The structure and conformation dependent activity of VWF and its implications on vascular haematology
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Udvardy ML, Szekeres-Csiki K and Hársfalvi J: Novel evaluation method for densitometric curves of von Willebrand Factor multimers and a new parameter (MMW) to describe the degree of multimerisation, Thromb Haemost 102, 412-417, 2009 | Tóth J, Kappelmayer J, Udvardy ML, Szántó T, Szarvas M, Rejtő L, Soltész P, Udvardy M and Hársfalvi J: Increased platelet glycoprotein Ib receptor number, enhanced platelet adhesion and severe cerebral ischemia in a patient with polycythaemia vera, Platelets 20, 282-287, 2009 | Gombos T, Mako V, Cervenak L, Papassotiriou J, Kunde J, Harsfalvi J, Förhécz Z, Pozsonyi Z, Borgulya G, Jánoskuti L, Prohaszka Z: Levels of von Willebrand factor antigen and von Willebrand factor cleaving protease (ADAMTS13) activity predict clinical events in chronic heart failure., Thrombosis and Hemostasis(3):573-80, 2009 | Szanto T, Vanhoorelbeke K, Toth G Vandenbulcke A, Toth J, Noppe W, Deckmyn H, Harsfalvi J: Identification of a VWF peptide antagonist that blocks platelet adhesion under high shear conditions by selectively inhibiting the VWF-collagen interaction, J Thromb Haemost(10):1680-7, 2009 | Szanto T, Schlammadinger A, Staelens S, De Meyer SF, Freson K, Pareyn I, Vauterin S, Harsfalvi J,: The A/T1381 polymorphism in the A1-domain of von Willebrand factor influences the affinity of von Willebrand factor for platelet glycoprotein Ibalpha., Thromb Haemost. 2007 Jul;98(1):178-85, 2007 | Szanto T, Schlammadinger A, Salles I, Pareyn I, Vauterin S, Harsfalvi J, Vanden Bulcke AM, Deckmyn H, Vanhoorelbeke K: Type 2B von Willebrand disease in seven individuals from three different families: phenotypic and genotypic characterization, Thromb Haemost. 2007 Jul;98(1):251-4., 2007 | Mendelboum, S.R., Horváth, A., Aradi, J., Bagoly, Z., Fazakas, F., Batta, Z., Muszbek, L., Hársfalvi, J: 4-thio-deoxyuridylate-modified thrombin aptamer and its inhibitory effect on fibrin clot formation, platelet aggregation and thrombus growth on subendothelial matrix., J Thromb Haemost. 6(10):1764-71, 2008 | Papp, M Lakatos, PL Harsfalvi, J Gyula, F Karoly, P Udvardy, M Molnar, T Farkas, K Ferenc, N Veres, G Laszlo, L Kovacs, A Dinya, T Kocsis, AK Janos, P Istvan, A: Mannose-binding lectin level and deficiency is not associated with inflammatory bowel diseases, disease phenotype, serology profile, and NOD2/CARD15 genotype in a large Hungarian cohort, HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY 71;407-13, 2010 | Szekeres-Csiki K, Udvardy ML, Papp M, Mendelboum S, Hársfalvi J: A von Willebrand Faktor kollagénkötő aktivitását mérő módszer, Magyar Belorvosi Archivum Supplementum, (2):28, 2007 | Szekeres-Csiki K, Udvardy ML, Varga-Fekete T, Harsfalvi J: Von Willebrand faktor és laboratóriumi diagnosztikai szerepe, Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület, Orvostudományi Értesítő. 81 (1): 45-48, 2008 | Molvarec A, Rigó J, Bõze T, Derzsy Z, Cervenak L, Makó V, Gombos T, Udvardy ML, Hársfalvi J and Prohászka Z: Increased plasma von Willebrand factor antigen levels but normal von Willebrand factor cleaving protease (ADAMTS13) activity in preeclampsia, Thromb Haemost 101, 305-11., 2009 | Udvardy ML, Kappelmayer J, Hársfalvi J: Glycocalicin coated beads for studying platelet GPIb function, Platelets, 2007; 18(1): 98, 2006 | Szarvas M, Oparaugo P, Udvardy ML, Toth J, Szanto T, Daroczi L, Vereb G, Harsfalvi J.: Differential platelet deposition onto collagen in cone-and-plate and parallel plate flow chambers, Platelets 17(3):185-90, 2006 |




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