Model-based analysis and diagnosis of nonlinear systems using first principles  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Hangos, Katalin
Title in Hungarian Nemlineáris rendszerek analízise és diagnosztikája mérnöki elvekre épülő modellekkel
Title in English Model-based analysis and diagnosis of nonlinear systems using first principles
Keywords in Hungarian nemlineáris rendszerek, dinamikus analízis, identifikáció, diagnosztika
Keywords in English nonlinear systems, dynamic analysis, identification, diagnosis
Information Technology (Council of Physical Sciences)70 %
Ortelius classification: Applied informatics
Chemical Engineering (Council of Physical Sciences)30 %
Ortelius classification: Applied chemistry
Panel Informatics and Electrical Engineering
Department or equivalent HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control
Participants Csercsik, Dávid
Fodor, Attila
Gerzson, Miklós
Görbe, Péter László
Leitold, Adrien
Magyar, Attila
Németh, Erzsébet
Ruppert, László Gábor
Starkné dr. Werner, Ágnes
Szederkényi, Gábor
Starting date 2011-07-01
Closing date 2015-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 22.028
FTE (full time equivalent) 12.92
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
A pályázatban modell alapú módszereket alkalmazunk a nemlineáris rendszerek dinamikus analízise és diagnosztikája területén felmerülő kutatási problémák megoldására a termodinamika, a mérnöki tudományok, valamint a rendszer- és irányításelmélet integrálásával. A módszerek a dinamikus állapottér modellek mérnöki elvek meghatározta struktúráját derítik fel és hasznosítják.
A tervezett kutatómunkát a következő témakörök köré csoportosítottuk.
1. Pozitív nemlineáris rendszerek fizikailag értelmes realizációi: reakciókinetikai rendszerek optimális realizációi, beágyazások, stabilitás és struktúrális stabilitás
2. Optimalizáción alapuló nemlineáris paraméterbecslés: kvantum rendszerek és csatornák becslése, hibrid rendszerek paraméterbecslése
3. Diszkrét eseményű rendszerek struktúra becslése folyamatbányászattal: hibaazonosítás és reakcióút detektálás
4. Nemlineáris rendszerek kvalitatív modell alapú diagnosztikája: színes Petri háló alapú diagnózerek
A várható eredmények közé tartozik évente 2-3 referált külföldi folyóiratban megjelent cikk, évi 2-3 referált nemzetközi konferenciakiadványban megjelent cikk és konferenciaelőadás és összesen 3-4 PhD értekezés.
Model-based methods are proposed in this project to solve research problems in dynamic analysis and diagnosis of nonlinear systems integrating thermodynamics and engineering sciences with systems and control theory. The methods explore and utilize the structure of the dynamic state-space models using first engineering principles.
The proposed research is organized into the following topics.
