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Kiss L. László: Gravitációelméletek tesztelése gömbhalmazokkal, Élet és Tudomány, OTKA-cikkpályázat, III. díjas, 2010/2. szám 45-47.o. http://astro.u-szeged.hu/kutatas/.otka/OTKA_ET_KissL.pdf, 2010 | Tabur V; Bedding TR; Kiss LL; Moon TT; Szeidl B; Kjeldsen H: Long-term photometry and periods for 261 nearby pulsating M giants, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 400: 1945-1961, 2009 | Tabur V; Kiss LL; Bedding TR: HIPPARCOS calibration of the tip of the Red Giant Branch, Astrophysical Journal Letters 703: L72-L75, 2009 | Mészáros Sz; Dupree AK; Szalai T: Mass outflow and chromospheric activity of red giant stars in globular clusters II. M13 and M92, Astronomical Journal 137: 4282-4295, 2009 | Mészáros Sz; Avrett EH; Dupree A: Mass outflow from red giant stars in M13, M15, and M92, Astronomical Journal 138: 615-624, 2009 | Lane RR; Kiss LL; Lewis GF; Ibata RA; Siebert A; Bedding TR; Székely P: Testing Newtonian gravity with AAOmega: mass-to-light profiles of four globular clusters, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 400: 917-923, 2009 | Lane RR; Kiss LL; Lewis GF; Ibata RA; Siebert A; Bedding TR; Székely P: Testing Newtonian gravity with AAOmega: mass-to-light profiles and metallicity calibrations from 47 Tuc and M55, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 401: 2521-2530, 2010 | Fraser M; Takáts K; Pastorello A; Smartt SJ; Mattila S; Botticella M-T; Valenti S; Ergon M; Sollerman J; Benetti S; Bufano F; Crockett RM; Danziger IJ; Maund JR; Taubenberger S; Turatto M: On the progenitor and early evolution of the type II supernova 2009kr, Astrophysical Journal Letters 714: L280-L284, 2010 | Takáts K; Szing A; Vinkó J: Measuring expansion velocities, photospheric temperatures and dilution factors of type II-P supernovae, poster on KITP Conference: Stellar Death and Supernovae (August 17-21, 2009) UC Santa Barbara, http://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/sdeath_c09/, 2009 | Mészáros Szabolcs: Mass Loss from Red Giant Stars in Globular Clusters, PhD értekezés, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2009 | Szabó MGy; Haja O; Szatmáry K; Pál A; Kiss LL: Limits on Transit Timing Variations in HAT-P-6 and WASP-1, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars No. 5919, 2010 | Székely Péter: Csillagok, csillaghalmazok és kisbolygók fizikai paramétereinek meghatározása spektrofotometriai módszerekkel, PhD értekezés, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2009 | Szalai T; Kiss LL; Sarty GE: Looking into the heart of a beast: The black hole binary LS 5039, Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of Young Researchers in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Budapest, 2009; J. Phys.: Conf. Series (JPCS) 218: 012028, 2010 | Lane RR; Brewer BJ; Kiss LL; Lewis GF; Ibata RA; Siebert A; Bedding TR; Székely P; Szabó GyM: AAOmega observations of 47 Tucanae: Evidence for a past merger?, Astrophysical Journal Letters 711: L122-L126, 2010 | Lane RR; Kiss LL; Lewis GF; Ibata RA; Siebert A; Bedding TR; Székely P; Balog Z; Szabó GyM: Halo globular clusters observed with AAOmega: dark matter content, metallicity and tidal heating, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Society 406: 2732-2742, 2010 | Tabur V; Bedding TR; Kiss LL; Giles T; Derekas A; Moon TT: Period-luminosity relations of pulsating M giants in the solar neighbourhood and the Magellanic Clouds, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 409: 777-788, 2010 | Vinkó J. et al.: 2010, Possible supernova, IAU CBET 20100721 No. 2385, http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbet/002300/CBET002385.txt, Vinkó J. et al.: 2010, Supernova 2010gn, IAU CBET 20100721 No. 2386 http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbet/002300/CBET002386.txt, Sárneczky K: Magyar felfedezésű szupernóva!, Meteor 2010/9. szám 3.o., 2010 | Szalai T: Porképződés az SN 2004dj környezetében, pályamunka az MTA Szegedi Akadémiai Bizottság 2010-es pályázatára, I. díj (Természettudomány kategória), 