Consortional assoc.: Gravitation and astro-particle physics
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LÁ Gergely, PL Biermann: The spin-flip phenomenon in supermassive black hole binary mergers, Astrophys. J. 697, 1621-1633, 2009 | Z Kovács, LÁ Gergely: Gravitational dynamics in s+1+1 dimensions II. Hamiltonian theory, Phys. Rev. D 77, 024003-1-13, 2008 | CSJ Pun, LÁ Gergely, MK Mak, Z Kovács, GM Szabó, T Harko: Viscous dissipative Chaplygin gas dominated homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models, Phys. Rev. D 77, 063528, 2008 | LÁ Gergely: Friedmann branes with variable tension, Phys. Rev. D 78, 084006, 2008 | T Harko, Z Kovács, FSN Lobo: Electromagnetic signatures of thin accretion disks in wormhole geometries, Phys. Rev. D 78, 084005, 2008 | LÁ Gergely: Eötvös branes, Phys. Rev. D 79, 086007, 2009 | LÁ Gergely, B Mikóczi: Renormalized 2PN spin contributions to the accumulated orbital phase for LISA sources, Phys. Rev. D 79, 064023, 2009 | Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely, V Gorini, U Moschella, AYu Kamenshchik: Tachyon cosmology, supernovae data and the Big Brake singularity, Phys. Rev. D 79, 083504, 2009 | T Harko, Z Kovács, FSN Lobo: Thin accretion disks in stationary axisymmetric wormhole spacetimes, Phys.Rev.D 79, 064001, 2009 | LÁ Gergely: Spinning compact binary inspiral: Independent variables and dynamically preserved spin configurations, Phys. Rev. D 81, 084025-1-10, 2010 | LÁ Gergely: Spinning compact binary inspiral II: Conservative angular dynamics, Phys. Rev. D 82, 104031-1-15, 2010 | Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely, AY Kamenshchik, V Gorini, D Polarski: Will the tachyonic universe survive the big brake?, Phys. Rev. 82, 123534-1-12, 2010 | Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely: On the validity of the 5-dimensional Birkhoff theorem: The tale of an exceptional case, Class. Quantum Grav. 25, 165016, 2008 | T Harko, Z Kovács, FSN Lobo: Can accretion disk properties distinguish gravastars from black holes?, Class. Quant. Grav. 26, 215006, 2009 | LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, M Dwornik: Second-order light deflection by tidal charged black holes on the brane, Class. Quantum Grav. 26, 145002, 2009 | LÁ Gergely, PL Biermann, B Mikóczi, Z Keresztes: Renormalized spin coefficients in the accumulated orbital phase for unequal mass black hole binaries, Class. Quantum Grav. 26, 204006-1-10, 2009 | Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely: Covariant gravitational dynamics in 3+1+1 dimensions, Class. Quantum Grav. 27, 105009-1-39, 2010 | LÁ Gergely, PL Biermann, LI Caramete: Supermassive black hole spin-flip during the inspiral, Class. Quantum Grav. 27, 194009-1-10, 2010 | Z Horváth, LÁ Gergely, D Hobill: Image formation in weak gravitational lensing by tidal charged black holes, Class. Quantum Grav. 27, 235006-1-22, 2010 | LÁ Gergely, N Pidokrajt, S Winitzki: Geometro-thermodynamics of tidal charged black holes, Eur. Phys. J. C 71, 1569, 2011 | Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely: 3+1+1 dimensional covariant gravitational dynamics on an asymmetrically embedded brane: The average equations, Ann. Physik 19, 249-253, 2010 | CSJ Pun, Z Kovács, T Harko: Thin accretion disks in f(R) modified gravity models, Phys. Rev. D 78, 024043, 2008 | CSJ Pun, Z Kovács, T Harko: Thin accretion disks onto brane world black holes, Phys. Rev. D 78, 084015, 2008 | T Harko, Z Kovács, FSN Lobo: Testing Horava-Lifshitz gravity using thin accretion disk properties, Phys. Rev. D 80, 044021, 2009 | Z Kovács, KS Cheng, T Harko: Thin accretion disks around neutron and quark stars, Astron. Astrophys., 500, 621-631, 2009 | PL Biermann, JK Becker, L Caramete, LÁ Gergely, IC Mariş, A Meli, V de Souza, T Stanev: Active Galactic Nuclei with Starburst: Sources for Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 18, 1577-1581, 2009 | Z Kovács, LÁ Gergely, PL Biermann: Maximal spin and energy conversion efficiency in a symbiotic system of black hole, disk and jet, [arXiv: 1007.4279 [astro-ph.CO]], 2010 | Gopal-Krishna, PL Biermann, LÁ Gergely, PJ Wiita: On the origin of X-shaped radio galaxies, [arXiv: 1008.0789 [astro-ph.CO]], 2010 | Z Keresztes: Randall-Sundrum 2-es típusú bránelméletek és tachion sötét energia modell, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2010 | B Mikóczi: Kompakt kettős rendszerek poszt-newtoni fejlődése, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2010 | Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely, B Nagy, GM Szabó: The luminosity-redshift relation in brane-worlds: I. Analytical results, PMC Physics A 1 : 4, 2007 | GM Szabó, LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes: The luminosity-redshift relation in brane-worlds: II. Confrontation with observational data, PMC Physics A 1 : 8, 2007 | LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, GM Szabó: Cosmological tests of generalized RS brane-worlds with Weyl fluid, AIP Conference Proceedings 957, 391-396, 2007 | LÁ Gergely, Z Keresztes, AY Kamenshchik, V Gorini, U Moschella: Do supernovae favor tachyonic Big Brake instead of de Sitter?, AIP Conference Proceedings 1241, 884-891, 2010 | LÁ Gergely, PL Biermann: Supermassive binary black hole mergers, J. Phys.: Conf. Series (JPCS) 122, 012040, 2008 | Z Keresztes, B Mikóczi, LÁ Gergely, M Vasúth: Secular momentum transport by gravitational waves from spinning compact binaries, J. Phys.: Conf. Series (JPCS) 228, 012053-1-8, 2010 | L Veréb, Z Keresztes, P Raffai, Zs Udvari, M Tápai, LÁ Gergely: Compact binary waveform recovery from the cross-correlated data of two detectors by matched filtering with spinning templates, J. Phys.: Conf. Series (JPCS) 243, 012008-1-6, 2010 | L Veréb, Z Keresztes, P Raffai, Sz Mészáros, LÁ Gergely: Recovering a spinning inspiralling compact binary waveform immersed in LIGO-like noise with spinning templates, J. Phys.: Conf. Series (JPCS) 228, 012003-1-6, 2010 | PL Biermann, JK Becker, L Caramete, A Curuţiu, R Engel, H Falcke, LÁ Gergely, PG Isar, IC Mariş, A Meli, K-H Kampert, T Stanev, O Taşcău, C Zier: Active Galactic Nuclei: Sources for ultra high energy cosmic rays?, Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 190, 61-78, 2009 | Z Keresztes, LÁ Gergely: 3+1+1 dimensional covariant gravitational dynamics on an asymmetrically embedded brane: The difference equations, [part of arXiv: 0911.2495 [gr-qc]], 2010 | LÁ Gergely: Variable tension brane-worlds, [arXiv: 1002.4954 [gr-qc]], 2010 | PL Biermann, J Becker, L Caramete, LÁ Gergely, IC Mariş, A Meli, E-S Seo, V de Souza, T Stanev, O Taşcău: Ultra High Energy Particles and Cosmic Ray Electrons/Positrons: from Massive Star Explosions, arXiv: 1007.2846 [astro-ph.CO], 2010 |





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