Searching for multiple planetary systems by automated telescopes  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Kovács, Géza
Title in Hungarian Tobbszoros bolygorendszerek keresese automata tavcsovekkel
Title in English Searching for multiple planetary systems by automated telescopes
Keywords in Hungarian bolygorendszerek, adat analyzis
Keywords in English planetary systems, data analysis
Astronomy (Council of Physical Sciences)100 %
Ortelius classification: Astronomy
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences)
Participants Bakos, Gáspár
Dékány, István
Hajdu, Gergely
Kovács, Géza
Kovács, Géza
Kovács, Tamás
Mező, György
Pál, András
Tóth, Imre
Tóth, Imre
Starting date 2010-02-01
Closing date 2014-01-31
Funding (in million HUF) 40.000
FTE (full time equivalent) 9.67
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
A jelen palyazat kereteben tervezett kutatas a Naprendszeren kivuli fedesi bolygo- (TEP) kutatas kovetkezo lepeset celozza meg. Ez a lepes a legalabb egy TEP-et tartalmazo tobbszoros bolygorendszerek felfedezese es analizise. Az ilyen iranyu koncentralt kutatasaink a HATNet es WHAT automata tavcso projektjeink altal szolgaltatott, es folyamatosan bovulu adatbazison, valamint a nagy tavcsovekkel kapott nagypontossagu radialis sebesseg meresekre fog tamaszkodni. A tobbszoros bolygorendszerek felfedezese resze lesz a rendszeres TEP felfedezo es analizalo programunknak. A palyazatban foglaltak varhatoan sikeres vegrahajtasara a HATNet projektnek a TEP kutatasban betoltott jelentos szerepe es a HAT-P-13b, az elso, bolygorendszerben talalhato TEP felfedezese utal. Az ilyen tipusu rendszerek analizise lehetove teszi szamunkra a bolygok belso szerkezetenek sokkal reszletesebb vizsgalatat (mint ahogy az az egyszeres rendszerek eseteben teheto), valamit tovabbi eros megszoritasokat ad a bolygorendszer keletkezesere es fejlodesere vonatkozoan. A tervezett teleszkop hardver es az adatkezelest valamint analizist tamogato szamitastechnikai fejlesztesekkel a projekt fontos infrastrukturalis hatassal lesz a kutatoi kornyezetre. A fiatal kutatoi alkalmazasok pedig a szakmai tovabbkepzest segitik elo.
The planned research targeted by this proposal attempts to reach the next important step in transiting extrasolar planet (TEP) research by discovering and analyzing multiplanetary systems with at least one transiting component. In conducting this concentrated effort we rely on the continuously extending photometric database of our automated telescope projects HATNet and WHAT and on high-precision radial velocity measurements obtained through telescope times allocated at large-aperture telescopes. The discovery of the multiplanetary systems will be part of our regular search and analysis of extrasolar planets. The expected success of the project is implied by the very significant role of HATNet in the TEP research and the discovery of HAT-P-13b, the first TEP in a planetary system. Analysis of this type of systems enables us to study the internal structures of planets in far more details than in the case of the single planet systems. They also put strong constraints on planetary system formation and evolution. With the planned developments concerning telescope hardware and computer support for data handling and analysis, the project introduces important infrastructural changes in the research environment. The employment of young researchers helps in training new scientists.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A HATNet projekt kereteben mukodtetett automata teleszkopok altal gyujtott fotometriai idosorok folyamatos analizisevel az elmult negy ev folyaman felfedeztunk 34 extraszolaris bolygot. Ezek az objektumok a kozponti csillag kismerteku periodikus elhalvanyodasat okozzak, mikozben elhaladnak a csillag altalunk megfigyelheto korongja elott. A felfedezett bolygok keringesi periodusa, tomege es sugara szeles tartomanyban valtozik (P=1.2-11 nap, M=19-2300 M_Fold es 9-20 R_Fold). Hosszutavu radialis sebessegmeressel felfedeztunk legalabb 2 olyan rendszert, amelyekben a fedesi bolygo mellett meg egy, nagyom hosszu periodusu palyan keringo, nehany Jupiter tomegu kulso bolygo is tagja a rendszernek. Egy masodlagos projekt kereteben, a fotometriai idosor adatainkat felhasznalva, vizsgaltuk ket ismert nyilt halmaz (a Pleiadok es a Presepe) csillagainak a valtozasat. Felfedeztunk nagyszamu rotacios (vagyis folttal rendelkezo es a csillag forgasa miatt valtozo fenyu) valtozot, amellyel otszorosere illetve haromszorosara noveltuk az ezekben a halmazokban talalhato ismert rotacios valtozok szamat. Ezek a valtozok szoros korrelaciot mutatnak a periodus-szin diagramon es lehetove teszik a halmazok relativ koranak nagypontossagu becsleset.