2010 | Szalai T: Porgyártó(?) szupernóvák, Fizikai Szemle, 60: 12. szám, 399-404., 2010 | Sarty GE; Szalai T; Kiss LL; Matthews JM; Wu K; Kuschnig R; Guenther DB; Moffat AFJ; Rucinski SM; Sasselov D; Weiss WW; Huziak R; Johnston HM; Phillips A; Ashley MCB: The gamma-ray binary LS 5039: mass and orbit constraints from MOST observations, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 411: 1293-1300 [arXiv:1009.5150], 2011 | Kolenberg K; Bryson S; Szabó R; Kurtz DW; Smolec R; Nemec JM; Guggenberger E; Moskalik P; Benkő JM; Chadid M; Jeon Y-B; Kiss LL; Kopacki G; Nuspl J; Still M; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Borucki WJ; Caldwell DA; Jenkins JM; Koch D: Kepler photometry of the prototypical Blazhko star RR Lyr: An old friend seen in a new light, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 411: 878-890 [arXiv:1011.5908], 2011 | Szalai T; Vinkó J; Balog Z; Gáspár A; Block M; Kiss LL: Dust formation in the ejecta of the Type II-P supernova 2004dj, Astronomy and Astrophysics 527: A61, 2011 | Chatzopoulos E; Wheeler CJ; Vinkó J; Quimby R; Robinson EL; Miller AA; Foley RJ; Perley DA; Yuan F; Akerlof C; Bloom JS: SN2008am: A super-luminous type IIn supernova, Astrophysical Journal, 729: A143 [arXiv:1101.3581], 2011 | Derekas A; Kiss LL; Borkovits T; Huber D; Lehmann H; Southworth J; Bedding TR; Balam D; Hartmann M; Hrudkova M; Ireland MJ; Kovács J; Mező Gy; Moór A; Niemczura E; Sarty GE; Szabó GyM; Szabó R; Telting JH; Tkachenko A; Uytterhoeven K; Benkő JM; Bryson ST; Maestro V; Simon AE; Stello D; Schaefer G; Aerts C; ten Brummelaar TA; De Cat P; McAlister HA; Maceroni C; Mérand A; Still M; Sturmann J; Sturmann L; Turner N; Tuthill PG; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Kjeldsen H; Quintana EV; Tenenbaum P; Twicken JD: HD 181068: A red giant in a triply-eclipsing compact hierarchical triple system, Science, 332: 216-218 (8 April 2011), 2011 | Parrent JT; Thomas RC; Fesen RA; Marion GH; Challis P; Garnavich PM; Milisavljevic D; Vinkó J; Wheeler JC: A study of carbon features in type Ia supernova spectra, Astrophysical Journal, 732: A30 [arXiv:1103.1671], 2011 | Lane RR; Kiss LL; Lewis GF; Ibata RA; Siebert A; Bedding TR; Székely P; Szabó GyM: AAOmega spectroscopy of 29351 stars in fields centered on ten Galactic globular clusters, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 530: A31 [arXiv:1104.2628], 2011 | Nemec JM; Smolec R; Benkő JM; Moskalik P; Kolenberg K; Szabó R; Kurtz DW; Bryson S; Guggenberger E; Chadid M; Jeon Y-B; Kunder A; Layden AC; Kinemuchi K; Kiss LL; Poretti E; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Caldwell D; Ripepi V; Derekas A; Nuspl J; Mullally F; Thompson SE; Borucki WJ: Fourier analysis of non-Blazhko ab-type RR Lyrae stars observed with the Kepler space telescope, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., 417: 1022-1053. [arXiv:1106.6120], 2011 | Szalai T; Sarty GE; Kiss LL; Matthews JM; Vinkó J; Kiss Cs: Mass and orbit constraints of the gamma-ray binary LS 5039, in the Proceedings: From Interacting Binaries to Exoplanets: Essential Modeling Tools, IAU Symposium 282 (18-22 July, 2011, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia) p.331-332, 2012 | Szatmáry Károly: A Szegedi Csillagvizsgáló tevékenysége 2009-2010-ben, Meteor Csillagászati évkönyv 2012, 338-343., 2011 | Foley RJ; Challis PJ; Filippenko AV; Ganeshalingam M; Landsman W; Li W; Marion GH; Silverman JM; Beaton RL; Bennert V;, Cenko SB; Childress M; Guhathakurta P; Jiang L; Kirschner RP; Stockton A; Tollerud E; Vinkó J; Wheeler JC; Woo J-H: Very early ultraviolet and optical observations of the type Ia supernova 2009ig, Astrophysical Journal, 744: A38 [arXiv:1109.0987], 2012 | Takáts K; Vinkó J: Measuring expansion velocities in type II-P supernovae, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., 419: 2783-2796 [arXiv:1109.5873], 2012 | Szabó GyM; Pál A; Derekas A; Simon AE; Szalai T; Kiss LL: Spin-orbit resonance, transit duration variation and possible secular perturbations in KOI-13, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc. 421: L122-L126 [arXiv:1110.4231], 2012 | Vinkó J; Takáts K; Szalai T; Marion GH; Wheeler JC; Sárneczky K; Garnavich PM; Kelemen J; Klagyivik P; Pál A; Szalai N; Vida K: Improved distance determination to M51 from supernovae 2011dh and 2005cs, Astronomy and Astrophysics 540: A93 [arXiv:1111.0596], 2012 | Chatzopoulos E; Wheeler CJ; Vinkó J: Generalized semi-analytical models of supernova light curves, Astrophysical Journal 746, A121 [arXiv:1111.5237], 2012 | Vinkó J; Zheng W; Pandey SB; Quimby R; Romadan A; Roy R; Takáts K; Chatzopoulos E; Wheeler JC; Yuan F; Akerlof C; Pooley D: SN2010kd - A superluminous pair-instability supernova?, poster on the 219th AAS Meeting, Austin, Texas, 8-12 Jan 2012, 2012 | Leloudas G; Chatzopoulos E; Dilday B; Gorosabel J; Vinkó J; Gallazzi A; Wheeler JC; Bassett B; Fischer J; Frieman JA; Fynbo JPU; Goobar A; Jelinek M; Malesani D; Nichol RC; Nordin J; Ostman L; Sako M; Schneider DP; Smith M; Sollerman J; Stritzinger MD; Thoene CC; de Ugarte Postigo A: SN 2006oz: rise of a super-luminous supernova observed by the SDSS-II SN Survey, Astronomy and Astrophysics 541: A129 [arXiv:1201.5393], 2012 | Szalai T; Vinkó J: Type-II supernovae in the mid-infrared, in Proc.: Death of Massive Stars: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts, IAU Symposium 279 (12-16 March, 2012, Nikko, Japan) 401-402., 2012 | Szatmáry K; Csányi I; Kiss LL; Bányai E; Derekas A; Szabó GyM: Light curve analysis of M giant stars in the Kepler database, poster on KASC5th Workshop: “Extending the Kepler Mission: New Horizons in Asteroseismology”, June 18-22, 2012, Balatonalmádi, Hungary, Abstract Book p.156 Ed. Szabó R, 2012 | Csányi I; Szatmáry K; Kiss LL; Bányai E; Derekas A; Szabó GyM: Methods for light curve preparation: the case of long-period variables, poster on KASC5th Workshop: “Extending the Kepler Mission: New Horizons in Asteroseismology”, June 18-22, 2012, Balatonalmádi, Hungary, Abstract Book p.157 Ed. Szabó R, 2012 | Kiss LL; Percy JR: Non-Mira pulsating red giants and supergiants, Journal of AAVSO, 40 (1): 528, 2012 | Ness M; Freeman K; Athanassoula E; Wylie-de-Boer E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Lewis GF; Yong D; Asplund M; Lane RR; Kiss LL; Ibata R: The origin of the split red clump in the Galactic bulge of the Milky Way, Astrophysical Journal, 756 (1): A22 [arXiv:1207.0888], 2012 | Derekas A; Szabó GyM; Berdnikov L; Szabó R; Smolec R; Kiss LL; Szabados L; Chadid M; Evans NR; Kinemuchi K; Nemec JM; Seader SE; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P: Period and light curve fluctuations of the Kepler Cepheid V1154 Cyg, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., 425 (2): 1312-1319 [arXiv:1207.2907], 2012 | Vinkó J; Sárneczky K; Takáts K; Marion GH; Hegedüs T; Bíró IB; Borkovits T; Szegedi-Elek E; Farkas A; Klagyivik P; Kiss LL; Kovács T; Pál A; Szakáts R; Szalai N; Szalai T; Szatmáry K; Szing A; Vida K; Wheeler JC: Testing SNe Ia distance measurement methods with SN 2011fe, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 546: A12 [arXiv:1207.4310], 2012 | Szalai T; Vinkó J; Takáts K; Sárneczky K; Benkő J; Kelemen J; Kuli Z; Marion GH; Wheeler JC: SN 2011ay - a type Ia belonging to the 2002cx-subclass, poszter, “Supernovae Illuminating the Universe: from Individuals to Populations” (Garching, Németország, 2012.09.10-14.), 2012 | Takáts K; Sárneczky K; Marion GH; Vinkó J; Szing A; Kelemen J; Moór A; Pál A; Szalai T; Wheeler JC: SNe 2012A and 2012aw: two recent nearby type II supernovae, poszter, “Supernovae Illuminating the Universe: from Individuals to Populations” (Garching, Németország, 2012.09.10-14.), 2012 | Borkovits T; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Király A; Forgács-Dajka E; Bíró IB; Bedding TR; Bryson ST; Huber D; Szabó R: Dynamical masses, absolute radii and 3D orbits of the triply eclipsing star HD 181068 from Kepler photometry, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc. 428 (2): 1656-1672 [arXiv:1210.1061], 2013 | Czekala I; Berger E; Chornock R; Pastorello A; Marion GH; Margutti R; Botticella MT; Challis P; Ergon