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List of publications |
N. Alon, I. Newman, A. Shen, G. Tardos, N.Vereshagin: Partitioning multidimensional sets in a small number of "uniform" parts, accepted to European Journal of Combinatorics, 2009 | A. Gyárfás, M. Ruszinkó, G.N. Sárközy, E. Szemerédi: An improved bound for the monochromatic cycle partition number;, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B; 96/6(2006), 855-873., 2006 | V.T.Sós, Ch.Borgs, J.Chayes, L. Lovasz, K. Vesztergombi: Counting graph homomorphisms, Topics in discrete mathematics, 315-371, Algorithms Combin, 36, Springer, Berlin, 2006 | J. Cooper, B. Doerr, J. Spencer, G. Tardos: Deterministic random walks, Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO'06), 185-197, 2006 | I. Barany, M. Prodromou: On maximal convex lattice polygons inscribed in a plane convex set, Israel J. Math. 154 (2006), 337--360, 2006 | A. Khalfalah, E. Szemerédi: On the number of monochromatic solutions of x+y=z2;, COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING; 15/1-2(2006), 213-227, 2006 | I. Barany, J. Matousek: Berge's theorem, fractional Helly, and art galleries, European J. Comb. 306 (2006), 2303--2313, 2006 | I. Barany, B. Doerr: Balanced partitions of vector sequences, Lin. Alg. Appl. 414 (2006), 464--469, 2006 | I. Barany: Convex bodies, random polytopes, and approximation, Chapter in Stochastic Geometry, ed. W. Weil, Springer, 2006 | I. Barany, G. Rote: Strictly convex drawings of planar graphs, to appear in Manuscripta Math, 2009 | I. Barany, Van H Vu: Central limit theorems for Gaussian polytopes, Annals of Prob. 35. 1593-1621, 2007 | I. Barany, J. Matousek: Quadratic lower bound for the number of colourful simplices, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21. 191-198., 2007 | I. Barany, A Hubard, J.J. Castro,: Slicing convex sets and measures by a hyperplane, in Discrete and Comp. Geometry 2007, 2009 | G Elek: The Strong Approximation Conjecture holds for amenable groups, Journal of Functional Analysis, 2006 Volume 239 (1) 345-355, 2006 | H. Aydinian, P.L. Erdős: All maximum size 2-part Sperner systems - in short, Comb. Prob. Comp. 16. (4) , 553--555, 2006 | P.L. Erdős, P. Ligeti - P. Sziklai - D.C. Torney: Subwords in reverse complement order, Annals of Combinatorics 10 415-430., 2006 | E Győri: Triangle-free hypergraphs, Comb. Prob. Comp. 15(2006) 185-191, 2006 | P.Balister, E.Győri, J. Lehel, R.Schelp: Connected graphs with no long paths, to appear Disc. Math, 2009 | P.Balister, E.Győri, J. Lehel, R.Schelp: Adjacent vertex distinguishing, to appear, 2009 | J. Demetrovics, Gyula O.H. Katona, D. Miklós,: On the security of individual data, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 46(2006) 98-113, 2006 | Gyula O.H. Katona, K. Tichler: Some contributions to the Minimum Representation Problem of Key Sytems, Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, Springer, LNCS 3861, 2006, pp. 240-257, 2006 | Annalisa De Bonis, Gyula O.H. Katona: Largest families without an r-fork, Order, 24. 181-191., 2007 | M.W.Liebeck, L.Pyber, A.Shalev: On a conjecture of G.E.Wall, J.Algebra 317, 184-197., 2007 | A. Sali, K.-D. Schewe: Counter-Free Keys and Functional Dependencies in Higher-Order Datamodels, Fundamenta Informaticae 70 (2006) 277-301, 2006 | R. Anstee, B. Fleming, Z. Füredi, A. Sali: Color critical hypergraphs and forbidden configurations, Discrete Math. and Theoretical Comput. Sci Proceedings, http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/issue/archive, 2009 | A. Sali, K.-D. Schewe: Keys and Armstrong Databases in Trees with restructuring, to appear in Acta Cyb., 2008 | A. Sali, K.-D. Schewe: Weak Functional Dependencies on Trees with Restructuring, submitted, 2009 | V.T.Sós, L.Lovász: Generalised quasirandom graphs, JCT B, 2006 | V.T.Sós, M. Mubay: Explicit constructions of triple systems for Ramsey-Turan problems, Journal of Graph Theory 52 (2006)no. 3,211-216, 2006 | Haxell, P. E.