Role of the intrusive processes whithin the evolution of the Neogene-Quaternary calc-alkaline volcanism of the Carpathians
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Németh, K., Pécskay, Z., Martin, U., Gméling, K., Molnár, F., Cronin, S.: Peperites and soft sediment deformation textures of a shallow subaqueous Miocene rhyolitic cryptodome and dyke complex, Pálháza, Hungary. In: Structure and Emplacement of, (eds) Thomson, K. & Petford, N. Journal of Geological Society, Special Publications, 302, 63–86., 2008 | Gméling, K., Pécskay, Z., Birkenmajer, K.: Boron in hypabyssal andesite intrusions, Pieniny Mts., West Carpathians, Poland, IAVCEI 2008 Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, p. 21., 2008 | Z. Pécskay, I. Seghedi, M. Kovacs, A. Szakács & A. Fülöp: Geochronology of the Neogene calc-alkaline intrusive magmatism in the Poiana Botizei-Tibles-Toroiaga-Rodna-Bargau region, East Carpathians, Romania, Geologica Carpathica (Accepted) 60/2 181-190., 2009 | Németh, K., Pécskay, Z., Gméling, K.: Complex interaction textures of an andesite laccolith complex emplaced in a, LASI III Conference, Physical Geology of Subvolcanic Systems: Laccolith, Sills and Dykes, 59-60., 2008 | Gméling K., Pécskay Z., Lexa J., Konečny V., Birkenmajer K.: Neogene andesite intrusions along the Carpathian calc-alkaline volcanic arc., CBGA 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece, 39. 1-2, 135-136., 2010 | Gméling, K., Pécskay, Z., Harangi, Sz., Birkenmajer, K.: Boron variation in the calc alkaline volcanic arc of the Western Carpathians, Central Europe., IMA 2010, Budapest, Magyarország, Abs. 6, GM74, 483, 2010 | Szakács, A., Lexa, J., Molnár, F., Seghedi, I., Kovács, M., Pécskay, Z., Márton, I.: The role of the time factor in the hydrothermal metallogenesis related to the Neogene volcanism in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region., CBGA 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece 39. 1-2, 382-383, 2010 | Konečný V., Konečný P., Pécskay Z.: Paleovolcanological reconstruction of the Vepor andesite stratovolcano (Central Slovakia)., CBGA 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece, 39, 1-2, 200-201., 2010 | Seghedi, I., Szakács, A., Roşu, E., Pécskay, Z., Gméling, K.: Note on the evolution of a Miocene composite volcano in an extensional setting, Zărand Basin (Apuseni Mts., Romania). Central European Journal of Geosciences, CEJG, Central European Journal of Geosciences/elfogadva, 2, (3), 321-328., 2010 | Kiss, P., Gméling, K., Molnár, F., Pécskay, Z.: The origin of the Sarmatian volcanic rocks in the Tokaj Mts. (NE-Hungary) and their relationship to hydrothermal mineralisation. Central European Geology, CEG, Central European Geology/bírálat alatt, 2010 | Kiss, P., Gméling, K., Molnár, F., Pécskay, Z.: The origin of the Sarmatian volcanic rocks in the Tokaj Mts. (NE-Hungary) and their relationship to hydrothermal mineralisation., CBGA 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2010 | Kiss, P., Gméling, K., Pécskay, Z., Molnár, F.: Geochemical charasteristics of Sarmatian volcanic rocks in the Tokaj Mts., Hungary., IMA 2010, Budapest, Magyarország, GM74, 484, 2010 | Pécskay, Z., Lexa, J., Molnár F.: Relationships of rhyolite magmatism and epithermal systems in the Central Slovakia and Tokaj Mts. regions of the Western Carpathians: K/Ar dating of volcanic and hydrothe, IMA 2010, Budapest, Magyarország, Abs. 6., EG54, 297, 2010 | Pécskay, Z. & Lexa, J.: Radiometric