Social learning of sex roles in variable breeding systems
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Kosztolányi A; Barta Z; Küpper C; Székely T: Persistence of an extreme male-biased adult sex ratio in a natural population of polyandrous bird, Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1842-1846, 2011 | Rheindt FE; Székely T; Edwards SV; Lee PLM; Burke T; Kennerley PR; Bakewell DN; Alrashidi M; Kosztolányi A, Weston MA; Wei-Ting L; Wei-Pan L; Shigeta Y; Javed S; Zefania S; Küpper C: Conflict between genetic and phenotypic differentiation: the evolutionary history of a ‘lost and rediscovered’ shorebird, PLoS ONE 6: e26995, 2011 | Kosztolányi A; Küpper C; Chastel O; Parenteau C; Yılmaz KT; Miklósi Á; Székely T ; Lendvai ÁZ: Prolactin stress response does not predict brood desertion in a polyandrous shorebird, Hormones and Behavior 61: 734–740, 2012 | Küpper C; Edwards SV; Kosztolányi A; AlRashidi M; Burke T; Herrmann P; Arguelles-Tico A; Amat JA; Amezian M; Rocha A; Hötker H; Ivanov A; Chernicko J; Székely T: High gene flow on a continental scale in the polyandrous Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus, Molecular Ecology 21: 5864–5879, 2012 | Küpper C; Augustin J; Edwards SV; Székely T; Kosztolányi A; Burke T; Janes DE: Triploid plover female provides support for a role of the W chromosome in avian sex determination, Biology Letters 8: 787–789, 2012 | van Dijk RE; Székely T; Komdeur J; Pogány Á; Fawcett TW; Weissing FJ: Individual variation and the resolution of conflict over parental care in penduline tits, Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 1927-1936, 2012 | Pogány Á; van Dijk RE; Horváth P; Székely T: Parental behavior and reproductive output in male-only cared and female-only cared clutches in the Eurasian penduline tit (Remiz pendulinus), Auk 129: 773-781, 2012 | Vincze O; Székely T; Küpper C; AlRashidi M; Amat JA; Argüelles-Ticó A; Burgas D; BurkeT; Cavitt J; Figuerola J; Shobrak M; Montalvo T; Kosztolányi A: Local environment but not genetic differentiation influences biparental care in ten plover populations, PLoS ONE 8: e60998, 2013 | Pogány Á; van Dijk RE; Menyhárt O; Miklósi Á; DeVoogd TJ; Székely T: Acoustic signalling in Eurasian penduline tits Remiz pendulinus: repertoire size signals male nest defence, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59: 81-96, 2013 | dos Remedios N; Székely T; Küpper C; Lee PLM; Burke T; Kosztolányi A: Ontogenic differences in sexual size dimorphism across four plover populations, Journal of Evolutionary Biology (közlésre elküldve), 2014 | Pogány Á; Kosztolányi A; Miklósi Á; Komdeur J; Székely T: Sexual conflict between Eurasian penduline tit parents: biparentally deserted offspring are viable, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (közlésre elküldve), 2014 | Pogány Á; Szurovecz Z; Vincze E; Barta Z; Székely T: Mate preference does not influence reproductive inclination and parental cooperation in the zebra finch, Behaviour (közlésre elküldve), 2014 | Rheindt, FE, T Székely, SV Edwards, PLM Lee, T Burke, PR Kennerley, DN Bakewell, M Alrashidi, A Kosztolányi, MA Weston, WT Liu, WP Lei, Y Shigeta, S Javed, S Zefania, C Küpper: Conflict between Genetic and Phenotypic Differentiation: The Evolutionary History of a ‘Lost and Rediscovered’ Shorebird, PLoS ONE, 2011 | Pogány Á; Heszberger J; Szurovecz Z; Vincze E; Székely T: An infrared motion detector system for lossless real-time monitoring of animal preference tests, Acta Biologica Hungarica (közlésre elküldve), 2014 | Székely, T, Á Pogány, RE van Dijk, C Küpper & A Kosztolányi: Family life of birds: Conflict and cooperation, 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Tübingen, Germany, 2011 | Vincze, E, Á Pogány, Z Szurovecz, A Kosztolányi, Z Barta, T Székely: Sexual selection on a personality trait: assortative mate choice for boldness in zebra finches, 13th Congress of the Hungarian Ethological Society, Debrecen, 2011 | Székely T: A szaporodási rendszerek evolúciója: kooperáció és konfliktus, 13th Congress of the Hungarian Ethological Society, Debrecen, 2011 | Székely T; Pogány Á; van Dijk RE; Küpper C; Kosztolányi A: Family life of birds: conflict and cooperation, 13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Tübingen, Germany, 2011 | Kosztolányi A, Z Barta, C Küpper, T Székely: Adult sex ratio in a polyandrous shorebird, the Kentish plover, New directions in sexual selection research: Unifying behavioural & genomic approaches Conference, Bath, UK, 2010 | van Dijk, RE, Á Pogány, T Székely: Sexual selection and conflict: Diversifying morphology, behaviour and genomes in penduline tits, New directions in sexual selection research: Unifying behavioural & genomic approaches Conference, Bath, UK, 2010 | van Dijk, RE, T Székely, J Komdeur, Á Pogány, TW Fawcett, FJ Weissing: Individual variation and the resolution of conflict over parental care in penduline tits, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 2011 | van Dijk RE; Pogány Á; Székely T: Sexual selection and conflict: diversifying morphology, behaviour and genomes in penduline tits, New directions in sexual selection research: unifying behavioural & genomic approaches conference, Bath, UK, 2010 | Kosztolányi, A, Z Barta, C Küpper, T Székely: Persistence of an extreme male-biased adult sex ratio in a natural population of polyandrous bird, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2011 | Pogány Á; Vincze E; Szurovecz Z; Kosztolányi A; Riebel K; Barta Z; Székely T: Assortative mate choice for boldness in zebra finches, pp. 29-30 in Abstract book of the 14th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Lund, Sweden, 2012 | Pogány Á; Krause ET; Ruploh T; Kitsios E; Böhm T; Székely T; von Engelhardt N; Komdeur J; Krüger O: Social transmission of parental sex roles: young zebra finches pay attention to who takes care of them, A Magyar Etológiai Társaság 15. Kongresszusa, Budapest, 2013 |




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