Computer simulation study of selectivity and conductance of ion channels
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Zoltán Ható, Éva Makó, Tamás Kristóf: Molecular Simulation Study of Kaolinite Intercalation, M. Pilotelli and G. P. Beretta (Eds.): Proceedings of the 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, JETC 2013, Printed in Brescia, Italy, June 2013, ISBN: 978-88-892, 2013 | Zoltán Ható, Dirk Gillespie, Tamás Kristóf, Dezső Boda: Computer Simulation of a Rectifying Ion Channel, M. Pilotelli and G. P. Beretta (Eds.): Proceedings of the 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, JETC 2013, Printed in Brescia, Italy, June 2013, ISBN: 978-88-892, 2013 | Zoltán Ható, Éva Makó, Tamás Kristóf: Water-mediated Potassium Acetate Intercalation in Kaolinite as Revealed by Molecular Simulation, Journal of Molecular Modeling, közlésre elfogadva, 2014 | Attila Malasics, Dirk Gillespie, Wolfgang Nonner, Douglas Henderson, Bob Eisenberg, Dezső Boda: Protein structure and ionic selectivity in calcium channels: Selectivity filter size, not shape, matters, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1788, 2471–2480, 2009 | Éva Csányi,Tamás Kristóf, György Lendvay: Potential Model Development Using Quantum Chemical Information for Molecular Simulation of Adsorption Equilibria of Water-Methanol (Ethanol) Mixtures in Zeolite NaA-4, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 12225–12235, 2009 | Gábor Rutkai, Éva Makó, Tamás Kristóf: Intercalation of urea in kaolinite: a comparison between simulation and experiment, EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting “Intermolecular Interactions and Liquid Structure”. Salzburg, Austria, September 6 – 10, 2009 | Julianna Vincze, Mónika Valiskó, Dezső Boda: The nonmonotonic concentration dependence of the mean activity coefficient of electrolytes is a result of a balance between solvation and ion-ion correlations, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 154507, 2010 | Gábor Rutkai, Dezső Boda, Tamás Kristóf: Relating Binding Affinity to Dynamical Selectivity from Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations of a Model Calcium Channel, J. Phys. Chem. Letters 1, 2179-2184, 2010 | Tímea Nagy, Mónika Valiskó, Douglas Henderson, Dezső Boda: The Behavior of 2:1 and 3:1 Electrolytes at Polarizable Interfaces, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 56, 1316-1322, 2011 | Attila Malasics, Dezső Boda: An efficient iterative grand canonical Monte Carlo algorithm to determine individual ionic chemical potentials in electrolytes, J. Chem. Phys. 132, 244103, 2010 | Attila Malasics, Dezső Boda, Mónika Valiskó, Douglas Henderson, Dirk Gillespie: Simulations of calcium channel block by trivalent cations: Gd3+ competes with permeant ions for the selectivity filter, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes, 1798, 2013–2021, 2010 | Douglas Henderson, Dezső Boda: Mean spherical approximation for the Yukawa fluid radial distribution function, Mol. Phys., 109, 1009-10013, 2011 | Janhavi Giri, James E. Fonseca, Dezső Boda, Douglas Henderson, Bob Eisenberg: Self-organized models of selectivity in calcium channels, Phys. Biol., 8, 026004, 2011 | Éva Csányi, Zoltán Ható, Tamás Kristóf: Molecular simulation of water removal from simple gases with zeolite NaA, J. Mol. Model., 18, 2349-2356, 2012 | Dezső Boda, Dirk Gillespie, Bob Eisenberg, Douglas Henderson: How to drive an ion through a sharp dielectric boundary in a computer simulation?, 8th Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Brno, Czech Republic, June 13-18, 2010 | Gábor Rutkai, Tamás Kristóf: Dynamic Monte Carlo simulation in mixtures, J. Chem. Phys., 132, 104107, 2010 | Éva Makó, Gábor Rutkai, Tamás Kristóf: Simulation-assisted evidence for the existence of two stable kaolinite/potassium acetate intercalate complexes, J. Coll. Int. Sci. 349, 442-445, 2010 | Julianna Vincze, Mónika Valiskó, Dezső Boda: Response to "Comment on 'The nonmonotonic concentration dependence of the mean activity coefficient of electrolytes ... ' [J. Chem. Phys. 134, 157101 (2011)]", J. Chem. Phys., 134, 157102, 2011 | Dezső Boda, Douglas Henderson, Bob Eisenberg, Dirk Gillespie: A method for treating the passage of a charged hard sphere ion as it