houston, John M. McNamara,: Optimal immunity over the annual cycle in non-migratory birds, J of Ornithology, 147, 31, 2006, 2006 | Pap, P.L., Vágási, I.C., Czirják, G.Á., Barta, Z.: Diet quality affects post-nuptial moult and feather quality of the house sparrow Passer domesticus: interaction with humoral immune function?, Canadian Journal of Zoology, 86, 834-842, 2008 | A. Hedenström Z. Barta, B. Helm, A. I. Houston, J. McNamara, and N. Jonzén: Migration speed and scheduling of annual events by migrating birds in relation to climate change, Climate Research, 35, 79-91, 2007 | Pap, P.L., Barta, Z., Tökölyi, J., Vágási, I.C: Increase of feather quality during molt: a possible implication of feather deformities in the evolution of partial molt in the great tit., Journal of Avian Biology, 38:471-478, 2007 | Jácint Tökölyi, Veronika Bókony and Zoltán Barta: Seasonal color change by molt or by the abrasion of feather tips: a comparative study, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 94, 711-721, 2008 | Barta Z, AI Houston, JM McNamara, RK Welham, A Hedenström, TP Weber, O Feró: Annual routines of non-migratory birds: optimal moult strategies, Oikos, 112: 580-593, 2006 | Fero, O., P. Stephens, Z. Barta, J. M.McNamara and A. I. Houston: Optimal annual routine models: new tools for conservation biology?, Ecological Applications, 18, 1563-1577, 2008 | Houston AI, McNamara JM, Barta Z, Klasing KC: The effects of energy reserves and food availability on optimal immune defence, Proceedings of the Royal Society, 274: 2835-2842, 2007 | McNamara JM, Barta Z, Wikelski M, Houston AI: A theoretical investigation of the effect of latitude on avian life histories, American Naturalist, 172, 331-345, 2008 | Barta Z, McNamara JM, Houston AI, Weber TP, Hedenstrom A, Fero O: Optimal moult strategies in migratory birds, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 363, 211-229, 2008 | Végvári Zs, Bókony V, Barta Z, Kovács G: Life history predicts advancement of avian spring migration in response to climate change, Global Change Biology, in press,, 2009 |
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