Diophantine Number Theory And its Applications
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A. Bazsó: On alternating power sums of arithmetic progressions, közlésre benyújtva, 2013 | L. Hajdu, T. Kovács, A. Pethő, M. Pohst,: On an optimization problem for lattices,, Exper. Math. megjelenés alatt, 2013 | A. Bérczes and I. Pink,: On the diophantine equation x^2+d^{21+1}=y^n,, Glasgow Math. Journal, 54, 415-428, 2012 | L. Aszalós, A. Huszti,: Payment approval for PayWord, D.H. Lee, M. Yung (Eds.): 13th International Workshop on Information Security Applications 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7690, 161-176, Springe-Verlag, 2012 | A. Huszti,: Experiment-based Definitions for Electronic Exam Systems,, Proceedings of the Mini-Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science, (2012) 127-130, 2010 | L. Aszalós, A. Huszti,: Applying Spi-calculus for Payword,, Proceedings of ICAI'10 8th International Conference on Applied Informatics, (2012), 295-302, 2010 | Bérczes A., Luca F.,: On the largest prime factor of numerators of Bernoulli numbers,, Indag. Math., 23, 128-134, 2012 | Bérczes A., Luca F.,: On the sum of digits of numerators of Bernoulli numbers,, Canad. Math. Bull., közlésre elfogadva, 2013 | Bérczes A., Dujella A., Hajdu L.: Some Diophantine properties of the sequence of S-units, közlésre benyújtva, 2013 | G. Nyul and B. Rauf,: On the existence of van der Waerden type numbers for linear recurrence sequence with constant coefficients, benyújtás alatt, 2013 | Zs. Kereskényi-Balogh and G. Nyul,: Stirling numbers of the second kind and Bell numbers for graphs,, közlésre benyújtva, 2013 | E. Gyimesi and G. Nyul,: A note on Golomb's method and the continued fraction method for Egyptian fractions,, közlésre benyújtva, 2013 | B. Nyul and G. Nyul,: Functional equations for vector products and quaternions,, Aequationes Mathematicae, közlésre elfogadva, 2013 | Győry K. and Pintér Á.: Binomial Thue equations, ternary equations and power values of polynomials,, Fundam. Prikl. Math. 16, 61-77, 2010 | A. Dujella, K. Győry and Á. Pintér: On power values of pyramidal numbers,, I, Acta Arith., 155, 217-226, 2012 | J.H. Evertse and K. Győry,: Effective results for unit equations over finitely generated domains, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 2012 | K. Győry and Á. Pintér,: Binomial Thue equations, ternary equations and power values of polynomials,, J. Math. Sciences 180, 569-580,, 2012 | A Bérczes, J.H. Evertse and K. Győry,: Multiply monogenic orders,, Ann Scuola Normale Sup. Pisa, közlésre elfogadva, 2013 | A. Bérczes, J.H. Evertse and K. Győry,: Effective results for hyper- and superelliptic equations over number fields,, Publ. math. Debrecen, 2013 | K. Győry,: Perfect powers in products with consecutive terms arithmetic progressions, II,, megjelenés alatt, 2013 | A. Bérczes, J.H. Evertse and K. Győry,: Effective results for diophantine equations over finitely generated domains,, Acta Arith., megjelenés alatt, 2013 | I. Gaál and M. Pohst,: Diophantine equations over global function fields IV: S-unit equations in several variables with an applications to norm form equations, J. Number Theory 130, 493-506,, 2010 | I. Gaál and T. Szabó,: A note on the minimal indices of pure cubic fields, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 19, 129-139,, 2010 | I. Gaál and G. Petrányi: Calculating all elements of minimal index in the infinite parametric family of simplest quartic fields, benyújtott, 2013 | I. Gaál and T. Szabó: Relative power integral bases in infinite families of quartic extensions quadratic field, benyújtott, 2013 | Á. Pintér and V. Ziegler,: On arithmetic progressions in recurrences A new characterization of the Fibonacci sequence, Journal of Number Theory, 132, 1686-1706, 2012 | Á. Pintér and H. Srivastava,: Addition theorems for the Appell polynomials and the associated classes of polynomial expansions,, Aequationes Mathematicae, DOI 10.1007/s00010-012-0148-8, 2013 | Y. Bilu, C. Fuchs, F. Luca and Á. Pintér: Combinatorial diophantine eguations and a refinement of a theorem on separated variables equations,, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 82, 219-254,, 2013 | D. Kim, Y. K. Park and Á. Pintér: A diophantine problem concerning polygonal