Development of new enzymatic strategies to enantiopure compounds important in drug research
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M. Nonn, L. Kiss, E. Forró, R. Sillanpää, F. Fülöp: Izoxazolin gyűrűvel kondenzált ciszpentacin származékok szintézise, XIVth International onference of chemistry, Kolozsvár - Románia, November 13-15, 2008. pages 69-71., 2008 | M. Nonn, L. Kiss, E. Forró, R. Sillanpää, F. Fülöp: Izoxazolin gyűrűvel kondenzált ciszpentacin származékok szintézise,, XIVth International onference of chemistry, Kolozsvár - Románia, November 13-15, 2008. pages 69-71, 2008 | B; Kazi, L. Kiss, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: A new strategy for the preparation of orthogonally protected N-heterocyclic β-amino esters, XXIIIrd European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, (ECHC 08) 2008, Antwerp - Belgium, September 9-13, PO 93, 2008 | Kiss L., Forró E. Sillanpää, R., Fülöp F.: Új, funkcionalizált ciszpentacin származékok. Potenciális 1,2,3-triazol-karbonukleozid prekurzorok sztereoszelektív szintézise, Gyógyszerkémiai és Gyógyszertechnológiai Szimpózium 2008, Zalakaros, szeptember 29-30, 2008 | L. Kiss, E. Forró, R. Sillanpää, F. Fülöp: Synthesis of functionalized β-amino alcohol stereoisomers with a cyclopentane skeleton. Hydroxylated azidocarbanucleoside precursors, Nucleic Acids Symposium Series 2008, 52, 551-552, 2008 | L. Kiss, E. Forró, R. Sillanpää, F. Fülöp: Novel functionalized cispentacin derivatives. Synthesis of 1,2,3-triazole substituted 2-aminocyclopentanecarboxylate stereoisomers, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 19, 2856-2860, 2008 | T.A. Paál, A. Liljeblad, L.T. Kanerva, E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Lipase-catalysed enantioselective ester hydrolysis for the preparation of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-1-acetic acid enantiomers, Tetrahedron:Asymmetry, 19, 2784-2788, 2008 | T.A. Paál, A. Liljeblad, L.T. Kanerva, E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Directed: (R)- or (S)-selective dynamic kinetic enzymatic hydrolysis of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-1-carboxylic esters, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 5269-5276, 2008 | E. Forró; F. Fülöp: A new enzymatic method for the synthesis of blockbaster drug intermediates -Synthesis of five-membered fused cyclic β-amino acid and β-lactam enantiomers, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 31, 5263-5268, 2008 | G. Tasnádi, E. Forró; F. Fülöp: An efficient new enzymatic method for the preparation of β-aryl-β-amino acid enantiomers through enantioselective hydrolysis of b-amino esters in an organic solvent, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 19, 2072-2077, 2008 | M. Fitz, E. Forró,. E. Vigóczki, L. Lázár, F. Fülöp: Lipase-catalysed N-acylation of acyclic β-amino esters, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 19, 1114-1119, 2008 | E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Vapour-assisted enzymatic hydrolysis of β-lactams in solvent-free system, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 19, 1005-1009, 2008 | E. Forró: New gas chromatographic method for the enantioseparation of beta-amino acids by a quick double-derivatization technique, J. Chromatogr. A. 1216, 1025-1029, 2009 | K. Huang, D.W. Armstrong, E, Forro, F. Fulop, A. Peter: Separation of enantiomers of β-lactams by GC using cyclodextrin –based chiral stationary phases, Chirality 69, 331-337, 2009 | I. Ilisz; R. Berkecz; E. Forró; F. Fülöp; D.W. Armstrong; A. Péter: The role of π-acidic and π-basic chiral stationary phases in the high-performance liquid chromatographic enantioseparation of unusual ß-amino acids, Chirality 21, 339-348, 2009 | L. Kiss, M. Nonn, E. Forró, R. Sillanpää, F. Fülöp: Synthesis of novel isoxazoline-fused cispentacin stereoisomers by 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrile oxides to alicyclic β-amino esters, Tetrahedron Lett. 50, 2605-2608, 2009 | A.R.M. Hyyryläinen, J.M.H. Pakarinen, E. Forró, F. Fülöp, P. Vainiotalo: Chiral Differentiation of Some Cyclopentane and Cyclohexane β-Amino Acid Enantiomers Through