Results in English
From the continuous search in the photometric database accumulated by HATNet, during the past four years we have discovered 34 extrasolar planetary systems showing periodic dimming of the host stars by their transiting companion planets. The orbital periods, the planet masses and radii, respectively, span the ranges of 1.2-11 days, 19-2300 M_Earth and 9-20 R_Earth. We detected at least 2 systems with a second planet, based on the wobble of the host stars visible in their radial velocity variations. These systems consist of a short-period transiting planet and another one with several Jupiter masses at a very long period outer orbit. In a side project we utilized our photometric time series to investigate the stellar variability in open clusters. We discovered a large number of rotational variables in two well-known clusters (Pleiades and Praesepe) and thereby increased the number of known rotation periods in these clusters by factors of 5 and 3, respectively. These variables follow fairly tight relations between their colors and rotation periods and enable us to estimate relative stellar ages with high precision.
Full text


List of publications

Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. Á., Torres, G., Kovács, G., Johnson, J. A., Howard, A. W., Marcy, G. W., Latham, D. W. Bieryla, A. Buchhave, L. A. and 19 coauthors: HAT-P-44b, HAT-P-45b, and HAT-P-46b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters in Possible Multi-Planet Systems, AJ, submitted, 2014
Kovács, G., Kovács, T., Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. Á., Bieryla, A., Latham, D., Noyes, R. W., Regály, Zs., Esquerdo, G. A.: Comprehensive time series analysis of the transiting extrasolar planet WASP-33b, A&A, 553, 44, 2013
Torres, G., Bakos, G. A., Hartman, J., Kovacs, G. et al.: HAT-P-14b: A 2M_J Exoplanet Transiting a Bright F Star, ApJ, 715, 458-467, 2010
Buchhave, L. A., Bakos, G. A.., Hartman, J. D., Torres, G., Kovacs, G. et al.: HAT-P-16b: A 4 M_J Planet Transiting a Bright Star on an Eccentric Orbit, ApJ, 720, 1118-1125, 2010
Boisse, I., Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. Á., Penev, K., Csubry, Z., Béky, B., Latham, D. W., Bieryla, A., Torres, G., Kovács, G., and 13 coauthors: HAT-P-42b and HAT-P-43b. Two inflated transiting hot Jupiters from the HATNet Survey, A&A, 558, 86, 2013
Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. A., Kovacs, G., and Noyes, R. W.: A large sample of photometric rotation periods for FGK Pleiades stars, MNRAS, 408, 475-489, 2010
Kovacs, G., Bakos, G. A., Hartman, J., et al.: HAT-P-15b: A 10.9 Day Extrasolar Planet Transiting a Solar-type Star, ApJ, 724, 866-877, 2010
Kipping, D. M., Bakos, G. A., Hartman, J., Torres, G., Shporer, A., Latham, D. W., Kovacs, Geza et al.: HAT-P-24b: An Inflated Hot Jupiter on a 3.36 Day Period Transiting a Hot, Metal-poor Star, ApJ, 725, 2017-2028, 2010
Bieryla, A., Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. A., Bhatti, W., Kovacs, G., Boisse, I., Latham, D. W., Buchhave, L. A., Csubry, Z., Penev, K., and 11 coauthors: HAT-P-49b: A 1.7 M_J Planet Transiting a Bright 1.5 M_S F-Star, AJ, accepted, 2014
Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. A., Sato, B., Torres, G. Noyes, R. W. Latham, D. W. Kova'cs, G. et al.: HAT-P-18b and HAT-P-19b: Two Low-density Saturn-mass Planets Transiting Metal-rich K Stars, ApJ, 726, 52, 2011
Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. A., Kipping, D. M., Torres, G., Kovacs, G. et al.: HAT-P-26b: A Low-density Neptune-mass Planet Transiting a K Star, ApJ, 728, 138-152, 2011
Bakos, G. A.; Hartman, J.; Torres, G.; Latham, D. W.; Kovacs, Geza; Noyes, R. W.; Fischer, D. A.; Johnson, J. A.; Marcy, G. W.; Howard, A. W.; and 12 coauthors: HAT-P-20b - HAT-P-23b: Four Massive Transiting Extrasolar Planets, ApJ, 742, 116-135, 2011
Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. A., Noyes, R. W., Sipocz, B., Kovacs, G., Mazeh, T., Shporer, A. and Pal, A.: A Photometric Variability Survey of Field K and M Dwarf Stars with HATNet, AJ, 141, 166-189, 2011
Hartman, J. D.; Bakos, G. A.; Torres, G.; Latham, D. W.; Kovacs, Geza; Beky, B.; Quinn, S. N.; Mazeh, T.; Shporer, A.; Marcy, G. W.; and 12 coauthors: HAT-P-32b and HAT-P-33b: Two Highly Inflated Hot Jupiters Transiting High-jitter Stars, ApJ, 742, 59-78, 2011
Kipping, D. M.; Hartman, J.; Bakos, G. A.; Torres, G.; Latham, D. W.; Bayliss, D.; Kiss, L. L.; Sato, B.; Beky, B.; Kovacs, Geza; and 14 coauthors: HAT-P-31b,c: A Transiting, Eccentric, Hot Jupiter and a Long-period, Massive Third Body, AJ, 142, 95-106, 2011
Johnson, John Asher; Winn, J. N.; Bakos, G. A.; Hartman, J. D.; Morton, T. D.; Torres, G.; Kovacs, Geza; Latham, D. W.; Noyes, R. W.; Sato, B.; and 13 coauthors: HAT-P-30b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter on a Highly Oblique Orbit, ApJ, 735, 24-31, 2011
Beky, B.; Bakos, G. A.; Hartman, J.; Torres, G.; Latham, D. W.; Jordan, A.; Arriagada, P.; Bayliss, D.; Kiss, L. L.; Kovacs, Geza; and 14 coauthors: HAT-P-27b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a G Star on a 3 Day Orbit, ApJ, 734, 109-120, 2011
Buchhave, L. A.; Bakos, G. A.; Hartman, J. D.; Torres, G.; Latham, D. W.; Andersen, J.; Kovacs, G.; Noyes, R. W.; Shporer, A.; Esquerdo, G. A.; and 15 coauthors: Hat-P-28b and Hat-P-29b: Two Sub-Jupiter Mass Transiting Planets, ApJ, 733, 116-126, 2011
Hartman JD; Bakos GÁ; Béky B; Torres G; Latham DW; Csubry Z; Penev K; Shporer A; Fulton BJ; Buchhave LA; and 19 coauthors: HAT-P-39b-HAT-P-41b: Three Highly Inflated Transiting Hot Jupiters, Astron. J., 139-156, 2012
Sato B; Hartman JD; Bakos GÁ; Béky B; Torres G; Latham DW; Kovács G; Csubry Z; Penev K; Noyes RW; and 13 coauthors: HAT-P-38b: A Saturn-Mass Planet Transiting a Late G Star, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 97-105, 2012
Bakos GÁ; Hartman JD; Torres G; Béky B; Latham DW; Buchhave LA; Csubry Z; Kovács G; Bieryla A; Quinn S; and 17 coauthors: HAT-P-34b-HAT-P-37b: Four Transiting Planets More Massive than Jupiter Orbiting Moderately Bright Stars, Astron. J., 19-32, 2012
Howard AW; Bakos GÁ; Hartman J; Torres G; Shporer A; Mazeh T; Kovács G; Latham DW; Noyes RW; Fischer DA; and 11 coauthors: HAT-P-17b,c: A Transiting, Eccentric, Hot Saturn and a Long-period, Cold Jupiter, Astrophys. J., 134-145, 2012
Quinn SN; Bakos GÁ; Hartman J; Torres G; Kovács G; Latham DW; Noyes RW; Fischer DA; Johnson JA; Marcy GW; and 12 coauthors: HAT-P-25b: A Hot-Jupiter Transiting a Moderately Faint G Star, Astrophys. J., 810-89, 2012
Sódor Á; Hajdu G; Jurcsik J; Szeidl B; Posztobányi K; Hurta Zs; Belucz B; Kun E: The light-curve modulation of XY And and UZ Vir: two Blazhko RR Lyrae stars with additional frequencies, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 1517-1529, 2012
Hajdu G; Jurcsik J; Sódor Á; Szeidl B; Smitola P; Belucz B; Posztobányi K; Vida K; Kun E: The Blazhko modulation of TV Boo in 2010, Astron. Nachr., 1074-1076, 2012