1. Physically meaningful realizations of positive nonlinear systems and their use in stability analysis: optimal realizations of, and embedding into reaction kinetic form, stability and structural stability
2. Nonlinear system parameter estimation based on optimization: quantum state and process tomography based on convex optimization, parameter estimation in hybrid systems
3. Structure estimation of discrete event systems using process mining: fault isolation and reaction pathway detection
4. Qualitative model-based diagnosis of nonlinear systems: colored Petri net diagnosers
Results to be expected include yearly 2-3 papers in referred international journals, 2-3 papers and presentations on international conferences and altogether 3-4 PhD theses.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A pályázatban modell alapú módszereket alkalmaztunk a nemlineáris rendszerek dinamikus analízisére, irányítására és diagnosztikájára a termodinamika, a mérnöki tudományok, valamint a rendszer- és irányításelmélet integrálásával. Legfontosabb eredményeink: 1. Pozitív nemlineáris rendszerek fizikailag értelmes realizációi és ezek használata stabilitás analízisre A folyamatrendszerek megmaradás alapú modelljeinek struktúráját felhasználva hierachikusan decentralizált szabályozó struktúrát dolgoztunk ki ezen rendszerek stabilizáló visszacsatolással történő szabályozására. A módszer a hierarchikusan dekomponált modell struktúrális stabilitás analízisére épül. 2. Optimalizáción alapuló nemlineáris paraméterbecslés Konvex optimalizáláson, valamint valószínűségszámítási megközelítésen alapuló módszereket dolgoztunk ki véges állapotú kvantumrendszerek Pauli csatornái paramétereinek becslésére és az optimális kísérleti körülmények meghatározására von Neumann mérések alkalmazása esetén. 3. Nemlineáris rendszerek kvalitatív modell alapú diagnosztikája Módszert dolgoztunk ki nagyméretű komplex rendszerek modell alapú diagnosztikájára, amely a rendszer dekompozícióján és a megbízhatósági analízis (HAZOP és FMEA) integrálásával és időfüggő kiterjesztésével létrehozott adatrendszeren alapul. Eredményeinket 24 folyóiratcikkben (összes impakt faktor: 39.647) és 27 egyéb közleményben publikáltuk, az anyagból a projekt résztvevői 5 PhD értekezést készítettek.
Results in English
Model-based methods were proposed in this project to solve research problems in dynamic analysis and diagnosis of nonlinear systems integrating thermodynamics and engineering sciences with systems and control theory. The methods explore and utilize the structure of the dynamic state-space models using first engineering principles. Our main results are as follows. 1. Physically meaningful realizations of positive nonlinear systems and their use for stability analysis Based on the special structure and structural stability analysis of process system models based on conservation, a hierarchically decomposed decentralized controller structure was proposed for stabilyzing feedback control design. 2. Nonlinear system parameter estimation based on optimization Convex optimization-based methods were developed for parameter estimation and optimal experiment design for Pauli channels of finite dimensional quantum systems using a probabilistic approach and von Neumann measurements. 3. Qualitative model-based diagnosis of nonlinear systems An efficient method was developed for diagnosing large scale complex systems that is based on the decomposition of the model and on the data of the integrated time-dependent hazard identification (HAZOP and FMEA) analysis. The results were published in 24 journal papers (with overall impact factor 39.647) and in 27 other publications. 5 PhD theses were also written from the work by the project participants.
Full text


List of publications

Balló Gábor: Parameter estimation and robustness analysis of quantum information systems, PhD Thesis, Pannon Egyetem, Informatikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola, 2014
Fodor Attila: Model parameter estimation and control of a synchronous generator, PhD dissertation, Pannon Egzetem, Informatikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola, 2015
