Co-evaporated four-component semiconductor thin films for photovoltaics
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Zs. Baji, Z. Lábadi, Zs. E. Horváth, M. Fried, B. Szentpáli, I. Bársony: Temperature dependent in situ doping of ALD ZnO, Journal of Thermal Analysis and calorymery 105 (1) 93-99 (2011), 2011 | Zs. Baji, Z. Lábadi, M. Fried, Zs. Horváth, I. Bársony: Characterization of Al doped ALD ZnO layers, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Nice, 2011 | Zs. Baji, Z. Lábadi, Z. E.. Horváth, M. Fried, B. Szentpáli and I. Bársony: Al doped ALD ZnO for CIGS buffer layer, 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2011 | Zs. Baji, A. Szanyo, Gy. Molnár, A. L. Tóth, G. Pető, K. Frey,E. Kotai, and G. Kaptay:: Formation of Nanoparticles by Ion Beam Irradiation of Thin Films, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 12, 1-7, 2012, 2012 | Zs. Baji, Z. Lábadi, Z. E. Horváth, I. Bársony:: Structure and morphology of aluminium doped Zinc-oxide layers prepared by atomic layer deposition,, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 520 (2012), Pages. 4703-4706, 2012 | Zs. Baji, Z. Lábadi, Gy. Molnár, A. L. Tóth, I. Bársony:: CIGS films made by flash evaporation and post selenization,, Thin Solid Films (Submitted), 2012 | Zs. Baji, Z. Lábadi, Gy. Molnár, A. L. Tóth, K. Vad, I. Bársony:: Post-selenization of stacked precursor layers for CIGS, Materials Science and Engineering B (submitted), 2012 | Z. Szabó, J. Volk, E. Fülöp, A. Deák, I. Bársony:: Regular ZnO nanopillar arrays by nanosphere photolithography, Photonics and Nanostructures (submitted), 2012 | Baji Zsófia: Semiconductor thin films for solar cell purposes,, PhD Thesis, BME Fizikai tudományok doktori iskola, MTA TTK MFA (under preparation), 2012 | J. Toth, J. Pazman, A. Nemeth, A. Csik, Z. Labadi, L. Köver, I. Cserny, D. Varga, Z. Gacsi:: XAES studies of thin ZnO(Al) layers anbd SiC particles, JVC 13 Conference, Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, 20-24 June, 2010, 2010 | Z. Baji , Z. Lábadi , M. Fried K. Vad J. Toth and I. Bársony:: Al doped ALD ZnO for CIGS buffer layer, EUPVSEC Proceedings, 2011, 2992 - 2997 ISBN: 3-936338-27-2 DOI: 10.4229/26th EUPVSEC2011-3DV.2.26, 2011 | Zs. Baji:: The nucleation and growth modes of ALD ZnO, Metal Oxide / Polymer Nanocomposites and Applications, (MOPNA) workshop, Budapest, 19-21 September 2011, 2011 | Zs. Baji, Z. Labadi, Gy. Molnar, A. L. Toth, K. Vad, I. Barsony: Properties of CIGS films deposited by flash evaporation and postselenization,, Poster B P3 26, presented at EMRS-2012 Spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, 14-18 May, 2012, 2012 | Zs. Baji, J. Volk, A.L.Toth, Z. Labadi, M.Fried, I. Barsony:: Ellipsometry characterization of porous Silicon coated by ALD ZnO,, Oral presentation W XI 14, presented at EMRS-2012 Spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, 14-18 May, 2012, 2012 | Zs. Baji, Z. Lábadi, M. Fried, Zs. Horváth, B. Pécz, I. Bársony:: Growth and characterization of epitaxial ALD ZnO layers, Poster Q P1 39, presented at EMRS-2012 Spring meeting, Strasbourg, France, 14-18 May, 2012, 2012 | Á. Németh, Z. Lábadi, L. Tóth, I. Bársony: Oscillations and power dependent hysteresis in reactive ZnO plasma, Vacuum, 2009 | Á. Németh, Z. Lábadi, B. Gergely, I. Bársony: Oscillation and hysteresis in the reactive plasma during ZnO deposition, 6-th Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces