The molecular architecture of psychosis and its relationship with neurocognition and psychosocial stress
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Kéri S, Kelemen O.: Objektív módszer a kifejezett érzelmek hatásának mérésére direkt interperszonális tranzakciók során szkizofréniában., Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica 10: 5-8., 2008 | Kéri S, Kelemen O: The role of attention and immediate memory in vulnerability to interpersonal criticism during family transactions in schizophrenia., British Journal of Clinical Psychology 48: 21-29., 2009 | Kéri S, Kiss I, Seres I, Kelemen O.: A polymorphism of the neuregulin 1 gene (SNP8NRG243177/rs6994992) affects reactivity to expressed emotion in schizophrenia., American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B - Neuropsychiatry Genetics 150B: 418-420., 2009 | Kéri S, Kiss I, Kelemen O.: Effects of a neuregulin 1 variant on conversion to schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder in people at high risk for psychosis., Molecular Psychiatry 14: 118-120., 2009 | Kéri S, Kelemen O, Benedek G: Attentional modulation of perceptual organisation in schizophrenia., Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 14: 77-86., 2009 | Kéri S, Kiss I, Kelemen O.: Sharing secrets: oxytocin and trust in schizophrenia., Social Neuroscience 4: 287-293., 2009 | Kéri S.: Genes for psychosis and creativity - A promoter polymorphism of the neuregulin 1 gene is related to creativity in a group of high intellectual achievers., Psychological Science 20: 1070-1073, 2009 | Kéri S, Seres I, Kelemen O, Benedek G.: Neuregulin 1-stimulated phosphorylation of AKT in psychotic disorders and its relationship with neurocognitive functions., Neurochemistry International 55: 606-609., 2009 | Kéri S, Beniczky S, Kelemen O: Suppression of the P50 evoked response and neuregulin 1-induced AKT phosphorylation in first-episode schizophrenia., American Journal of Psychiatry 167:444-450., 2010 | Seres I, Kelemen O, Benedek G, Kéri S.: Neuregulin 1-induced AKT phosphorylation in monozygotic twins discordant for schizophrenia., Neurochemistry International 56:906-910., 2010 | Kiss I, Fábián A, Benedek G, Kéri S.: When doors of perception open: visual contrast sensitivity in never-medicated, first-episode schizophrenia., Journal of Abnormal Psychology 119:586-593., 2010 | Balog Z, Kiss I, Kéri S.: CACNA1C risk allele for psychotic disorders is related to the activation of the AKT-pathway., American Journal of Psychiatry 167:1276-1277., 2010 | Somlai Z, Moustafa AA, Kéri S, Myers CE, Gluck MA.: General functioning predicts reward and punishment learning in schizophrenia., Schizophrenia Research 127:131-136., 2011 | Kéri S, Moustafa AA, Myers CE, Benedek G, Gluck MA.: {alpha}-Synuclein gene duplication impairs reward learning., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 107:15992-15994., 2011 | Balog Z, Kiss I, Kéri S.: ZNF804A may be associated with executive control of attention., Genes, Brain and Behavior 10:223-227., 2011 | Kéri S, Seres I, Kelemen O, Benedek G.: The relationship among neuregulin 1-stimulated phosphorylation of AKT, psychosis proneness, and habituation of arousal in nonclinical individuals., Schizophrenia Bulletin 37:141-147., 2011 | Kéri S, Kiss I.: Oxytocin response in a trust game and habituation of arousal., Physiology and Behavior 102(2):221-224, 2011 | Kéri S, Benedek G.: Fragile X protein expression is linked to visual functions in healthy male volunteers., Neuroscience 192:345-350., 2011 | Nagy H, Levy-Gigi E, Somlai Z, Takáts A, Bereczki D, Kéri S.: The effect of dopamine agonists on adaptive and aberrant salience in Parkinson's disease., Neuropsychopharmacology 37(4):950-958., 2012 | Szamosi A, Kelemen O, Kéri S.: Hippocampal volume and the AKT signaling system in first-episode schizophrenia., Journal of Psychiatric Research 46(3):279-284., 2012 | Kiss I, Kelemen O, Kéri S.: Decreased peripheral expression of neuregulin 1 in high-risk individuals who later converted to psychosis., Schizophrenia Research 135(1-3):198-199., 2012 | Kéri S, Benedek G.: The role of fragile X mental retardation protein and potential FMR1 mRNA toxicity., Neuroscience 206:183-189., 2012 | Balog Z, Kiss I, Kéri S.: Five New Schizophrenia Loci May Converge on the Same Cellular Mechanism: The AKT Pathway., American Journal of Psychiatry 169(3):335., 2012 | Kéri S, Szamosi A, Benedek G, Kelemen O.: How does the hippocampal formation mediate memory for stimuli processed by the magnocellular and parvocellular visual pathways? Evidence from the comparison of schizophrenia and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI)., Neuropsychologia 50(14):3193-9, 2012 | Kovács T, Kelemen O, Kéri S.: Decreased fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) is associated with lower IQ and earlier illness onset in patients with schizophrenia., Psychiatry Res, in press, doi:pii: S0165-1781(12)00845-1. 10.1016/j.psychres.2012.12.022., 2013 | Petrovszki Z, Adam G, Tuboly G, Kekesi G, Benedek G, Keri S, Horvath G.: Characterization of gene-environment interactions by behavioral profiling of selectively bred rats: the effect of NMDA receptor inhibition and social isolation., Behav Brain Res. 240:134-45., 2013 | Szily E, Kéri S.: Delusion proneness and emotion appraisal in individuals with high psychosis vulnerability., Clin Psychol Psychother. 20(2):166-70., 2013 |
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