Modulatory role of phospholipid metabolites in the inflammatory response and septic complications
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Ghyczy M, Torday C, Kaszaki J, Szabó A, Czóbel M, Boros M: Oral phosphatidylcholine pretreatment decreases ischemia-reperfusion-induced methane generation and the inflammatory response in the small intestine, Shock 30 (5), 596-602, 2008 | Erős G, Ibrahim S, Siebert N, Boros M, Vollmar B: Oral phosphatidylcholine pretreatment alleviates the signs of experimental rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Research & Therapy 11:R43, 2009 | Hartmann P, Szabó A, Erős G, Gurabi D, Horváth G, Németh I, Ghyczy M, Boros M.: Anti-inflammatory effects of phosphatidylcholine in neutrophil leukocyte-dependent acute arthritis in rats, Eur J Pharmacol 622(1-3):58-64, 2009 | Frank Keppler, Mihály Boros, Christian Frankenberg, Jos Lelieveld, Andrew McLeod, Anna Maria Pirttilä, Thomas Röckmann, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler: Methane formation in aerobic environments, Environ Chem 6(6) 459–465, 2009 | Erõs G, Varga G, Váradi R, Czóbel M, Kaszaki J, Ghyczy M, Boros M.: Anti-inflammatory action of a phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-enriched diet in carrageenan-induced pleurisy, European Surgical Research 42:40-48, 2009 | Wishkerman A, Greiner S, Ghyczy M, Boros M, Rausch T, Lenhart K, Keppler F: Enhanced formation of methane in plant cell cultures by inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase, Plant Cell Environ. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2010.02255.x, 2010 | Varga G, Érces D, Fazekas B, Fülöp M, Kovács T, Kaszaki J, Fülöp F, Vécsei L, Boros M.: N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonism decreases motility and inflammatory activation in the early phase of acute experimental colitis in the rat, Neurogastroenterology & Motility 22(2):217-25, 2010 | Kaszaki J, Erces D, Varga G, Szabó A, Vécsei L, Boros M.: Kynurenines and intestinal neurotransmission: the role of N-methyl-D: -aspartate receptors, J Neural Transmission DOI: 10.1007/s00702-011-0658-x, 2011 | Hartmann P, Varga R, Zobolyák Z, Héger J, Csosz B, Németh I, Rázga Z, Vízler C, Garab D, Sántha P, Jancsó G, Boros M, Szabó A: Anti-inflammatory effects of limb ischaemic preconditioning are mediated by sensory nerve activation in rats, Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 383:179-89, 2011 | Tokés T, Eros G, Bebes A, Hartmann P, Várszegi S, Varga G, Kaszaki J, Gulya K, Ghyczy M, Boros M: Protective effects of a phosphatidylcholine-enriched diet in lipopolysaccharide-induced experimental neuroinflammation in the rat, Shock 36(5):458-65., 2011 | Kovács T, Varga G, Erces D, Tőkés T, Tiszlavicz L, Ghyczy M, Boros M, Kaszaki J.: Dietary phosphatidylcholine supplementation attenuates inflammatory mucosal damage in a rat model of experimental colitis, Shock 38(2):177-85, 2012 | Érces D, Varga G, Fazekas B, Kovács T, Tőkés T, Tiszlavicz L, Fülöp F, Vécsei L, Boros M, Kaszaki J.: N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist therapy suppresses colon motility and inflammatory activation six days after the onset of experimental colitis in rats, Eur J Pharmacol 691(1-3):225-34, 2012 | Adamicza A, Kaszaki J, Boros M, Hantos Z: Pulmonary mechanical responses to intestinal ischaemia-reperfusion and endotoxin preconditioning, Acta Physiol Hung 99(3):289-301, 2012 | Boros M, Ghyczy M, Érces D, Varga G, Tőkés T, Kupai K, Torday C, Kaszaki J.: The anti-inflammatory effects of methane, Crit Care Med 40(4):1269-78, 2012 | Dániel Érces, Miklós Nógrády, Enikő Nagy, Gabriella Varga, Andrea Vass, Gábor Süveges, Masaki Imai, Noriko Okada, Hidechika Okada, Mihály Boros, József Kaszaki: COMPLEMENT C5A ANTAGONIST TREATMENT IMPROVES THE ACUTE CIRCULATORY AND INFLAMMATORY CONSEQUENCES OF EXPERIMENTAL CARDIAC TAMPONADE, Crital Care Medicine (közlésre elfogadva), 2013 | Tuboly E, Szabó A, Garab D, Bartha G, Janovszky Á, Erős G, Szabó A, Mohácsi Á, Szabó G, Kaszaki J, Ghyczy M, Boros M.: Methane biogenesis during sodium azide-induced chemical hypoxia in rats., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 304(2):C207-14, 2013 | Tőkés T., Varga G., Tuboly E., Major L., Ghyczy M., Kaszaki J., Boros M.: Anti-inflammatory effects of L-alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine in mesenteric ischaemia-reperfusion, Acta Physiol Vol. 202, 121., 2011 | Boros M., Ghyczy M.: Hypoxia-induced