SourceSink Hungary - Quantification of mass transfer from mountain ranges to active sedimentary basins of Hungary: integrated source-to-sink studies
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Timár G: Hol futnak a Balaton régi partvonalai? - Függőleges felszínmozgások a Dunántúlon, Természet Világa 2016/1. különszám, 17-19. o., 2016 | Balázs A; Matenco L; Magyar I; Horváth F; Cloetingh S: The link between tectonics and sedimentation in back-arc basins: new genetic constraints from the analysis of the Pannonian Basin, Tectonics 10.1002/2015TC004109 (online first), 2016 | Visnovitz F; Bodnár T; Tóth Zs; Spiess V; Kudó I; Timár G; Horváth F: Seismic expressions of shallow gas in the lacustrine deposits of Lake Balaton, Hungary, Near Surface Geophysics 13: 433-446, 2015 | Visnovitz F; Horváth F; Fekete N; Spiess V: Strike‑slip tectonics in the Pannonian basin based on seismic surveys at Lake Balaton, International Journal of Earth Sciences 104(8): 2273-2285, 2015 | Szanyi Gy; Surányi G; Leel-Össy Sz: Cave development and Quaternary uplift history in the Central Pannonian Basin derived from speleothem ages, Quaternary Geochronology 14: 18-25., 2012 | Kovács G; Fodor L; Kövér Sz; Molnár G; Raáb D; Telbisz T; Timár G: Verification of Late Miocene to Quaternary structural control on landforms: a case study with comprehensive methodology from a low hilly area (western Pannonian Basin), Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences vol. 108/2, 2015 | Kovács G, Telbisz T: Tektonikus és fluviális hatások a Kőszegi-hegység és a Rába közti dombvidék kialakulásában, Földtani Közlöny 143(2): 157-176, 2013 | Fodor L, Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs, Braucher R, Csillag G, Grenerczy Gy, Kele S, Molnár G, Novothny Á, Sebe K, Surányi G, Székely B, Thamó-Bozsó E, Timár G: Neotectonic incision rates in the western Pannonian Basin (Hungary) based on complex geochronological, volcanological, GPS studies and sediment balance calculations, Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike 50(1): 94, 2014 | Kovács G: Fiatal tektonika és felszínfejlődés kapcsolata az Alpok keleti előterében, Doktori (Ph.D.) értekezés, ELTE Geofizikai és Űrtudományi Tanszék, 150p, 2013 | Zlinszky A., Timár G.: Historic maps as a data source for socio-hydrology: a case study of the Lake Balaton wetland system, Hungary, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2013 | Telbisz, T., Kovács, G., Székely, B., Szabó, J.: Topographic swath profile analysis: a generalization and sensitivity evaluation of a digital terrain analysis tool, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie NF 57(4): 485-513., 2013 | Zlinszky A, Timár G, Weber R, Székely B, Briese C, Ressl C, Pfeifer N: Observation of a local gravity potential isosurface by airborne lidar of Lake Balaton, Hungary, SOLID EARTH (SE) 5: 355-369, 2014 | Kovács G, Telbisz T, Székely B, Koma Zs: Tectonic geomorphometric studies in the surroundings of Rechnitz tectonic window, Eastern Alps, Geologia Sudetica 42: 188-189, 2014 | Kovács G, Székely B, Telbisz T: Traces of Late Miocene and Pleistocene tectonics on recent surface morphology in the Western Pannonian Alpine Foothills - a case study of geomorphometry, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16: 511, 2014 | Kovács G, Telbisz T, Székely B, Timár G: DEM-derived markers of drainage network changes in the Eastern Alpine Foothills, Journal of Maps 11(2): 255-260, 2015 | Székely B, Koma Zs, Kovács G, Dorninger P: Geomorphometric modelling of quasi-planar tectono-geomorphic units in the transition zone of the Eastern Alpine Foreland and the Pannonian Basin, PANGEO Austria 2014, Ber. Inst. Erdwiss. K.-F.-Univ. Graz 20/1, 2014 | Petrovszki J, Timár G, Molnár G: Is sinuosity a function of slope and bankfull discharge? – A case study of the meandering rivers in the Pannonian Basin, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 11:12271-12291, 2014 | Petrovszki J, Timár G, Molnár G: Analysing the meandering rivers responses to the slope-changes, depending on their bankfull discharge - Case study in the Pannonian Basin, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16:228, 2014 | Visnovitz F, Horváth F, Surányi G: Geometry-Lithology-Origin: Solving the mystery of the Late Miocene mounded features below Lake Balaton, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16: 781, 2014 | Kiss D, Szőts G K, Ruszák Zs, Bereczki L, Molnár G, Timár G, Fodor L, Csillag G, Lantos Z: Mapping of buried river terraces on the Kopite Hill, Gerecse Mts., Northern Hungary, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: 13434, 2015 | Sebe K, Csillag G, Timár G, Jámbor Á: A preliminary source-to-sink sediment budget for aeolian