Classes of algebras and operations
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List of publications |
[BS1] V. Gould, M. B. Szendrei: Proper left restriction semigroups―semidirect products and W-products, Acta Math. Hungar., 141, 36-57, 2013 | [BS2] M. B. Szendrei: Embedding of a restriction semigroup into a W-product, Semigroup Forum 89, 280-291, 2014 | [BS3] N. Szakács, M. B. Szendrei: On F-inverse covers of finite-above inverse monoids, kézirat, 2015 | [BS4] V. Gould, M. Hartmann, M. B. Szendrei: Embedding in almost factorizable restriction semigroups, kézirat, 2015 | [H3] E.K. Horváth, A. Máder, A. Tepavcevic: One-dimensional Czédli-type islands, The College Mathematics Journal 42, no. 5, 374-378, 2011 | [H1] E.K. Horváth, S. Radeleczki: A note on CD-independent subsets, Acta Sci. Math (Szeged), 78, 3-24, 2012 | [H2] E. K. Horváth, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic: Cardinality of height function’s range in case of maximally many rectangular islands – computed by cuts, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 11 no. 2, 296-307., 2013 | [KU1] K. Kátai-Urbán, P. P. Pach, G. Pluhár, A. Pongrácz, Cs. Szabó: On the word problem for syntactic monoids of piecewise testable languages, Semigroup Forum 84, 323--332, 2012 | [KU2] G. Horváth, K. Kátai-Urbán, P. P. Pach, G. Pluhár, A. Pongrácz, Cs. Szabó: On free algebras in varieties generated by iterated semidirect products of semilattices, Int. J. Algebra Comput. 22, no. 7, Paper 1250063. 11 pp., 2012 | [Cz1] G. Czédli and A. B. Romanowska: An algebraic closure for barycentric algebras and convex sets, Algebra Universalis 68, 111-143, 2012 | [Cz2] G. Czédli, L. Ozsvárt and B. Udvari: How many ways can two composition series intersect?, Discrete Mathematics 312, no. 24, 3523-3536, 2012 | [Cz3] G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt: Composition series in groups and the structure of slim semimodular lattices, Advances in Mathematics, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz4] G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt: Slim semimodular lattices. II. A description by patchwork systems, Order, DOI: 10.1007/s11083-012-9271-3, 2012 | [Cz5] G. Czédli, J. Grygiel, K. Grygiel: Distributive lattices determined by weighted double skeletons, Algebra Universalis, elfogadva, 2013 | [W1] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhauser: On the arity gap of polynomial functions, Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged), benyújtva, 2013 | [W2] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhauser: Additive decomposability of functions over abelian groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, elfogadva, 2013 | [W3] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhauser: A survey on the arity gap, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, elfogadva, 2013 | [W4] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhause: Parametrized arity gap, Order, DOI: 10.1007/s11083-012-9261-5., 2012 | [W5] M. Couceiro, T. Waldhauser: Pseudo-polynomial functions over finite distributive lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2012.09.007, 2012 | [W6] M. Couceiro, T. Waldhauser: Interpolation by polynomial functions of distributive lattices: a generalization of a theorem of R. L. Goodstein, Algebra Universalis, elfogadva, 2013 | [W7] M. Couceiro, J-L. Marichal, T. Waldhauser: Locally monotone Boolean and pseudo-Boolean functions, Discrete Appl. Math., 160, 1651--1660, 2012 | [W8] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhauser: On equational definability of function classes, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, elfogadva, 2013 | [M2] J. Kincses, G. Makay, M. Maróti, J. Osztényi, L. Zádori: A special case of the Stahl conjecture, European Journal of Combinatorics 34, no. 2, 502–511, 2013 | [M1] M. Maróti, L. Zádori: Reflexive digraphs with near unanimity polymorphisms, Discrete Mathematics 12, no. 15, 2316–2328, 2012 | [D1] M. Dormán, G. Makay, M. Maróti, R. Vajda: Monoidal intervals on small sets, kézirat, 2013 | [BS1] V. Gould, M. B. Szendrei: Proper left restriction