Telemanipulation in Intelligent Space
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B. Takarics, P. Szemes, P. Korondi: Virtual Master Device for Telemanipulation, Proceedings of IEEE 3rd Internation Conference on Mechatronics, pages 557-562, 2006 | B. Takarics, P. Szemes, P. Korondi: CONTACTLESS MASTER DEVICE FOR REMOTE INTELLIGENT SPACE APPLICATION, Proceedings of Conference of Mechanical Engineering pages 347-352, 2006 | Gabor Sziebig, Bela Takarics, Peter Korondi Viliam Fedák: Virtual master device, Proc. of 5th Slovakian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, 2007 | Péter Korondi and Zoltán Petres: Sliding Mode Control Based on Tensor Product Model Transformation, Proceedings of IEEE 3rd Internation Conference on Mechatronics, pages 672–677, 2006 | Péter T. Szemes, Péter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto: Human Walking Behavior Model for Intelligent Space, Proceedings of IEEE 3rd Internation Conference on Mechatronics, pages 545-550, 2006 | Péter Korondi: Tensor Product Model Transformation-based Sliding Surface Design, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 23-36., 2006 | P. Korondi, J. Gyeviki: Robust Position Control for a Pneumatic Cylinder, IEEE 1-4244-0121-6/06/ pp. 513-518, 2006 | Gabor Sziebig, Andor Gaudia, Peter Korondi, Noriaki Ando: Video image processing system for RT-middleware, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, pp. 461-472., 2006 | Szilveszter Kovács, Péter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto: Adaptive Personalisation of the Intelligent Space by Fuzzy Automaton, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, pp. 131-143., 2006 | László A. Jeni, Zoltán Istenes, Péter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto: Mobile Agent Control in Intelligent Space using Reinforcement Learning, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, pp. 201-211., 2006 | Péter Korondi, Péter Bartal, Fetah Kolonic: Friction Model Based on Tensor Product Transformation, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, pp. 83-94., 2006 | Béla Takarics, Péter T. Szemes: Superflexible Welding Robot Based on the Intelligent Space Concept, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence, pp. 472-477., 2006 | Andor Gaudia, Péter Korondi, Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup: Recognizing Unusual Behavior in Distributed Environment, Proceedings of CONTI pp. 55-60, 2006 | Péter Korondi: Sliding Sector Design Based on Tensor Product Model Transformation, Proceedings of CONTI pp. 1-6., 2006 | Andor Gaudia, Péter Korondi, Stefan Preitl, Radu-Emil Precup: Approach to Recognizing Unusual Behavior in Distributed Environment, Transactions on AUTOMATIC CONTROL and COMPUTER SCIENCE, ISSN 1224/600X vol. 52(66) 2007 No. 1. Page pp.73-80., 2007 | Gyeviki, Janos; Korondi, Peter; Kolonić, Feta: Accurate Position Control for a Pneumatic Cylinder, Strojarstvo. 48 (2006) , 5-6; 213-225, 2006 | Péter Korondi: Sliding Mode Based Friction Compensation for a Haptic Interface, Strojarstvo. 48 (2006) , 3-4; 163-171, 2006 | Péter Korondi: Sector Sliding Sector Design for a Servomotor, Transactions on AUTOMATIC CONTROL and COMPUTER SCIENCE, ISSN 1224/600X vol. 52(66) 2007 No. 1. Page pp.73-80., 2007 | Zoltán Petres, Péter Baranyi, Péter Korondi, Hideki Hashimoto: Trajectory tracking by TP model transformation: case study of a benchmark problem, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS Volume 54, Issue 3, June 2007 Page(s): 1298 - 131, 2007 | P.Korondi, P.P. Zsíros.F. Kolonic: Humanoid Type Hand Moved by Shape Memory Alloy, Communications, Special issue on Mechatronnics vol.2. no:1. pp. 17-23 February,, 2007 | G. Sziebig, P. Korondi, B. Solvangy, and B. Resko: Distributed image processing system using the rt-middleware framework,, in Proc. The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’07), Taipei, 2007 | Y. Kunii, B. Solvang, G. Sziebig, and P. Korondi: Tensor product transformation based friction model, Proc. 