Molecular recognition via natural and artificially evolved linear peptide motifs: structural, thermodynamic and kinetic principles
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Rapali Péter: Mapping the protein-protein interaction network of LC8 dynein light chain via characterizing its binding motif by in vitro directed evolution and biophysical approaches, PhD értekezés, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, 2013 | Bodor, A., Radnai, L., Hetényi, Cs., Rapali, P., Láng, A., Kövér, K.E., Perczel, A., Wahlgren, W.Y., Katona, G., and Nyitray, L.: DYNLL2 dynein light chain binds to an extended linear motif of myosin 5a tail that has structural plasticity, Biochemistry, közlésre elfogadva, 2014 | L. Radnai, P. Rapali, Z.Hódi, D. Süveges, T. Molnár, B. Kiss, B. Bécsi, F. Erdődi, J. Kardos, M. Kovács and L. Nyitray: Affinity, avidity and kinetics of target sequence binding to LC8 dynein light chain (DYNLL) isoforms, J.Biol.Chem. 285: 38649-38657, 2010 | Rapali, P., Radnai, L., Süveges, D., Harmat, V., Tölgyesi, F., Wahlgren, W.Y., Katona, G., Nyitray, L., Pál, G.: Directed evolution reveals the binding motif preference of the LC8/DYNLL hub protein and predicts large numbers of novel binders interactors in the human proteome., PLoS One, 18;6(4):e18818., 2011 | Gáspári, Z. and Nyitray, L.: Coiled coils as models of protein structure evolution., BioMol Concepts, 2:199–210, 2011 | P. Rapali, A. Szenes, L. Radnai, A. Bakos, G. Pál, L. Nyitray: DYNLL/LC8: A Light Chain Subunit of the Dynein Motor Complex and Beyond, FEBS J. 278(17):2980-96, 2011 | Szabó A, Héja D, Szakács D, Zboray K, Kékesi KA, Radisky ES, Sahin-Tóth M, Pál G.: High Affinity Small Protein Inhibitors of Human Chymotrypsin C (CTRC) Selected by Phage Display Reveal Unusual Preference for P4' Acidic Residues., J Biol Chem. 286(25):22535-45., 2011 | Wahlgren WY, Pál G, Kardos J, Porrogi P, Szenthe B, Patthy A, Gráf L, Katona G.: The catalytic aspartate is protonated in the Michaelis complex formed between trypsin and an in vitro evolved substrate-like inhibitor: a refined mechanism of serine prot, J Biol Chem. 286(5):3587-96., 2011 | Kardos J, Micsonai A, Pál-Gábor H, Petrik É, Gráf L, Kovács J, Lee YH, Naiki H, Goto Y.: Reversible heat-induced dissociation of β2-microglobulin amyloid fibrils., Biochemistry. 50(15):3211-20., 2011 | Yamamoto K, Yagi H, Lee YH, Kardos J, Hagihara Y, Naiki H, Goto Y.: The amyloid fibrils of the constant domain of immunoglobulin light chain., FEBS Lett. 584(15):3348-53., 2010 | Orbán G, Völgyi K, Juhász G, Penke B, Kékesi KA, Kardos J, Czurkó A: Different electrophysiological actions of 24- and 72-hour aggregated amyloid-beta oligomers on hippocampal field population spike in both anesthetized and awake rats., Brain Res. 1354:227-35., 2010 | Kiss B, Duelli A, Radnai L, Kékesi KA, Katona G, Nyitray L.: Crystal structure of the S100A4-nonmuscle myosin IIA tail fragment complex reveals an asymmetric target binding mechanism., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109(16):6048-53., 2012 | Kocsis A, Kékesi KA, Szász R, Végh BM, Balczer J, Dobó J, Závodszky P, Gál P, Pál G.: Selective inhibition of the lectin pathway of complement with phage display selected peptides against mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease (MASP)-1 and -2: s, J Immunol. 185(7):4169-78., 2010 | Szego EM, Csorba A, Janáky T, Kékesi KA, Abrahám IM, Mórotz GM, Penke B, Palkovits M, Murvai U, Kellermayer MS, Kardos J, Juhász GD: Effects of estrogen on beta-amyloid-induced cholinergic cell death in the nucleus basalis magnocellularis., Neuroendocrinology 93(2):90-105, 2011 | Gáspári Z, Süveges D, Perczel A, Nyitray L, Tóth G.: Charged single alpha-helices in proteomes revealed by a consensus prediction approach., Biochim Biophys Acta. 1824(4):637-46., 2012 | Rapali P, García-Mayoral MF, Martínez-Moreno M, Tárnok K, Schlett K, Albar JP, Bruix M, Nyitray L, Rodriguez-Crespo I.: LC8 dynein light chain (DYNLL1) binds to the C-terminal domain of ATM-interacting protein (ATMIN/ASCIZ) and regulates its subcellular localization., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 28;414(3):493-8., 2011 | Héja D, Kocsis A, Dobó J, Szilágyi K, Szász R, Závodszky P, Pál G, Gál P.: Revised mechanism of complement lectin-pathway activation revealing the role of serine protease MASP-1 as the exclusive activator of MASP-2., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 26;109(26):10498-503, 2012 | Héja D, Harmat V, Fodor K, Wilmanns M, Dobó J, Kékesi