Contacts to III-nitride semiconductors
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Dobos L, Pécz B, Tóth L, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealed Ti/Cr/Al contacts on n-GaN, VACUUM 100 46-49, 2014 | L. Dobos, L. Tóth, B. Pécz, Zs. J. Horváth, Z. E. Horváth, A. L. Tóth: Bilayer Cr/Au and Ti/Au contacts on n-GaN, MTA MFA Yearbook 119-120, 2011 | Horváth ZsJ, Dobos L, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z, Pécz B: Electrical behaviour of lateral Al/n-GaN/Al structures, Int. Conf. Progress in Applied Surface, Interface and Thin Film Science 2009, Nov. 16-19, Florence, Italy, Extended Abstract Book p. 118, 2009 | Horváth ZsJ, Dobos L, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z, Pécz B: Electrical behaviour of lateral Al/n-GaN/Al structures, Applied Surface Science 256/18 5614-5617, 2010 | Tikhonov AV, Malin TM, Gutakovskij AK, Zhuravlev KS, Dobos L, Pecz B: TEM study of defects in AlxGa1-xN layers, Russian conference on Nitride semiconductors, Moscow in February 2010, GaN InN and AlN 2010, 238-239, 2010 | Dobos L, Pécz B, Tóth L, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z: Bilayer Cr/Au and Ti/Au contacts on n-GaN,, 13th Joint Vacuum Conference, Programme and book of Abstracts p.63, 2010 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z:: The microstructure of Ti/Au contacts on n-GaN annealed in nitrogen,, 4th International Conference on Micro-Nanoelectronics, Nanotechnology, 2010 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z: Bilayer Cr/Au contacts on n-GaN, Vacuum doi: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2011.07.027, 2011 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z: The microstructure of Ti/Au contacts on n-GaN annealed in nitrogen, Microelectronic Engineering 90 118-120, 2012 | Tikhonov AV, Malin TM, Zhuravlev KS, Dobos L, Pecz B: TEM study of defects in AlxGa1-xN layers with different polarity, accepted for publication in Journal of Crystal Growth, 2011 | Nemcsics Á, Tóth L, Dobos L, Heyn Ch, Stemmann A, Schramm A, Welsch H, Hansen W: Composition of the "GaAs" quantum dot, grown by droplet epitaxy, Superlattices and Microstructures 48/4 351-357, 2010 | Nemcsics Á, Tóth L, Dobos L, Heyn C, Stemmann A, Hansen W: Facetting of the self-assembled droplet epitaxial GaAs quantum dot, Microelectronics Reliability 51/5 927-930, 2011 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealing of Ti/Cr/Al metallizations on n-GaN, 8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN11), 12-15 July, 2011 | Horváth ZJ, Basa P, Molnár KZ, Jászi T, Pap AE, Molnár Gy, Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B: Charging behaviour of MNOS memory structures with embedded Si or Ge nanocrystals, 8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN11), 12-15 July, 2011 | Tóth L, Basa P, Jászi T, Dobos L, Pécz B, Horváth ZJ: Development of Si nanocrystal layers embedded in Si3N4, 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011, September 4-9 Urbino, Italy Poster, 2011 | Nemcsics Á, Heyn Ch, Tóth L, Dobos L, Stemmann A, Hansen W: Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy of GaAs quantum dots fabricated by, Journal of Crystal Growth 335/1 (2011) 58-61, 2011 | Dobos L, Pécz B, Tóth L, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealing of Ti/Cr/Al metallizations on n-GaN, sent to Vacuum, 2012 | Dobos L: Bilayer Cr/Au and Ti/Au contacts on n-GaN, seminary presentment, 2011 | Horváth ZJ, Basa P, Molnár KZ, Jászi T, Pap AE, Molnár Gy, Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B: Charging behaviour of MNOS memory structures with embedded Si or Ge nanocrystals, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, (4) pp. 513-517, 2013 | Nemcsics Á: Formation Kinetics of the Self-organised Droplet Epitaxially Grown III-V Based, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8/4 (2011) 5-21, 2011 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealing of Cu/Ag metallizations on n-GaN, will send to Microelectronic Engineering, 2012 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealing of Cr/Au metallizations on p-GaN, will send to Vacuum, 2012 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealing of Ni/Ti/Al metallizations on p-GaN, will send to Applied Surface Science, 2012 | Dobos L: Ti/Cr/Al and Cu/Ag contacts on n-GaN, seminary presentment, 2012 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZsJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL: Annealing of Cu/Ag and Ti/Cr/Al metallizations on n-GaN, researcher Disclosure Statement, 2012 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZsJ, Horváth ZE, Poisson M-A: Annealing of Cu/Ag metallizations on n-GaN, 9th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN12), 3-6 July 2012 I.Vellidis Congress Center Thessaloniki, Greece, Abstract