(3-WTRL-B); Luczak, T.(PL-POZN-DM); Peng, Y.(1-INS); Rödl, V.(1-EMRY-CS); Rucinski, A.(PL-POZN-DM); Simonovits, M.(H-AOS); Skokan, J.(1-IL): The Ramsey number of hypergraph cycles. I. (English summary), J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 113 (2006), no. 1, 67--83, 2006 | V.T.Sós, Ch.Borgs, J.Chayes, L. Lovasz, K. Vesztergombi: Graph limits and parameter testing, STOC 2006, p.261-270, 2006 | G. Simonyi: Asymptotic values of the Hall-ratio for graph powers, Discrete Math., Volume 306, Issues 19--20, 2006, 2593--2601, 2006 | G. Simonyi, G. Tardos: Local chromatic number, Ky Fan's theorem, and circular colorings, Combinatorica, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2006, 587--626., 2006 | G. Simonyi, G. Tardos: Colorful subgraphs in Kneser-like graphs, European J. Combin, 28, 2188-2200, 2007 | T. Szabó, G. Tardos: Extremal problems for transversals in graphs with bounded degree, Combinatorica 26 (2006) (3), 333-351., 2006 | J. Pach, R. Radoicic, G. Tardos, G. Tóth: Improving the crossing lemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs, Discrete and Computational Geometry 36 (2006), 527-552., 2006 | A. Marcus, G. Tardos: Intersection reverse sequences and geometric applications, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 113 (2006) (4), 675-691., 2006 | I. Benjamini, G. Kozma, L. Lovász, D. Romik, G. Tardos: Waiting for a bat to fly by (in polynomial time), Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 15 (2006) (5), 673-683., 2006 | J. Pach, G. Tardos: Forbidden paths and cycles in ordered graphs and matrices, Israel Journal of Mathematics 155 (2006), 359-372., 2006 | V. Rödl, A. Rucinski, E. Szemerédi: A dirac-type theorem for 3-uniform hypergraphs, COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING; 15/1-2(2006), 229-251, 2006 | E. Szemerédi, V. Vu: Long arithmetic progressions in sumsets, thresholds and bounds, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY; 19/1(2006), 119-169., 2006 | J. Polcyn, V. Rödl, A. Rucinski, E. Szemerédi: Short paths in quasi-random triple systems with sparse underlying graphs;, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B; 96/4(2006), 584-607., 2006 | V. Rödl, A. Rucinski, E. Szemerédi: Perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs with large minimum degree, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS; 27/8(2006), 1333-1349, 2006 | E. Szemerédi, V. Vu: Finite and infinite arithmetic progressionsin sumsets, ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS; 163/2(2006), 1-35., 2006 | I. Barany: The probability that a convex body is lattice point free: a relative of Buffon's needle problem, Random Structures and Alg., 30. 414-426., 2007 | I. Barany, J. Matousek: Packing cones and their negatives in space,, Discrete Comp. Geom. 38. 177 -187, 2007 | I. Barany, M. Reitzner: The central limit theorem for random polytopes in a convex polytope, to appear 2007, 2009 | I. Barany,: Lattice points and random points in convex bodies: a survey, to appear in Bull. AMS 2007, 2009 | G. Elek,: The combinatorial cost (l'Enseignement Mathematique), to appear 2007., 2009 | G. Elek,: Weak convergence of finite graphs, integrated density of states, to appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory, B 2007, 2009 | G. Elek: L2-spectral invariants and convergent sequences of finite graphs,, benyújtva 2007, 2009 | G. Elek: A Regularity Lemma for Bounded Degree Graphs and its Applications: Parameter Testing and Infinite Volume Limits,, benyújtva 2007, 2009 | G. Elek, B. Szegedy: Limits of Hypergraphs, Removal and Regularity Lemmas. A Non-standard Approach, benyújtva 2007, 2009 | A. Apostolico - P.L. Erdős - M. Lewenstein: Parameterized Matching with Mismatches,, J. Discrete Algorithms 5., 135--140., 2007 | P.L. Erdős - L. Soukup: Quasi-kernels in infinite graphs, submitted 2008, 2009 | N. Eaton, Z. Füredi, A. Kostochka, and J. Skokan: Tree representations of graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, 28, 1087-1098., 2007 | D. Danev, Z. Furedi, and M. Ruszinko:: Multiple access Euclidean channel,, Multiple Access Channels - Theory and Practice, NATO Security through Science Series, D: Information and Communication Security, Volume 10, 54--72., 2007 | Z. Furedi: Covering a triangle with triangles and their reflections, Discrete and Computational Geometry, 38, 273--288., 2007 | J. Balogh, B. Bollobás, and M. Simonovits,: The typical structure of graphs without given excluded subgraphs,, submitted 2008, 2009 | Y. Kohayakawa, M. Simonovits, J. Skokan:: The 3-colored Ramsey number of odd cycles., Proceedings of GRACO2005, 397--402 (electronic), Electron. Notes Discrete Math., 19, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007 | J.Kempe, L.Pyber, A.Shalev: Permutation groups,minimal degrees and quantum computing, Groups,Geometry and Dynamics 1, 553-584., 2007 | J. Demetrovics and A Sali: Relational database design Algorithms of Informatics, vol II., A. Iványi ed., Mondat Kiadó, Budapest, 849-881., 2007 | J. Demetrovics and A Sali: Query rewriting in relational databases in Algorithms of Informatics, vol II., A. Iványi ed., Mondat Kiadó, Budapest, 882-930., 2007 | R. Anstee, F. Barekat, and A. Sali: Small Forbidden Configurations V: Exact bounds for 4×2 cases, submitted 2008, 2009 | R. Anstee and A. Sali: Latin Squares and Low Discrepancy Allocation of Two-Dimensional Data, Europ. J. Combin 28 2115-2124., 2007 | G. Simonyi, G. Tardos, S. Vrecica: Local chromatic number and distinguishing the strength of topological obstructions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., közlésre elfogadva, 2008 | J. Körner, G. Simonyi, B. Sinaimeri: On types of growth for graph-different permutations, benyújtva 2008, 2009 | J. Balogh, J.Bollobas, V.T. Sós: The unlabelled speed of a hereditary graph property, submitted 2008, 2009 | Ádám András: On some properties of Automaton Mappongs, Automata, Formal Languages, and Related Topics, 2009 | I. Bárány, J. Matousek: Quadratically many colorful simplices, SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, 2007 | I. Bárány, S. Vempala, A. Vetta: Nash equilibria in random games, RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS; 31/4(2007), 391-405, 2007 | I. Bárány, J. Pach (eds):: Special issue of Disrete & Computational Geometry dedicated to the memory of László Fejes Tóth, Disrete & Computational Geometry, 38/2; Springer, New York; 2007; 276., 2007 | I. Bárány: On the power of linear dependencies, Building Bridges, In: Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 19; M. Grötschel, G.O.H. Katona; János Bolyai Mathematical Society and Springer-Verlag, Budapest; 2008; 31-45., 2008 | I. Bárány, V. Vu: Correction: Central limit theorems for Gaussian polytopes, ANNALS OF PROBABILITY; 36/5(2008), 1998-1998., 2008 | I. Bárány, A. Pór, P. Valtr: Paths with no small angles, Latin 2008: Theoretical Informatics (Proceedings of the 8th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics (Buzios, Brazil, 2008), In: Lecture Notes in Computer Scie, 2008 | I. Bárány, N. Simányi: A note on the size of the largest ball inside a convex polytope, PERIODICA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA, to appear, 2009 | T. Ceccherini-Silberstein, G. Elek: Minimal topological actions do not determine the measurable orbit equivalence class, GROUPS GEOMETRY AND DYNAMICS; 2/2(2008), 139-163., 2008 | G. Elek: Graphings and graph sequences, preprint, 2006 | Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Aviezri S. Fraenkel, Vera T.Sós: A two parameter family of an extension of Beatty sequences, Discrete Math.308 (2008)no 20.4578-4588, 2008 | C. Borgs, J. Chayes, L. Lovasz, Vera T.Sós, K. Vesztergombi: Counting graph homomorphisms. Topics in discrete mathematics,, Algorithms Combin, 