semigroups―semidirect products and W-products, Acta Math. Hungar., elfogadva, 2013 | [SZ1] E. Lehtonen, Á. Szendrei: Partial orders induced by quasilinear clones, Contributions to General Algebra 20, Proc. Salzburg Conf. 2011 (AAA81), Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt 2012; pp. 51-83, 2012 | [SZ2] Á. Szendrei: Rosenberg-type completeness criteria for subclones of Slupecki's clone, Proceedings of the 42nd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2012, (Ed.: D. M. Miller and V. C. Gaudet) IEEE 2012; pp. 349-354, 2012 | [Ha1] M. Hartmann, M. B. Szendrei: E-unitary almost factorizable orthodox semigroups, Semigroup Forum 84, 157 - 175, 2011 | [D2] M. Dormán: Transformation monoids with finite monoidal intervals, Algebra Universalis, benyújtva, 2013 | [H4] E. K. Horváth, G. Makay, R. Pöschel, T. Waldhauser: Invariance groups of finite functions and orbit equivalence of permutation groups, Journal of Algebra, benyújtva, 2013 | [H5] S. Foldes, E. K. Horváth, S. Radeleczki, T. Waldhauser: A general framework for island systems,, European Journal of Combinatorics, benyújtva, 2013 | [V1] R. Vajda: Symbolic Computation of Low Degree Complex Chebyshev Polynomials on Circular Arcs and Sectors, kézirat, 2013 | [KU3] G. Horváth, K. Kátai-Urbán, P. P. Pach, G. Pluhár, A. Pongrácz, Cs. Szabó: The number of monounary algebras, Algebra Universalis, 66, 81--83, 2011 | [BS2] M. B. Szendrei: Embedding of a restriction semigroup into a W-product, Semigroup Forum, elfogadva, 2013 | [SZ3] K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, Á. Szendrei: Growth rates of finite algebras, kézirat, 2013 | [Ha2] V. Gould, M. Hartmann, L. Shaheen: On some finitary conditions arising from the axiomatisability of certain classes of monoid acts, Communications in Algebra, elfogadva, 2013 | [Ha3] A. Bailey, V. Gould, M. Hartmann, J. Renshaw, L. Shaheen: Covers for S-acts and Condition (A) for a monoid S, kézirat, 2013 | [Cz6] I. Chajda, G. Czédli, and R. Halas: Independent joins of tolerance factorable varieties, Algebra Universalis, DOI: 10.1007/s00012-012-0213-0, 2013 | [Cz7] G. Czédli and E. W. Kiss: Varieties whose tolerances are homomorphic images of their congruences, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, elfogadva, 2013 | [Cz8] G. Czédli, M. Maróti, A. B. Romanowska: A dyadic view of rational convex sets, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz9] I. Chajda, G. Czédli, R. Halas, P. Lipparini: Tolerances as images of congruences in varieties defined by linear identities, Algebra universalis, DOI 10.1007/s00012-013-0219-2, 2013 | [Cz10] G. Czédli, T. Dékány, L. Ozsvárt, N. Szakács, B. Udvari: On the number of slim, semimodular lattices, Mathematica Slovaca, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz11] G. Czédli: The asymptotic number of planar, slim, semimodular lattice diagrams, Order, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz12] G. Czédli and G. Grätzer: Notes on planar semimodular lattices. VII. Resections of planar semimodular lattices, Order, DOI 10.1007/s11083-012-9281-1, 2012 | [Cz13] G. Czédli: Coordinatization of join-distributive lattices, Algebra Universalis, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz14] G. Czédli and I.V. Nagy: Varieties of distributive rotational lattices, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz15] K. Adaricheva and G. Czédli: Notes on the description of join-distributive lattices by permutations, Algebra Universalis, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz16] G. Czédli: Finite convex geometries of circles, Discrete Mathematics, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz17] G. Czédli and A. Romanowska: Generalized convexity and closure conditions, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz18] G. Czédli: Quasiplanar diagrams and slim semimodular lattices, Order, benyújtva, 2013 | [H2] E. K. Horváth, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic: Cardinality of height function’s range in case of maximally many rectangular islands – computed by cuts, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 11 no. 2, 296-307., 