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A Sápi, R Rémiás, Z Kónya, A Kukovecz, K Kordas, I Kiricsi: Synthesis and characterization of nickel catalysts supported on different carbon materials, REACTION KINETICS AND CATALYSIS LETTERS 96:(2) pp. 379-389. (2009), 2009 | R Remias, A Kukovecz, M Daranyi, G Kozma, S Varga, Z Konya, I Kiricsi: Synthesis of Zinc Glycerolate Microstacks from a ZnO Nanorod Sacrificial Template, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY -:(24) pp. 3622-3627. (2009), 2009 | E Horvath, R Puskas, R Remias, M Mohl, A Kukovecz, Z Konya, I Kiricsi: A novel catalyst type containing noble metal nanoparticles supported on mesoporous carbon: synthesis, characterization and catalytic properties, TOPICS IN CATALYSIS 52:(9) pp. 1242-1250. (2009), 2009 | A. Sápi, R. Rémiás, A. Kukovecz, I. Pálinkó, Z. Kónya, I. Kiricsi: Fundamental aspects of the synthesis, modification, characterization and catalytic testing of various silicate forms and metal nanoparticle-mesoporous silicate composite, Silica and Silicates in Modern Catalysis, 2010: ISBN: 978-81-7895-455-4 Editor: Istvan Halasz, 2009 | R Rémiás, A Sápi, R Puskás, Á Kukovecz, Z Kónya, I Kiricsi: Adsorption of C6 hydrocarbon rings on mesoporous catalyst supports, Chemical Physics Letters 482:(4-6) pp. 296-301. (2009), 2009 | G Oszlánczi, T Vezér, L Sárközi, E Horváth, A Szabó, E Horváth, Z Kónya, A Papp: Metal deposition and functional neurotoxicity in rats after 3–6 weeks nasal exposure by two physicochemical forms of manganese, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 30:(2) pp. 121-126. (2010), 2010 | M Mohl, A Kumar, ALM Reddy, A Kukovecz, Z Konya, I Kiricsi, R Vajtai, PM Ajayan: Synthesis of Catalytic Porous Metallic Nanorods by Galvanic Exchange Reaction, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 114:(1) pp. 389-393. (2010), 2010 | N Halonen, A Rautio, A-R Leino, T Kyllonen, G Toth, J Lappalainen, K Kordas, M Huuhtanen, RL Keiski, A Sapi, M Szabo, A Kukovecz, Z Konya, I Kiricsi, PM Ajayan, and R Vajtai: Three-Dimensional Carbon Nanotube Scaffolds as Particulate Filters and Catalyst Support Membranes, ACS Nano 4:(4) pp. 2003-2008. (2010), 2010 | M-C Wu, J Hiltunen, A Sapi, A Avila, W Larsson, H-C Liao, M Huuhtanen, G Toth, A Shchukarev, N Laufer, A Kukovecz, Z Konya, J-P Mikkola, R Keiski, W-F Su, Y-F Chen, H Jantunen, PM Ajayan, R Vajtai, K Kordas: Nitrogen-Doped Anatase Nanofibers Decorated with Noble Metal Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Production of Hydrogen, ACS Nano 5 (2011) 5025-5030, 2011 | A Goyal, M Mohl, A Kumar, R Puskas, A Kukovecz, Z Konya, I. Kiricsi, PM Ajayan: In situ synthesis of catalytic metal nanoparticle-PDMS membranes by thermal decomposition process, Composites Science and Technology 71 (2011) 129–133, 2011 | K. Csankó, M. Darányi, G. Kozma, Á. Kukovecz, Z. Kónya, P. Sipos, I. Pálinkó: Self-assembling of Z-a-pyridylcinnamic acid molecules over polycrystalline Ag and Au surfaces followed by FT-IR and atomic force microscopies, Journal of Molecular Structure 993 (2011) 67–72, 2011 | M Mohl, D Dobo, A Kukovecz, Z Konya, K Kordas, J Wei, R Vajtai, PM Ajayan: Formation of CuPd and CuPt Bimetallic Nanotubes by Galvanic Replacement Reaction, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (2011) 9403-9409, 2011 | M Mohl, P Pusztai, A Kukovecz, Z Konya, J Kukkola, K Kordas, R Vajtai, PM Ajayan: Low-Temperature Large-Scale Synthesis and Electrical Testing of Ultralong Copper Nanowires, Langmuir 26 (2010) 16496-16502, 2010 | M Daranyi, T Csesznok, A Kukovecz, Z Konya, I Kiricsi, PM Ajayan, R Vajtai: Layer-by-layer assembly of TiO2 nanowire/carbon nanotube films and characterization of their photocatalytic activity, Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 195701, 2011 | Á. Kukovecz, G. Pótári, A. Oszkó, Z. Kónya, A. Erdőhelyi, J. Kiss: Probing the interaction of Au, Rh and bimetallic Au–Rh clusters with the TiO2 nanowire and nanotube support, Surface Science 605 (2011) 1048–1055, 2011 | A. Oszkó, G. Pótári, A. Erdohelyi, A. Kukovecz, Z. Kónya, I. Kiricsi, J. Kiss: Structure of the AueRh bimetallic system formed on titanate nanowires and nanotubes, Vacuum 85 (2011) 1114-1119, 2011 | G Oszlanczi, T Vezer, L Sarkozi, E Horvath, Z Konya, A Papp: Functional neurotoxicity of Mn-containing nanoparticles in rats, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (2010) 2004–2009, 2010 | G Oszlánczi, T Vezér, L Sárközi, E Horváth, A Szabó, E Horváth, Z Kónya, A Papp: Metal deposition and functional neurotoxicity in rats after 3–6 weeks nasal exposure by two physicochemical forms of manganese, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 30 (2010) 121–126, 2010 | A. Csató, A. Szabó, A. Fonseca, D. Vuon, Z. Kónya, A. Volodin, C. Van Haesendonck, L.P. Biro, G. Giordano, J. B.Nagy: Synthesis and characterisation of coiled carbon nanotubes, Catalysis Today 181 (2012) 33-39, 2012 | A. Mahajan, A. Kingon, A. Kukovecz, Z. Konya, P.M. Vilarinho: Studies on the thermal decomposition of multiwall carbon nanotubes under different atmospheres, Materials Letters - ASAP, 2012 | M. Darányi, I. Sarusi, A. Sápi, Á. Kukovecz, Z. Kónya, A. Erdőhelyi: Characterization of carbon thin films prepared by the thermal decomposition of spin coated polyacrylonitrile layers containing metal acetates, Thin Solid Films 520 (2011) 57-63, 2011 | R. Puskas, A. Sapi, A. Kukovecz, Z. Konya: Comparison of Nanoscaled Palladium Catalysts Supported on Various Carbon Allotropes, Topics in Catalysis 55 (2012) 865-872, 2012 | D. Carta, G. Navarra, A. Falqui, Z. Konya and A. Corrias: Structural characterization of FeCo alloy nanoparticles embedded in SBA-16 and their catalytic application for carbon nanotubes production, RSC Advances 2 (2012) 7886-7893, 2012 |





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