Myosin motor proteins: structur-function relationship and functional studies in neurons
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Yang, Y., Gourinath, S., Kovács, M., Nyitray, L., Reutzel, R., Himmel, D.M., O'Neall-Hennessey, E., Reshetnikova, L., Szent-Györgyi, A.G., Brown, J.H., and Cohen, C.: Rigor-like structures of muscle myosins reveal key mechanical elements in the transduction pathways of this allosteric motor, Structure, 15(5):553-64, 2007 | Málnási-Csizmadia, A., Tóth, J., Pearson, D.S., Hetényi, Cs., Nyitray, L., Geeves, M.A., Bagshaw, C.R., and Kovács, M.: Selective perturbation of the myosin recovery stroke by point mutations at the base of the lever arm affects ATP hydrolysis and phosphate release, J.Biol.Chem., 282(24):17658-64, 2007 | Nyitray László: Miozin, egy allosztérikus motorfehérje: szerkezet-funkció vizsgálatok, MTA, 2009 | Kawamichi, H., Hino, M., Nakamura, A., Tanaka, H., Farkas, L., Nyitray, L., Kohama, K.: Calcium inhibition of Physarum myosin as examined by the recombinant heavy mero-myosin, Adv. Exp. Med. Chem., 592:265-72, 2007 | Brown, J.H., Yang, Y., Reshetnikova, L., Gourinath, S., Süveges, D., Kardos, J., Hóbor, F., Reutzel, R., Nyitray, L., and Cohen, C.: An unstable head-rod junction may promote folding into the compact off-state conformation of regulated myosins, J. Mol. Biol., 375(5):1434-43, 2008 | Süveges, D., Gáspári, Z., Tóth, G., and Nyitray, L.: Charged single α-helix: a versatile protein structural motif, Proteins, 74:905–916, 2009 | Szappanos, B., Süveges, D., Nyitray, L., Perczel, A., and Gáspári, Z: Folded-unfolded cross-predictions and protein evolution: The case study of coiled-coils, FEBS Lett., 584(8):1623-7, 2010 | Gáspári, Z. and Nyitray, L.: Coiled coils as models of protein structure evolution., BioMol Concepts, in press, 2011 | L Michel Espinoza-Fonseca, Dániel Süveges, Zoltán Gáspári, Gábor Tóth, László Nyitray.: Role of Cationic Residues in Fine Tuning the Flexibility of Charged Single α-helices., Biophys J. 96(3) 322a, 2009 | Süveges Dániel: KÉTSZÁLÚ ÉS EGYSZÁLÚ ALFA-HELIKÁLIS SZERKEZETI ELEMEK VIZSGÁLATA, KÜLÖNÖS TEKINTETTEL KÜLÖNBÖZŐ MIOZIN FAROK DOMÉNEKRE, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Biológia Doktori Iskola, 2011 | Hódi, Zs. Németh, A., Radnai, L., Hetényi, Cs., Schlett, K., Bodor, A., Perczel, A. and Nyitray, L.: Alternatively spliced exon B of myosin Va is essential for binding of the tail light chain shared by dynein., Biochemistry, 45 (41): 12582-12595, 2006 | Z. Hódi, P. Rapali, L. Radnai, T. Molnár, A. Szenes, J. Kardos, L. Buday, W.F. Stafford, and L.Nyitray: The LC8 family of dynein light chains: multifunctional chaperon-like proteins, FEBS J., 274: 106, 2007 | L. Radnai, P. Rapali, Z.Hódi, D. Süveges, T. Molnár, B. Kiss, B. Bécsi, F. Erdődi, J. Kardos, M. Kovács and L. Nyitray: Affinity, avidity and kinetics of target sequence binding to LC8 dynein light chain (DYNLL) isoforms, J.Biol.Chem., 285: 38649-38657, 2010 | Molnár T, Rapali P., Radnai L., Süveges D., Nyitray L.: Az LC8 dinein könnyű lánc foszforiláció általi szabályozásának három mechanizmusa, Biokémia 33(3) 14, 2009 | Rapali, P., Radnai, L., Süveges, D., Harmat, V., Tölgyesi, F., Wahlgren, W.Y., Katona, G., Nyitray, L., Pál, G.: Directed evolution reveals the binding motif preference of the LC8/DYNLL hub protein and predicts large numbers of novel binders interactors in the human proteome., PLoS One, in press, 2011 | P. Rapali, A. Szenes, L. Radnai, A. Bakos, G. Pál, L. Nyitray: DYNLL/LC8: A Light Chain Subunit of the Dynein Motor Complex and Beyond, FEBS J., submitted, 2011 | Czöndör K, Ellwanger K, Fuchs YF, Lutz S, Gulyás M, Mansuy IM, Hausser A, Pfizenmaier K, Schlett K.: Protein kinase D controls the integrity of Golgi apparatus and the maintenance of dendritic arborization in hippocampal neurons., Mol Biol Cell 20(7):2108-20, 2009 |




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