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES’07), 2007 | B. Solvang, P. Korondi, G. Sziebig, and N. Ando: Trajectory tracking by TP model transformation: case study of a benchmark problem, n Proc. 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES’07), 2007 | G. Sziebig, A. Gaudia, P. Korondi, N. Ando, and B. Solvang: Robot vision for rt-middleware framework, Proc. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC’07), Warsaw, Poland, May 2007, pp. 1–6, 2007 | Barna Reskó, Dávid Herbay, Péter Korondi, Péter Baranyi: 3D Image Sensor based on Opto-Mechanical Filtering, 8th International Symposium of Hungarian, 2007 | B. Resko, P. Baranyi, P. Korondi, H. Hashimoto,: Opto-Mechanical Filtering Applied for Orientation and Length Selective Contour Detection, in Proc. The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’07), Taipei, 2007 | Radu-Emil Precup, Stefan Preitl, József K. Tar, Marius L. Tomescu, Márta Takács, Péter Korondi, Péter Baranyi: Fuzzy Control System Performance Enhancement by Iterative Learning Control, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, Volume 55, Issue 9, 2008 Page(s): 3461-3475, 2008 | Korondi Péter, Hashimoto Hideki, Sziebig Gábor: Sliding Sector Design for Nonlinear Systems, Proc. International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress (IFAC WC 2008). Seoul, Dél-Korea, 2008. pp. 3556-3561, 2008 | Solvang Bjørn, Sziebig Gábor, Korondi Péter: Multilevel Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Proc. IEEE Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI'08). Krakow, Lengyelország, 2008. pp. 785-790. Best Paper Award, 2008 | Solvang, B; Sziebig, G; Korondi, P: Vision based robot programming, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, PROCEEDINGS OF 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORKING, SENSING AND CONTROL, Pages: 949-954, 2008 | Baranyi Péter, Solvang Bjørn, Hashimoto Hideki, Korondi Péter: 3D Internet for Cognitive Info-communication, WoS, (CINTI 2009). Budapest, Budapest: pp. 229-243. Paper 63. (ISBN: 978-963-7154-96-6), 2009 | Ivan Petrović1, Fetah Kolonić, Peter Korondi: Internet Based Teleoperation for Cooperative Navigation and, Journal of Mechanical Engineering 55(2009)6, 356-368, 2009 | Korondi Péter, Bjørn Solvang, Baranyi Péter: Cognitive Robotics and Telemanipulation, Keynote paper, International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE 2009). pp. 1-8. Paper TPL-001. (ISBN: 953-6037-56-8), 2009 | Péter Korondi, Péter Baranyi, Hideki Hashimoto, Bjørn Solvang: 3D-Based Internet Communication and Control, Computational Intelligence in Engineering. Berlin ; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2010. pp. 47-60., 2010 | Takarics Béla, Sziebig Gábor, Solvang Bjørn, Korondi Péter: Multimedia Educational Material and Remote Laboratory for Sliding Mode Control Measurements, JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS 10:(6) pp. 635-642. (2010), 2010 | Péter Galambos, András Róka, Péter Baranyi and Péter Korondi: Contrast Vision-based Grasp Force Feedback in Telemanipulation, 2010 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics pp. 96-102, 2010 | Béla Takarics, Patrícia Gróf, Péter Baranyi, Péter Korondi: Friction Compensation of an Aeroelastic Wing – A TP Model Transformation Based Approach., 2010 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics pp. 527-533. Paper 99., 2010 | Sziebig Gábor, Takarics Béla, Korondi Péter: Control of an Embedded System via Internet., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 57:(10) pp. 3324-3333. Paper 10.1109/TIE.2010.2041132., 2010 |





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