2013 | [Cz1] G. Czédli and A. B. Romanowska: An algebraic closure for barycentric algebras and convex sets, Algebra Universalis 68, 111-143, 2012 | [Cz2] G. Czédli, L. Ozsvárt and B. Udvari: How many ways can two composition series intersect?, Discrete Mathematics 312, no. 24, 3523-3536, 2012 | [Cz3] G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt: Composition series in groups and the structure of slim semimodular lattices, Acta Sci Math. (Szeged) 79, 369-390, 2013 | [Cz4] G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt: Slim semimodular lattices. II. A description by patchwork systems, Order 30, 689-721, DOI: 10.1007/s11083-012-9271-3, 2012 | [Cz5] G. Czédli, J. Grygiel, K. Grygiel: Distributive lattices determined by weighted double skeletons, Algebra Universalis 69, 313-326, 2013 | [W1] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhauser: On the arity gap of polynomial functions, benyújtva, 2014 | [M2] J. Kincses, G. Makay, M. Maróti, J. Osztényi, L. Zádori: A special case of the Stahl conjecture, European Journal of Combinatorics 34, no. 2, 502–511, 2013 | [M1] M. Maróti, L. Zádori: Reflexive digraphs with near unanimity polymorphisms, Discrete Mathematics 12, no. 15, 2316–2328, 2012 | [BS1] V. Gould, M. B. Szendrei: Proper left restriction semigroups―semidirect products and W-products, Acta Math. Hungar., 141, 36-57, 2013 | [H4] E. K. Horváth, G. Makay, R. Pöschel, T. Waldhauser: Invariance groups of finite functions and orbit equivalence of permutation groups, Central European Journal of Mathematics, benyújtva, 2014 | [H5] S. Foldes, E. K. Horváth, S. Radeleczki, T. Waldhauser: A general framework for island systems,, Acta Sci. Math., elfogadva, 2014 | [BS2] M. B. Szendrei: Embedding of a restriction semigroup into a W-product, Semigroup Forum, DOI 10.1007/s00233-013-9516-5, 2013 | [SZ3] K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, Á. Szendrei: Growth rates of finite algebras, I: Pointed cub terms, benyújtva, 2014 | [Ha3] A. Bailey, V. Gould, M. Hartmann, J. Renshaw, L. Shaheen: Covers for S-acts and Condition (A) for a monoid S, Glasgow Journal of Mathematics, elfogadva, 2014 | [Cz6] I. Chajda, G. Czédli, and R. Halas: Independent joins of tolerance factorable varieties, Algebra Universalis 69, 83-92, DOI: 10.1007/s00012-012-0213-0, 2013 | [Cz7] G. Czédli and E. W. Kiss: Varieties whose tolerances are homomorphic images of their congruences, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 87, 326-338, 2013 | [Cz8] G. Czédli, M. Maróti, A. B. Romanowska: A dyadic view of rational convex sets, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis, elfogadva, 2013 | [Cz9] I. Chajda, G. Czédli, R. Halas, P. Lipparini: Tolerances as images of congruences in varieties defined by linear identities, Algebra universalis 69, 167-169, DOI 10.1007/s00012-013-0219-2, 2013 | [Cz10] G. Czédli, T. Dékány, L. Ozsvárt, N. Szakács, B. Udvari: On the number of slim, semimodular lattices, Mathematica Slovaca, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz11] G. Czédli: The asymptotic number of planar, slim, semimodular lattice diagrams, Order, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz12] G. Czédli and G. Grätzer: Notes on planar semimodular lattices. VII. Resections of planar semimodular lattices, Order 30, 847-858. DOI 10.1007/s11083-012-9281-1, 2012 | [Cz13] G. Czédli: Coordinatization of join-distributive lattices, Algebra Universalis, elfogadva, 2013 | [Cz14] G. Czédli and I.V. Nagy: Varieties of distributive rotational lattices, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica, 52(1), 75--78, 2013 | [Cz15] K. Adaricheva and G. Czédli: Notes on the description of join-distributive lattices by permutations, Algebra Universalis, elfogadva, 2013 | [Cz16] G. Czédli: Finite convex geometries of circles, Discrete Mathematics, benyújtva, 2013 | [Cz17] G. Czédli and A. Romanowska: Generalized convexity and closure conditions, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 23, 1805--1835., 2013 | [Cz18] G. Czédli: Quasiplanar diagrams and slim semimodular lattices, Order, benyújtva, 2013 | [D3] M. Dormán: Highly