dating of rhyolites by conventional K/Ar method: methodology., CBGA 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece, Geologia Balcanica 39/1-2, 301, 2010 | Lexa, J. & Pécskay, Z.: Dating of minerals and rocks; metamorphic, magmatic and metallogenetic processes as well as tectonic events (Bratislava, April 30th, 2010): Radiometric dating of rhyolite, Tectonic Events. TATOVANIE 2010. Bratislava, Slovakia, 30 April, 2010, 2010 | Lexa, J., Fülöp, A, Konečný, V., Kovács, M., Németh, K., Pécskay, Z., Seghedi, I., Szakács, A.: Neogene-Quaternary Volcanic forms in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: a review. CEJG Spec. Iss.: “New advances of understanding physical volcanology processes in the Carp, CEJG, Central European Journal of Geosciences, 2010 | Karoly Nemeth and Zoltan Pecskay: : New advances of understanding physical volcanology processes in the Carpathian-Balkan Region from a global perspective, CEJG, 2010 | Alderton, D.H.M., Pécskay, Z., et al.: The timing of volcanism and associated precious metal mineralization in the Apuseni Montains, Romania, Geologica Balcanica, 39, 1-2. 22., 2010 | Gál, A., Molnár F., Szakács, A., Kristály, F., Pécskay, Z., et al.: The Certej hydrothermal ore deposit (Apuseni Mts., Romania): Fluid inclusions, types and age of the related hydrothermal alteration, Geologica Balcanica 39, 1-2, 118, 2010 | Kovacs, M., Pécskay, Z., Fülöp, A., et al.: Time and space distribution of the Neogene intrusive magmatism from Oas-Gutai Mts., Eastern Carpathians, Romania, Geologica Balcanica 39, 1-2, 214., 2010 | Kovacs, M., Fülöp, A., Kovács-Pálffy, P., Pécskay, Z., et al.: Magma mingling and mixing as key processes in the petrogenesis of the Laleaua Alba Neogene composite igneous complex, Gutai Volcanic Zone, Northern Romania, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract Series, Szeged, 6, 522, 2010 | Gméling Katalin: A Kárpát-Pannon térség miocén-kvarter mészalkáli vulkáni kőzeteinek bór geokémiai összetétele és kapcsolata a szubdukciós folyamatokkal: prompt-gamma aktivációs analitikai vizsgálatok, ELTE, 2010 | Gméling K., Pécskay Z., Haller M.J., Massaferro G.I., Németh K.: Prompt-gamma aktivációs analitikai vizsgálatok vulkáni kőzeteken a Balaton-felvidéktől Észak-Patagóniáig., Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat, 115, 91-97., 2009 | Haller, M.J., Pécskay, Z., Németh, K., Gméling, K., Massaferro, G.I., Meister, C.M., Nullo, F.E: Preliminary K-Ar geochronology of Neogene back arc volcanism in Northern Patagonia, Argentina., Asociación Geológica Argentina, Publicationes Especiales vol. 12, ISSN 0328-2767, 2009 | Kiss P., Molnár F., Gméling K., Pécskay Z.: Petrochemical signatures of Sarmatian volcanic rocks in the mineralized and unmineralized areas of the Tokaj Mountains, NE-Hungary, Geologica Balcanica 39, 1-2, 191, 2010 | Pécskay, Z., Gméling, K.: Role of the intrusive processes within the evolution of the Neogene-Quaternary calc-alkaline volcanism of the Carpathians., Results and Perspectives International Maar Workshop Tapolca, Hungary, (Eds) Károly Németh, Balatonlelle, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-06-5638-2, 2010 | Pécskay, Z., Gméling, K., Lexa, J., Konečny, V., Birkenmajer, K.: Comparison and connection between Neogene andesite intrusions following the calc-alkaline arc in the West Carpathians(IAVCEI-CVS-IAS-3IMC), Asociación Geológica Argentina, Vol. 12, ISSN 0328-2767, 2009 |
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