Pathophysiogical role of P2X7 receptors in the nervous system - revised version
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Andó RD, Sperlágh B: The role of glutamate release mediated by extrasynaptic P2X7 receptors in animal models of neuropathic pain., Brain Res Bull. 93:80-5., 2013 | Horváth G, Gölöncsér F, Csölle C, Baranyi M, Király K , Andó RD, Hoffmann K, Algaier I, Baqi Y, Müller CE , von Kügelgen I, Sperlágh B: Inhibition of central P2Y12 receptors leads to alleviation of inflammatory and neuropathic pain and proinflammatory cytokine production in rodents, J of Neurscience, submitted, 2013 | Csölle C, Baranyi M, Zsilla G, Kittel A, Gölöncsér, F, Illes, P, Papp, E, Vizi ES, Sperlágh B: Neurochemical changes in the mouse hippocampus underlying the antidepressant effect of genetic deletion of P2X7 receptors, PLOS One, in press, 2013 | Csölle C, Andó RD, Kittel Á, Gölöncsér F, Soproni K, Zelena D, Haller J, Németh T, Mócsai A, Sperlágh B: The absence of P2X7 receptors (P2rx7) on non-haematopoietic cells leads to selective alteration in mood-related behaviour with dysregulated gene expression and stress rea, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 16(1):213-33., 2013 | Khansari PS, Sperlagh B.: Inflammation in neurological and psychiatric diseases., Inflammopharmacology 20(3):103-7, 2012 | Heinrich A, Andó RD, Túri G, Rózsa B, Sperlágh B.: K+ depolarization evokes ATP, adenosine and glutamate release from glia in rat hippocampus: a microelectrode biosensor study, British Journal of Pharmacology, 167(5):1003-20., 2012 | Andó RD, Bíró J, Csölle C, Ledent C, Sperlágh B.: The inhibitory action of exo- and endocannabinoids on [(3)H]GABA release are mediated by both CB(1) and CB(2) receptors in the mouse hippocampus., Neurochemistry International, 60:145–152, 2012 | Tautenhahn M, Leichsenring A, Servettini I, Pesic M, Sperlagh B, Nörenberg W, Illes P.: Purinergic modulation of the excitatory synaptic input onto rat striatal neurons., Neuropharmacology, 62(4):1756-66., 2012 | Sperlagh B, Csolle C, Ando RD, Goloncser F, Kittel A, Baranyi M.: The role of purinergic signaling in depressive disorders., Neuropsychopharmacol Hung. 14(4):231-8., 2012 | Sperlágh B, Vizi ES: The role of extracellular adenosine in chemical neurotransmission in the hippocampus and basal ganglia: pharmacological and clinical aspects., Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 11(8):1034-46., 2011 | Ceruti S, Colombo L, Magni G, Viganò F, Boccazzi M, Deli MA, Sperlágh B, Abbracchio MP, Kittel A.: Oxygen-glucose deprivation increases the enzymatic activity and the microvesicle-mediated release of ectonucleotidases in the cells composing the blood-brain barrier., Neurochem Int. 59(2):259-71., 2011 | Hracskó Z, Baranyi M, Csölle C, Gölöncsér F, Madarász E, Kittel A, Sperlágh B.: Lack of neuroprotection in the absence of P2X7 receptors in toxin-induced animal models of Parkinson's disease., Mol Neurodegener. May 4;6:28., 2011 | Andó R, Méhész B, Gyires K, Illes P, Sperlágh B.: A comparative analysis of the activity of ligands acting at P2X and P2Y receptor subtypes in models of neuropathic, acute and inflammatory pain., Br J Pharmacol. 159(5):1106-17., 2010 | Baranyi Mária, Sperlágh Beáta: Simultaneous monitoring multiple neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in mouse hippocampus by microperfusion and chromatographic separation, 8th World Congress of Neuroscience, 2011.07.14-18., Firenze, 2011 | Gölöncsér Flóra, Andó Rómeó D., Kittel Ágnes, Soproni Krisztina, Haller József, Németh Tamás, Mócsai Attila, Sperlágh Beáta: Effect of genetic deletion and pharmacological antagonism of P2X7 receptors in animal models of mood disorders, 8th World Congress of Neuroscience, 2011.07.14-18., Firenze, 2011 | Csölle Cecília, Sperlágh Beáta: P2X7 receptor mediated regulation of BDNF production in the hippocampus, 8th World Congress of Neuroscience, 2011.07.14-18., Firenze, 2011 | Andó Rómeó, Sperlágh Beáta: CB1 receptor independent inhibitory effects of cannabinoid agonists on the release of [3H]GABA from hippocampal synaptosomes in the CB1 knockout mice, 8th World Congress of Neuroscience, 2011.07.14-18., Firenze, 2011 | Sperlágh B: Genetical deletion and pharmacological antagonism of P2X7 receptors results in antidepressant phenotype in mice, 10th Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2011. jún. 26-29. Budapest, 2011 | Sperlágh B: Lack of neuroprotection in the absence of P2X7 receptors in toxin-induced animal models of Parkinson’s disease, 4 th Joint German-Italian purine Club Meeeting (International Conference on Purinergic Drugs and Targets), 2011.07.22-25. Bonn, Németország, 2011 | P2X7 receptors in the pathological models of psychiatric disorders: Areces Foundation International Symposium, Extracellular nucleotides and P2 receptors: Relevance in physiopathology and therapeutic applications. 