Rudan János: Optimization-based analysis and control of complex networks with nonlinear dynamics, PhD értekezés, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Információs Technológiai és Bionikai Kar, 2014
Balló, G. & Hangos, K.M.: Convex Optimization-Based Parameter Estimation and Experiment Design for Pauli Channels, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL (ISSN: 0018-9286) 57: (8) pp. 2056-2061, 2012
Fodor, A., Magyar, A. & Hangos, K.: MIMO LQ control of the energy production of a synchronous generator in a nuclear power plant, Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, pp. 361-366., 2012
Hangos, K.M. & G.Szederkényi: The underlying linear dynamics of some positive polynomial systems, PHYSICS LETTERS A (ISSN: 0375-9601) 376: (45) pp. 3129-3134, 2012
Szederkényi, G., Tuza, Z.A. & Hangos, K.M.: Determining Biochemical Reaction Network Structures for Kinetic Polynomial Models with Uncertain Coefficients, AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1479, pp. 2427-2430, 2012
Tóth, A., Hangos, K.M. & Werner-Stark, A.: HAZID information based operational procedure diagnosis method, 12th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control, Veszprem, 2012. aug. 27. Veszprem (ISBN 978-615-5044-71-7), pp. 1-6 (on CD), 2012
Hannemann-Tamás, R., Gábor, A., Szederkényi, G. & Hangos, K.M.: Model complexity reduction of chemical reaction networks using mixed-integer quadratic programming, COMPUTERS AND MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS (ISSN: 0898-1221) 65: (10) pp. 1575-1595, 2013
Rozgonyi Szabolcs: Stability Analysis and Control of Hybrid Systems, PhD Dissertation, University of Pannonia, Hungary, 2012
Hannemann-Tamás, R., Gábor, A., Szederkényi, G. & Hangos, K.M.: Model complexity reduction of chemical reaction networks using mixed-integer quadratic programming, COMPUTERS AND MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS (ISSN: 0898-1221) 65: (10) pp. 1575-1595, 2013
Rudan J, Szederkényi G and Hangos KM: Efficient Computation of Alternative Structures for Large Kinetic Systems Using Linear Programming, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., Vol. 71(1), pp. 71-92, 2014
Csikós A, Varga I and Hangos K: Freeway shockwave control using ramp metering and variable speed limits, 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'13), June 25-28, Crete pp. 1569-1574, 2013
Gábor A, Hangos KM and Szederkényi G: On the Verification and Correction of Large-Scale Kinetic Models in Systems Biology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 8130, pp. 206-219. Springer, 2013
Görbe P, Magyar A, Fodor A and Hangos K: Effect of Domastic Power Plants to the Low Voltage Transformer Areas from the Nonlinear Distortion Point of View, Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 35, pp. 1303-1308, 2013
Hangos K, Gábor A and Szederkényi G: Model reduction in bio-chemical reaction networks with Michaelis-Menten kinetics, European Control Conference (ECC 2013), July 17-19 2013, Zurich, pp. 4478-4483, 2013
Hangos K and Szederkényi G: The effect of conservation on the dynamics of chemical reaction networks, IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundations of Mathematical Systems Theory, July 13-16, Lyon, France, pp. 30-35, 2013
Hangos KM, Szederkényi G and Alonso AA: Reaction kinetic form of lumped process system models, IFAC Workshop on Thermodynamic Foundations of Mathematical Systems Theory, July 13-16, Lyon, France, pp. 48-53, 2013
Magyar A and Hangos K: Control Lyapunov function based feedback design for quasi-polynomial systems, 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2013), Sep. 4-6, Toulouse, pp. 128-133, 2013
Magyar A, Hangos K and Szederkényi G: Stabilizing dynamic feedback design of quasi-polynomial systems using their underlying reduced linear dynamics, 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2013), Dec. 10-13, Florence,, 2013
Rudan J, Kersbergen B, van den Boom T and Hangos K: Performance analysis of MILP based model predictive control algorithms for dynamic railway scheduling, European Control Conference (ECC2013), Juli 17-19 2013, Zurich, pp. 4562-4567, 2013