collapsing clones, kézirat, 2014 | [BS3] N. Szakács, M. B. Szendrei: On F-inverse covers of finite-above inverse monoids, kézirat, 2014 | [Ha4] M. Hartmann, T. Waldhauser: On strong affine representations of the polycyclic monoids, kézirat, 2014 | [Ha5] V. Gould, M. Hartmann, N. Ruškuc: Free monoids are coherent, kézirat, 2014 | [Ha6] V. Gould, M. Hartmann: Coherency, free inverse monoids and free left ample monoids, kézirat, 2014 | [M3] G. Gyenizse, M. Maróti, L. Zádori: The structure of polynomials associated with smooth digraphs, kézirat, 2014 | [SZA4] K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, Á. Szendrei: Growth rates of algebras, II: Wiegold dichotomy, benyújtva, 2014 | [SZA5] K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, Á. Szendrei: Growth rates of algebras, III: Finite solvable algebras, kézirat, 2014 | [SZA6] K. A. Kearnes, Á. Szendrei, R. Willard: A finite basis theorem for difference-term varieties with a finite residual bound, benyújtva, 2014 | [W9] J. Almeida, M. Couceiro, T. Waldhauser: [W9] J. Almeida, M. On the topological semigroup of equational classes of finite functions under composition, J. Mult.-Valued Logic Soft Comput., benyújtva, 2014 | [W10] M. Couceiro, L. Haddad, K. Schölzel, T. Waldhauser: A solution to a problem of D. Lau: Complete classification of intervals in the lattice of partial Boolean clones, J. Mult.-Valued Logic Soft Comput., benyújtva, 2014 | [W11] M. Couceiro, L. Haddad, K. Schölzel, T. Waldhauser: Relation graphs and partial clones on a 2-element set, Proceedings of the 44th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, benyújtva, 2014 | [W12] T. Waldhauser: Maximal and minimal closed classes in multiple-valued logic, [W12] T. Waldhauser: Maximal andProceedings of the 44th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, benyújtva, 2014 | [V2] L.L. Stachó, R. Vajda: Hermite interpolation sequences over fields, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 439 (1), 66-77, 2013 | [V1] R. Vajda: Symbolic Computation of Low Degree Complex Chebyshev Polynomials on Circular Arcs and Sectors, kézirat, 2014 | [V3] H.-J. Rack-R. Vajda: On optimal quadratic Lagrange interpolation: Extremal node systems with minimal Lebesgue constant via symbolic computation, benyújtva, 2014 | [H6] E. K. Horváth: Islands: from coding theory to enumerative combinatorics and to lattice theory – overview and open problems, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 14(3) 927-939, 2013 | [H7] E. K. Horváth, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Lattice induced threshold functions and Boolean functions, kézirat, 2014 | [Cz19] G. Czédli: CD-independent subsets in meet-distributive lattices, Acta Math. Hungarica, DOI 10.1007/s10474-013-0371-3, 2013 | [Cz20] G. Czédli: Patch extensions and trajectory colorings of slim rectangular lattices, Algebra Universalis, elfogadva, 2014 | [Cz21] G. Czédli: The ordered set of principal congruences of a countable lattice, Algebra Universalis, benyújtva, 2014 | [Cz22] G. Czédli and Á. Kunos: On the geometric constructibility of cyclic polygons with even number of vertices, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, benyújtva, 2014 | [Cz23] G. Czédli: Large sets of lattices without order embeddings, Communications in Algebra. benyújtva, 2014 | [Cz24] G. Czédli and D. Jakubíková-Studenovská: Large rigid sets of algebras with respect to embeddability, Mathematica Slovaca, benyújtva, 2014 | [Cz25] G. Czédli, T. Dékány, G. Gyenizse and J. Kulin: The number of slim rectangular lattices, Algebra Universalis, benyújtva, 2014 | [Cz4] G. Czédli and E. T. Schmidt: Slim semimodular lattices. II. A description by patchwork systems, Order 30, 689-721, 2012 | [Cz6] I. Chajda, G. Czédli, and R. Halas: Independent joins of tolerance factorable varieties, Algebra Universalis 69, 83-92, 2013 | [Cz8] G. Czédli, M. Maróti, A. B. Romanowska: A dyadic view of rational convex sets, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis, Carolinae 55 (2), 159–173, 2013 | [Cz9] I. Chajda, G. Czédli, R. Halas, P. Lipparini: Tolerances as images of congruences in varieties defined