36, Springer, Berlin (2008) 315-371, 2008 | C. Borgs, J. Chayes, L. Lovasz, Vera T.Sós, K. Vesztergombi: Graph limits and parameter testing,, STOC 2006, p.261-270, 2006 | M. Mubay, Vera T.Sós,: Explicit constructions of triple systems for Ramsey-Turan problems, Journal of Graph Theory 52 (2006)no. 3,211-216, 2006 | C. Borgs, J.Chayes, L. Lovas, Vera T.Sós,K. Vesztergombi: Convergent sequences of dense graphs II H-colorings, Statistical Phisics and Quotients, submitted, 2009 | L.Babai,N.Nikolov,L.Pyber: Product growth and mixing in finite groups (Extended abstract), In Proc 19th Ann.Symp. on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'08), ACM-SIAM 2008, 248-257, 2008 | Z. Furedi and M. Ruszinko: Large convex cones in hypercubes,, General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics, a special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (2008), 1536-1541., 2008 | Z. Furedi, A. Gyarfas, G. N. Sarkozy, and S. Selkow: Inequalities for the First-fit chromatic number,, Journal of Graph Theory 59 (2008), 75-88., 2008 | Z. Furedi and J-H. Kang: Covering the n-space by convex bodies and its chromatic number, Discrete Mathematics 308 (2008), 4495-4500., 2008 | Z. Furedi, D. Mubayi and O. Pikhurko: Quadruple systems with independent neighborhoods, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. A 115 (2008), 1552-1560., 2008 | Z. Furedi and L. Ozkahya: On 14-cycle-free subgraphs of the hypercube, Combinatorics, Computing and Probability -közlésre elfogadva, 2009 | G. Elek,: L2-spectral invariants and convergent sequences of finite graphs, Journal of Functional Analysis, 2008 (254) 10 2667-2689., 2008 | X. Chen, J. Pach, M. Szegedy, G. Tardos: Delaunay graphs of point sets in the plane with respect to axis-parallel rectangles, Random Structures and Algorithms, to appear. Preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2008), 94--10, 2009 | J. Pach, J. Solymosi, G. Tardos: Crossing numbers of imbalanced graphs, Journal of Graph Theory, to appear., 2009 | E. Amiri, G. Tardos: High rate fingerprinting codes and the fingerprinting capacity,, in Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2009)., 2009 | J. Körner, C. Malvenuto, G. Simonyi: Graph-different permutations,, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 22 (2008), 489-499., 2008 | G. Simonyi: Necklace bisection with one cut less than needed,, Electron. J. Combin., 15 (2008), no. 1, Note 16., 2008 | G. Simonyi, G. Tardos, S. Vrécica: Local chromatic number and distinguishing the strength of topological obstructions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 361 (2009), no. 2, 889--908., 2009 | J. Körner, G. Simonyi, B. Sinaimeri: On types of growth for graph-different permutations, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 116 (2009), 713--723., 2009 | Balister, P. N.; Gyõri, E.; Lehel, J.; Schelp, R. H.: Connected graphs without long paths, Discrete Math. 308 (2008), no. 19, 4487--4494., 2008 | Elek, Gábor: Weak convergence of finite graphs, integrated density of states and a Cheeger type inequality, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 98 (2008), no. 1, 62--68., 2008 | Füredi, Zoltán; Mubayi, Dhruv; Pikhurko, Oleg: Quadruple systems with independent neighborhoods., J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 115 (2008), no. 8, 1552--1560. 05B30, 2008 | Füredi, Zoltán; Gyõri, Ervin; Pach, János; Sali, Attila: Guest editors' foreword [Special issue: Simonovits '06]., Discrete Math. 308 (2008), no. 19, 4305. 05-06, 2008 | Füredi, Z.; Kang, J.