Rudan J, Szederkényi G and Hangos KM: Computing dynamically equivalent realizations of biochemical reaction networks with mass conservation, AIP Conference Proceedings, ICNAAM 2013: 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 21–27 September, Rhodes, Greece. Vol. 1558, pp. 2356, 2013
Szederkényi G, Lipták G, Rudan J and Hangos K: Optimization-based design of kinetic feedbacks for nonnegative polynomial systems, IEEE 9th International Conference of Computational Cybernetics, July 8-10, Tihany, Hungary. , pp. 67-72., 2013
Tóth A, Hangos K and Werner-Stark A: A model base diagnosis method for discrete dynamic processes using event sequences, Factory Automation 2013 Conference, May 21-22, Veszprém, Hungary. , pp. 114-119., 2013
Tuza ZA, Szederkényi G, Hangos KM, Alonso AA and Banga JR: Computing all sparse kinetic structures for a Lorenz system using optimization, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. Vol. 23, pp. 1350141-1-1350141-17, 2013
Werner-Stark A, Dulai T and Hangos K: Cooperative Optimal Route Planning of Accumulator-Bank Servicing Robots, ICSEA 2013: The Eight International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, Oct. 27-Nov. 1, Venice, Italy. (ISBN: 978-1-61208-304-9), pp. 408-413, 2013
Görbe Péter: Áram minőség optimalizálása kisfeszültségű nemlineáris torzított hálózatokban megújuló energiaforrások komplex integrációjáva, Pannon Egzetem Műszaki Informatikai Kar Informatikai Tudományok Doktori Iskola, 2013
Csikós Alfréd, Varga István, Hangos Katalin M: Modeling of the dispersion of motorway traffic emission for control purposes, TRANSPORT RES C-EMER xx: (x) x-xx, 2015
K M Hangos, A Magyar, G Szederkényi: Entropy-inspired Lyapunov Functions and Linear First Integrals for Positive Polynomial Systems, MATH MODEL NAT PHENO 10: (3) 105-123, 2015
Lipták G, Szederkényi G, Hangos KM: Computing zero deficiency realizations of kinetic systems, SYST CONTROL LETT 81: 24-30, 2015
Lipták Gy, Szederkényi G, Hangos KM: Hamiltonian Feedback Design for Mass Action Law Chemical Reaction Networks, In: 5th IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Non Linear . Lyon, Franciaország, 2015.07.04-2015.07.07. Kiadvány: Lyon: IFAC, 2015. pp. 1-6. Paper 0028. , 2015
Csikós A, Varga I, Hangos KM: Motorway Control System for the Reduction of Pollutant Concentrations in Local Rural Areas, In: IEEE (szerk.) (szerk.) 22nd Mediterranean Conference of Control and Automation (MED), 2014. New York: IEEE, 2014. pp. 966-971., 2014
Fodor A, Magyar A, Hangos K M: Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output Linear-Quadratic Control of the Energy Production of a Synchronous Generator in a Nuclear Power Plant, ELECTR POW COMPO SYS 42: (15) 1673-1682, 2014
Gerzson M, Leitold A, Hangos K M: Faults and Fault Propagation Modeling in Manufacturing Systems based on Colored Petri Nets, In: Brito A C, Tavares J M, de Olivera C B (szerk.) (szerk.) 28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM'2014. Gent: EUROSIS-ETI, 2014. pp. 327-331., 2014
Görbe P, Fodor A, Magyar A, Hangos KM: Experimental study of the nonlinear distortion caused by domestic power plants, APPL THERM ENG 70: (2) 1288-1293, 2014
Hangos K M, Szederkényi G: A model structure-driven hierarchical decentralized stabilizing control structure for process networks, J PROCESS CONTR 24: (9) 1358-1370, 2014
Hangos K M, Szederkényi G: The effect of transformations on the structural dynamical properties of chemical reaction networks, In: [S n ] (szerk.) (szerk.) The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2014. Groningen: Groningen University, 2014. pp. 894-899., 2014
Hangos KM, Szederkényi G: Analysis of Qualitative Dynamic Properties of Positive Polynomial Systems Using Transformations, In: Hartung F, Pituk M (szerk.) (szerk.) Recent Advances in Delay Differential and Difference Equations. (94) Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014. pp. 105-119. (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics; 94.), 2014
Leitold A, Gerzson M, Pózna A I, Hangos K M: On-line Qualitative Model-Based Diagnosis of Technological Systems Using Colored petri Nets, In: Brito A C, Tavares J M, de Olivera C B (szerk.) (szerk.) 28th European Simulation and Modelling Conference - ESM'2014. Gent: EUROSIS-ETI, 2014. pp. 332-336., 2014