numbers, to apper in, Bulletin of Australian Math. Society, 2013 | Á. Pintér and Sz. Tengely: The Korteweg-de Vries equation and a diophantine problem, benyújtott, 2013 | Mező I. and Dil A.,: Euler-Seidel method for certain combinatorial numbers and a new characterization of Fibinacci sequence, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 7(2), 310-321,, 2009 | Fenyvesi A., Valastyan I., Mező I., Fenyvesi E.: Molecular dynamics simulation of radiation damage in beryllium, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest p.30, 2009 | Fenyvesi A., Valastyan I., Mező I., Fenyvesi E,: Molecular dynamics simulation of radiation damage in beryllium, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest p.26, 2009 | Mező I.: A q-Raabe formula and an integral of the fourth Jacobi theta function, J. Number Th. 133 (2), 692-702, 2012 | Mező I.: The Primorial and the Riemann zeta function,, Amer. Math. Monthly, közlésre elfogadva, 2013 | Mező I.,: Exponential generating function of hyperharmonic numbers indexed by arithmetic progressions, Cent Eur. J. Math., közlésre elfogadva, 2013 | Mező I.,: Some infinite sums arising from the Weierstrass Product Theorem, Applied. Math. Comput. közlésre elfogadva, 2013 | Hajdu L. és R. Tijdeman,: Representing integers as linear combinations of power products,, Arch. Math. 98, 527-533, 2012 | I. Mező: The r-Bell numbers,, J. Integer Seq. 14(1) Article 11.1.1, 2011 | I Mező: The Dual of Spivey's Bell Number Formula, J. Integer Seq. 15(2) Article 12.2.4, 2012 | I. Mező and K. Nagy: Integrals of weighted maximal logarithmic kernels on bounded Vilenkin groups, , Period. Math. Hungar., 64, 89-99, 2012 | I. Mező: Duplication formulae involving Jacobi theta functions and Gosper's q-trigonometric functions,, Proc. AMS, megjelenés alatt, 2012 | Á. Pintér and N. Varga: Resolution of a nontrivial diophantine equation without reduction methods, Publ. Math. Debrecen 79:(3-4) pp. 605-610., 2011 | J Ferenczik, Á Pintér, B Porvázsnyik: On Equal Values of Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind., APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION 218:(3) pp. 980-984., 2011 | M. A. Bennett, I. Pink and Zs. Rábai: On the number of solutions of some binomial Thue equations, Publ. Math. Debrecen, közlésre benyújtva, 2012 | L. Hajdu and R. Tijdeman: Representing integers as linear combinations of powers, Publ. Math. Debrecen 79, 461--468., 2011 | A. Bérczes, A. Dujella, L. Hajdu and F. Luca: On the size of sets whose elements have perfect power n-shifted products, Publ. Math. Debrecen 79, 325-339., 2011 | Kovács L., Tomán H., Jónás Á., Hajdu L. and Hajdu A: Generalizing the majority voting scheme to conditional voting, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 6679, 189-196., 2011 | L. Hajdu, N. Saradha and R. Tijdeman: On a conjecture of Pomerance, Acta Arithmetica, 155, 175-184, 2012 | B. van Dalen, L. Hajdu and R. Tijdeman: Bounds for discrete tomography solutions, közlésre benyújtva, 2012 | L. Hajdu and M. Szikszai: On the GCD-s of k consecutive terms of Lucas sequences, J. Number Theory 132, 3056-3069, 2012 | D. Dombek, Hajdu L. and Pethő A: Representing algebraic integers as linear combinations of units, közlésre benyújtva, 2012 | J. Batenburg, W. Fortes, Hajdu L. and R. Tijdeman: Bounds on the difference between reconstructions in binary tomography, Discrete Geometry and ComputerImaginary LNCS 6607, 369-380, 2011 | A. Huszti, Z. Kovács: Univerzális kriptográfiai protokoll e-felmérésekhez, Informatika a Felsőoktatásban Konferencia 2011, 592--600., 2011 | J. Folláth, A. Huszti, A. Pethő: Informatikai biztonság és kriptográfia, Egytemi jegyzet, DE, 2011 | Tomán H., Kovács L., Jónás Á., Hajdu L. és Hajdu A.,: Generalized weighted majority voting with an application to algorithms having spatial output, 7th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Artificial Intelli-gence Systems (HAIS 2012),, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7209 pp. 56-67,, 2012 | Á. Pintér: On a class of diophantine equations related to the numbers of cells in hyperplane arrangements, Journal of Number Theory 129: pp. 1664-1668. (2009), 2009 | Liptay K, Luca F, Pinter A, Szalay L: Generalized balancing numbers, INDAGATIONES MATHEMATICAE-NEW SERIES 20: pp. 