M; Smartt S; Sollerman J; Vinkó J; Wheeler JC: The unusually luminous extragalactic nova SN 2010U, Astrophysical Journal, 765 (1): A57 [arXiv:1210.1573], 2013 | Szalai T; Vinkó J: Twelve type II-P supernovae seen with eyes of Spitzer, Astronomy and Astrophysics 549: A79 [arXiv:1211.0854], 2013 | Fuller J; Derekas A; Borkovits T; Huber D; Bedding TR; Kiss LL: Tidally induced oscillations and orbital decay in compact triple-star systems, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., 429 (3): 2425-2441 [arXiv:1211.6814], 2013 | Ness M; Freeman K; Athanassoula E; Wylie de Boer E; Bland Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Yong D; Lane RR; Kiss LL: ARGOS - III. Stellar populations in the galactic bulge of the Milky Way, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., 430 (2): 836-857 [arXiv:1212.1540], 2013 | Freeman K; Ness M; Wylie de Boer E; Athanassoula E; Bland Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Yong D; Lane RR; Kiss LL; Ibata R: ARGOS - II. The galactic bulge survey, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., 428 (4): 3660-3670 [arXiv:1212.1541], 2013 | Szatmáry K: Csillagok fényességének periódusváltozása, MTA doktora értekezés, SZTE Szeged, 2012 | Kumar B; Pandey SB; Sahu DK; Vinkó J; Moskvitin AS; Anupama GC; Bhatt VK; Ordasi A; Nagy A; Sokolov VV; Sokolova TN; Komarova VN; Kumar B; Bose S; Roy R; Sagar R: Light curve and spectral evolution of the Type IIb SN 2011fu, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., 431 (1): 308-321 [arXiv:1301.6538], 2013 | Marion GH"Howie''; Vinkó J; Wheeler JC; Foley RJ; Hsiao EY; Brown PJ; Challis P; Filippenko AV; Garnavich P; Kirshner RP; Landsman WB; Parrent JT; Pritchard TA; Roming PWA; Silverman JM; Wang X: High-velocity line-forming regions in the type Ia supernova 2009ig, Astrophysical Journal, in press [arXiv:1302.3537], 2013 | Marion GH"Howie''; Vinkó J; Kirshner RP; Foley RJ; Berlind P; Bieryla A; Bloom JS; Calkins ML; Challis P; Chevalier RA; Chornock R; Culliton C; Curtis JL; Esquerdo GA; Everett ME; Falco EE; France K; Fransson C; Friedman AS; Garnavich P; Leibundgut B; Meyer S; Smith N; Soderberg AM; Sollerman J; Starr DL; Szklenár T; Takáts K; Wheeler JC: Type IIb supernova SN 2011dh: Spectra and photometry from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared, Astrophysical Journal, in press [arXiv:1303.5482], 2013 | Ness M; Freeman K; Athanassoula E; Wylie-de-Boer E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Yong D; Lane RR; Kiss LL; Ibata R: ARGOS - IV. The kinematics of the Milky Way bulge, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., 432 (3): 2092-2103 [arXiv:1303.6656], 2013 | Takáts K: II-es típusú szupernóvák távolságának meghatározása, PhD értekezés, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2013 | Szalai T: Nagy tömegű csillagok végállapotai: szupernóva-robbanásokhoz kötődő porképződés és az LS 5039 gammakettős vizsgálata, PhD értekezés, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2013 | Szatmáry K: A Szegedi Csillagvizsgáló tevékenysége 2011-2012-ben, Meteor Csillagászati évkönyv 2014, megjelenés alatt, 2013 | Silverman JM; Ganeshalingam M; Cenko SB; Filippenko AV; Li W; Barth AJ; Carson DJ; Childress M; Clubb KI; Cucchiara A; Graham ML; Marion GH; Nguyen ML; Pei L; Tucker BE; Vinkó J; Wheeler JC; Worseck G: The very young type Ia Supernova 2012cg: Discovery and early-time follow-up observations, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 756 (1): L7 [arXiv:1206.1328], 2012 | Chatzopoulos E; Wheeler JC; Vinkó J;, Horváth ZL; Nagy A: Analytical light curve models of super-luminous supernovae: chi2-minimization of parameter fits, Astrophysical Journal, in press [arXiv:1306.3447], 2013 | Bányai E; Kiss LL; Bedding TR; Benkő JM; Bódi A; Callingham J; Compton D; Csányi I; Derekas A; Dorval J; Huber D; Simon AE; Stello D; Szabó GyM; Szabó R; Szatmáry K: Variability of M giant stars based on Kepler photometry: general characteristics, Monthly Notices of Royal Astron. Soc., submitted, 2013 |





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