15-16 March 2011. Madrid, 2011 | Hracskó Zsuzsanna, Baranyi Mária, Sperlágh Beáta: A P2X7 receptor gátlás hatása különböző Parkinson-modellekben, A Magyar Élettani Társaság (MÉT) LXXIV. Vándorgyűlése és a Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság (MFT) II. közös tudományos konferenciája, Szeged, 2010 | Heinrich A; Sperlágh B: Characterization of K+ depolarization evoked ATP, adenosine and glutamate release in rat hippocampus: a microelectrode biosensor study, Purines 2010, Tarragona (Spain), 2010 | Csölle C, Sperlágh B: A P2X7 receptor génkiütés hatása a depresszióval összefüggésbe hozható gének expressziós mintázatára az amygdalában – teljes egér genom génexpressziós microarray analízis, A Magyar Élettani Társaság (MÉT) LXXIV. Vándorgyűlése és a Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság (MFT) II. közös tudományos konferenciája, Szeged, 2010 | Kittel Á; Colombo L; Magna G; Vigano F; Boccazzi M; Sperlagh B; Deli M; Abbracchio MP; Ceruti S: Role of the purinergic system in controlling blood-brain barrier functions: Focus on ATP-metabolizing enzymes, Purines 2010, Tarragona (Spain), 2010 | Kittel A; Misjak P; Boncz D; Gyorgy B; Paloczy K; Sperlagh B; Buzas E: Membrane vesicles released by microglial cell may be involved in purinergic signaling, Purines 2010, Tarragona (Spain), 2010 | Ando RD; Csölle C; Kittel Á; Gölöncsér F; Soproni K; Zelena D; Haller J; Németh T; Mócsai A; Sperlágh B: Genetical deletion and pharmacological antagonism of P2X7 receptors results in antidepressant phenotype in mice, Purines 2010, Tarragona (Spain), 2010 | Csölle C; Sperlágh B: Deletion of P2X7 receptor causes genome-wide alterations of genes expression including genes related to depression in mouse amygdale – a whole genome microarray study, Purines 2010, Tarragona (Spain), 2010 | Ceruti S; Colombo L; Magni G; Viganò F; Gazdag Zs, Boccazzi M; Sperlàgh B; Déli M; Abbracchio MP; Kittel Á: Role of the purinergic system in controlling blood-brain barrier functions upon ischemic conditions: focus on atp-metabolizing enzymes, IBRO International Workshop, Pécs, 2010 | Rómeó D. Andó, Cecilia Csölle, Ágnes Kittel, Flóra Gölöncsér, Krisztina Soproni, Dóra Zelena, József Haller, Tamás Németh, Attila Mócsai, Beáta Sperlágh: Genetical deletion and pharmacological antagonism of P2X7 receptors results in antidepressant phenotype in mice, 10th International Review of Bipolar Disorders (IRBD), Budapest, 2010 | B Sperlágh, A Heinrich, R Andó, Z Hracskó, M Baranyi: P2X and P2Y receptors in neurodegenerative diseases and neuropathic pain: An update, WorldPharma 2010 16th World Congress on Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Copenhagen (Denmark), 2010 | Sperlágh Beáta: A P2X7 receptorok: egy új célpont a depresszió gyógyszeres terápiájában, A Magyar Élettani Társaság (MÉT) LXXIV. Vándorgyűlése és a Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság (MFT) II. Közös Tudományos Konferenciája, Szeged, 2010 | Sperlágh B; Heinrich A: The origin and mechanism of ATP release in the nervous system, Purines 2010, Tarragona (Spain), 2010 | Kittel Á; Colombo L; Magni G; Vigano F; Sperlagh B; Deli M; Abbracchio MP; Ceruti S: A Purinerg rendszer szerepe a vér-agy gát működésének szabályozásában: előtérben az ATP-bontó enzimek, A Magyar Élettani Társaság (MÉT) LXXIV. Vándorgyűlése és a Magyar Kísérletes és Klinikai Farmakológiai Társaság (MFT) II. közös tudományos konferenciája, Szeged, 2010 | Csölle C, Sperlágh B: Peripheral origin of IL-1beta production in the rodent hippocampus under in vivo systemic bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge and its regulation by P2X7 receptor, J Neuroimmunol. 219(1-2):38-46., 2010 |
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