Dynamics of digitally controlled mechanical systems  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Insperger, Tamás
Title in Hungarian Digitálisan szabályozott gépészeti rendszerek dinamikája
Title in English Dynamics of digitally controlled mechanical systems
Keywords in Hungarian mechanizmusok, robotika, stabilitás, robusztusság, szabályozás, mintavételezés
Keywords in English mechanisms, robotics, stability, robustness, control, sampling
Mechanics (Council of Physical Sciences)80 %
Ortelius classification: Vibration engineering
Technical Mechanics (Council of Physical Sciences)20 %
Ortelius classification: Robotics
Panel Engineering, Metallurgy, Architecture and Transport Sciences
Department or equivalent Műszaki Mechanikai Tanszék (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Dombóvári, Zoltán
Forberger, Árpád
Lukács, Attila
Szabó, Zsolt
Tóth, Viktor
Starting date 2008-04-01
Closing date 2011-12-31
Funding (in million HUF) 7.514
FTE (full time equivalent) 4.09
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
A digitális technika fejlődésével a digitális szabályozások egyre inkább teret nyertek a gépiparban is. Napjaink gépészeti berendezései elképzelhetetlenek elektronikus szabályozások nélkül. Példáként említhetjük az NC megmunkáló gépeket, az ipari robotokat, vagy a járműtechnikát. Az ilyen gépek tervezése, fejlesztése során figyelembe kell venni a szabályozás tulajdonságait is. A legtöbb gépészeti berendezés időben folytonos matematikai modellel írható le, ezt a folytonos rendszert a digitális szabályozás a mintavételezés miatt csak diszkrét időpillanatokban látja. A folytonos és a diszkrét rendszer ilyenfajta csatolása gyakran okoz öngerjesztett rezgéseket a gép működése során. A szabályozás gyakorlati megvalósításából adódóan mindig keletkezik időkésés a rendszer kimenetének érzékelése és a beavatkozás között, ez szintén ronthatja a berendezés dinamikai tulajdonságait, és instabilitást okozhat.
A jelen OTKA pályázat célja a folytonos rendszerek digitális szabályozása során keletkező öngerjesztett rezgések vizsgálata, és alkalmazása különböző gépészeti problémákban, mint pl. nagy-sebességű forgácsolás, kerékfelfüggesztések, fékrendszerek szabályozása, illetve a klasszikus robotszabályozási feladatok (pozíció- és erőszabályozás).
With the development of the digital technology, digital control systems are more and more used in the machine industry, as well. Nowadays, the engineering machine systems are usually equipped by electronic control devices. NC machine tool centers, industrial robots or the vehicle technology can be mentioned as example. During the design and the development of these machines, the properties of the control unit should also be considered. Most of the machines can be described by a continuous-time mathematical model, while the control system is a discrete-time system due to the sampling. Such a coupling of continuous-time and discrete-time systems often leads to self-excited vibrations during the operation of the machine. Due to the realization of the control process, time delay always arise in the feedback loop, this can also have disadvantageous affect on the dynamic properties and may cause instability.
The aim of the current OTKA project is the analysis of the self-excited vibrations during the digital control of continuous-time systems, and the connecting applications in different engineering problems, like high-speed machining, control of wheel suspensions and braking systems, and the classical robot control problems (position, and force control).


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A kutatási projektben digitálisan szabályozott mérnöki szerkezet stabilitásvizsgálatával foglalkoztunk figyelembe véve a szabályozás visszacsatolásának időkésését. A kutatási projektben a következő témákkal foglalkoztunk: - Dinamikai rendszerek szabályozása időkésést tartalmazó visszacsatolás esetén a beavatkozom-és-várok szabályozási elv felhasználásával. - Szerszámgéprezgések stabilitásvizsgálata marási és esztergálási folyamatok során. - Torziós rezgések csillapítása gépjárműveknél elektroreológiai folyadékokkal. - Egyensúlyozás reflexkéséssel gyorsulásérzékelővel történő szögpozíció meghatározás esetén illetve paraméteres gerjesztés esetén. - A szemi-diszkretizációs numerikus módszer fejlesztése késleltetett dinamikai rendszerek stabilitásvizsgálatára. A kutatás eredményeként 33 publikáció született, köztük egy angol nyelvű könyv a Springer kiadásában, egy PhD értekezés, 14 folyóiratcikk (Össz. impakt faktor = 16,9) valamint egy MTA doktori értekezés is benyújtásra kerül.
