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List of publications |
M. Gámez, I. López, I. Szabó and Z. Varga: Verticum-type systems applied to ecological monitoring, Applied Mathematics and Computation 215, 3230-3238, 2010 | Z. Varga, M. Gámez, and I. López: Observer design for open and closed trophic chains, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11, 1918-1924, 2010 | M. Gámez, I. López, A. Shamandy: Open- and closed-loop equilibrium control of trophic chains, Ecological Modelling 221, 1839-1846, 2010 | J. Garay, F. T. Móri: When is the opportunism remunerative?, Community Ecology 11:160-170, 2010 | M. Gámez, I. López, J. Garay and Z. Varga: Monitoring and control in a spatially structured population model, In: Beniamino Murgante et al., Computational Science and its Applications, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 511-520, 2011 | S. Molnar, M. Gámez, I. López, T. Cabello: Equilibrium control of nonlinear verticum-type systems, applied to integrated pest control, BioSystems 113, 72– 80., 2013 | J. Garay, V. Csiszár, F.T. Móri: Under multilevel selection: "When shall you be neither spiteful nor envious?, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 340, 7 January 2014, Pages 73–84, 2013 | J.R. Gallego, I. López, M. Gámez, Z. Varga, J. Garay and T. Cabello: Simulation model applied to biological pest control by entomophagous species in commercial tomato greenhouses, Hungarian Agricultural Engineering. Vol. 25/2013, pp. 67-70. – HU ISSN 0864-7410, 2013 | G. Gődényné Hajdu, Z. Varga: Observer design for a nonlinear multi-stage population dynamics, Synergy in the Technical Development of Agriculture and Food Industry: 2-nd. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. 9-15. October, 2011, Gödöllő, Hungary, 2011 | T. Cabello, M. Gámez, A. Torres and J. Garay: Possible effects of inter-specific competition on the coexistence of two parasitoid species: Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko and Chelonus oculator (F.)..., Community Ecology 12 (1), 78-88, 2011 | J. Garay: Active centrum hypothesis: The origin of chiral homogeneity and the RNA-world, BioSystems 103: 1-12, 2011 | József Garay, Zoltán Varga, Tomás Cabello, Manuel Gámez: Optimal nutrient foraging strategy of an omnivore: Liebig’s law determining numerical response, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 310 (2012) 31–42., 2012 | Tomas Cabello, Juan R. Gallego, Francisco J. Fernandez, Manuel Gamez, Enric Vila, Modesto del Pino, Estrella Hernandez-Suarez: Biological Control Strategies for the South American Tomato Moth (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Greenhouse Tomatoes, Journal of Economic Entomology, 105(6):2085-2096., 2012 | T. Cabello, M. Gámez, Z. Varga, J. Garay, R. Carreño, J. R. Gallego, F. J. Fernández, E. Vila: Selection of Trichogramma spp. (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) for biological control of Tuta absoluta (Lep.: Gelechiidae) in greenhouse by entomo-ecological simulation model., International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC), WPRS Bulletin, Vol. 80, 2012, pp. 171-176., 2012 | S. Molnár, M. Gámez and I. López: Observation of nonlinear verticum-type systems applied to ecological monitoring, International Journal of Biomathematics Vol. 5, No. 6 (November 2012) 1250051 (15 pages) DOI: 10.1142/S1793524512500519, 2012 | Tomás Cabello, Manuel Gámez, József Garay y Zoltán Varga: Lucha Biológica y Modelos Matemáticos: cuándo y cómo hacer las sueltas de enemigos naturales, Vida rural, 1/Noviembre/2011, 24-29 (ISSN: 1133-8938), 2011 | J. Garay, Z. Varga: Survivor’s dilemma: defend the group or flee?, Theoretical Population Biology 80 (3), pp. 217-225, 2011 | Cressman, R., Garay, J.: The effects of opportunistic and intentional predators on the herding behaviour of prey, Ecology 92:432–440, 2011 | I. López, T. Standovár, J. Garay, Z. Varga and M. Gámez: Statistical detection of spatial plant patterns under the effect of forest use, International Journal of Biomathematics . Vol. 05, No. 06. 