Combinatorial rigidity and its applications
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Z. Fekete, T. Jordán, V.E. Kaszanitzky: Rigid realizations of graphs with two coincident points, Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp 585-599, 2015 | T. Jordán, V-H. Nguyen: On universally rigid frameworks on the line, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, to appear, 2015 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán, Z. Szabadka,: Globally linked pairs of vertices in rigid frameworks, Rigidity and Symmetry (R. Connelly, W. Whiteley and Asia Weiss, eds.), Fields Institute Communications, 70, pp. 177-203, 2014 | T. Jordán: Combinatorial rigidity: graphs and matroids in the theory of rigid frameworks, Memoirs of the Japanese Math. Soc., to appear, 2015 | T. Jordán, V.E. Kaszanitzky: Sparse hypergraphs with applications in combinatorial rigidity, Discrete Appl. Math., Vol. 185, pp. 93-101, 2015 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán, S. Tanigawa: Combinatorial conditions for the unique completability of low rank matrices, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 28-4, pp. 1797-1819, 2014 | T. Jordán, C. Király, S. Tanigawa: Generic global rigidity of body-hinge frameworks, MTA-ELTE Egerváry Research Group, Technical report, TR-2014-06, 2014 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán, S. Tanigawa: Unique low rank completability of partially filled matrices, MTA-ELTE Egerváry Research Group, Technical report, TR-2015-08, 2015 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán, B. Servatius, H. Servatius: Henneberg moves on mechanisms, Beitr. Algebra Geom., vol. 56, 2, pp. 587-591, 2015 | T. Jordán: Generically globally rigid zeolites in the plane, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 110, Issues 18-19, Pages 841-844., 2010 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán: Operations preserving global rigidity of generic direction-length frameworks, International Journal on Computational Geometry and Applications, Volume 20, Number 6, pp. 685-706., 2010 | T. Jordán, V.E. Kaszanitzky,: Highly connected rigidity matroids have unique underlying graphs,, European J. Combinatorics, Volume 34, Issue 2, pp. 240--247., 2013 | T. Jordán: Highly connected molecular graphs are rigid in three dimensions, Information Proc. Letters, Vol. 112, pp. 356-359., 2012 | Z. Fekete, T. Jordán, V.E. Kaszanitzky: Rigid realizations of graphs with two coincident points, Proc. 7th Hungarian Japanese symposium on discrete mathematics and its applications, Kyoto, 2011 | T. Jordán, G. Domokos, K. Tóth: Geometric sensitivity of rigid graphs, 7th Hungarian Japanese symposium on discrete mathematics and its applications, Kyoto, 2011 | T. Jordán, V.E. Kaszanitzky: On generically affinely rigid hypergraphs, 7th Hungarian Japanese symposium on discrete mathematics and its applications, Kyoto, 2011 | T. Jordán, V. Kaszanitzky, S. Tanigawa,: Gain-sparsity and symmetry-forced rigidity in the plane, MTA-ELTE Egerváry Research Group, Technical report, TR-2012-17., 2012 | T. Jordán, V-H. Nguyen: On universally rigid frameworks on the line, Proc. 8th Hungarian Japanese symposium on discrete mathematics and its applications, to appear, 2013 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán: Globally linked pairs and mechanisms, kézirat, 2012 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán, Cs. Király,: Strongly rigid tensegrity frameworks on the line, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 161, Issues 7–8, pp. 1147--1149., 2013 | R. Connelly, T. Jordán, W. Whiteley,: Generic global rigidity of body-bar frameworks, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., accepted, 2013 | J. Geleji, T. Jordán,: Robust tensegrity polygons, MTA-ELTE Egerváry Research Group, Technical report, TR-2012-15, 2012 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán, Z. Szabadka,: Globally linked pairs of vertices in rigid frameworks, MTA-ELTE Egerváry Research Group, Technical report, TR-2012-19, 2012 | Z. Fekete, T. Jordán, V.E. Kaszanitzky: Rigid realizations of graphs with two coincident points, Graphs and Combinatorics, in press, 2014 | T. Jordán, G. Domokos, K. Tóth: Geometric sensitivity of rigid graphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math., vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 1710-1726., 2013 | T. Jordán, V-H. Nguyen: On universally rigid frameworks on the line, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics, to appear, 2014 | R. Connelly, T. Jordán, W. Whiteley,: Generic global rigidity of body-bar frameworks, J. Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B., Vol. 103, Issue 6, November 2013, pp. 689-705., 2013 | J. Geleji, T. Jordán,: Robust tensegrity polygons, Discrete and Computational Geometry 50: 537-551 (2013)., 2013 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán, Z. Szabadka,: Globally linked pairs of vertices in rigid frameworks, Rigidity and Symmetry (R. Connelly, W. Whiteley and Asia Weiss, eds.), Fields Institute Communications, in, 2014 | T. Jordán: Combinatorial rigidity: graphs and matroids in the theory of rigid frameworks, Memoirs of the Japanese Math. Soc., to appear, 2014 | T. Jordán, V.E. Kaszanitzky: Sparse hypergraphs with applications in combinatorial rigidity, MTA-ELTE Egerváry Research Group, Technical report, TR-2013-05, 2013 | B. Jackson, T. Jordán, S. Tanigawa: Combinatorial conditions for the unique completability of low rank matrices, MTA-ELTE Egerváry Research Group, Technical report, TR-2014-01, 2014 |




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