Consortional main: Art Historical and archeometrical research of haban ceramics from public and privat collections in Hungary to prepare database and catalogue
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Bajnóczi B, Nagy G, Tóth M, Ringer I, Ridovics A: Archaeometric characterization of 17th-century tin-glazed Anabaptist (Hutterite) faience artefacts from North-East-Hungary, Journal of Archaeological Science 45, pp. 1-14, 2014 | Bajnóczi, B., May, Z., Ridovics, A., Szabó, M., Nagy, G., Tóth, M.: The tin content of the blue-glazed Hutterit and Haban ceramics – implications for the production technology based on results of the handheld XRF and EMPA analyses., Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 60 (2), 515-532 pp., 2016 | Ridovics, A., May, Z., Bajnóczi, B., Tóth, M.: Examination of Haban vessels with uranium-bearing blue glaze., Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 60/2, (2015) 485-514 pp., 2016 | Balla Gabriella: Brief Collection History of the Haban Ceramics in the Museum of Applied Arts in the Light of Haban Research, Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 60/2, (2015) 289-304 pp., 2016 | Vida Gabriella: The Museum of Ethnography’s Haban Ceramics in Budapest, Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 60/2, 305-322 pp., 2016 | Ringer István: Archaeological Excavation of the Haban Colony Site at Sárospatak, Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 60/2, (2015) 419-444 pp., 2016 | Bajnóczi, B., Nagy, G., Szabó, M., Tóth, M., May, Z., Pajer, J., Ridovics, A.: „Glaze residues” and “glaze raw material” from Anabaptist pottery production centers in Moravia., EMAC2015 – 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, 24-26 September 2015, Athens, Greece, Conference program and abstracts, p. 206., 2015 | EMAC2015 – 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, 24-26 September 2015, Athens, Greece, Conference program and abstracts, p. 206.: Production technology of blue-glazed Anabaptist-Hutterite and Haban ceramics, EMAC2015 – 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, 24-26 September 2015, Athens, Greece, Conference program and abstracts, p. 76., 2015 | Ridovics Anna: Umeleckohistorický a archeometrický výskum habánskej keramiky vstátnnych a súkromných zbierkach v Maďarsku., In: Habani a Habánska keramika. Zbornik z medzinárodného odborného seminára, konanéha 3. septembra 2011 v Modre. Zost. Agáta Petrakovičova. Slávnosť hliny – Keramická Mod, 2013 | Ridovics A, Bajnóczi B, May Z, Tóth M: The transfer of tin-glazed faience technology by Hutterite Anabaptists to East-Central Europe in the Late Medieval and Post Medieval Period, www.camertola.pt X CICM2 - X Congresso Internacional a cerâmica medieval no Mediterrâneo – 10th International Congress on Medieval Pottery in the Mediterranean, 22-27 okt, 2012 | Kovács Kis V, Bajnóczi B.: Cassiterite in tin glaze of Anabaptist faience from Hungary: morphological and crystallographic characterization by SEM and TEM, 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry, 28 May – 1 June 2012, Leuven, Belgium, Program and Abstracts Book, KU Leuven, pp. 385-386., 2012 | Bajnóczi B, Nagy G, Tóth M, May Z, Pajer J, Ridovics A: Mineralogy and mictrostructure of „glaze residues” and/or „glaze raw materials” from Anabaptist pottery production centres in Moravia, PANGEO Austria 2012, 15-20 September 2012, Salzburg, Austria, Abstracts, pp. 19-20., 2012 | Bajnóczi B, Nagy G, Tóth M: Technological examination of 18th to 19th century cobalt-blue decorative ceramics from Transylvania (Romania), Joint 5th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference and 3rd Central-European Mineralogical Conference, 19-21 April, 2012, Miskolc, Hungary, 2012 | Bajnóczi B., Nagy G., -May Z., Tóth M.: Adalékok a szászkézdi kerámia készítési technikájához anyagvizsgálatok alapján., Néprajzi Értesítő, 93, 95-109. 2011., 2012 | Ridovics Anna: Umeleckohistorický a archeometrický výskum habánskej keramiky v státnnych a súkromných zbierkach v Maďarsku., Habani a Habánska keramika. Zbornik z medzinárodného odborného seminára, konanéha 3. septembra 2011 v Modre. Zost. Agáta Petrakovičova. Slávnosť hliny – Keramická Modra 2, 2012 | Radványi Diána Ars Decorativa 29. pp. 57-70: Fayencekachelöfen der Habaner, Ofenkacheln und ihre Rekonstruktionen in der Sammlung des Ungarischen Museums für Kunstgewerbemuseums zu Budapest (Habán fajanszkályhák, ká, Ars Decorativa 29. pp. 57-70, 2012 | Bajnóczi B., Tóth M., Nagy G.: Microstructure and composition of glaze of Haban ceramics from Sárospatak (NE-Hungary). IMA2010, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica Abstract Series, 6, p. 113., 2010 | Bajnóczi B, Nagy G, Tóth M, Ringer I, Ridovics A: A sárospataki ágyúöntő műhelyben feltárt 17. századi habán kerámialeleletek mázának mikroszerkezete és összetétele., Archeometriai Műhely VIII/1, pp. 1-16., 2011 |
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