-H.: Covering the $n$-space by convex bodies and its chromatic number, Discrete Math. 308 (2008), no. 19, 4495--4500., 2008 | Füredi, Zoltán; Ruszinkó, Miklós: Large convex cones in hypercubes, Discrete Appl. Math. 156 (2008), no. 9, 1536--1541., 2008 | Gyõri, Ervin; Horák, Mirko; Palmer, Cory; Wozniak, Mariusz: General neighbour-distinguishing index of a graph, Discrete Math. 308 (2008), no. 5-6, 827--831., 2008 | Borgs, C.; Chayes, J. T.; Lovász, L.; Sós, V. T.; Vesztergombi, K.:: Convergent sequences of dense graphs. I. Subgraph frequencies, metric properties and testing, Adv. Math. 219 (2008), no. 6, 1801--1851., 2008 | Artstein-Avidan, Shiri; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Sós, Vera T.: A two-parameter family of an extension of Beatty sequences, Discrete Math. 308 (2008), no. 20, 4578--4588., 2008 | Gyárfás, András; Sárközy, Gábor N.; Szemerédi, Endre: The Ramsey number of diamond-matchings and loose cycles in hypergraphs, Electron. J. Combin. 15 (2008), no. 1,, 2008 | Nguyen, Hoi H.; Szemerédi, Endre.; Vu, Van H.:: Subset sums modulo a prime, Acta Arith. 131 (2008), no. 4, 303--316. 11B75 (11B13), 2008 | J. Balogh, B. Bollobás, M. Saks and V. T. Sós: The unlabelled speed of a hereditary graph property, J Combin Theory B - közlésre elfogadva, 2009 | T. H. Chan, E. Gyõri and A. Sárkozy: On a problem of Erdõs on integers no one divides the product of $k$ others,, közlésre elfogadva, 2009 | Ian Levitt, Gábor Sárközy and E. Szemerédi: How to avoid the Regularity Lemma: Pósa's conjecture revisited, Discrete Math. - közlésre elfogadva, 2009 | A. Kostochka, M. Myplarz, H. Kierstead and Enrde Szemerédi: A fast algorithm for equitable colouring, Combinatorica - közlésre elfogadva, 2009 | V. Rödl, A. Rucinski, M. Schacht, E. Szemerédi: A note on perfect matchings in a uniform hypergraph, with large minimum codegree, Comment. Carolinae - közlésre elfogadva, 2009 | G. Elek: $L^2$-spectral invariants and convergent sequences of finite graphs, Journal of Functional Analysis - leadva, 2009 | G.O.H. Katona, A. Sali and K.-D. Schewe: Codes that attain minimum distance in every possible direction, Central European J. of Math., 6(1) 2008, 1-11., 2008 | R. Anstee, F. Barekat, and A. Sali: Small Forbidden Configurations V: Exact bounds for $4\times 2$ cases, submitted, 2009 | A. Sali and L. Székely: On the Existence of Armstrong Instances with Bounded Domains, FOIKS 2008, eds: S. Hartmann et. al.,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4932 (2008) 151-157, 2008 | Attila Sali, Klaus-Dieter Schewe: A Characterisation of Coincidence Ideals for Complex Values, Journal of Universal Computer Science 15 (2009), 304-354., 2009 | A. Sali and K.-D. Schewe: Weak Functional Dependencies on Trees with Restructuring, submitted., 2009 | Z. Füredi and A. Sali: Partition critical hypergraphs, in preparation., 2009 | Gyula O.H. Katona: Forbidden inclusion patterns in the families of subsets (introducing a method), in: Horizons of Combinatorics (Ervin Győri, Gyula OH Katona, László Lovász Eds.) Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 17, Bolyai Jáanos Mathematical, 2008 | Teena Carroll and Gyula O.H. Katona: No three distinct subsets satisfying $A\cup B\subset C, A\not\subset B$, Order 25 (2008) 229-236., 2008 | Gyula O.H. Katona and Leonid Makar-Limanov: A problem for Abelian groups, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1(2008) 237-241., 2008 | Galina Bogdanova, Gyula O.H. Katona: All $q$-ary equidistant 3-codes, Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences, Combinatorics, a Special Issue Dedicated to Ray-Chaudhury for his 75th birthday, 2009 | Gyula O.H. Katona: Forbidden Intersection Patterns in the Families of Subsets, Proc. ICDM 2006 (Conference in Bangalore), pp. 165-174., 2006 | H. Aydinian - P.L. Erdős: All maximum size 2-part Sperner systems - in short, Comb. Prob. Comp. 16 (4) (2007), 553--555., 2007 | P.L. Erdős - L. Soukup: How to split antichains in infinite posets, Combinatorica 27 (2) (2007), 147—161, 2007 | D. Duffus - P.L. Erdős - J. Nésetril - L. Soukup: Splitting property in the graph homomorphism poset,, Comment Math Univ Carolinae 48 (4) (2007), 571--583., 2007 | P.L. Erdős - L. Soukup: Antichains and duality pairs in the digraph-poset -- extended abstract, Proc. Int. Conf. on Relations, Orders