Analyzing, modeling and predicting of the active state of proteins
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Tusnády GE, Kalmár L, Hegyi H, Tompa P and Simon I: TOPDOM: database of domains and motifs with conservative location in transmembrane proteins, Bioinformatics 24, 1469-1470, 2008 | Tóth-Petróczy Á, Oldfield CJ, Simon I, Takagi Y, Dunker AK, Uversky VN and Fuxreiter M: Malleable machines in transcription regulation: the mediator complex., PLoS Comput Biol 4, e1000243, 2008 | Csősz E, Bagossi P, Nagy Z, Dosztányi Z, Simon I and Fésüs L: Substrate Preference of Transglutaminase 2 Revealed by Logistic Regression Analysis and Intrinsic Disorder Examination, J Mol Biol 383, 390-402, 2008 | Fuxreiter M, Tompa P, Simon I, Uversky VN, Hansen JC and Asturias FJ: Malleable machines take shape in eukaryotic transcriptional regulation, Nat Chem Biol 4, 728-737, 2008 | Solt I, Kulhánek P, Simon I, Winfield S, Payne MC, Csányi G, Fuxreiter M: Evaluating Boundary Dependent Errors in QM/MM Simulations, J. Phys. Chem. B 113 5728-5735, 2009 | Tompa P, Fuxreiter M, Oldfield CJ, Simon I, Dunker AK and Uversky VN: Close encounters of the third kind: disordered domains and the interactions of proteins, Bioessays 31, 328-335, 2009 | Madrid-Aliste CJ, Dybas JM, Angeletti RH, Weiss LM, Kim K, Simon I and Fiser A: EPIC-DB: a proteomics database for studying Apicomplexan organisms., BMC Genomics 10, 38, 2009 | Mones L, Kulhánek P, Simon I, Laio A and Fuxreiter M: The Energy Gap as a Universal Reaction Coordinate for the Simulation of Chemical Reactions., J Phys Chem B, 2009 | Dosztányi Z, Mészáros B and Simon I: ANCHOR: web server for predicting protein binding regions in disordered proteins., Bioinformatics 25, 2745-- 2746, 2009 | Mészáros B, Simon I and Dosztányi Z: Prediction of protein binding regions in disordered proteins., PLoS Comput Biol 5, e1000376, 2009 | Tóth-Petróczy A, Simon I, Fuxreiter M and Levy Y: Disordered tails of homeodomains facilitate DNA recognition by providing a trade-off between folding and specific binding., J Am Chem Soc 131, 15084- 15085, 2009 | Dosztányi Z, Mészáros B and Simon I: Bioinformatical approaches to characterize intrinsically disordered/unstructured proteins., Brief Bioinform 11, 225-243, 2010 | Tusnady GE, Simon I: Shedding Light on Transmembrane Topology, Huzefa Rangwala, George Karypis (szerk.) Protein Structure Methods and Algorithms. New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 107-135., 2010 | Tusnády GE, Simon I: Resource for structure related information on transmembrane proteins, Frishman D (szerk.) Structural Bioinformatics of Membrane Proteins. Wien: Springer-Verlag, pp. 45-59, 2010 | Tusnády GE, Simon I: Topology Prediction of Helical Transmembrane Proteins: How Far Have We Reached?, Current Protein & Peptide Science 11: 550-561, 2010 | Di Paolo M L, Lunelli M, Fuxreiter M, Rigo A, Simon I, Scarpa M: Active site residue involvement in mono- or di-amine oxidation catalyzed by pea seedling amine oxidase, FEBS J 278, 1232-1243, 2011 | Mészáros B, Simon I, Dosztányi Z: The expanding view of protein–protein interactions: complexes involving intrinsically disordered proteins, Physical Biology 8 (3) Paper 053003, 2011 | Fuxreiter M, Simon I, Bondos S: Dynamic protein-DNA recognition: beyond what can be seen, TiBS 36, 415-423, 2011 | Mészáros B, Tóth J, Vértessy BG, Dosztányi Z. Simon I: Proteins with complex architecture as potential targets for drug design: a case study of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, PLoS Comput Biol 7: Art. # e1002118., 2011 | Pécsi I, Szabó JE, Adams SD, Simon I, Sellers JR, Vértessy BG, Tóth J: Nucleotide pyrophosphatase employs a P-loop-like motif to enhance catalytic power and NDP/NTP discrimination., PNAS 108: 14437-14442., 2011 | Bernstein N, Varnai C, Solt I, Winfield SA, Payne MC, Simon I, Fuxreiter M, Csányi G: QM/MM simulation of liquid water with an adaptive quantum region, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 14: 646-656, 2012 | Pajkos M, Mészáros B, Simon I, Dosztányi Z: Is there a biological cost of protein disorder? Analysis of cancer-associated mutations., MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS 8: 296-307, 2012 |
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