Consortional main: Magnetic, geochemical and mineralogical study of airborne dust
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Zajzon, N., Márton, E., Sipos, P., Kristály F., Németh, T., Kis-Kovács, V., Weiszburg, T.G.: Integrated mineralogical and magnetic study of magnetic airborne particles from potential pollution sources in industrial-urban environment, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, February 8/1, 179 – 186., 2013 | Zajzon, N., Márton E., Sipos, P., Kristály, F., Németh, T., Kovács-Kis, V., Weiszburg T.G.: Integrated mineralogical and magnetic study of magnetic airborne particles from potential pollution sources in industrial-urban environment, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 8/1, 179-186, 2013 | Márton, E., Sipos, P., Zajzon, N., Szentmarjay, T., Lautner, P., Pethe, P.: Magnetic monitoring, geochemical and mineralogical analysis of settled dust from North and Central Transdanubia, Hungary, Central European Geology, in press., 2013 | Sipos, P., Kovács-Kis, V., Márton, E., Németh, T., May, Z., Szalai, Z.: Lead and zinc in the suspended particulate matter and settled dust in Budapest, Hungary., European Chemical Bulletin 1/11, 449-454., 2012 | Sipos, P., Márton, E., Németh, T., Kovács Kis, V., May, Z., Szalai, Z.: Mineral phases containing heavy metals in the suspended dust from Budapest, Hungary, ICHMET 2012 Abstracts, E3S Web of Conferences, HM in the Atmosphere III, 1-4, 2012 | Márton, E., Lesić, V., Cvetkov, V.: First magnetic measurements on PM10 filters from two stations in Serbia and comparison of the results with those from nine Hungarian stations, Ed.: S. Komatina-Petrović. Proceedings, Geosci. & Environ., 3rd Int. Conf. ISBN 978-86-913953-6-0. Assoc. Geophys. & Environ. Serbia (AGES), Beograd. 76-79., 2012 | Márton, E., Sipos, P., Német, T., May, Z.: Transport of pollutants around a high building: integrated magnetic, mineralogical and geochemical study., 6th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society, Proceedings & Exhibitor’s Catalogue (ISBN 978-90-73834-16-3, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) B9, 1-6., 2011 | Márton, E., Domján, Á., Lautner, P., Szentmarjay, T., Uram, J.: The use of total susceptibility in the analysis of long term PM10 (PM2.5) collected at Hungarian air quality monitoring stations, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013. Geophysical Research Abstracts 15, EGU2013-9320., 2013 | Márton, E., Zajzon, N., Sipos, P., Uram, J.: The significance of magnetic methods in tracking pollution sources in a Hungarian industrial town, 13th New Trends in Geomagnetism, Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, special issue 2012, 83., 2012 | Márton, E., Domján, A., Lautner, P., Szentmarjay, T., Uram, J., Tóth, I.: Magnetic monitoring of long-term PM10 records from stations of different environments and sources of pollution in Hungary, 13th New Trends in Geomagnetism, Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, special issue, 81-82., 2012 | Márton, E., Sipos, P., Németh, T., Kovácsné Kis, V., May, Z.: Urban dust settled at different sides and levels of a High Building next to a major road in Budapest: Integrated Magnetic, Mineralogical and Geochemical Study, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012. Geophysical Research Abstracts 14, EGU2012-8035., 2012 | Sipos, P., Németh, T., Kovács Kis, V., May, Z., Márton, E.: Heavy metals and their host phases in the airborne dust in Budapest, Hungary, Stastny, M., Zigova, A. Informátor, 49. Book of abstracts. 6th Mid-Europen Clay Conference, pp. 115., 2012 | Sipos P; Kovács Kis V; Márton E; Németh T; May Z; Szalai Z: Lead and zinc in the suspended particulate matter and settled dust in Budapest, Hungary, European Chemical Bulletin 1, 449-454., 2012 | Márton E, Lesić V, Cvetkov V: First magnetic measurements on PM10 filters from two stations in Serbia and comparison of the results with those from nine Hungarian stations, Ed.: Snežana Komatina-Petrović. Proceedings, Geosciences and Environment, The 3rd International Professional Conference. ISBN 978-86-913953-6-0. AGES, Beograd 76-79., 2012 | Sipos P; Márton E; Németh T; Kovács Kis V; May Z; Szalai Z: Mineral phases containing heavy metals in the suspended dust from Budapest, Hungary, ICHMET 2012 Abstracts, 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment (23-27 September 2012, Rome, Italy), E3S Web of Conferences, HM in the Atmosphere, 2012 | Márton, E., Domján, A., Lautner, P., Szentmarjay, T., Uram, J., Tóth, I.: Magnetic monitoring of long-term PM10 records from stations of different environments and sources of pollution in Hungary, 3th New Trends in Geomagnetism, Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, special issue 2012, 81-82., 2012 | Márton, E., Zajzon, N., Sipos, P., Uram, J.: The significance of magnetic methods in tracking pollution sources in a Hungarian industrial town, 13th New Trends in Geomagnetism, Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, special issue 2012, 83., 2012 | Márton, E., Sipos, P., Németh, T., Kovácsné Kis, V., May, Z.: Urban dust settled at different sides and levels of a High Building next to a major road in Budapest: Integrated Magnetic, Mineralogical and Geochemical Study, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012. 22-27 April, 2012. Vienna, Austria, EGU2012-8035, 2012 | Sipos P; Márton E; Németh T; Kovács Kis V; May Z: Lead and zinc in the suspended particulate matter and settling dust in Budapest, Hungary, Abstracts, 4th International Symposium on Trace Elements in the Food Chain. Friend os Foes? (Visegrád, Hungary, 2012. 11. 15-17.), p. 14., 2012 | Sipos, P., Márton, E., Németh, T., May, Z.: Magas épületek hatása az ülepedő porok geokémiai és mágneses tulajdonságainak tér- és időbeli változására., Progam és előadás-összefoglalók, X. Környezetvédelmi Analitikai és Technológiai Konferencia (ISBN 978-963-9970-17-5), 33., 2011 | Sipos, P., Márton, E., Németh, T., Kovács Kis, V., May, Z., Szalai, Z.: Potentially toxic metal bearing mineral phases in total suspended particles from Budapest, Hungary., Goldschmidt 2011, Earth, Life and Fire, August 14-19, 2011. Prague, Czech Republic, Mineralogical Magazine 75/3, 1884., 2011 | Márton, E., Hrouda, F.: Estimation of the superparamagnetic contribution to susceptibility of settled dust and PM10 samples using the MFK1-FA Kappabridge, the Bartington MS2 instrument and the m, Travaux Géophysiques 39, 50., 2010 | Zajzon, N., Márton, E., Pethe, M., Sipos, P., Németh, T., Kovácsné-Kis, V., Uram, J.: Mineralogical, magnetic and geochemical investigation of the seasonal PM 10 dust fraction from Miskolc, Hungary., Acta Miner. Petr. Abstract Series 6, 334., 2010 | Márton, E., Zajzon, N., Márton, P., Uram, J.: Magnetic pollutants in settled dust and PM10 samples from Miskolc, Hungary, Abstract Book of the IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, 116-THU-P1700-0856., 2009 | Márton, E., Márton. P., Zajzon, N.: Környezeti mágnesség: ülepedő por mágneses és ásványtani vizsgálata kárpát-medencei mintákon., 4. Téli Ásványtani Iskola, 2009 január 16-17. Balatonfüred., 2009 |
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