by linear identities, Algebra universalis 69, 167-169, 2013 | [Cz10] G. Czédli, T. Dékány, L. Ozsvárt, N. Szakács, B. Udvari: On the number of slim, semimodular lattices, Mathematica Slovaca, elfogadva, 2015 | [Cz11] G. Czédli: The asymptotic number of planar, slim, semimodular lattice diagrams, Order, benyújtva, 2015 | [Cz12] G. Czédli and G. Grätzer: Notes on planar semimodular lattices. VII. Resections of planar semimodular lattices, Order 30, 847-858, 2012 | [Cz13] G. Czédli: Coordinatization of join-distributive lattices, Algebra Universalis 72, 155-162, 2014 | [Cz14] G. Czédli and I.V. Nagy: Varieties of distributive rotational lattices, Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc., Fac. rer. nat., Mathematica, 52(1), 75-78, 2013 | [Cz15] K. Adaricheva and G. Czédli: Notes on the description of join-distributive lattices by permutations, Algebra Universalis 72, 155-162, 2014 | [Cz16] G. Czédli: Finite convex geometries of circles, Discrete Mathematics 330, 61-75, 2014 | [Cz17] G. Czédli and A. Romanowska: Generalized convexity and closure conditions, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 23, 1805-1835, 2013 | [Cz18] G. Czédli: Quasiplanar diagrams and slim semimodular lattices, Order, benyújtva, 2015 | [Cz19] G. Czédli: CD-independent subsets in meet-distributive lattices, Acta Math. Hungarica 143 (1), 232-248, 2014 | [Cz20] G. Czédli: Patch extensions and trajectory colorings of slim rectangular lattices, Algebra Universalis, 72 (2), 125-154, 2014 | [Cz21] G. Czédli: The ordered set of principal congruences of a countable lattice, Algebra Universalis, benyújtva, 2015 | [Cz22] G. Czédli and Á. Kunos: Geometric constructibility of cyclic polygons and a limit theorem, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), benyújtva, 2015 | [Cz23] G. Czédli: Large sets of lattices without order embeddings, Communications in Algebra, elfogadva, 2015 | [Cz24] G. Czédli and D. Jakubíková-Studenovská: Large rigid sets of algebras with respect to embeddability, Mathematica Slovaca, elfogadva, 2015 | [Cz25] G. Czédli, T. Dékány, G. Gyenizse and J. Kulin: The number of slim rectangular lattices, Algebra Universalis, elfogadva, 2015 | [Cz26] G. Czédli: Representing some families of monotone maps by principal lattice congruences, kézirat, 2015 | [Cz27] G. Czédli: Diagrams and rectangular extensions of planar semimodular lattices, kézirat, 2015 | [Cz28] Gábor Czédli and George Grätzer: Planar Semimodular Lattices: Structure and Diagrams, Lattice Theory: Special Topics, Chapter (pp. 91-130), editors G. Grätzer and F. Wehrung, Birkhäuser, 2014 | [D1] M. Dormán, G. Makay, M. Maróti, R. Vajda: Monoidal intervals on three- and four-element sets, Acta Sci. Math, benyújtva, 2015 | [D2] M. Dormán: Transformation monoids with finite monoidal intervals, Algebra Universalis, benyújtva, 2015 | [D3] M. Dormán: Highly collapsing clones, kézirat, 2015 | [H1] E.K. Horváth, S. Radeleczki: A note on CD-independent subsets, Acta Sci. Math (Szeged), 78, 3-24, 2012 | [H3] E.K. Horváth, A. Máder, A. Tepavcevic: One-dimensional Czédli-type islands, The College Mathematics Journal 42, no. 5, 374-378, 2011 | [H4] E. K. Horváth, G. Makay, R. Pöschel, T. Waldhauser: Invariance groups of finite functions and orbit equivalence of permutation groups, Open Mathematics, 13, 83-95, 2015 | [H5] S. Foldes, E. K. Horváth, S. Radeleczki, T. Waldhauser: A general framework for island systems, Acta Sci. Math., elfogadva, 2015 | [H6] E. K. Horváth: Islands: from coding theory to enumerative combinatorics and to lattice theory – overview and open problems, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 14 (3), 927-939, 2013 | [H7] E. K. Horváth, B. Seselja, A. Tepavcevic: Isotone lattice-valued Boolean functions and cuts, Open Mathematics (korábbi neve Central European Journal of Mathematics), elfogadva, 2015 | [Ha1] M. Hartmann, M. B. Szendrei: E-unitary almost factorizable orthodox semigroups, Semigroup Forum 84, 157 - 175, 2011 | [Ha2] V. Gould, M. Hartmann, L. Shaheen: On some finitary conditions arising from the axiomatisability of certain classes of monoid acts, Comm. Algebra 