Investigation of the role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 in SIRT1 activation, energy expenditure and the modulation of cellular NAD+ concentrations
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Bai P, Canto C, Brunyánszki A, Huber A, Yamamoto H, Houten SM, Kiss B, Oudart H, Gergely P, Schreiber V, Menissier-de Murcia J, Auwerx J.: The absence of PARP-2 promotes SIRT1 activity in muscle and enhances whole body energy expenditure Cell Metab, Cell Metab, in press, 2011 | Bai P, Canto C, Oudart H, Brunyánszki A, Cen Y, Thomas Y, Yamamoto H, Huber A, Kiss B, Houtkooper RH, Schoonjans K, Schreiber V, Sauve AA, Menissier-de Murcia J, Auwerx J.: PARP-1 inhibition increases mitochondrial metabolism through SIRT1 activation., Cell Metab in press, 2011 | Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs Cs, Szántó M, Erdélyi K, Kovács K, Schreiber V, Gergely Sz, Kiss B, Szabó É, Virág L, Bai P: Genetic ablation of PARP-1 protects against oxazolone-induced contact hypersensitivity by modulating oxidative stress., J Invest Dermatol 130(11):2629-37, 2010 | Erdélyi K, Bai P, Kovács I, Szabó E, Mocsár G, Kakuk A, Szabó C, Gergely P, Virág L.: Dual role of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase in the regulation of cell death in oxidatively stressed A549 cells., FASEB J. 23(10):3553-63, 2009 | Bai P, Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs Cs, Szántó M, Kiss B, Gergely P, Virág L: Role of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation in contact hypersensitivity reaction., MDT, Budapest, 2010 | Bai P, Canto C, Oudart H, Brunyánszki A, Cen Y, Kiss B, Schreiber V, Sauve AA, Menissier-de Murcia J, Auwerx J.: PARP-1 stimulates mitochondrial metabolism through SIRT1 activation., (18th International Conference on ADP-ribose metabolism, Zürich, Switzerland), 2010 | Bai P: Investigation of the effect of PARP-1 on transcription under oxidative stress conditions., ESBS, Strasbourg, France., 2010 | Bai P, Houten SM, Schreiber V, Kiss B, Brunyánszki A, de Murcia G, Auwerx J, Menissier-de Murcia J.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 is a cofactor of the RXR-PPAR transcriptional machinery., (18th International Conference on ADP-ribose metabolism, Zürich, Switzerland), 2010 | Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs Cs, Szántó M, Gergely P, Schreiber V, Virág L, Bai P: Genetic ablation of PARP-1 protects against oxazolone-induced contact hypersensitivity by modulating oxidative stress., (18th International Conference on ADP-ribose metabolism, Zürich, Switzerland), 2010 | Szántó M, Brunyánszki A, Schreiber V, Gergely P, Virág L, Bai P: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 activation is necessary for the function of the retinoid X receptor/peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ complex., (18th International Conference on ADP-ribose metabolism, Zürich, Switzerland), 2010 | Erdélyi K, Oláh G, Kovács I, Kovács K, Lakatos P, Bai P, Szbó Cs, Virág L: Cooperative role of PARG and PARP-1 in the regulation of oxidative stress-induced cell death., (18th International Conference on ADP-ribose metabolism, Zürich, Switzerland), 2010 | Erdélyi K, Bai P, Szabó É, Kovács I, Gergely P, Virág L: A549 lines with stably expresseion of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 and poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase reveal the role of PARylation in hydrogen peroxide induced cell d., (18th International Conference on ADP-ribose metabolism, Zürich, Switzerland), 2010 | Bai P: The role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 in the regulation of energy homeostasis, konferencia előadás, Biomedica symposium, 2010 | Bai P, Houten SM, Huber A, Schreiber V, Kiss B, Brunyanszki A, de Murcia G, Auwerx J, Menissier-de Murcia J: Identification of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 as a cofactor of the RXR-PPARg transcriptional machinery, konferenciakiadvány (NUCLEAR RECEPTORS: from molecular mechanisms to molecular medicine; EMBO Conference, Dubrovnik), 2009 | Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs C, Szántó M, Gergely P, Virág L, Bai P: PARP-1 és PARP-2 szerepe a kontakt hiperszenzitivtási reakcióban, Biokémia 3, 36, 2009 | Hegedűs Cs, Bai P, Szabó É, Virág L.: A poli(ADP-ribóz) polimeráz-1 (PARP-1) szerepének vizsgálata a kontakt hiperszenzitivitás gyulladásos folyamataiban., Biokémia 3, 36, 2009 | Brunyánszki A, Hegedűs C, Szántó M, Gergely P, Virág L, Bai P.: The role of PARP-1 and PARP-2 in contact hypersensitivity reaction., Journal of Investigative Dermatology 129:16, 2009 | Bai P: The role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 in the regulation of energy homeostasis., OTKA conference, Budapest, Hungary., 2010 | Bai P: The role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 in lipid storage, konferencia előadás, RMCC symposium, 2009 |




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