87-100. (2009), 2009 | Cangul IN, Demirci M, Luca F, Pintér Á, Soydan G: On the diophantine equation x^2+2^a 11^b=y^n, FIBONACCI QUARTERLY 48: pp. 39-46. (2010), 2010 | Gy Péter, Á Pintér, A Schinzel: On equal values of trinomials, MONATSHEFTE FÜR MATHEMATIK 162: pp. 313-320., 2011 | A. Bazsó: Thue equations and ternary equations with S-unit coefficients, Publ.Math.Debrecen, 77, 499-516, 2010 | A.Bazsó: Binomial Thue equations, ternary equations and their applications, PhD értekezés, Debrecen, 2010 | A Bérczes, J-H. Evertse and K. Győry: On monogenic orders over domains finitely generated over Z, közlére előkészítve, 2011 | A. Bérczes and V. Ziegler: On geometric progressions in the solution set of Pell equations and in Lucas sequences, közlésre előkészítve, 2011 | T. Kovács, K. Liptai and P. Olajos: On (a,b) balancing numbers, Publ. Math. Debrecen 77, 485-498, 2010 | T. Kovács, Gy. Péter, N. Varga: On some polynomial values of repdigit numbers, Periodica. Math. Hungar., megjelenés alatt, 2012 | Cs. Rakaczki: On some generalization of diophantine equation s(1^k+...+x^k)+r=dy^n, Acta Arithmetica, 151, 201-216, 2012 | K.J.Batenburg, W.Fortess, L. Hajdu and R. Tijdeman: Bounds on the difference between reconstruction in binary tomography, Discrete Geometry and Computer Imaginary, LNCS 6607, 369--380., 2011 | L. Hajdu and N. Saradha: Disproof of a conjecture of Jacobsthal, Math. Comp. 81, 2461-2471, 2012 | A. Hajdu, L. Hajdu and R. Tijdeman: Approximation of Euclidean distances by chamfer distances, Acta Cybernetica 20, 399-417, 2012 | I. Gaál and M. Pohst: Solving explicitly diophantine equations of type $F(x,y)=G(x,y)$ over function fields, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 45, 79--88., 2011 | I. Gaál and M. Pohst: The sum of two S-units being a perfect power in global function fields, Math. Slovaka, megjelenés alatt, 2011 | K. Győry: S-unit equations in number fields: effective results, generalizations, abc-conjecture, Analytic number theory and related topics, Kyoto, RIMS, No. 1710 (2010), 71-84., 2010 | K.Győry and C. Smyth: The divisibility of a^n - b^n by powers of n, Integers 10, 319-334., 2010 | K.Győry, L.Hajdu and R.Tijdeman: Irreducibility criteria of Schur type and Pólya-type, Monatshefte Math., Monatsh. Math. 163, 415-443., 2011 | I. Mező: A new formula for the Bernoulli polynomials, Results Math. 58, 329-355, 2010 | A. Pintér and Alf van der Poorten: A simple observation on simple zeros, Archiv der Math. 95, 355-361, 2010 | Grenczer M, Pinter A, Zsuga J, Kemeny-Beke A, Juhasz B, Szodoray P, Tosaki A, Gesztelyi R: The influence of affinity, efficacy, and slope factor on the estimates obtained by the receptorial responsiveness method (RRM): A computer simulation study., CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 88: pp. 1061-1073, 2010 | Grenczer M, Zsuga J, Majoros L, Pinter A, Kemeny-Beke A, Juhasz B, Tosaki A, Gesztelyi R: Effect of asymmetry of concentration-response curves on the results obtained by the receptorial responsiveness method (RRM): An in silico study., CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 88: pp. 1074-1083, 2010 | I. Pink and Zs. Rábai,: On the diophantine equation $x^2+5^k17^l=y^n$, Communications in Mathematics, 19, 1-9,, 2011 | A. Bérczes and I. Pink: On the diophantine equation $x^2+d^{2l+1}=y^n$, Glasgow Math. Journal, közlésre benyújtva, 2011 | A. Bazsó, Á. Pintér, H. M. Srivastava: A refinement of Faulhaber’s theorem concerning sums of powers of natural numbers,, Applied Math. Letters 25:(3) pp. 486-489., 2012 | A. Bazsó, D. Kreso, F. Luca, Á. Pintér: On equal values of power sums of arithmetic progressions, Glasnik Matematicki, 47, 253-263, 2012 | L. Hajdu, T. Kovács: Almost fifth powers in arithmetic progression, J. Number Theory 131, 1912-1923., 2011 | I.Gaál and T. Szabó: Power integral bases in parametric families of biquadratic fields, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 21, 105-114., 2012 | Claus Fieker, István Gaál and Michael Pohst,: On computing integral points of a Mordell curve over rational function fields in characteristic $>3$, J. Number Theory 133, 738-750., 2013 | Andrea Huszti: A Homomorphic Encryption-Based Secure Electronic Voting Scheme, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 79/3-4, 479 -- 496., 2011 | Andrea Huszti, Attila Pethő: A Secure Electronic Exam System, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 77/3-4, 299-312, 2010 | Zs. Ádám, L. Hajdu and F. Luca: Representing integers as linear combinations of S-units, Acta Arith. 