1250054, pp. 1-15, DOI No: 10.1142/S1793524512500544, 2012 | Garay, J., Móri, T.F.: Monogamy has a fixation advantage based on fitness variance in ideal promiscuity group, Bulletin of Mathematical Biolology 74: 2676-2691, 2012 | M. Gámez, I. López, Z. Varga and J. Garay: Stock estimation, environmental monitoring and equilibrium control of a fish population with reserve area, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 22 (3) pp. 751-766., 2012 | József Garay, Zoltán Sebestyén, Zoltán Varga, Manuel Gámez, Alejandro Torres, José E. Belda and Tomás Cabello,: A new multistage dynamic model for biological control exemplified by the host-parasitoid system Spodoptera exigua-Chelonus oculator, Journal of Pest Science, appeared Online First) 2014 Aug, pp. 1-16, Doi 10.1007/s10340-014-0609, 2014 | Garay, J.; Sebestyén, Z.; Varga, Z.; Gámez, M.; Torres, A.; Belda, J.E.; Cabello, T: Data from: A new multistage dynamic model for biological control exemplified by the host-parasitoid system Spodoptera exigua-Chelonus oculator, Dryad Digital Repository [http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.t3b5s, 2014 | Cressman R, Krˇivan V, Brown JS, Garay J: Game-Theoretic Methods for Functional Response and Optimal Foraging Behavior, PLoS ONE 9(2): e88773, 2014 | József Garay, Zoltán Varga, Tomás Cabello, Manuel Gámez: Optimal nutrient foraging strategy of an omnivore: Liebig’s law determining numerical response, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 310 (2012) 31–42., 2012 | Tomas Cabello, Juan R. Gallego, Francisco J. Fernandez, Manuel Gamez, Enric Vila, Modesto del Pino, Estrella Hernandez-Suarez: Biological Control Strategies for the South American Tomato Moth Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Greenhouse Tomatoes, Journal of Economic Entomology, 105(6):2085-2096., 2012 | T. Cabello, M. Gámez, Z. Varga, J. Garay, R. Carreño, J. R. Gallego, F. J. Fernández, E. Vila: Selection of Trichogramma spp. (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) for biological control of Tuta absoluta (Lep.: Gelechiidae) in greenhouse by entomo-ecological simulation model., International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants (IOBC), WPRS Bulletin, Vol. 80, 2012, pp. 171-176., 2012 | S. Molnár, M. Gámez and I. López: Observation of nonlinear verticum-type systems applied to ecological monitoring, International Journal of Biomathematics Vol. 5, No. 6 (November 2012) 1250051 (15 pages) DOI: 10.1142/S1793524512500519, 2012 | Tomás Cabello, Manuel Gámez, József Garay y Zoltán Varga: Lucha Biológica y Modelos Matemáticos: cuándo y cómo hacer las sueltas de enemigos naturales, Vida rural, 1/Noviembre/2011, 24-29 (ISSN: 1133-8938), 2011 | M. Gámez, Z. Sebestyén, Z. Varga, J. Garay, J. R. Gallego, F. J. Fernández, T. Cabello: Multi-stage dynamic model for a prey-predator interaction: Application to Spodoptera exigua (Hubner) (Lep.: Noctuidae) and Nabis pseudoferus Remane (Hem.: Nabidae) ..., IOBC-WPRS –Working Group Conference on Integrated Control in Protected Crops-Mediterranean Climate. Catania (Italy), 9-12 October 2012 (accepted), 2012 | J. Garay, Z. Varga: Survivor’s dilemma: defend the group or flee?, Theoretical Population Biology 80 (3), pp. 217-225, 2011 | Cressman, R., Garay, J.: The effects of opportunistic and intentional predators on the herding behaviour of prey, Ecology 92:432–440, 2011 | I. López, T. Standovár, J. Garay, Z. Varga and M. Gámez: Statistical detection of spatial plant patterns under the effect of forest use, International Journal of Biomathematics. . Vol. 05, No. 06. 