Statistical inference on large random graphs
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Bolla, M.: Penalized versions of the Newman-Girvan modularity and their relation to normalized cuts and k-means clustering, Physical Review E, Vol. 84, No. 1, 016108, 10 pages, 2011 | Bolla, M., Kói, T., Krámli, A.: Testability of minimum balanced multiway cut densities, Discrete Applied Mathematics 160, 1019-1027, 2012 | Bolla, M., Friedl, K., Krámli, A.: Singular value decomposition of large random matrices (for two-way classification of microarrays), Journal of Multivariate Analysis 101, 434-446, 2010 | Csiszár, V., Hussami, P., Komlós, J., Móri, T., Rejtő, L., Tusnády, G.: When the degree sequence is a sufficient statistic, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 134, No. 1-2, 45-53, 2012 | Bolla, M.: Spectra and structure of weighted graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 38, 49-54., 2011 | Bolla, M.: SVD, discrepancy, and regular structure of contingency tables, arXiv: 1301.5259 [math.ST], submitted to the Discrete Applied Mathematics in 2012, 2013 | Bolla, M.: Beyond the expanders, International Journal of Combinatorics, Paper 787596, 11 pages, 2011 | Bolla, M.: Statistical inference on large contingency tables: convergence, testability, stability, Proc. of the COMPSTAT'2010, 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics, Paris. Physica-Verlag, springer, pp. 817-824., 2010 | Bolla, M.: Parametric and nonparametric approaches to recover regular graph partitions, Proc. of the 14th Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, ASMDA2011, Rome, 2011, ed. R. Manca and C. H. Skiadas, Universita di Sapiensa, 164-171., 2011 | Bolla, M., Kurdyakova, A.: Dynamic factors of macroeconomic data, Abstracts of the CFE 09 Conference (Limassol, Cyprus, October 29-31), 2009 | Csiszár, V.: EM algorithms for generalized Bradley-Terry models, Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Comp. 36, 143-157, 2012 | Csiszár, V.: EM algorithms for Thrustonian and Bradley-Terry-type random permutation models, L. Fajfrová and D. Hlubinka (eds.): Prague Stochastics 2010, Book of Abstracts. Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy Sci. Czech Republic, p. 72., 2010 | Bolla, M., Kurdyukova, A.: Dynamic factors of macroeconomic data, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series 37 (4), pp. 18-28., 2010 | Bolla, M.: Modularity sopectra, eigen-subspaces, and structure of weighted graphs, arXiv:1301.5254 [math.ST], submitted to the European Journal of Combinatorics in 2012, 2013 | Bolla, M., Kói, T., Krámli, A.: Testability of minimum balanced multiway cut densities, arXiv: 1001.1623v1 [math.PR], 2010 | Csiszár, V., Hussami, P., Komlós, J., Móri, F. T., Rejtő, L., Tusnády, G.: Testing goodness of fit of random graph models, Algorithms 5, 629-635, 2012 | Harremoes, P., Tusnády, G.: Information divergence is most chi2-distributed than the chi2-statistics, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2012), Cambridge MA, USA, 532-537, 2012 | Győrfi, L., Harremoes, P., Tusnády, G.: Some refinements of large deviation tail probabilities, arXiv: 1205.1005, submitted to Statistics and Probability Letters, 2012 | Csiszár, V., Móri, T. F.: A Bienaymé-Chebishev inequality for scale mixtures of the multivariate normal distributions, Math. Inequal. Appl. 12, 839-844., 2009 | Nepusz, P., Bazsó, F., Négyessy, L., Tusnády, G.: Reconstructing cortical networks: case of directed graphs with high level of reciprocity, Handbook of Large-Scale Networks, Springer (Eds. Bollobás, B., Kozma, R., Dezső, M.), Series: Bolyai Soc. Math. Studies, Vol. 18, 325-368, 2009 | Hatvani, L., Toókos, F., Tusnády, G.: A mutation-selection-recombination model in population genetics, Dynamic Systems and Applications 18, 335-362, 2009 | Ispány, M., Michaletzky, Gy., Reiczigel, J., Tusnády, G., Tusnády, P., Varga, K.: Approximation of non-negative integer-valued matrices with application to Hungarian mortality data, Proc. of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS2010), Budapest (L. Gerencser, Gy. Michaletzky, A. Edelmayer eds.), 831-838., 2010 | Tusnády, G., Gaudi, I., Rejtő, L., Kásler, M., Szentirmai, Z.: Survival chances of Hungarian cancer patients calculated from National Cancer Registry, manuscript, 2010 | Csiszár, V.: Markov bases of conditional independence models for permutations, Kybernetika 45, 249-260, 2009 | Csiszár, V.: On L-decomposability of random orderings, Journal of Math. Psychology 53, 294-297, 2009 | Csiszár, V.: An acyclic operation on the symmetric group, Amer. Math. Monthly 116, 735-738, 2009 | Csiszár, V.: Conditional independence relations and log-linear models for random matchings, Acta Math. Hungar. 122 (1-2), 131-152, 2009 | Bolla, M.: Beyond the expanders, arXiv: 1101.5926v1 [math.PR], 2011 | Reiczigel, J., Rejtő, L., Tusnády, G.: A sharpening of Tusnády's inequality, arXiv: 110.3627v2 [math.ST], 2011 | Tusnády, G.: Fried Ervin gömbje, Mat. Lapok új sorozat 16/3, 2-11., 2010 | Smith, J. L., Barrett, J. E., Tusnády, G., Rejtő, L., Carry, S. C.: Resolving environmental drivers of microbal community structures in antarctic soils, Antarctic Science 22, 673-680., 2010 | Krámli, A.: 50 years of the Arató-Kolmogorov-Sinai paper, Proc. of Conference on Stochastic Models and their Applications, 22-24 August, 2011, Debrecen, p.43, 2011 |




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