Advanced Control Theory and Artificial Intelligence Techniques of Autonomous Ground, Aerial, and Marine Robots
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Harmati I, Skrzypczyk K: Robot team coordination for target tracking using fuzzy logic controller in game theoretic framework, ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS 57:(1), pp. 75-86, 2008 | Márton L, Hodel AS, Lantos B, Hung JY: Underactuated robot control: comparing LQR, subspace stabilization, and combined error metric approaches, IEEE T IND ELECTRON 55: (10) 3724-3730, 2008 | Szádeczky KE, Kiss B: Motion planning in dynamic environments with the Rapidly Exploring Random Tree, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL 1;(1), pp. 109-117, 2008 | Szádeczky KE; Kiss B: Designing a tracking controller for passanger cars with steering input, Periodica Polytechnica El. Eng. Vol. 52/3-4, pp. 137-144, 2008 | Haller P, Márton L: Prediction and congestion control algorithm for networked motion tracking, Control Engineering Practice 17: (11), pp. 1265-1271, 2009 | Harmati I, Drexler AD: Holonomic stratified motion planning along decomposed trajectory, International Review of Automatic Control 2: (3) , pp. 268-285, 2009 | Kis L, Lantos B: Sensor fusion and actuator system of a quadrotor helicopter, Periodica Polytechnica El. Eng. Vol. 53/3-4, pp.139-150, 2009 | Kis L, Prohászka Z, Regula G: Calibration and testing issues of the vision, inertial measurement and control system of an autonomous indoor quadrotor helicopter, International Journal of Mechanics and Control 10: (1), pp. 29-38, 2009 | Lemmer L; Kiss B: Noninteracting control of a steering system, Periodica Polytechnica El. Eng. Vol. 53/1-2, pp. 45-53, 2009 | Kis L, Lantos B: Senzorfúzió alkalmazása beltéri autonóm négyrotoros helikopteren, Hadmérnök 4: (4), pp.191-204, 2009 | Lemmer L, Kiss B: Underactuated mechanical system with constant linear constraints, Journal of Systems Science (Wroclaw University of Technology), Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 81-91, 2009 | Lemmer L, Kiss B: Modeling and control of a steering system including a universal joint and a harmonic drive, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 2009-1, pp. 7-13, 2009 | Márton L: Adaptive friction compensation in the presence of backlash, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 11: (1) pp.3-9, 2009 | Márton L, Lantos B: Control of mechanical systems with Stribeck friction and blacklash, SYST CONTROL LETT 58: (2) 141-147, 2009 | Prohászka Z, Lantos B: Extracting geometric information from images with the novel Self Affine Feature Transformation, Periodica Polytechnica El. Eng. Vol. 53/3-4, pp. 163-177, 2009 | Regula G, Lantos B: Backstepping based control design with state estimation and path tracking to indoor quadrotor helicopter, Periodica Polytechnica El. Eng. Vol. 53/3-4, pp. 151-161, 2009 | Szádeczky KE, Kiss B: Continuous-curvature paths for mobile robots, Periodica Polytechnica El. Eng. Vol. 53/1-2, pp. 63-72, 2009 | Kis L; Lantos B: Quadrotor control based on partial sensor data, International Journal of Mechanics and Control Vol. 12/1, pp. 43-50, 2011 | Márton L; Lantos B: Control of robotic system with unknown friction and payload, IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology Vol. 19/6, pp. 1534-1539, 2011 | Márton L, Fodor Sz, Sepehri N: A practical method for friction identification in hydraulic actuators, MECHATRONICS 21:(1), pp. 350-356, 2011 | Lapis L; Fazekas CS; Kiss B: Steer-by-wire kormányrendszer járműmodell-alapú irányítása, A JÖVŐ JÁRMŰVE Vol. 5/1-2, pp. 28-32, 2012 | Lantos B, Márton L: Nonlinear Control of Vehicles and Robots, Springer-Verlag London Ltd, pp. 1-459, ISBN 978-1-84996-121-9, 2011 | Varga A: Predictive control of robots and nonlinear mechatronic systems, Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem Központi Könyvtár, PhD Thesis K213267, p96, 2008 | Szádeczky KE: Real-Time Motion Planning for Nonlinear Nonholonomic Mechatronic Systems Using Time-Scaling. PhD Thesis, BME OMIKK Központi Könyvtár, p. 122, 2009 | Lemmer L: Modeling and Control of a Class of Multi-Variable Mechatronic Systems with Kinematic Constrains. PhD Thesis, BME OMIKK Központi Könyvtár, p. 134, 2010 | Prohászka Z: Motion stereo for mobile robot applications based on novel geometric measures and image features. PhD Thesis, Budapesti Műszaki ésGazdaságtudományi Egyetem, pp. 1-143, 2011 | Gasztonyi P, Harmati I: Heuristics-based high-level strategy for multi-agent systems, In: Kurkova V, Neruda R, Koutnik J (szerk.) Artificial Neural Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, pp. 700-709, ISBN 978-3-540-87558-1, 2008 | Kiss B, Szádeczky KE: Time-scaling in the control of mechatronic systems, In: Laznica L. (szerk.) New developments in robotics, automation and control, Chapter 22, pp. 411-426, I_Tech Education and Publishing KG, Vienna, 2008 | Tél F, Lantos B: Projective reconstruction and its application in object recognition for robot vision system, In: Zhihui X (szerk.) Computer Vision, Chapter 24, pp. 441-470, I_Tech Education and Publishing KG, Vienna, 2008 | Drexler DA; Harmati I: Optimization Issues on motion planning of kinematically redundant manipulators, In Mann ZA (szerk.) Optimization in computer engineering-Theory and applications. Irvine, USA, Scientific Reasearch Publishing, pp. 81-98, 2011 | Harmati I; Drexler DA: Suboptimal robot team coordination, In Mann ZA (szerk.) Optimization in computer engineering-Theory and applications. Irvine, USA, Scientific Reasearch Publishing, pp. 101-126, 2011 | Komlósi I; Kiss B: Motion planning for multiple mobile robots using time scaling, In: Bedkowski J (szerk.) Mobile Robots - Control Architectures, Bio-interfacing, Navigation, Multi Robot Motion Planning. InTech Open Access Publisher, pp. 259-288, 2011 | Gasztonyi P, Harmati I: Heuristics-based high-level strategy for multi-agent environment, Proceedings UKACC International Conference on Control, Manchester, IEEE Publisher, pp. 1-6, 2008 | Kis L; Regula G; Lantos B: Design and hardware-in-the-loop test of the embedded control system of an indoor quadrotor helicopter, Proceedings 6th Workshop on Intelligent Embedded Systems WISES 08, Regensburg, IEEE Publisher, ISBN 978-3-00-024989-1, pp. 35-44, 2008 | Kis L, Prohászka Z, Regula G: Calibration and testing issues of the vision, inertial measurement and control, Proceedings of RAAD 2008 International Conference, Ancona, pp. 1-10, ISBN 978-88-9030709-0-8, Conference CD, 2008 | Márton L, Lantos B: Motion stabilization in the presence of friction and blacklash: a hybrid system approach, Proceedings UKACC International Conference on Control, Manchester, IEEE Publisher, We02_05, pp. 1-6, 2008 | Márton L: Distributed controller architecture for advanced robot control, Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Informatics, Cambridge, IEEE Publisher, pp. 1412-1417, 2008 | Prohászka Z: Affine invariant fetures from Self-Flow, Proceedings of RAAD 2008 International Conference, Ancona, pp. 1-10, ISBN 978-88-9030709-0-8, Conference CD, 2008 | Szádeczky KE, Kiss B: Path planning and tracking control for automatic parking assist system, Proceedings of European Robotics Symposium, Prague, Springer Verlag, pp. 175-184, ISBN 978-3-540-78317-6, 2008 | Drexler AD, Harmati I: Symbolic robot simulation software for educational purposes, Proceedings of European Control Conference ECC'09, Budapest, IFAC-IEEE Publisher, pp. 5081-5086, 2009 | György I, Harmati I: Motion planning algorithm for tactical actions in robot soccer, Proceedings of European Control Conference ECC'09, Budapest, IFAC-IEEE Publisher, pp. 4445-4450, 2009 | Kovács G, Pietrac L: Multi-face modeling for rapid prototyping of discrete event control systems, Proceedings of European Control Conference ECC'09, Budapest, IFAC-IEEE Publisher, pp. 1463-1468, 2009 | Kovács G: On the implementation of task-based supervisory controllers, Proceedings of 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moscow, , pp. 430-435, 2009 | Márton L, Lantos B: Friction and backlash induced limit cycles in mechanical control systems, Proceedings of European Control Conference ECC'09, Budapest, IFAC-IEEE Publisher, pp. 23-26, 2009 | Márton L, Lantos B: Friction and backlash measurement and identification method for robotic arms, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics ICAR'09, Munich, pp. 1-6, 2009 | Prohászka Z: Fine tuning of quasi linear feature descriptors by the means of SSD error measures, Proceedings of 7th Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Processing KEPAF2009, Budapest, Akaprint - MTA SZTAKI, pp. 1-8, Online Proceedings and Conference CD, 2009 | Prohászka Z, Fodor P: Mátrixműveletek integrálása a gpCV++ képfeldolgozási könyvtár fejlesztése során, Proceedings of 7th Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Processing KEPAF2009, Budapest, Akaprint - MTA SZTAKI, pp. 1-8, Online Proceedings and Conference CD, 2009 | Szádeczky KE, Kiss B, Wahl I: Design of a semi-autonomous parking assist system, Proceedings of European Control Conference ECC'09, Budapest, IFAC-IEEE Publisher, pp. 4949-4954, 2009 | Tél F, Lantos B: Stereo image processing system for robot vision, Proceedings of 7th Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Processing KEPAF2009, Budapest, Akaprint - MTA SZTAKI, pp. 1-10, Online Proceedings and Conference CD, 2009 | Harmati I, Kovács G: On drift neutralization of six legged robot, Proceedings of International Conference CLAWAR, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 614-621, 2010 | Kis L, Lantos B: Quadrotor control based on partial sensor data, Proceedings of 19th IEEE International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, Budapest, pp. 43-48, 2010 | Kis L, Lantos B: State estimation and control of indoor quadrotor helicopter, XVII. Repüléstudományi Napok Konferencia Közleményei, Budapest, pp. 1-6, 2010 | Kovács G, Pietrac L: A framework for using formal methods in process control, Proceedings of 1st International Scientific Workshop on DCS, Miskolc, pp. 66-76, ISBN 978-963-661-950-3, 2010 | Kovács G, Pietrac L, Niel E: Supervisory control based on multi-face modelling of discrete event systems, Proceedings of 10th International Workshop of Discrete Event Systems, pp. 127-132, Berlin, Germany, 2010 | Márton L, Lantos B: A novel approach to deal with temperature dependence of friction in mechanical control systems, Proceedings IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Montreal, Canada, pp. 920-925, 2010 | Prohászka Z: Matching image details with Self Affine Feature Transform, Proc. 5. Magyar Számítógépes Grafika és Geometria Konferencia, Budapest, pp. 206-213, 2010 | Kis L; Lantos B: Aided carrier phase differential GPS for attitude determination, In: 2011 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics Proceeding. Budapest, Magyarország, 2011.07.03-2011.07.07, pp. 778-783, 2011 | Kis L; Lantos B: INS aided carrier phase differential GPS system for precise navigation, In: MM Science Journal Special Edition: 20th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region. Brno, Cheherszág, 2011.10.05-2011.10.07. pp. 108-115, 2011 | Lantos B: Control of autonomous