42, 2584 – 2602, 2014 | [Ha3] A. Bailey, V. Gould, M. Hartmann, J. Renshaw, L. Shaheen: Covers for S-acts and Condition (A) for a monoid S, Glasgow Journal of Mathematics, elfogadva, 2015 | [Ha4] M. Hartmann, T. Waldhauser: On some permutative representations of the Cuntz algebras, kézirat, 2015 | [Ha5] V. Gould, M. Hartmann, N. Ruškuc: Free monoids are coherent, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2), benyújtva, 2015 | [Ha6] V. Gould, M. Hartmann: Coherency, free inverse monoids and free left ample monoids, kézirat, 2015 | [Ha7] E. Dombi, M. Hartmann: Automatic semigroup acts, Journal of Algebra, benyújtva, 2015 | [KU1] K. Kátai-Urbán, P. P. Pach, G. Pluhár, A. Pongrácz, Cs. Szabó: On the word problem for syntactic monoids of piecewise testable languages, Semigroup Forum 84, 323-332, 2012 | [KU2] G. Horváth, K. Kátai-Urbán, P. P. Pach, G. Pluhár, A. Pongrácz, Cs. Szabó: On free algebras in varieties generated by iterated semidirect products of semilattices, Int. J. Algebra Comput. 22, no. 7, Paper 1250063. 11 pp., 2012 | [KU3] G. Horváth, K. Kátai-Urbán, P. P. Pach, G. Pluhár, A. Pongrácz, Cs. Szabó: The number of monounary algebras, Algebra Universalis, 66, 81-83, 2011 | [M3] Gergő Gyenizse, Miklós Maróti, László Zádori: The structure of polynomial operations associated with smooth digraphs, Algebr Univ 72 (4), 381-391, 2014 | [SZA1] E. Lehtonen, Á. Szendrei: Partial orders induced by quasilinear clones, Contributions to General Algebra 20, Proc. Salzburg Conf. 2011 (AAA81), Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt 2012; pp. 51-83, 2012 | [SZA2] Á. Szendrei: Rosenberg-type completeness criteria for subclones of Slupecki's clone, Proceedings of the 42nd International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2012, (Ed.: D. M. Miller and V. C. Gaudet) IEEE 2012; pp. 349-354, 2012 | [SZA3] K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, Á. Szendrei: Growth rates of algebras, I: Pointed cub terms, J. Austral. Math. Soc., elfogadva, 2015 | [SZA4] K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, Á. Szendrei: Growth rates of algebras, II: Wiegold dichotomy, Internat. J. Algebra Comput., elfogadva, 2015 | [SZA5] K. A. Kearnes, E. W. Kiss, Á. Szendrei: Growth rates of algebras, III: Finite solvable algebras, Algebra Universalis, elfogadva, 2015 | [SZA6] K. A. Kearnes, Á. Szendrei, R. Willard: A finite basis theorem for difference-term varieties with a finite residual bound, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., elfogadva, 2015 | [SZA7] K. A. Kearnes, Á. Szendrei: Dualizable algebras with parallelogram terms, benyújtva, 2015 | [V1] R. Vajda: Symbolic Computation of Low Degree Complex Chebyshev Polynomials on Circular Arcs and Sectors, kézirat, 2015 | [V3] H.-J. Rack, R. Vajda: On optimal quadratic Lagrange interpolation: Extremal node systems with minimal Lebesgue constant via symbolic computation, Serdica Journal of Computing, Vol. 8(1), 71-96, 2014 | [W1] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhauser: Additive decomposition schemes for polynomial functions over fields, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 44, 89-105, 2014 | [W2] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhauser: Additive decomposability of functions over abelian groups, International Journal of Algebra and Computation 23, 643-662, 2013 | [W3] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhauser: A survey on the arity gap, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 24, 223-249, 2015 | [W4] M. Couceiro, E. Lehtonen, T. Waldhause: Parametrized arity gap, Order 30, 557-572, 2013 | [W5] M. Couceiro, T. Waldhauser: Pseudo-polynomial functions over finite distributive lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 239, 21-34, 2014 | [W6] M. Couceiro, T. Waldhauser: Interpolation by polynomial functions of distributive lattices: a generalization of a theorem of R. L. Goodstein, Algebra Universalis 69, 287-299, 2013 | [W7] M. Couceiro, J-L. Marichal, T. Waldhauser: Locally monotone Boolean and pseudo-Boolean functions, Discrete Appl. 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