Szeidl B; Jurcsik J; Sódor Á; Hajdu G; Smitola P: Fitting Blazhko light curves, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 3094-3100, 2012
Jurcsik J; Sódor Á; Hajdu G; Szeidl B; Dózsa Á; Posztobányi K; Smitola P; Belucz B; Fehér V; K\u0151vári, Zs; and 6 coauthors: An extensive photometric study of the Blazhko RR Lyrae star RZ Lyr, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 993-1005, 2012
Howard, A. W., Bakos, G. Á., Hartman, J., Torres, G., Shporer, A., Mazeh, T., Kovács, G., Latham, D. W., Noyes, R. W., Fischer, D. A., and 11 coauthors: HAT-P-17b,c: A Transiting, Eccentric, Hot Saturn and a Long-period, Cold Jupiter, Astrophys. J., 749, 134-145, 2012
Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. Á., Béky, B., Torres, G., Latham, D. W., Csubry., Z., Penev, K. Shporer, A. Fulton, B. J., Buchhave, L. A., and 19 coauthors: HAT-P-39b-HAT-P-41b: Three Highly Inflated Transiting Hot Jupiters, Astron. J., 144, 139-156, 2012
Sato, B., Hartman, J. D., Bakos, G. Á., Béky, B., Torres, G., Latham, D. W., Kovács, G., Csubry, Z., Penev, K., Noyes, R. W., and 13 coauthors: HAT-P-38b: A Saturn-Mass Planet Transiting a Late G Star, Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 64, 97-105, 2012
Bakos GÁ; Hartman JD; Torres G; Béky B; Latham DW; Buchhave LA; Csubry Z; Kovács G; Bieryla A; Quinn S; and 17 coauthors: HAT-P-34b-HAT-P-37b: Four Transiting Planets More Massive than Jupiter Orbiting Moderately Bright Stars, Astron. J., 144, 19-32, 2012
Quinn S. N., Bakos G. Á, Hartman J. D., Torres G., Kovács G., Latham D. W., Noyes RW, Fischer, D. A, Johnson J. A., Marcy G. W. and 12 coauthors: HAT-P-25b: A Hot-Jupiter Transiting a Moderately Faint G Star, Astrophys. J., 745, 80, 2012
Kovacs, Geza, Bakos, Gaspar A., Hartman, Joel D.: The rich frequency spectrum of the triple-mode variable AC And, IAUS, 301, 443, 2014
Sódor, Á., Hajdu, G., Jurcsik, J., Szeidl, B., Posztobányi, K., Hurta, Zs., Belucz, B., Kun, E.: The light-curve modulation of XY And and UZ Vir: two Blazhko RR Lyrae stars with additional frequencies, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 427, 1517-1529, 2012
Hajdu G., Jurcsik, J., Sódor, Á., Szeidl, B., Smitola, P., Belucz, B., Posztobányi, K., Vida, K., Kun, E.: The Blazhko modulation of TV Boo in 2010, Astron. Nachr., 333, 1074-1076, 2012
Szeidl, B., Jurcsik, J., Sódor, Á., Hajdu, G., Smitola, P.: Fitting Blazhko light curves, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 424, 3094-3100, 2012
Jurcsik J; Sódor Á; Hajdu G; Szeidl B; Dózsa Á; Posztobányi K; Smitola P; Belucz B; Fehér V; Kovári, Zs; and 6 coauthors: An extensive photometric study of the Blazhko RR Lyrae star RZ Lyr, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 423, 993-1005, 2012
Kovács, T.: Stability chart of the triangular points in the elliptic-restricted problem of three bodies, MNRAS, 430, 2755, 2013


Events of the project

2013-10-11 10:55:28
Vezető kutató váltás
Eredeti vezető kutató visszaállítása
2012-08-31 09:45:02
Résztvevők változása
2012-08-31 09:17:05
Vezető kutató váltás
Egy év külföldi tartózkodás
2012-04-03 09:31:29
Résztvevők változása
2012-01-04 06:36:06
Kutatóhely váltás
A kutatás helye megváltozott. Korábbi kutatóhely: (MTA Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont), Új kutatóhely: Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézet (MTA Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont).
2011-05-10 16:31:00
Résztvevők változása
2010-06-28 07:55:44
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