and Graphs: Interaction with Computer Science, ROGICS '08 May 12-17, Mahdia-Tunisia (Ed. Y. Boudabbous, N. Zaguia) ISBN: 978-0-9809, 2008 | P.L. Erdős - L. Soukup: No finite-infinite antichain duality in the homomorphism poset ${\bf D}$, to appear in Order (2009), 1--11., 2009 | P.L. Erdős - L. Soukup: Quasi-kernels and quasi-sinks in infinite graphs, Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009), 3040--3048.", 2009 | Hyunju Kim - Z. Toroczkai - I. Miklós - P.L. Erdős - L.A. Székely: Degree-based graph construction, Journal of Physics A (2009), 1--12.", 2009 | I. Bárány, M. Reitzner: The central limit theorem for random polytopes in a convex polytope, 2008 submitted, 2009 | I. Bárány, A. Hubard, J. Jeronimo: Slicing convex sets and measures by a hyperplane, Discrete Comp. Geom., 39 (2008), 67--75, 2008 | I. Bárány,: Extremal problems for convex lattice polytopes: a survey,, in: Contemporary Mathematics 453, Surveys on Discrete and Comp. Geometry, Ed.: J. E. Gooodman et al. AMS, Providence, RI (2008), 87-103, 2008 | G. Ambrus, I. Bárány,: Longest convex chains, Random Structures and Alg. 32 (2009), to appear,, 2009 | I. Bárány, A Por, P Valtr: Paths with no small angle, SIAM J. Discrete Math., 21 (2009) to appear, 2009 | J. Arocha, I. Bárány, X. Bracho, R. Fabilla, L. Montajano: Very Colourful theorems, Discrete Comp. Geom.,42 (2009) to appear, 2009 | I. Bárány, A. Por: Infinite paths with no small angle, Mathematika, to appear (2009), 2009 | P. Balgojevic, I. Bárány, A. Szucs: Equipartitions with convex 3-fans, submitted (2009), 2009 | I. Bárány, J-I, Ito, A. Vilcu, T. Zamfirescu: Every points is critical, submitted (2009), 2009 | Attila Bernáth, Dániel Gerbner: Chain intersecting set families, Graphs and Combinatorics, 23(2007) 353-366, 2007 | Dániel Gerbner, Balázs Patkós: $\ell$-chain profile vectors, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22(2008) 185-193, 2008 | Dániel Gerbner, Balázs Patkós: Profile vectors in the lattice of subspaces, Discrete Math. 309(2009) 2861-2869., 2009 | Dániel Gerbner, Balázs Patkós, Dömötör Pálvölgyi, Gábor Wiener: Finding the maximum and minimum elements with one lie, Discrete Applied Math. elfogadva, 2009 | Dániel Gerbner, Balázs Keszegh, Nathan Lemons, Balázs Patkós, Cory Palmer: Polychromatics colorings of arbitrary rectangular partitions, Discrete Math. elfogadva, 2009 | I. Bárány,: Random points and lattice points in convex bodies, Bulletin of them AMS, 45 (2008), 339-365, 2008 | Bollobás, Béla; Gyõri, Ervin: Pentagons vs. triangles, Discrete Math. 308 (2008), no. 19, 4332--4336., 2008 | Ceccherini-Silberstein, Tullio; Elek, Gábor: Minimal topological actions do not determine the measurable orbit equivalence class., Groups Geom. Dyn. 2 (2008), no. 2, 139--163., 2008 | Füredi, Zoltán; Gyárfás, András; Sárközy, Gábor N. Selkow, Stanley.: Inequalities for the first-fit chromatic number, J. Graph Theory 59 (2008), no. 1, 75--88., 2008 | Jerrold R. Griggs, Gyula O.H. Katona: No four subsets forming an N, J. Combin. Theory Ser A 115 (2008) 677-685., 2008 | N. Linial, J. Matousek, O. Sheffet, G. Tardos: Graph colouring with no large monochromatic components, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 17 (2008), 577--589., 2008 | Luczak, Tomasz; Simonovits, Miklós: On the minimum degree forcing $F$-free graphs to be (nearly) bipartite, Discrete Math. 308 (2008), no. 17, 3998--4002., 2008 | Lovász, László; Sós, Vera T.: Generalized quasirandom graphs, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 98 (2008), no. 1, 146--163., 2008 | Martin, Ryan; Szemerédi, Endre: Quadripartite version of the Hajnal-Szemerédi theorem, Discrete Math. 308 (2008), no. 19, 4337--4360., 2008 | Rödl, Vojtìch; Ruciñski, Andrzej; Szemerédi, Endre: An approximate Dirac-type theorem for $k$-uniform hypergraphs, Combinatorica 28 (2008), no. 2, 229--260., 2008 |




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