methane generation: mechanism and significance, Acta Physiologica 202, 21, 2011 | Tuboly E., Varga G., Tőkés T., Kaszaki J., Ghyczy M., Boros M.: The effects of exogenous methane inhalation on macro- and microdirculatory changes during intestinal ischemia-reperfusion in rats., Acta Physiologica 202, 122-123., 2011 | T. Tokes, G. Eros, P. Hartmann, A. Bebes, K. Gulya, M. Ghyczy, J. Kaszaki, M. Boros: Protective effects of a phosphatidylcholine-enriched diet in lipopolysaccharide-induced experimental neuroinflammation, Shock 36, S1, 33, 2011 | T. Tokes, G. Varga, G. Fekete, Z. Nagy, E. Tuboly, E. Szigeti, M. Ghyczy, J. Kaszaki, M. Boros: Protective effects of L-alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine after hippocampus irradiation, Shock 36, S1, 33., 2011 | G. Varga, T. Tokes, E. Tuboly, L. Major, M. Ghyczy, J. Kaszaki, M. Boros: Protective effects of alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine in mesenteric ischaemia-reperfusion., Shock 36, S1, 34., 2011 | D. Érces, G.Varga, L.Á. Kovács, F. Fülöp, L.Vécsei, M. Boros, J. Kaszaki: N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist therapy in experimental colitis, Functional and motility disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (Dan L. Dumitrascu, Vasile Drug, eds), 41-49., 2011 | Tőkés T., Varga G., Tuboly E., Ghyczy M., Kaszaki J., Boros M.: Az L-α-glicerilfoszforilkolin mikrokeringésre gyakorolt protektív hatása mesenterialis ischaemia során, Magyar Sebészet 64. 3. 152., 2011 | Varga G, Erces D, Tuboly E, Kaszaki J, Ghyczy M, Boros M.: Characterization of the antiinflammatory properties of methane inhalation during ischaemia-reperfusion, Magyar Sebészet 65(4):205-11., 2012 | Kovács T, Varga G, Erces D, Tőkés T, Tiszlavicz L, Ghyczy M, Vécsei L, Boros M, Kaszaki J.: Terápiás lehetőségek a gyulladásos bélbetegség állatkísérletes modelljében – összehasonlító vizsgálat, Magyar Sebészet 65(4):191-7, 2012 | Zsikai B, Bizánc L, Sztányi P, Vida G, Nagy E, Jiga L, Ionac M, Erces D, Boros M, Kaszaki J.: Clinically relevant sepsis model in minipigs, Magy Seb 65(4):198-204., 2012 | Kaszaki J, Szabó A, Boros M: A mikrokeringés jellegzetességei keringési shockban, Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia 40(3): 154-162, 2010 | Fazekas B, Varga G, Kupai K, Ghyczy M, Boros M: Exogenous methane reduces the demage of mucosal barrier function following mesentric ischaemia-reperfusion, Acta Physiol Hung 97(4), 439, 2010 | Tőkes T, Erős G, Varszegi Sz, Hartmann P, Bebes A, Kaszaki J, Gulya K, Boros M: Protective effects of phosphatidylcholine pretreatment in endoxin-induced systemic inflammation in the rat hippocampus, Acta Physiol Hung 97(4), 483, 2010 | Varga G., Érces D., Kaszaki J., Kupai K., Ghyczy M., Boros M: Metán inhaláció hatása a vékonybél mikrokeringésére ischaemia-reperfúziót követően, Érbetegségek 2: 64-65, 2009 | Boros Mihály: Splanchnikus perfúziós zavarok, ischaemia-reperfúzió, Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia 40(1): 7-8, 2010 | Fazekas B., Érces D., Varga G., Kaszaki J., Kupai K., Ghyczy M., Boros M.: Exogenous methane influences the formation of nitrogen- and oxygen-derived free radical products in the rat, British J Surgery 97 (S4): 108, 2010 | Érces D., Varga G., Kaszaki J., Kupai K., Ghyczy M., Boros M: Exogenous methane improves intestinal microcirculatory dysfunction and biochemical signs of ischemia-reperfusion injury in dogs, British J Surg 97 (S4): 108, 2010 | Érces D., Faludi L., Nagy E., Kaszaki J., Ghyczy M., Boros M.: Macro- and microhemodynamic complications of cardiac tamponade can be influenced by combined intravenous and inhalative antioxidant treatments, Acta Physiol Hung 97(4), 438, 2010 | Hartmann P, Szabó A, Boros M: On-line Visualizaton of Synovial Microcirculatory Events in Neutrophil Leukocyte-Dependent Acuta Arthritis in Rats, Abstracts of the 2010 World Molecular Imaging Congress September 8-11, 2010, Kyoto, Japan, 2010 | Kaszaki J, Érces D, Süveges G, Zimmermann T, Ghyczy M, Boros M: Intravenous or inhalative antioxidant treatments restore intestinal perfusion in a porcine model of cardiac tamponade, Experimental & Clinical Cardiology 15 (3): 46, 2010 | P. Hartmann, A. Szabó, D. Gurabi, G. Erős, L. Török, M. Boros: Phosphatidylcholine ameliorates the consequences of carrageenan-induced subacute arthritis in rats, British Journal of Surgery, 2008; 95(S6):22, 2008 |
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