Results in English
Within the frame of the research project, we investigated the stability properties of engineering systems subjected to digital control with special attention to the time delay in the feedback loop. The following topics were included into the research: - Control of dynamic systems with feedback delay using the act-and-wait control concept. - Stability analysis of machine tool chatter with applications to turning and milling processes. - Damping of torsional vibrations in vehicles using electro-rheological fluids. - Balancing with reflex delay in the case when of angular position is measured by accelerometer, and in the case of parametric excitation. - Development of the semi-discretization numerical technique to the stability analysis of delayed systems. As a result of the research project, 33 publications were published, including a book pressed by Springer, a PhD thesis, 14 journal articles (Sum impact factor = 16,9) and a dissertation for the title Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences were also submitted.
Full text https://www.otka-palyazat.hu/download.php?type=zarobeszamolo&projektid=72911


List of publications

Insperger T, Stépán G: Semi-discretization for time-delay systems – Stability and Engineering applications, Springer, New York, 2011, pages 174, ISBN 978-1-4614-0334-0., 2011
Lukács Attila: Radiális fluxusú, légréstekercses lineármotor alkalmazása mobiltelefonok mechanikai gerjesztésére, PhD értekezés, BME, 2009, 2009
Insperger T, Wohlfart R, Turi J, Stepan G: Equations with advanced arguments in stick balancing models, in Time Delay Systems - Methods, Applications and New Trends, in Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences (LNCIS), Springer-Verlag, in press (2012)., 2012
Insperger, T., Kovács, L.L., Galambos, P., Stépán, G.: Act-and-wait control concept for a force control process with delayed feedback, Motion and Vibration Control, Selected Papers from MOVIC 2008, (Eds.: Ulbrich, H., Ginzinger, L.), Springer, Garching, 2009 (ISBN-13: 978-1-4020-9437-8), pp.133-142., 2009
Forberger, Á., Filipcsei, G., Insperger, T., Zrínyi, M., Stépán, G.: Application of electro-rheological fluids in adaptive dampers, Proceedigns of the 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC 2008), Munich, Germany Sept. 15-18, 2008, paper no. 1123 (CD-ROM)., 2008
Insperger, T., Kovács, L.L., Galambos, P., Stépán, G.: Act-and-wait concept for digital force control of robots, 17th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy 2008), Tokyo, Japan, 2008, ISBN-978-4-4-906685-44-8, pp. 535-542., 2008
Insperger, T., Stépán, G.: Brockett problem for systems with feedback delay, Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008, pp. 11491-11496 (CD-ROM), 2008
Insperger, T., Stépán, G.: State-dependent delay models for metal cutting processes, First International Colloquium on Non-linear Dynamics of Deep Drilling Systems, Liege, Belgium, 2009, March 12-13, pp. 23-28., 2009
Dombovari Z, Iglesias A, Zatarain M, Insperger T: Prediction of multiple dominant chatter frequencies in milling processes, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 51(6) (2011), pp. 457-464., 2011
Forberger, Á., Insperger, T., Ailer P.: Optimization of a torsional shock absorber through the damping parameter, Proceedings of 6th Conference on Mechanical Engineering, GÉPÉSZET 2008, Budapest, Hungary, 2008. május 29-30, CD-ROM, 11 pages., 2008
Long, X.-H., Insperger, T., Balachandran, B.: Systems with periodic coefficients and periodically varying delays: semi-discretization based stability analysis, in: Delay Differential Equations: Recent Advances and New Directions, (Eds.: Balachandran, B., Kalmár-Nagy, T., Gilsinn, D.), Springer, New York, 2009, , pp. 131-153., 2009
Bachrathy, D., Insperger, T., Stépán, G.: Surface properties of the machined workpiece for helical mills, Machine Science and Technology, 13(2) (2009), pp. 227-245., 2009
Khasawneh, F.A., Mann, B.P., Insperger, T., Stépán, G.: Increased stability of low-speed turning through a distributed force and continuous delay model, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Mechanics, 4(4) (2009), Article No. 041003 (12 pages)., 2009
Insperger, T., Stepan, G., Turi, J.: Delayed feedback of sampled higher derivatives, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 368 (2010), pp. 469-482., 2010