1250054, pp. 1-15, DOI No: 10.1142/S1793524512500544, 2012 | Garay, J., Móri, T.F.: Monogamy has a fixation advantage based on fitness variance in ideal promiscuity group, Bulletin of Mathematical Biolology. DOI: 10.1007/s11538-012-9772-7 (in press), 2012 | M. Gámez, I. López, Z. Varga and J. Garay: Stock estimation, environmental monitoring and equilibrium control of a fish population with reserve area, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 22 (3) pp. 751-766., 2012 | J.R. Gallego, I. López, M. Gámez, Z. Varga, J. Garay and T. Cabello: Simulation model applied to biological pest control by entomophagous species in commercial tomato greenhouses, Synergy International Conferences: Engineering, Agriculture, Waste Management and Green Industry Innovation. Gödöllő, Hungary, October 13-19, 2013 (accepted), 2013 | Z. Sebestyén, Z. Varga, M. Gámez, R. Carreño, T. Cabello: Dynamic model for a host-parasitoid interaction of insects, VII congreso nacional de entomología aplicada, 24-28 octubre, 2011, Baeza, España. Abstracts, p. 142, 2011 | Juan R. Gallego, Manuel Gámez, Tomás Cabello, Zoltán Sebestyén, Zoltán Varga, József Garay: Entomo-ecological simulation model applied to timing of biological pest control by parasitoid, International Conference MPDE'13-Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology. University of Osnabrück, Germany, 26-29 August, 2013. Abstracts, pp. 68-69., 2013 | Manuel Gámez, József Garay, Zoltán Varga, Ramón Carreño, Tomás Cabello: Applications of multiple sigmoid functions in plant protection, International Conference MPDE'13-Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology. University of Osnabrück, Germany, 26-29 August, 2013. Abstracts, pp. 69, 2013 | G. Gődényné Hajdu, Z. Varga: Observer design for a nonlinear multi-stage population dynamics (accepted), Synergy in the Technical Development of Agriculture and Food Industry: 2-nd. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. 9-15. October, 2011, Gödöllő, Hungary, 2011 | T. Cabello, M. Gámez, A. Torres and J. Garay: Possible effects of inter-specific competition on the coexistence of two parasitoid species: Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko and Chelonus oculator (F.)..., Community Ecology 12 (1), 78-88., 2011 | J. Garay: Active centrum hypothesis: The origin of chiral homogeneity and the RNA-world, BioSystems 103: 1-12, 2011 | M. Gámez, I. López, I. Szabó and Z. Varga: Verticum-type systems applied to ecological monitoring, Applied Mathematics and Computation 215, 3230-3238, 2010 | Z. Varga, M. Gámez, and I. López: Observer design for open and closed trophic chains, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11, 1918-1924, 2010 | M. Gámez, I. López, A. Shamandy: Open- and closed-loop equilibrium control of trophic chains, Ecological Modelling 221, 1839-1846, 2010 | J. Garay, F. T. Móri: When is the opportunism remunerative?, Community Ecology 11:160-170, 2010 | M. Gámez, I. López, J. Garay and Z. Varga: Monitoring and control in a spatially structured population model, In: Beniamino Murgante et al., Computational Science and its Applications, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 511-520, 2011 | Z. Varga, M. Gámez, I. López: Recent developments in monitoring of complex population systems, American Journal of Operations Research, 3, Number 1 (Special Issue on Complex Systems) 167-180, 2013 | S. Molnar, M. Gámez, I. López, T. Cabello: Equilibrium control of nonlinear verticum-type systems, applied to integrated pest control, BioSystems 113, 72– 80., 2013 | M. Gámez, Z. Varga, J. Garay, E. Vila and T. Cabello: Mathematical Model for Biological Control of the South American Tomato Pinworm, Tuta absoluta (Lep.: Gelechiidae), with releases of Trichogramma achaeae ..., IXth European Congress of Entomology, 22-27 August 2010, Budapest/Hungary. Abstracts, p. 214., 2010 | j. Garay, V. Csiszár, F.T. Móri: Under multilevel selection: "When shall you be neither spiteful nor envious?, Journal of Theoretical Biology (in press) DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.08.031, 2013 |





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