Seroprevalence of human hantavirus infection among forestry and agriculture workers in Hungary
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F. Jakab, L. Varga, Z. Nyul, J. Walter, T. Berke, D.K. Mitchell, D.O. Matson, G. Szűcs: Acute viral gastroenteritis among hospitalized children between 2003 and 2005 in Baranya County, Hungary., Journal of Clinical Virology, 2009 | Jakab F, Varga L, Nyúl Z, Németh V, Oldal M, Mitchell DK, Matson DO, Szűcs Gy: Epidemiological and clinical characterization of norovirus infections among hospitalized children in Baranya County, Hungary, Journal of Clinical Virology, 2010 | Viktória Németh, Mónika Madai, Bálint Bérczi, Alexandra Maráczi, Győző Horváth, Miklós Oldal, Tamás Kovács, Ferenc Jakab: Seroprevalence and genetic characterization of Dobrava and Saaremaa hantaviruses among rodents (Apodemus agrarius, A. flavicollis) in Hungary and Northern Croatia, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2010 | Németh V, Madai M, Maráczi A, Bérczi B, Horváth Gy, Oldal M, Kovács T, Bányai K, Jakab F: Dobrava-Belgrade és Saaremaa hantavírusok gyakori előfordulása Apodemus rágcsálókban magyarországi és észak-horvátországi területeken, Magyar Mikrobiológiai Társaság 2010. évi Nagygyűlése, 2010 | Jakab F.: Bunyaviridae, In: Takács Mária (szerk.),, Klinikai és járványügyi virológia., 2011 | Németh V, Madai M, Maráczi A, Bérczi B, Horváth B, Horváth Gy, Oldal M, Bányai K, Jakab F: Detection of Dobrava-Belgrade hantaviruses among Apodemus mice in Hungary and Northern Croatia, 6th European Congress of Mammalogy, 2011 | Németh V, Madai M, Maráczi A, Bérczi B, Horváth Gy, Oldal M, Kisfali P, Bányai K, Jakab F: Detection of Dobrava-Belgrade hantavirus using recombinant nucleocapsid-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and SYBR Green-based real-time reverse transcriptase-polym, Archives of Virology, 2011 | Németh V, Madai M, Maráczi A, Bérczi B, Horváth Gy, Oldal M, Kovács T, Bányai K, Jakab F: Serologic and genetic evidence of Dobrava-Belgrade and Saaremaa hantaviruses among Apodemus mice in Hungary and Northern Croatia, International Meeting on emerging Diseases and Surveillance, 2011 | Jakab F, Sebők J, Szántó Z, Hang D, Imre M, Németh V, Madai M, Oldal M, Kovács T, Wittmann I: Dobrava-Belgrade hantavirus infection mimics acute appendicitis, Journal of Clinical Virology, 2011 | László B, Kónya J, Dandár E, Deák J, Farkas Á, Gray J, Grósz G, Iturriza-Gomara M, Jakab F, Juhász Á, Kisfali P, Kovács J, Lengyel Gy, Martella V, Melegh B, Mészáros J, Molnár P, Nyúl Z, Papp H, Pátri L, Puskás E, Sántha I, Schneider F, Szomor K, Tóth A, Tóth E, Szűcs Gy, Bányai K: Surveillance of human rotaviruses in 2007-2011, Hungary: exploring the genetic relatedness between vaccine and field strains, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY, 2012 | Midgley SE, Bányai K, Buesa J, Halaihel N, Hjulsager CK, Jakab F, Kaplon J, Larsen LE, Monini M, Poljšak-Prijatelj M, Pothier P, Ruggeri FM, Steyer A, Koopmans M, Böttiger B: Diversity and zoonotic potential of rotaviruses in swine and cattle across Europe., Veterinary Microbiology, 2012 | Ganesh B, Bányai K, Martella V, Jakab F, Masachessi G, Kobayashi N.: Picobirnavirus infections: viral persistence and zoonotic potential., Reviews in Medical Virology, 2012 | Papp H, Al-Mutairi LZ, Chehadeh W, Farkas LS, Lengyel Gy, Jakab F, Martella V, Szűcs Gy, Bányai K: Novel NSP4 genotype in a camel G10P[15] rotavirus strain, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2012 | Jakab F (Szerk: Pál Tibor): Arenavírusok, Az Orvosi Mikrobiológia Tankönyve, 2012 | Jakab F (Szerk: Pál Tibor): Filovírusok, Az Orvosi Mikrobiológia Tankönyve, 2012 | Jakab F (Szerk: Pál Tibor): Bunyavírusok, Az Orvosi Mikrobiológia Tankönyve, 2012 | László B, Kónya J, Dandár E, Deák J, Farkas Á, Gray J, Grósz G, Iturriza-Gomara M, Jakab F, Juhász Á, Kisfali P, Kovács J, Lengyel Gy, Martella V, Melegh B, Mészáros J, Molnár P, Nyúl Z, Papp H, Pátri L, Puskás E, Sántha I, Schneider F, Szomor K, Tóth A, Tóth E, Szűcs Gy, Bányai K: Surveillance of human rotaviruses in 2007-2011, Hungary, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2012 | Madai M, Oldal M, Németh V, Horváth Gy, Dóró R, Kemenesi G, Pintér R, Bányai K, Jakab F: Prevalence of shrew-borne hantaviruses among insectivores captured in the Trandanubian Region of Hungary, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2012 | Németh V, Oldal M, Kemenesi G, Gyuranecz M, Kvell K, Kalvatchev N, Zeller H, Bányai K, Jakab F: Serologic evidence of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus infection in HUngary, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2012 | Oldal M, Németh V, Madai M, Dóró R, Kemenesi G, Pintér R, Bányai K, Jakab F: Detecting Dobrava-Belgrade and Puumala virus infection in hungarian forestry workers by ELISA and Western-blot analyses, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2012 | Dóró R, Kovács E, Martin Sz, Farkas Sz, László B, Deák J, Jakab F, Juhász Á, Sánthai I, Bányai K: Re-emerging G9 rotaviruses in 2012, Hungary, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2013 | Fehér E, Székely Cs, Cech G, Jakab F, Oldal M, Lengyel Gy, Bányai K, Farkas Sz: Molecular screening of circoviruses in fish and reptiles, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2013 | Jakab F, Németh V, Oldal M, Madai M, Horváth Gy, Kemenesi G, Dallos B, Bányai K: Molecular characterization of Dobrava and Kurkino genotypes of Dobrava-Belgrade hantavirus detected in Hungary and Northern Croatia, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2013 | Jakab F, Oldal M, Németh V, Madai M, Kemenesi G, Dallos B, Péterfi Z, Sebők J, Bányai K, Wittmann I: Identification of hantavirus infection by Western-blot assay and TaqMan PCR in patients hospitalized with acute renal failure, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2013 | László B, Kónya J, Deák J, Jakab F, Juhást Á, Sántha I, Bányai K: VP4 and VP7 sequence analyses of Hungarian rotavirus strains, ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 2013 | Németh V, Oldal M, Egyed L, Gyuranecz M, Erdélyi K, Kvell K, Kalvatchev N, Zeller H, Bányai K, Jakab F: Serologic evidence of crimean-congo hemorrhagic Fever virus infection in Hungary, VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES, 2013 | Klempa B, Avsic-Zupanc T, Clement J, Dzagurova TK, Henttonen H, Heyman P, Jakab F, Kruger DH, Maes P, Papa A, Tkachenko EA, Ulrich RG, Vapalahti O, Vaheri A: Complex evolution and epidemiology of Dobrava-Belgrade hantavirus: implications for taxonomy, ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 2013 | Krisztián Bányai, Réka Borzák, Katalin Ihász, Enikő Fehér, Ádám Dán, Ferenc Jakab, Tibor Papp, Udo Hetzel, Rachel E Marschang, Szilvia L Farkas: Whole genome sequencing of a green bush viper reovirus uncovers shared evolutionary history between reptilian and unusual mammailian orthoreoviruses, ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 2013 | Németh V, Oldal M, Madai M, Horváth Gy, Kemenesi G, Dallos B, Bányai K, Jakab F: Molecular characterization of Dobrava and Kurkino genotypes of Dobrava-Belgrade hantavirus detected in Hungary and Northern Croatia, VIRUS GENES, 2013 | Papp H, Borzák R, Farkas S, Kisfali P, Lengyel G, Molnár P, Melegh B, Matthijnssens J, Jakab F, Martella V, Bányai K: Zoonotic transmission of reassortant porcine G4P[6] rotaviruses in Hungarian pediatric patients identified sporadically over a 15 year period, INFECTION, GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2013 | Papp H, László B, Jakab F, Ganesh B, De Grazia S, Matthijnssens J, Ciarlet M, Martella V, Bányai K: Review of group A rotavirus strains reported in swine and cattle, VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY, 2013 | Pintér R, Madai M, Vadkerti E, Németh V, Oldal M, Kemenesi G, Dallos B, Gyuranecz M, Kiss G, Bányai K, Jakab F: Identification of tick-borne encephalitis virus in ticks collected in southeastern Hungary, TICKS AND TICK-BORNE DISEASES, 2013 | Dandár E, Farkas SL, Marton S, Oldal M, Jakab F, Mató T, Palya V, Bányai K: The complete genome sequence of a European goose reovirus strain, ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 2014 |
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