Optimization of hobbed spiral bevel and hypoid gears, manufactured on CNC machine tools
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Simon, V.: Optimal Tooth Modifications in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears to Reduce the Influence of Misalignments on EHD Lubrication, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design (elfogadva), 2014 | Simon, V.: Optimal Machine Tool Settings for the Manufacture of Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design (under review), 2014 | Simon, V.: Manufacture of Optimized Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears on CNC Hypoid Generator, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering (elfogadva), 2014 | Simon, V.: Optimization of Face-Hobbed Hypoid Gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory (under review), 2014 | Simon, V.: Reduction of the Influence of Misalignments on Operating Characteristics in Face-Hobbed Hypoid Gears, Meccanica (under review), 2014 | Simon, V.: Minimization of the Influence of Misalignments on EHD Lubrication in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, ASME International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, Portland, Paper No. DETC2013/PTG-12080, pp. 1-11, 2013 | Simon, V.: Optimal Tooth Surface Modifications in Face-Hobbed Hypoid Gears, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 572, pp. 351-354, 2013 | Simon V: Generation of Hypoid Gears on CNC Hypoid Generator, J MECH DESIGN - T ASME Vol. 133: 1-9, 2011 | Simon V: Advenced Manufacture of Spiral Bevel Gears on CNC Hypoid Generating Machine, J MECH DESIGN - T ASME 132: (3) 1-8, 2010 | Simon, V.: Loaded Tooth Contact Analysis in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, 7th In-ternational Conference Research and Development of Mechanical Elements and Systems, Zlatibor, pp. 507-514, 2011 | Simon, V.: Manufacture of Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears on CNC Hypoid Generator, 10th International Conference Modern Technologies in Manufacturing, Cluj-Napolca, pp. 295-298, 2011 | Simon, V.: Optimal Tooth Modifications in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, 7th International Conference KOD 2012 on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, Balatonfüred, pp. 9-16., 2012 | Simon, V.: Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference KOD 2012 on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering, Balatonfüred, pp. 349-356., 2012 | Simon, V.: Optimization in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, 3rd International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 1-7., 2012 | Simon, V.: Design of Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears with Reduced Maximum Tooth Contact Pressure and Transmission Errors, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Vol. 26, pp.777-790, 2013 | Simon V.: Advanced Design and Manufacture of Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Paper No. IMECE2009-10237, pp. 1-10., 2009 | Simon, V.: Influence of Tooth Modifications on Tooth Contact in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 46, pp. 1980-1998, 2011 | Simon, V.: Generation and Tooth Contact Analysis of Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, Paper No. A9_288, pp. 1-10., 2011 | Simon, V.: Optimized Polynomial Functions for Inducing Variation on Machine Tool Settings in Manufacturing Hypoid Gears, 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, Paper No. A9_289, pp. 1-10., 2011 | Simon, V.: Optimal Modifications of Gear Tooth Surfaces, Gear Technology, March/April, pp. 62-72., 2011 | Simon, V.: Deformations and Stresses in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, 11th ASME International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, Washington, Paper No. DETC2011/PTG-47089, pp. 1-11., 2011 | Simon, V.: Influence of Tooth Modifications on Load Distribution in Face-Hobbed Spiral Bevel Gears, 11th ASME International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, Washington, Paper No. DETC2011/PTG-47090, pp. 1-12., 2011 |




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