sands, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: 13649, 2015 | Zalai Zs, Kovács A, Molnár G, Bereczki L, Timár G, Csillag G, Fodor L, Kercsmár Zs: Extent freshwater limestone bank at Iván-halála Valley, Gerecse Mts., Northern Hungary: a key to understand the uplift history of the region, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17: 9894, 2015 | Horváth F, Faccenna C, Husson L, Dombrádi E: Dynamic subsidence and uplift history of the Pannonian backarc basin, Dynamic Topography: a key surface record of deep Earth processes. Geol. Soc. London, 1-2 Sep 2011, London UK, 2011 | Horváth F, Faccenna C: Central Mediterranean mantle flow system and the formation of the Pannonian basin, Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: 8894, 2011 | Zámolyi A, Olsen M, Székely B, Timár G, Varga G & Huge Hernád Research Team: Tectonically influenced landscape evolution in the Hernad-valley region (NE Hungary), Geophysical Research Abstracts 13: 13362, 2011 | Petrovszki J, Székely B, Timár G: A systematic overview of the coincidences of river sinuosity changes and tectonically active structures in the Pannonian Basin, Global and Planetary Change vol. 98-99: 109-121, 2012 | Matenco L, Andriessen P & the SourceSink network (P.A.M. Andriessen, C. Avram, G. Bada, F. Beekman, M. Bielik, M. ter Borgh, G. Cifci, V. Cvetković, C. Dinu, E. Dombradi, D. Dondurur, M. Ergun, J. Francu, B. Fügenschuh, D. Garcia-Castellanos, J. Götz, F. Horváth, G. Houseman, S. Knežević, M. Kovac, S. Kralikova, W. Krijgsman, M. Kucuk, O. Legosteva, G. Lericolais, D. Jipa, L. Matenco, G. Maximov, M. Melinte, J. Minar, I. Munteanu, I.J. Munt, C. Olariu, J.C. Otto, N. Panin, D. Plašienka, M. Reiser, L. Rundić, M. Rupprechter, J. Safanda, S. Schmid, L. Schrott, R. Schuster, V. Starostenko, R.J. Steel, R. Stephenson, S. Stovba, D. Sokoutis, M. Stankoviansky, M. Stoica, U. Stojadinović, M. Toljić, B. Tomljenović, M. ter Voorde, H.K. Wong.): Quantifying the mass transfer from mountain ranges to deposition in sedimentary basins: Source to sink studies in the Danube Basin–Black Sea system, Global and Planetary Change, 2013 | Visnovitz F, Spiess V, Fekete N, Tóth Zs, Wenau S, Ramos C, Bergmann F, Balázs A, Hámori Z, Kudó I, De Simone C, Cazzaniga D, Esposito C, Horváth F, Timár G: Késő-miocén üledékrétegek szeizmikus kutatása a Balaton középső medencéjében, In: Jurecska L, Kiss Á (eds): Környezettudományi Doktori Iskolák Konferenciája 2012. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, pp. 12-19.(ISBN:978-963-284-242-4), 2012 | Visnovitz F: Stratigraphy of Late Miocene basin fill below Lake Balaton, In: XLIII. Ifjú Szakemberek Ankétja. Konferencia helye, ideje: Tatabánya , Magyarország, 2012.03.30-2012.03.31., p. 58, 2012 | Kovács G, Telbisz T: Tektonikus és fluviális hatások a Kőszegi-hegység és a Rába közti dombvidék kialakulásában, Földtani Közlöny, in press, 2013 | Telbisz T, Kovács G, Székely B, Karátson D: A sávszelvényelemzés (swath analysis) módszere digitális terepmodell (DTM) alapján, Földtani Közlöny 142(1) 193-200., 2012 | Kovács G, Fodor L, Kövér Sz, Molnár G, Székely B, Timár G, Telbisz T: Verification of structural control on landforms in the transition zone between Pannonian Basin and Eastern Alps, Geophysical Research Abstracts 15: 9606, 2013 | Kovács G, Raveloson A, Székely B, Timár G: A multidisciplinary approach to understand landsliding at catchment scale: a case study for landsliding at Pinka flat, Western Pannonian Alpine Foothill, Hungary, Geophysical Research Abstracts 15: 8343, 2013 | Kovács G: Pleistocene alterations of drainage network between the Alps and the Pannonian Basin, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: 403, 2012 | Kovács G, Telbisz T: Pleistocene alteration of drainage network and diverse surface morphology forced by basement structure in the foreland of the Eastern Alps, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: 400, 2012 | Fekete Zs, Kovács G: Reconstruction of gravel coverage on an Eastern Alps foothill, Geophysical Research Abstracts 14: 857, 2012 | Török Á., Ünnep V., Balázs A., Mindszenty A., Kele S: A kápolna-hegyi édesvízi mészkőkúp komplex szedimentológiai, geokémiai és geofizikai vizsgálata (Budai-hegység), Földtani Közlöny 143(2): 251-263., 2013 | Bereczki, L., Gärtner, D., Kemény, M., Péntek, A., Kovács, G., Timár, G., Molnár, G., Székely, B.: Where do the Alps' foothill end? The depths of the Pre-Cenozoic basement in the foreground of Vas-hegy - Alpokalja, Western Hungary, Geographia Napocensis vol. 7: 33-42., 2013 | Kovács G., Telbisz T.: Tektonikus és fluviális hatások a Kőszegi-hegység és a Rába közti dombvidék kialakulásában, Földtani Közlöny 143(2): 157-176., 2013 |
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