Confernce, November 24 – 27, 2008 Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 2008 | A. Csik, M. Serényi, Z. Erdélyi, A. Nemcsics, C. Cserhati, G.A. Langer, D.L. Beke, C. Frigeri, A. Simon: Investigation of thermal stability of hydrogenated amorphous Si/Ge multilayers, Vacuum, 2009 | A. Simon, A. Sulyok, M. Novák, G. Juhász, T. Lohner, M. Fried, A. Barna, R. Huszank, M. Menyhárd: Investigation of an ion-milled Si/Cr multilayer using micro-RBS, ellipsometry and AES depth pro.ling techniques, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2009 | Németh Ágoston: ZnO vékonyrétegek vizsgálata, BME VIK, MTA MFA, 2009 | C. Major, Á. Németh, G.Radnoczi, Z. Czigany, M. Fried, Z. Labadi, I. Barsony: Optical and electrical chracterisation of aluminium doped ZnO layers, Applied Surface Science, 2009 | B. Szentpali, Á. Németh, Z. Labadi, Gy. Kovacs: The low-frequency noise in Al doped ZnO films, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations ICMF 2009, Pisa, IT, 14-19 June, 2009, 2009 | A. Buzas, Z. Geretovszky, A. Nemeth, Z. Labadi, G. Juhasz, C. Major, I. Barsony: Selective laser cutting of ZnO:Al contact layers, Proceedings of the 24th European PV Solar Energy Conference, Hamburg GE, 21-25 Septembre, 2009, 2009 | Z. Labadi, A. Nemeth, G. Molnar, M. Fried, I. Barsony: Atomic Layer Deposition and characterisation of ZnO thin films for CIGS solar cell buffer layer, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 7-11 June, 2010, 2010 | Z. Labadi, A. Nemeth, A. Buzas, Z. Geretovszky, C. Major, C. Ducso, I. Barsony: Adaptation of ZnO TCO process to thin film PV applications, 25th European PV Solar Energy Conference, Valencia, Spain, 6-10 Septembre, 2010 | J. Toth, J. Pazman, A. Nemeth, A. Csik, Z. Labadi, L. Köver, I. Cserny, D. Varga, Z. Gacsi: XAES studies of thin Zno(Al) layers anbd SiC particles, JVC 13 Conference, Strbske Pleso, Slowakia, 20-24 June, 2010 | A. Simon, R. Huszank, M. Novak, Z. Pintye: Investigation of hydrogen depletion of organic materials upon ion-beam irradiation by simultaneous micro-RBS and micro-ERDA technics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B., 2010 | Á. Németh, Z. Lábadi, L. Tóth, I. Bársony: Oscillations and power dependent hysteresis in reactive ZnO plasma, Vacuum, 2009 | A. Simon, R. Huszank, M. Novak, Z. Pintye: Investigation of hydrogen depletion of organic materials upon ion-beam irradiation by simultaneous micro-RBS and micro-ERDA technics, 19th International Conference on ion-beam analysis, Cambridge, UK, 7-11, Septembre, 2009 | A. Csík, G.A. Langer, L. Péter, K. Vad: Ipari felületi rétegek vizsgálata Szekunder Semleges Részecske Tömegspektrométerrel, ELFT Őszi Iskola, Gyöngyöstarján, Szeptember 30., 2009 | Z. Labadi, A. Nemeth, I. Barsony: Napelemtechnológiai Innovációs Centrum az MTA MFA-ban, ELFT Anyagtudományi Őszi Iskola, Gyöngyöstarján, Szeptember 30., 2009 | Z. Labadi, A. Nemeth: Napelemtechnológiai kutatás-fejlesztés az MTA MFA-ban, ELFT és Hungarian Vacuum Society szeminárium, Budapest, December 8., 2009 | K. Vad: Pillantás a jövőbe: a napenergia társadalma, A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe, Debrecen,November 5., 2009 | A. Csík, K. Vad, G.A. Langer: Application of Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry for quantitative elemental and depth profile analysis, Ukrainian-Hungarian Workshop, Uzhgorod, Ukraine, November 3,, 2009 |





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