Proving the role of Cbf genes in wheat frost tolerance by transformation
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Soltész A, Smedley M, Vashegyi I, Galiba G, Harwood W, Vágújfalvi A: Transgenic barley lines prove the involvement of TaCBF14 and TaCBF15 in the cold acclimation process and in frost tolerance., Journal of Experimental Botany (közlésre elfogadva), 2013 | Dhillon T, Pearce SP, Stockinger EJ, Distelfeld A, Li C, Knox AK, Vashegyi I, Vágújfalvi A, Galiba G, Dubcovsky J.: Regulation of freezing tolerance and flowering in temperate cereals: the VRN-1 connection., Plant Physiol. 2010 153:1846-58., 2010 | Vágújfalvi A, Soltész A, Bálint AF, Vashegyi I, Tóth B, Kocsy G, Galiba G: Different approaches involving testing methods, gene mapping and transformation reveal new insights into cereal frost tolerance., Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 60: 167–182, 2012 | Soltész A, Vágújfalvi A, Rizza F, Kerepesi I, Galiba G, Cattivelli L, Coraggio I, Crosatti C.: The rice Osmyb4 gene enhances tolerance to frost and improves germination under unfavourable conditions in transgenic barley plants., Journal of Applied Genetics. 53:133-43, 2012 | Vágújfalvi A, Nagy VA, Soltész A, Galiba G: A simplified method to test cereal frost tolerance, Acta Agronomica Hungarica 58: 143-149., 2010 | Soltész A, Harwood W, Smedley M, Jones HD, Sparks C, Galiba G, Vágújfalvi A: Proving the Role of Two CBF Transcription Factors by Transformation., Plant Transformation Technologies II International Conference, Vienna, Austria, 19-22. February, p.52., 2010 | Galiba G, Soltész A, Harwood W, Smedley M, Jones HD, Sparks C, Vágújfalvi A: CBF transcription factors improved the frost and drought tolerance of wheat and barley transgenic plants, 20th North American Barley Researchers Workshop. Corvallis, Oregon June 6-8., 2011 | Soltész A, Harwood W, Smedley M, Jones HD, Sparks C, Galiba G, Vágújfalvi A: Proving the role of two CBF transcription factors by transformation., Workshop of the Pannonian Plant Biotechnology Association: Experiences with GMP field trials and combating climate change challenges with green biotechnology. Cluj-Napoca, 2010 | Soltész Alexandra, Wendy Harwood, Mark Smedley, Vashegyi Ildikó, Galiba Gábor, Vágújfalvi Attila: Két búza CBF transzkripciós faktor szerepének bizonyítása transzformációval., XVI. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 2010. március 11. p. ., 2010 | Soltész A, Harwood W, Smedley M, Vashegyi I, Galiba G, Vágújfalvi A: Két búza CBF transzkripciós faktor szerepének bizonyítása transzformációval., XVI. Növénynemesítési Tudományos Napok, Budapest, 2010. március 11. p.31., 2010 | Galiba G, Soltész A, Harwood W, Smedley M, Jones HD, Sparks C, Vágújfalvi A: Improvement of wheat and barley frost tolerance by transformation with CBF transcription factors., 9th International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar, Book of Abstracts, 2011 | Galiba G, Soltész A, Vashegyi I, Stockinger EJ, Dubcovsky J, Vágújfalvi A: Molecular background and improvement of the cold acclimation process in cereals, 1st Congress of Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding, 24-27 May 2011, Szeged, Hungary, p. 31., 2011 | Galiba G, Vágújfalvi A, Vashegyi I, Soltész A, Stockinger EJ, Dubcovsky J, Kocsy G: Molecular bases of the development dependent cold acclimation in temperate cereals, 3rd Workshop on TritiGen COST Action FA0604. 3-7 May 2011, Istambul, p.14., 2011 | Galiba G, Vágújfalvi A, Kocsy G, Soltész A, Vashegyi I, Cattivelli L, Dubcovsky J.: Genetic bases of the cold adaptation in cereals., Plant and Microbe Adaptation to the Cold PMAC2009. In Abstract Book Page 30. Organised by Tronso AM, Norwegian Iniversity of Life Sciences, As, Norway, December 4-8, 2009, 2009 | Galiba G, Soltész A, Vashegyi I, Vágújfalvi A: Új szemlélet a télállóság-kutatásban., Magyar Mezőgazdaság, 2011.03.23., 2011 |
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