ground, aerial and marine vehicles, In: Proceedings of INNOMECH 2011 Advanced Control Systems in Vehicles, Kecskemét, Magyarország, 2011.08.23, pp. 7-30 (ISBN 978-963-7294-96-9), 2011 | Lantos B; Max GY: Formation control of vehicles using multi-body approach, In: MM Science Journal Special Edition: 20th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region. Brno, Cheherszág, 2011.10.05-2011.10.07. pp. 190-197, 2011 | Lapis L; Fazekas Cs; Kiss B: Model based slideslip angle control for steer-by-wire system, In: 9th European Workshop on Advanced Control Diagnosis ACD'2011, Budapest, Magyarország, 2011.11.17-2011.11.18. pp. 1-7, Paper 1, 2011 | Márton L: On-line lubricant health monitoring in robot actuators, In: Australian Control Conference, 2011.11.10-2011.11.11, Melbourne, Ausztrália, pp. 167-172, 2011 | Márton L: Detection of overload generated faults in robot manipulators with friction, In: 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO'11, Noordwijkerhout, Hollandia, 2011.08.10-2011.08.11, pp. 106-111, 2011 | Rózsa T, Kiss B: Tracking control of two-dimensional overhead crane paper (Feedback linearization with linear observer), International Conference on Information Control, Automation and Robotics, Noordwijkerhout, Holland, p. 1-6, 2011 | Prohászka Z: Formulation of 3D and projective extensions of the Self Affine Feature Transform, Proc. 8th Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition KEPAF2011, Szeged, pp. 407-421, 2011 | Prohászka Z: Connection of the Harris detector -based affine adaptation and the Self Affine Image Transform, Proc. 8th Conference of Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition KEPAF2011, Szeged, pp.422-436, 2011 | Prohászka Z: Dependence of gradient moment based descriptors on affine distortions of differentiating kernel, In: Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Symposium SYSI'2011, Subotica, Szerbia,2011.09.08-2011.09.10. pp. 217-222, 2011 | Prohászka Z: Transformation of Self Affine Features due to Windowing Effects, In: Proceedings Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition IPCV'2011. Las Vegas, USA, 2011.07.18-2011.07.21. pp. 664-651, 2011 | Drexler DA; Harmati I: Redundáns robotok inverz geometriai proglémájának megoldása modern differenciálgeometriai módszerekkel, Tavaszi Szél 2012 konferencia, Győr, Magyarország, 2012.05.17-2012.05.20, pp. 383-388 (ISBN 978-963-89560-0-2), 2012 | Kis L; Lantos B: Time-delay extended state estimation and control of a quadrotor helicopter, Morcego B; Nejjari F (szerk.) 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED'2012. Barcelona, Spanyolország, 2012.07.03-2012.07.05, pp. 1560-1565, 2012 | Kis L; Lantos B: INS and magnetic sensor aided carrier phase differential GPS for attitude determination, Mastorakis N (szerk.) Recent Researches in Applied Information Science: 5th WSEAS World Congress ACC'12. Faro, Portugália, 2012.05.02-2012.05.04, pp. 106-111, 2012 | Kovács G; Harmati I; Kiss B; Vámos G; Maráczy P: Comparison of methods for passanger flow simulation of an airport terminal, Recent Researches in Applied Information Science: 5th WSEAS World Congress ACC'12. Faro, Portugália, 2012.05.02-2012.05.04, pp. 145-150, 2012 | Kovács G; Pietrac L; Kiss B: A component based approach for supervisory control, Nejjari F (szerk.) 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED'2012. Barcelona, Spanyolország, 2012.07.03-2012.07.05, pp. 794-799, 2012 | Prohászka Z: Normalizing geometric image details by Self Affine Feature Transform, In: Szirmay KL; Renner G (szerk.) VI. Magyar Számtógépes Grafika és Geometria Konferencia, Budapest, Magyarország, , 2012.02.20-2ö12.02.21. pp. 8-16, 2012 |





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