Theoretical and numerical investigation of low Reynolds number flow around an accelerating cylinder placed in a uniform stream
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Baranyi, L., Daróczy, L.: Effect of oscillation amplitude on force coefficients of a cylinder oscillated in transverse or in-line directions, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, Budapest, 2009, Vol. 1, pp. 323-330., 2009 | Baranyi, L.: Sudden and gradual alteration of amplitude during the computation for flow around a cylinder oscillating in transverse or in-line direction, ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Symposium on Flow-Induced Vibration. Prague, (2009), on CD ROM, pp. 1-10, Paper No. PVP2009-77463, ISBN 978-0-7918-3854-, 2009 | Baranyi, L.: Triggering of vortex shedding by cylinder oscillation for Reynolds numbers under 47, ASME 2009 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Symposium on Flow-Induced Vibration. Prague, (2009), on CD ROM, pp. 1-10, Paper No. PVP2009-77463, ISBN 978-0-7918-3854-, 2009 | Baranyi, L., Szabó, S., Bolló, B., Bordás, R.: Analysis of low Reynolds number flow around a heated circular cylinder, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23(7) (2009), 1829-1834., 2009 | Baranyi, L.: Vortex shedding triggering by cylinder oscillation for very low Reynolds numbers, Institut für Strömungstechnik und Thermodynamics. University of Magdeburg. October 20, 2009. Előadás, 2009 | Baranyi, L., Huynh, K. and Mureithi, N.W.: Dynamics of flow behind a cylinder oscillating in-line for low Reynolds numbers, Proc. FEDSM2010-ICNMM2010 ASME Conference, Montreal, Québec, Canada, (2010), on CD ROM, pp. 1-7, Paper No. FEDSM-ICNMM2010-31183, 2010 | Baranyi, L.: Numerical simulation of the flow around a circular cylinder following a figure-8-like path, Proc. FEDSM2010-ICNMM2010 ASME Conference, Montreal, Québec, Canada, (2010), on CD ROM, pp. 1-7, Paper No. FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30888, 2010 | Baranyi, L.: Effect of in-line or transverse cylinder oscillations on laminar flow – a numerical study, Proc. IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (Eds. T. Leweke and C.H.K. Williamson), Capri Island, Italy (2010), pp. 333-336., 2010 | Bolló, B.: Grid independence study for flow around a stationary circular cylinder, MicroCAD 2010, International Computer Science Conference, Miskolc, Hungary, Section F, pp.1-6., 2010 | Bolló, B., Baranyi, L.: Computation of low-Reynolds number flow around a stationary circular cylinder, Proc. of the 7th Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest (2010), pp. 891-896., 2010 | Bolló, B.: Heating effects on unsteady laminar flow past a circular cylinder, Proc. 16th ”Building Services, Mechanical and Building Industry Days” International Conference, Debrecen, Hungary, (2010), pp. 102-109., 2010 | Bolló, B.: Low Reynolds number flow around and heat transfer from a heated circular cylinder, International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering 1(1-2), 15-20., 2010 | Baranyi, L.: Simulation of low-Reynolds number flow around a circular cylinder following a slender elliptical path, Proc. ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference PVP2013, Paris, pp. 1-10, Paper No. PVP2013-97888, 2013 | Bolló, B., Baranyi, L.: Computation of low-Reynolds number flow around an oscillated circular cylinder, Proc. 25th MicroCAD, International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Hungary, Section D, pp.19-24., 2011 | Baranyi, L., Bolló, B., Daróczy, L.: Simulation of low-Reynolds number flow around an oscillated cylinder using two computational methods, Proc. ASME 2011 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference PVP2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, (2011), pp. 1-9, Paper No. PVP2011-57554, 2011 | Baranyi, L.: Computation of low Reynolds number flow around an oscillated cylinder following a horseshoe-shape path, ASME 2011 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division Conference PVP2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, (2011), pp. 1-10, Paper No. PVP2011-57471, 2011 | Bolló, B., Baranyi, L.: Numerical simulation of oscillatory flow past and heat transfer from a cylinder, Proc. Recent Researches in Mechanics: 2nd International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Heat and Mass Transfer, Corfu Island, Greece, 2011 (July 14-16), pp. 130-135., 2011 | Bolló, B., Baranyi, L.:: Flow around an oscillating or orbiting cylinder – Comparative numerical investigation, Proc. 11th Hungarian Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, HCTAM, 2011, August 29-31, 2011, Miskolc, Hungary, pp. 1-7, On CD ROM, Paper Number: 84, 2011 | Baranyi, L.: Low-Reynolds number flow around a cylinder following a figure-8 path - effect of direction of orbit, Proc. IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Flows (Eds. S. Mittal and G. Biswas), Kanpur, India, (2011), pp. 21-24., 2011 | Baranyi, L. and Daróczy, L.: Floquet stability analysis of the wake flow of a circular cylinder of a low-Reynolds number flow, Proc. 26th MicroCAD International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Hungary, Section N, pp. 1-6, Paper Number: N5, 2012 | Bolló, B., Janiga, G., and Baranyi, L.: Three-dimensional computations for low-Reynolds number flows past a cylinder, Proc. 26th MicroCAD International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Hungary, Section N, pp. 1-6, Paper Number: N6, 2012 | Daróczy, L., and Baranyi, L.: Euler and second-order Runge-Kutta methods for computation of flow around a cylinder, Proc. 26th MicroCAD International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Hungary, Section N, pp. 1-6, Paper Number: N10, 2012 | Baranyi, L.: Computation of flow around a circular cylinder undergoing two-degree-of-freedom forced motion at low Reynolds numbers, 10th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration, Meskell & Bennett (eds), Dublin, pp. 361-368., 2012 | Bolló B., Janiga G., Baranyi L.: Homogén folyadékáramlásba helyezett rezgő körhenger körüli áramlás vizsgálata, Műszaki Tudomány az Észak-Kelet Magyarországi Régióban 2012, Elektronikus Műszaki Füzetek 2012(11), 483-489. o., 2012 | Bolló, B. and Baranyi, L.: Heat and energy transfer from a cylinder in an oscillatory low-Reynolds number flow, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, Vad (ed), Vol. 1, Budapest, pp. 261-268., 2012 | Mureithi, N., Baranyi, L. and Huyhn, K.: Dynamics of reduced order models of the forced Karman cylinder wake, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, Vad (ed), Vol. II, Budapest, pp. 1004-1011., 2012 | Baranyi, L. and Daróczy, L.: Numerical investigation of mechanical energy transfer between the fluid and the cylinder oscillating transverse to the main stream, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, Vad (ed), Vol. 1, Budapest, pp. 269-276., 2012 | Baranyi, L.: Kezdeti feltétel hatása rezgő henger körüli áramlásra, Gép, 2012/9, 7-12., 2012 | Baranyi L., Daróczy L.: Áramlási paraméterek hatása rezgő henger és folyadék közti energiaátadásra, Gép, 2012/9, 13-16., 2012 | Daróczy L., Baranyi L.: Első- és másodrendű időbeli diszkretizáció körhenger körüli áramlás esetén, Gép, 2012/9, 17-20., 2012 | Baranyi, L.: Simulation of a low-Reynolds number flow around a cylinder following a figure-8-path, International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering 3(2), 133-146, 2012 | Bolló B.: Hosszirányban rezgő folyadékba helyezett fűtött körhenger körüli áramlás vizsgálata, Gép, 2012/9, 25-28, 2012 | Bolló B.: Fűtött körhenger körüli áramlás vizsgálata, Gép, 2012/1, 31-34, 2012 | Baranyi, L.: Effect of initial conditionon the flow past a moving cylinder, Presentation at the 8th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Bad Reichenhall, Germany, September 14, 2010, 2010 | Baranyi L.: Rezgő henger körüli áramlás numerikus szimulációja, XXI. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Találkozó – OGÉT 2013 Kiadványa, Arad, Romania, 40-43. o., ISSN 2068-1267, 2013 | Baranyi, L., Daróczy, L.: Mechanical energy transfer and flow parameter effects for a cylinder in transverse oscillation, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 43, 251-258., 2013 | Baranyi, L.: Numerical simulation of mechanical energy transfer between fluid and a circular cylinder forced to follow an elliptical path, Proc. FLUCOME 2013, 12th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, Nara, Japan, 2013, pp. 1-10. Paper No. OS16-03-3, 2013 | Bolló Betti: Fűtött körhenger körüli áramlás és hőátvitel numerikus vizsgálata, PhD disszertáció, Miskolci Egyetem, Gépészmérnöki és Informatikai Kar, Sályi István Gépészeti Tudományok Doktori Iskola, 2013 |




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