passes through a sharp dielectric boundary, J. Chem. Phys., 135, 064105, 2011 | Tímea Nagy, Douglas Henderson, Dezső Boda: Simulation of an electrical double layer model with a low dielectric layer between the electrode and the electrolyte, J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 11409-11419, 2011 | Éva Csányi, Dezső Boda, Dirk Gillespie, Tamás Kristóf: Current and selectivity in a model sodium channel under physiological conditions: Dynamic Monte Carlo simulations, Biochim. et Biophys. Acta - Biomembranes, 1818, 592600, 2012 | Dezső Boda, Dirk Gillespie: Steady state electrodiffusion from the Nernst-Planck equation coupled to Local Equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations, J. Chem. Theory Comp., 8, 824-829, 2012 | Dezső Boda, Janhavi Giri, Douglas Henderson, Bob Eisenberg, Dirk Gillespie: Analyzing the components of the free energy landscape in a calcium selective ion channel by Widoms particle insertion method, J. Chem. Phys., 134, 055102, 2011 | Éva Csányi, Tamás Kristóf: Molecular Simulation of Water Removal from Simple Gases with Zeolite NaA, 16th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds, Sec, Czech Republic, 22-26 May, 2011 | Dezső Boda, Dirk Gillespie: Simulation of steady state transport in globally non-equilibrium systems: the Local Equilibrium Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (LE-GCMC) method coupled to the Nernst-Planck, Workshop "BioSensors and Nano-structures", Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna, July 8 2011, 2011 | Dezső Boda, Dirk Gillespie: A Lokális Egyensúlyi Nagykanonikus Monte Carlo (LE-GCMC) módszer stacionárius diffúzió tanulmányozására, Szabadenergia Workshop, 2011. október 21-22. Mátrafüred, Akadémiai Üdülő, 2011 | Róbert Kovács, Mónika, Valiskó, Dezső Boda: Monte Carlo simulation of the electrical properties of electrolytes adsorbed in charged slit-systems, Cond. Matt. Phys., 15, 23803, 2012 | Zoltán Ható, Dezső Boda, Tamás Kristóf: Simulation of Steady-State Diusion: Driving Force Ensured by Dual Control Volumes or Local Equilibrium Monte Carlo, J. Chem. Phys., 137, 054109, 2012 | Róbert Kovács, Tamás Kristóf, Dezső Boda: Selectivity and conduction of a model calcium channel studied by the NP+LEMC method, Molecular association in fluid phases and at fluid interfaces, EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2012, Eger, Hungary, 5-9 September, 2012 | Zoltán Ható, Dezső Boda, Tamás Kristóf: Direct simulation of steady-state diffusion by classical Monte Carlo methodologies, Molecular association in fluid phases and at fluid interfaces, EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2012, Eger, Hungary, 5-9 September, 2012 | Dezső Boda, Tamás Kristóf, Róbert Kovács, Zoltán Ható, Dirk Gillespie: Selectivity and conduction of a model calcium channel studied by the NP+LEMC method, Molecular association in fluid phases and at fluid interfaces, EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2012, Eger, Hungary, 5-9 September, 2012 | Róbert Kovács, Mónika Valiskó, Dezső Boda: Monte Carlo simulation of the electrical properties of electrolytes adsorbed in charged slit-systems, Condens. Matt. Phys., 15, 23803, 2012 | Zoltán Ható, Dezső Boda, Tamás Kristóf: Simulation of Steady-State Diffusion: Driving Force Ensured by Dual Control Volumes or Local Equilibrium Monte Carlo, J. Chem. Phys., 137, 054109, 2012 | C. Berti, S. Furini, D. Gillespie, D. Boda, R. S. Eisenberg, E. Sangiorgi, C. Fiegna: A 3-D Brownian Dynamics simulator for the study of ion permeation through membrane pores, J. Chem. Theory Comp., submitted, 2014 | D. Boda, É. Csányi, D. Gillespie, T. Kristóf: Dynamic Monte Carlo simulation of coupled transport through a narrow multiply-occupied pore, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118(1):700-707, 2014 | D. Boda, R. Kovács, D. Gillespie, T. Kristóf: Selective transport through a model calcium channel studied by Local Equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations coupled to the Nernst-Planck equation, J. Mol. Liq., 189:100, 2014 | D. Boda, D. Henderson, D. Gillespie: The role of solvation in the binding selectivity of the L-type calcium channel, J. Chem. Phys., 139(5):055103, 2013 |




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