Lipták G, Szederkényi G, Hangos K M: Kinetic feedback computation for polynomial systems to achieve weak reversibility and minimal deficiency, In: [S n ] (szerk.) (szerk.) 13th European Control Conference (ECC). Strasbourg: EUCA, 2014. pp. 2691-2696., 2014
Lipták Gy, Szederkényi G, Hangos K: On the parametric uncertainty of weakly reversible realizations of kinetic systems, HUNG J IND CHEM 42: (2) 103-107, 2014
Rudan J, Szederkényi G, Hangos K M: Efficient Computation of Alternative Structures for Large Kinetic Systems Using Linear Programming, MATCH-COMMUN MATH CO 71: 71-92, 2014
Rudan J, Szederkényi G, Hangos KM, Péni T: Polynomial time algorithms to determine weakly reversible realizations of chemical reaction networks, J MATH CHEM 52: (5) 1386-1404, 2014
Tóth A, Werner-Stark A, Hangos KM: A structural decomposition-based diagnosis method for dynamic process systems using HAZID information, J LOSS PREVENT PROC 31: (1) 97-104, 2014
Gerzson, M., Leitold, A. & Hangos, K.M.: Model based process diagnosis using graph methods, Factory Automation 2011 (Gyártásautomatizálás 2011), Győr, május 24-29, on CD, 2011
Rudan, J., Hangos, K.M. & Szederkényi, G.: Analysis and supervisory control of a pressurizer using coloured Petri nets, In 9th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis - ACD 2011. , pp. 1-6, 2011
Werner-Stark, Á., Németh, E. & Hangos, K.M.: Knowledge-based diagnosis of process systems using procedure HAZID information, Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems - 15th International Conference, KES 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6883 Springer. , pp. 385, 2011
Szederkényi G; Banga J R & Alonso A A: Inference of complex biological networks: distinguishability issues and optimization-based solutions, BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY 5: p. 177, 2011
Ruppert, L; D Virosztek & K M Hangos: Optimal parameter estimation of Pauli channels, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 45: p. 265305, 2012
Otero-Muras, I; G Szederkényi; A A Alonso; K M Hangos: Inducing sustained oscillations in mass action kinetic networks of a certain class, 8th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Singapore, 2012.07.10-2012.07.12, pp.474-480, 2012
Görbe P; Magyar A & Hangos K: Reduction of power losses with smart grids fuelled with renewable sources and applying EV batteries, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 34:(1) pp. 125-137, 2012
Szederkényi, G; K M Hangos, Z Tuza: Finding Weakly Reversible Realizations of Chemical Reaction Networks Using Optimization, MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY 67:(1) pp. 193-212, 2012
Fodor A, Magyar A, Hangos K M: Control-oriented modeling of the energy-production of a synchronous generator in a nuclear power plant, ENERGY 39:(1) pp. 135-145, 2012
Csercsik, D; G Szederkényi & K M Hangos: Parametric uniqueness of deficiency zero reaction networks, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY 50:(1) pp. 1-8, 2012
Csercsik, D & K M Hangos: Model Structure Validation of Cell Signaling Pathways using Colored Petri Nets, 8th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Singapore, 2012.07.10-2012.07.12, pp. pp. 463-468, 2012
Csercsik, D; K M Hangos & G Szederkényi: Identifiability analysis and parameter estimation of a single Hodgkin-Huxley type voltage dependent ion channel under voltage step measurement conditions, NEUROCOMPUTING 77: pp. 178-188, 2012
Seligmann, B J; E Nemeth; K M Hangos & I T Cameron: A blended hazard identification methodology to support process diagnosis, JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES 25: pp. 746-759, 2012
Gábor, A., Hannemenn-Tamás, R. & Hangos, K.: Convex mixed integer quadratic program approach to model reduction in chemical reaction networks, 12th International PhD Workshop on Systems and Control, Veszprem, 2012. aug. 27, University of Pannonia, 2012. (ISBN 978-615-5044-71-7), pp. 1-6 (on CD), 2012


Events of the project

2012-10-16 10:30:26
Résztvevők változása
2012-10-09 15:30:17
Résztvevők változása

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