138 (2009), 101-107., 2009 | L. Hajdu and T. Kovács: Parallel LLL-reduction for bounding the integral solutions of elliptic equations,, Math. Comp. 78 (2009), 1201-1210., 2009 | L. Hajdu, Sz. Tengely and R. Tijdeman: Cubes in products of terms in arithmetic progression, Publ. Math. Debrecen 74 (2009), 215-232., 2009 | K. Győry, L. Hajdu and Á. Pintér: Perfect powers from products of consecutive terms in arithmetic progression, Compositio Math. 145 (2009), 845-864., 2009 | L. Hajdu: Optimal systems of fundamental S-units for LLL-reduction, Period. Math. Hungar. 59 (2009), 79-105., 2009 | L. Hajdu, A. Schinzel and M. Skalba: Multiplicative properties of sets of positive integers, Archiv der Math. 93 (2009), 269-276., 2009 | L. Hajdu and Sz. Tengely: Arithmetic progressions of squares, cubes and n-th powers, J. Functiones et Approximatio 41 (2009), 129-138., 2009 | A. Bérczes, L. Hajdu L. and A. Pethő: Arithmetic progressions in the solution sets of norm form equations, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 40, 383-395, 2010 | L. Hajdu and F. Luca: On the length of arithmetic progressions in linear combinations of S-units, Archiv der Math., 94, 357-363, 2010 | L. Hajdu and N. Saradha: On a problem of Pillai and its generalizations, Acta Arith. 144, 323-347., 2010 | L. Hajdu and N. Saradha: On a problem of Recaman and its generalization, J. Number Theory 131, 18--24., 2011 | Hajdu L.: Számtani sorozatok multiplikatív tulajdonságú halmazokban, MTA doktori értekezés, benyújtva, 2010 | I.Gaál and M.Pohst: Diophantine equations over global function fields V:Resultant equations in two unknown polynomials, Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 53 (2009), 307-317., 2009 | I.Gaál and M.Pohst: On solving norm equations in global function fields, J. Math. Cryptology 237-248, 2009 | T. Kovács: Combinatorial numbers in binary recurrences, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 58 (2009) 83-98., 2009 | G. Nyul: Field indices of some well-known family of algebraic number fields, közlésre előkészítve, 2010 | G. Nyul and B. Rauf: Upper bounds on van der Waerden type numbers for some second order linear recurrence, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 38, 117-122., 2011 | I. Mező: Analytic extension of hyperharmonic numbers, Online J. Anal. Comb 4 (2009), 2009 | I. Mező: Several generating functions for second-order recurrence sequences, J. Integer Seq. 12(3) (2009) Article 09.3.7., 2009 | A. Dil and I. Mező: Hyperharmonic series involving Hurwitz zeta function, J. Number Theory 130(2) (2010), 360-369., 2010 | M. Griffiths and I. Mező: A generalization of Stirling numbers of the second kind via multisets, J. Integer Seq.13(2) 2010, Article 10.2.5., 2010 | Cs. Rakaczki: On some diophantine results related to Hermite polynomials, Functiones et Approcimatio Comment. Math. 42, 7-16., 2010 | Cs. Rakaczki: On the simple zeros of shifted Euler polynomials, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 79/3-4, 623-636, 2011 | Bérczes A, Evertse J-H, Győry K: Effective results for linear equations in two unknowns from a multiplicative division group, Acta Arith., 2009; 136: 331-349, 2009 | Bérczes A, Evertse J-H, Győry K, C. Pontreau: Effective results for points on certain subvarieties of tori, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 2009, 147: 69-94., 2009 | Bérczes A, Járási I.: On the application of index forms in cryptography, Periodica Math. Hungar., 2009; 58:35–45., 2009 | Bérczes A.: On the sumsets of geometric progressions, Publ. Math. Debrecen 77, 261-276., 2010 | Bazsó A, Bérczes A, Győry K, Pintér Á.: On the resolution of equations Ax^n-By^n=C in integers x, y, and n≥3,II, Publ. Math. Debrecen 76, 227-250, 2010 | Bérczes A, Folláth J, Pethő: On a family of collision-free functions, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 47, 1-13, 2010 | Bérczes A., Liptai K., Pink I.: On balancing recurrence sequences, Fibonacci Quarterly 48, 121-128, 2010 |




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