Ion/Molecule Reactions, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 20, 1235-1241, 2009 | G. Tasnádi, E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Burkholderia cepacia lipase as an Excellent Enzyme for the Enantioselective Hydrolysis of β-heteroaryl-substituted β-amino Esters, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 20, 1771-1777, 2009 | E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Resolution process, PCT/WO/2009007759 A1 (15.01.2009), 2009 | L. Kiss, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: Synthesis of carbocyclic β-amino acids, in Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry, Vol. 1 (Ed. A. B. Hughes) WILEY-VCH, Weinheim, 2009, pp 367-409, 2009 | E. Forró, F. Fülöp: A new enzymatic method for the synthesis of blockbuster drug intermediates - synthesis of five-membered cyclic γ-amino acid and γ-lactam enantiomers, Zing Asymmetric Synthesis Conference Antigua – Barbuda, January 18–21, page 13, 2009 | F. Fülöp, F. Miklós, E. Forró: Diexo-3-aminonorbornane-2-carboxylic acid enantiomers are excellent chiral sources for the enantioselective synthesis of heterocycles, Zing Asymmetric Synthesis Conference Antigua – Barbuda, January 18–21, page 28, 2009 | G. Tasnádi, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: Lipase PS-catalysed hydrolysis of β-heteroaryl-substituted β-amino esters, 16th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Prague - Czech Republic, July 12-16, P2.198, page 549, 2009 | E. Forró: Lipase catalysed direct strategies for the preparation of enantiopure β-amino acids, First Scientific Meeting on COST Action CM0803, Foldamers: Building Blocks, Structure and Function; Szeged – Hungary, September 24-26., 2009 | A. Péter, Z. Pataj, I. Ilisz, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: HPLC enantioseparation of ß-lactams on AmyCoat and CelluCoat chiral stationary phases, 5th Conference on Separation and Related Techniques by Nordic Separation Science Society; Tallinn – Estonia, August 26-29, 2009 | G. Benedek; M. Palkó; E. Wéber; T.A. Martinek; E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Efficient synthesis of 3,4- and 4,5-dihydroxy-2-aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid enantiomers, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 20, 2220-2225, 2009 | E. Forró: Lipase-catalysed direct strategies for the preparation of enantiopure β-amino acids, First Scientific Meeting on COST Action CM0803, Foldamers: Building Blocks, Structure and Function; Szeged/Hungary, September 24-26, WG1, page 8, 2009 | M. Nonn, L. Kiss, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: Regio- and stereoselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrile oxides to ethyl cis- or trans-2-aminocyclopent-3-enecarboxylates, First Scientific Meeting on COST Action CM0803, Foldamers: Building Blocks, Structure and Function; Szeged/Hungary, September 24-26, PO, page 31, 2009 | L. Schönstein, E. Forró, L. Kiss, F. Fülöp: Enzymatic hydrolysis of hydroxylated alicyclic β-amino acids, First Scientific Meeting on COST Action CM0803, Foldamers: Building Blocks, Structure and Function; Szeged/Hungary, September 24-26, PO, page 32, 2009 | G. Benedek, M. Palkó, E. Wéber, T.A. Martinek, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: Efficient syntheses of hydroxy-substituted β-aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acids, First Scientific Meeting on COST Action CM0803, Foldamers: Building Blocks, Structure and Function; Szeged/Hungary, September 24-26, PO, page 33, 2009 | B. Kazi, L. Kiss, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: Synthesis of ortogonally protected piperidine and azepane β-amino ester enantiomers, First Scientific Meeting on COST Action CM0803, Foldamers: Building Blocks, Structure and Function; Szeged/Hungary, September 24-26, PO, page 43, 2009 | G. Tasnádi, E. Forró, F. Fülöp: An emproved enzymatic method for the preparation of valuable β-arylalkyl-β-amino acid enantiomers, First Scientific Meeting on COST Action CM0803, Foldamers: Building Blocks, Structure and Function; Szeged/Hungary, September 24-26, PO, page 39, 2009 | E