Seguy, S., Insperger, T., Arnaud, L., Dessein, G., Peigné, G.: Chatter suppression in milling processes using periodic spindle speed variation, 12th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations, San Sebastian, Spain, May 7-8, 2009 Vol. 2, pp. 887-894 (CD-ROM)., 2009
Insperger, T., Stepan, G.: Stabilizing unstable systems by the act-and-wait concept - Case studies, 8th Workshop on Time Delay Systems (IFAC-TDS'09), Sinaia, Romania, September 1-3, 2009, Paper No. 29, pp. 1-5 (CD-ROM)., 2009
Seguy, S., Dessein, G., Arnaud, L., Insperger, T.: Chatter control by spindle speed variation in high-speed milling, Int. Conf. on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials, Tarbes, France, Sept. 7-10, 2009, pp. 1-10 (CD-ROM), Advanced Materials Research, 112 (2010), pp. 179-186., 2009
Forberger,A., Insperger, T.: Determining the damper properties of damper fluids, Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, Leoben, Ausztria, 2009-09-23/26, Book of abstracts pp. 4-5., 2009
Insperger T, Wohlfart R, Turi J, Stepan G: Balancing using accelerometers and equations with advanced arguments, 9th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (IFAC-TDS 2010), Prague, Czech Republic, June 7-9, 2010, paper no. FP-IT-302., 2010
Dombovari Z, Zatarain M, Insperger T: Dominant vibration frequencies in milling using semi-discretization method, 2nd International CIRP Conference on Process Machine Interaction (PMI), 2010, June 10-11, Vancouver, Canada, paper no. M06., 2010
Stepan G, Insperger T: Dynamics of quiet standing – human and robotic sensory systems to compensate delay effects, 4th Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics (AISM 2010), 2010, December 15-18, Singapore, paper no. 243., 2010
Zatarain, M., Bediaga, I., Muñoa, J., Insperger, T.: Analysis of directional factors in milling: importance of multi-frequency calculation and of the inclusion of the effect of the helix angle, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 47(5-8) (2010), pp 535-542., 2010
Insperger, T., Wahi, P., Colombo, A., Stépán, G., di Bernardo, M., Hogan, J.S.: Full characterization of act-and-wait control for first order unstable lag processes, Journal of Vibration and Control, 16(7-8) (2010), pp. 1209-1233., 2010
Insperger, T., Kovács, L.L., Galambos, P., Stépán, G.: Increasing the accuracy of digital force control process using the act-and-wait concept, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 15(2) (2010), pp. 291-298., 2010
Lehotzky D, Insperger T: Stability of turning processes subjected to digital PD control, Periodica Polytechnica – Mechanical Engineering, in press (2012), 2012
Seguy, S., Insperger, T., Arnaud, L., Dessein, G., Peigné, G.: On the stability of high-speed milling with spindle speed variation, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 48(9-12) (2010), pp. 883-895., 2010
Insperger T: Full-discretization and semi-discretization for milling stability prediction: Some comments, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 50(7) (2010), pp. 658-662., 2010
Eppel, A., Insperger, T., Enikov, E., Stepan, G.: Feasibility study of optical detection of chatter vibration during milling, International Journal of Optomechatronics, 4(2) (2010), pp. 195-214., 2010
Insperger T, Stepan G: On the dimension reduction of systems with feedback delay by act-and-wait control, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 27(4) (2010), pp. 457−473., 2010
Insperger T: Stick balancing with reflex delay in case of parametric forcing, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16(4) (2011), pp. 2160-2168., 2011
Seguy, S., Insperger, T., Arnaud, L., Dessein, G., Peigné, G.: Suppression of period doubling chatter in high-speed milling by spindle speed variation, Machining Science and Technology, 15(2) (2011), pp. 153-171., 2011
Lehotzky D, Insperger T: Stability of delayed oscillators subjected to digital PD control, 10th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems (IFAC-TDS 2012), Northeastern University, Boston, USA, June 22-24, 2012, pages 1-8, paper accepted., 2012
Ghasemi M, Zhao S, Insperger T, Kalmar-Nagy T: Act-and-wait control of discrete systems with random delays, 2012 American Control Conference (ACC), June 27 - 29, 2012, Montréal, Canada, pages 1-9, paper accepted., 2012


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2011-06-17 10:29:56
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