KA, Závodszky P, Gál P, Pál G.: Monospecific Inhibitors Show That Both Mannan-binding Lectin-associated Serine Protease-1 (MASP-1) and -2 Are Essential for Lectin Pathway Activation and Reveal Structura, J Biol Chem. 287(24):20290-300., 2012 | Szenes A, Pál G.: Mapping Hidden Potential Identity Elements by Computing the Average Discriminating Power of Individual tRNA Positions., DNA Res. 19(3):245-58., 2012 | P. Rapali, D. Süveges, Á. Szenes, L. Nyitray and G. Pál: Refinement of LC8 dynein light chain binding partner prediction by a directed evolution method, FEBS3+ Meeting Book of Abstracts (ISBN 978-953-95551-4-4), 2012 | A. Bakos, B. Biri, P. Rapali, Z. Bánóczi, F. Hudecz and L. Nyitray: Induction Of Apoptosis In Melanoma Cells Using Dynll/Lc8 Dynein Light Chain Binding Peptides, FEBS3+ Meeting Book of Abstracts (ISBN 978-953-95551-4-4), 2012 | L. Radnai, A. Duelli, É. Bulyáki, B. Biri, P. Rapali, G. Katona, J. Kardos, L. Nyitray: Ligand Binding Induced Polymerization Of The Lc8 Dynein Light Chain (Dynll), FEBS3+ Meeting Book of Abstracts (ISBN 978-953-95551-4-4), 2012 | Bulyáki É., Szabó E., Gelencsér A., Szalainé Ágoston B., Tompa P., Kardos J.: Az ERD14 rendezetlen szerkezetű chaperon amiloidképződést gátló hatásának vizsgálata, Biokémia 35(3) 28, 2011 | P. Rovó, P.Stráner, A. Láng,I. Bartha, K. Huszár, L. Nyitray, and A. Perczel: Structural Insights into the Trp-Cage Folding Intermediate Formation, Chemistry-A European Journal 19(8):2628-40., 2013 | Garai A, Zeke A, Gógl G, Töro I, Fördos F, Blankenburg H, Bárkai T, Varga J, Alexa A, Emig D, Albrecht M, Reményi A: ) Specificity of linear motifs that bind to a common mitogen-activated protein kinase docking groove, Sci Signal. 5(245):ra74, 2013 | Glatz G, Gógl G, Alexa A, Reményi A.: Structural mechanism for the specific assembly and activation of the extracellular signal regulated kinase 5 (ERK5) module., J. Biol. Chem. 288(12):8596-609., 2013 | Gógl G, Törő I, Reményi A.: ) Protein-peptide complex crystallization: a case study on the ERK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase., Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 69(Pt 3):486-9., 2013 | Gál P, Dobó J, Beinrohr L, Pál G, Závodszky P.: Inhibition of the serine proteases of the complement system., Adv Exp Med Biol. 735:23-40, 2013 | Megyeri M, Harmat V, Major B, Végh Á, Balczer J, Héja D, Szilágyi K, Datz D, Pál G, Závodszky P, Gál P, Dobó J.: Quantitative characterization of the activation steps of mannan-binding lectin (MBL)-associated serine proteases (MASPs) points to the central role of MASP-1 in the initi, J Biol Chem. 288(13):8922-34., 2013 | Micsonai, A., Szabó, E., Wien, F., Refregiers, M., Kardos, J.: Improved Secondary Structure Determination and Fold Prediction by Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy., Biophys. J., 104 S1 567A-567A., 2013 | Duelli A, Kiss B, Lundholm I, Bodor A, Petoukhov MV, Svergun DI, Nyitray L, Katona G: The C-terminal random coil region tunes the Ca²⁺-binding affinity of S100A4 through conformational activation, PLoS One 15;9(5):e97654, 2014 | Molnár, Tamás; Vörös, Judit; Szeder, Bálint; Takáts, Kornél; Kardos, József; Katona, Gergely; Gráf, László: Comparison of complexes formed by a crustacean and a vertebrate trypsin with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor - the key to achieving extreme stability?, FEBS JOURNAL 280(22):5750-63, 2013 | Ikenoue T, Lee YH, Kardos J, Yagi H, Ikegami T, Naiki H, Goto Y.: Heat of supersaturation-limited amyloid burst directly monitored by isothermal titration calorimetry., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(18):6654-9., 2014 | Muta H, Lee YH, Kardos J, Lin Y, Yagi H, Goto Y.: Supersaturation-limited amyloid fibrillation of insulin revealed by ultrasonication., J Biol Chem. 289(26):18228-38., 2014 | Gógl G, Törő I, Reményi A.: Protein-peptide complex crystallization: a case study on the ERK2 mitogen-activated protein kinase., Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 69(Pt 3):486-9., 2013 | Major B, Kardos J, Kékesi KA, Lorincz Z, Závodszky P, Gál P.: Calcium-dependent conformational flexibility of a CUB domain controls activation of the complement serine protease C1r., J Biol Chem. 285(16):11863-9., 2010 | Kovacs E, Harmat V, Tóth J, Vértessy BG, Módos K, Kardos J, Liliom K.: Structure and mechanism of calmodulin binding to a signaling sphingolipid reveal new aspects of lipid-protein interactions., FASEB J. 24(10):3829-39., 2010 |
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