Book p.226, 2012 | Dobos L, Pécz B, Tóth L, Horváth ZsJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealing of Cr/Au metallizations on p-GaN, accepted Abstract in IVC-19 Paris, France, September 9-13, 2013 | L. Dobos, B. Pécz, L. Tóth, Z.E. Horváth, L. Illés, M-A. Poisson: Annealing of Ti/Cu/Al metallizations on n-GaN, will send to Vacuum for Rapid Communication to Volume 100 before June 15, 2013 | Zhuravlev K, Malin T, Trubina S, Erenburg S, Dobos L, Pecz B, Davydov V, Smirnov A, Kyutt R: EXAFS study of GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells grown by ammonia MBE, accepted in special issue of physica status solidi (c) (2012), 2013 | Bosi M, Attolini G, Pécz B, Zolnai Zs, Dobos L, Martínez O, Jiang L, Taysir S: Structural characterization of 3C-SiC grown using methyltrichlorosilane, Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742 pp 291-294, 2013 | Nemcsics Á, Pődör B, Tóth L, Balázs J, Dobos L, Makai J, Ürmös A: Investigation of MBE grown inverted GaAs quantum dots, sent to Vacuum 2012, 2013 | Dobos L, Pécz B, Tóth L, Horváth ZsJ, Horváth ZE, Horváth E, Tóth A, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z: Al and Ti/Al contacts on n-GaN, Vacuum 84/1 228-230, 2010 | Horváth ZsJ, Dobos L, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z, Pécz B: Electrical behaviour of lateral Al/n-GaN/Al structures, Applied Surface Science 256/18 5614-5617, 2010 | Tikhonov AV, Malin TM, Gutakovskij AK, Zhuravlev KS, Dobos L, Pecz B: TEM study of defects in AlxGa1-xN layers, Russian conference on Nitride semiconductors, Moscow in February 2010, GaN InN and AlN 2010, 238-239, 2010 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z: Bilayer Cr/Au contacts on n-GaN, Vacuum 86 (6) 769-772, 2012 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z: The microstructure of Ti/Au contacts on n-GaN annealed in nitrogen, Microelectronic Engineering 90 118-120, 2012 | Tikhonov AV, Malin TM, Zhuravlev KS, Dobos L, Pecz B: TEM study of defects in AlxGa1-xN layers with different polarity, Journal of Crystal Growth 338 30-34, 2012 | Nemcsics Á, Tóth L, Dobos L, Heyn Ch, Stemmann A, Schramm A, Welsch H, Hansen W: Composition of the "GaAs" quantum dot, grown by droplet epitaxy, Superlattices and Microstructures 48/4 351-357, 2010 | Nemcsics Á, Tóth L, Dobos L, Heyn C, Stemmann A, Hansen W: Facetting of the self-assembled droplet epitaxial GaAs quantum dot, Microelectronics Reliability 51/5 927-930, 2011 | Horváth ZJ, Basa P, Molnár KZ, Jászi T, Pap AE, Molnár Gy, Dobos L, Tóth L, Pécz B: Charging behaviour of MNOS memory structures with embedded Si or Ge nanocrystals, 8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN11), 12-15 July, 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece, Poster, 2011 | Tóth L, Basa P, Jászi T, Dobos L, Pécz B, Horváth ZJ: Development of Si nanocrystal layers embedded in Si3N4, 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011, September 4-9 Urbino, Italy, Poster, 2011 | Nemcsics Á, Heyn Ch, Tóth L, Dobos L, Stemmann A, Hansen W: Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy of GaAs quantum dots fabricated by, Journal of Crystal Growth 335/1 (2011) 58-61, 2011 | Dobos L, Tóth L, Horváth ZJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealed Cu/Ag and Cr/Au metallizations on GaN, sent to Microelectronic Engineering, 2014 | Dobos L, Pécz B, Tóth L, Horváth ZsJ, Horváth ZE, Tóth AL, Poisson M-A: Annealing of Cr/Au metallizations on p-GaN, 19th International Vacuum Congress IVC-19: Electronic Materials and Processes. EMP-P3-06, Abstract Book pp. 514-515, Paris, France, 2013.09.09-13, 2013 | L. Dobos, L. Tóth, Z.E. Horváth, L. Illés, M-A. Poisson: Annealing of Ti/Cu/Al metallizations on n-GaN, sent to Microelectronic Reliability, 2014 | Zhuravlev K, Malin T, Trubina S, Erenburg S, Dobos L, Pecz B, Davydov V, Smirnov A, Kyutt R: EXAFS study of GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells grown by ammonia MBE, Phys. Status Solidi C 10 No. 3, 311-314, 2013 | Nemcsics Á, Pődör B, Tóth L, Balázs J, Dobos L, Makai J, Ürmös A: Investigation of MBE grown inverted GaAs quantum dots, sent to Microelectronics Reliability, 2014 | L. Dobos, B. Pécz, L. Tóth, Zs. J. Horváth, Z. E. Horváth, P. Basa: Contacts to III-nitride semiconductors, MTA MFA Yearbook 112-113, 2009 | Dobos L, Pécz B, Tóth L, Horváth ZsJ, Horváth ZE, Horváth E, Tóth A, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z: Al and Ti/Al contacts on n-GaN, Vacuum 84/1 228-230, 2009 | Dobos L, Pécz B, Tóth L, Horváth ZE, Tóth A, Beaumont B, Bougrioua Z: Contacts to heavily doped n-type GaN, MC 2009 Graz, Microscopy Conference, Graz, Austria August 30th-September 4th, MC2009, Vol. 3: Materials Science (Eds: Grogger W, Hofer F, Pölt P.) 29-30, 2009 |




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