Forró; L. Schönstein; L. Kiss; A. Vega-Peňaloza; E. Juaristi; F. Fülöp: Direct enzymatic route for the preparation of novel enantiomerically enriched hydroxylated β-amino ester stereoisomers, Molecules 15, 3998-4010, 2010 | C.D. Chisholm; F. Fülöp; E. Forró; T.J. Wenzel: Enantiomeric discrimination of cyclic beta-amino acids using (18-crown-6)-2,3,11,12-tetracarboxylic acid as a chiral NMR solvating agent, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 21, 2289-2294, 2010 | Tasnádi G.; Forró E.: Fülöp F.: β-Aril- és β-heteroaril-szubsztituált β-aminosav enantiomerek enzimatikus úton történő előállítása, Magy. Kém. Foly. 116, 131-135, 2010 | Z. Patai; R. Berkecz; I. Ilisz; E. Forró; F. Fülöp; A. Péter: Comparison of separation performances of amilose- and cellulose-based stationary phases in the high-performance liquid chromatographic enantioseparation of stereoisomers, Chirality 22, 120-128, 2010 | B. Kazi; L. Kiss; E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Synthesis of orthogonally protected azepane β-amino ester enantiomers, Tetrahedron Lett. 51, 82-85, 2010 | L. Kiss; E. Forró; R. Sillanpää; F. Fülöp: Synthesis of highly functionalized cyclopentanes as precursors of hydroxylated azidocarbonucleosides, Synthesis-Stuttgart, 153-160, 2010 | G. Tasnádi; E. Forró; F. Fülöp: An improved enzymatic method for the preparation of valuable β-arylalkyl-substituted β-amino acid enantiomers, Org. Biomol. Chem. 8, 886-895, 2010 | A.R.M. Hyyryläinen; J.M.H. Pakarinen; E. Forró; P. Vainiotalo: Chiral differentiation of some cyclic β-amino acids by kinetic and fixed ligand methods, J. Mass. Spectrom, 45 (2), 198-204, 2010 | Z. Pataj; I. Ilisz; E. Forró; A. Aranyi; F. Fülöp; D.W. Armstrong; A. Péter: LC Separation of γ-amino acid enantiomers, Chromatographia 71, 13-19, 2010 | L. Kiss; E. Forró; R. Sillanpää; F. Fülöp: Synthesis of conformationally restricted 1,2,3-triazole-substituted ethyl β- and γ-aminocyclopentanecarboxylate stereoisomers. Multifunctionalized alicyclic amino esters, Tetrahedron, 66, 3599-3607, 2010 | E. Forró; F. Fülöp: New enzymatic two-step cascade reaction for the preparation of a key intermediate for the taxol side-chain, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 3074-3079, 2010 | E. Forró; F. Fülöp: A new enzymatic strategy for the preparation of (2R,3S)-3-phenylisoserine: a key intermediate for the Taxol side-chain, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 21, 637-639, 2010 | G. Fodor; I. Ilisz; J. Szemán; R. Iványi; L. Szente; G. Varga; E. Forró; F. Fülöp; A. Péter: LC Enantioseparation of β-lactam stereoisomers through the use of β-cyclodextrin-based chiral stationary phases, Chromatographia 71, 29-34, 2010 | L. Kiss, E. Forró, B. Kazi, F. Fülöp: Synthesis of novel conformationally constrained N-containing cyclic beta-amino acids, XXIVth European Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, Technical University Vienna, August 23-27, 2010, PO-52, 2010 | K. Németh; E. Varga; R. Iványi; J. Szemán; J. Visy; L. Jicsinszky; L. Szente; E. Forró; F. Fülöp; A. Péter; M. Simonyi: Separation of cis-β-lactam enantiomers by capillary electrophoresis using cyclodextrin derivatives, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 53, 382-388, 2010 | M. Palkó; G. Benedek; E. Forró; E. Wéber; M. Hänninen; R. Sillanpää, F. Fülöp: Synthesis of mono- and dihydroxy-substituted 2-amino-cyclooctanecarboxylic acid enantiomers, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 21, 957-961, 2010 | B. Kazi; L. Kiss; E. Forró; I. Mándity; F. Fülöp: Synthesis of conformationally constrained, orthogonally protected 3-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane β-amino esters, Arkivoc 2010, (ix) 31-39, 2010 | Z. Pataj, I. Ilisz, R. Berkecz, E. Forró, F. Fülöp, A. Péter: Comparison of separation performances of amylose- and cellulose-based stationary phases in the high-performance liquid chromatographic enantioseparation of stereoisomers, Procedia Chemistry, 2, 116-119, 2010 | Forró E.: Új enzimes stratégiák laktám és aminosav enantiomerek szintézisére, Acta Pharm. Hung. 3, 125-133, 2011 | M. Utczás; E. Székely; G. Tasnádi; É. Monek; L. Vida; E. Forró; F. Fülöp; B. Simándi: Kinetic resolution of 4-phenyl-2-azetidinone in supercritical carbon dioxide, J. Supercrit. Fluid, 55, 1019-1022, 2011 | L. Kiss; E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Synthesis of regio- and stereoisomers of highly functionalized 1,2,3-triazole-substituted cyclopentanes, Lett. Org. Chem., 8, 220-228, 2011 | M. Nonn; L. Kiss; E. Forró; Z. Mucsi; F. Fülöp: Regio- and stereoselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrile oxides to cis- or trans-ethyl 2-aminocyclopent-3-enecarboxylates. Synthesis of novel Isoxazoline-fused cyc, Tetrahedron, 67, 4079-4085, 2011 | M. Utczás; E. Székely; E. Forró; F. Fülöp; B. Simándi: Enzymatic resolution of trans-2-cyanocyclohexanol in supercritical carbon dioxide, Tetrahedron Lett. 52, 3916-3918, 2011 | E. Forró; L. Schönstein; F. Fülöp: Total synthesis of crispine A enantiomers through a Burkholderia cepacia-catalysed kinetic resolution, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 22, 1255-1260, 2011 | Schönstein L., Forró E., Fülöp F.: Kriszpin enantiomerek enzimes szintézise, MTA Alkaloidkémiai munkabizottsága ülése, Balatonalmádi, május 16-17, 2011 | Forró E.: Új enzimes stratégiák laktám és aminosav enantiomerek szintézisére, MTA Doktori Előadás, MTA Könyvtára, Budapest, június 27, 2011 | Kiss L, Forró E, Fülöp F.: Stereoselective synthesis of novel highly functionalized β-aminocyclohexane-carboxylic acids, Twelfth Tetrahedron Symposium. Challenges in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry, 21-24th June Sitges, Spain, 2011 | Schönstein L, Forró E, Kiss L, Peñaloza A.V, Juaristi E, Fülöp F.: Direct enzymatic route for the preparation of novel enantiomerically enriched hydroxylated β-amino ester stereoisomers, Foldamers: Synthesis and Structure of Functional Materials, 7-9th April, Barcelona, 2011 | Kiss L, Forró E, Fülöp F.: Selective synthesis of fluorinated cyclic β-amino acids, 12th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins, August 1-5, Beijing, China, 2011 | Schönstein L., Forró E,, Fülöp, F.: Total synthesis of crispine A enantiomers through a Burkholderia cepacia lipase-catalysed kinetic resolution, XIVth Conference on Heterocycles in Bio-organic Chemistry, September 7-8, Brno, Czech Republic, 2011 | L. Kiss; E. Forró; S. Fustero; F. Fülöp: Selective synthesis of novel fluorinated alicyclic β-amino ester stereoisomers, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 4993-5001, 2011 | L. Kiss; E. Forró; S. Fustero; F. Fülöp: Stereo- and regioselective fluorination of alicyclic β-amino acids, Org. Biomol. Chem. 9, 6528-6534, 2011 | Schönstein L., Forró E., Fülöp F.: Kalikotomin és homokalikotomin enzimes rezolválása áramlásos kémiai módszerrel, MTA Alkaloidkémiai és Flavonoidkémiai Munkabizottsága ülése, Balatonalmádi, 2012. május 14-15., 2012 | L. Kiss; M. Cherepanova; E. Forró; F. Fülöp: A novel access to functionalized cispentacins from norbornene β-amino acids, Chem. Eur J. submitted for publication, 2012 | L. Kiss; E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Selective syntheses of novel highly functionalized aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acids, Tetrahedron 68, 4438-4443, 2012 | E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Recent lipase-catalysed hydrolytic approaches to pharmacologically important β- and γ-amino acid enantiomers, Curr. Med. Chem. submitted for publication., 2012 | L. Kiss, E. Forró, S. Fustero, F. Fülöp: Selective synthesis of fluorinated β-aminocyclohexanecarboxylates, 13th Annual Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic IUPAC-Sponsored Conference March 4th - 7th, 2012 Gainesville, Florida, USA, 2012 | L. Schönstein; E. Forró; F. Fülöp: Continuous-flow enzymatic strategy for the acylation of aminoalcohols with remote stereogenic centre. Synthesis of calycotomine enantiomers, Eur. J. Org. Chem. submitted for publication, 2012 | L. Kiss, M. Nonn, E. Forró, S. Fustero, F. Fülöp: Synthesis of fluorinated β-aminocyclohexane-carboxylate stereo- and regioisomers, COST Meeting Foldamers 2012. 30th August - 2nd September 2012, University of Regensburg, Germany, 2012 |




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