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I. Barany, V. Grinberg: Block partitions of sequences, Israel J. Math, 2014 | I Barany, E Roldan Pensado: Longest convex lattice chains in triangles, Computational Geometry: Theory and Appl., 2014 | I. Barany, J. Jeronimo-Castro: Helly type theorems for the sum of unit vectors, Lin Alg. Appl., 2015 | I. Barany, Liping Yuan: Volumes of lattice polytopes and a question of V. I. Arnold, Acta Math. Hung., 2014 | I. Barany, D. Hug, R. Schneider: Affine diameters of convex bodies, accepted in Proc. AMS, 2014 | I. Barany, R Schneider: Typical curvature behaviour of bodies of constant width, Advances in Math., 2015 | I. Barany, J Matousek, A. Por: Curves in R^d intersecting every hyperplane at most d+1 times, accepted in JEMS (2014) (with J Matousek and A P'or), accepted in J . European Math. Soc, 2014 | I. Barany, A. Holmsen, R. Karasev: Topology of the geometric join, {\it}, {\bf } (2013) (with, accepted in Discrete Comp. Geom., 2014 | I. Barany, F Fodor, L. Montejano, A. Martinez-Perez, D. Oliveros, A. Por: Fractional Helly for boxes in R^d, Comp. Geom. Theory Appl., 2015 | I. Barany, R. Fabilla-Monroy, B. Vogtenuber: Antipodal coverings of spheres, (with ), accepted in the Dolbilin'70 volume, 2014 | I. Barany, M. Laczkovich: Magic mirrors, dense diameteres, Baire category, accepted in J Convex Anal., 2014 | D. Palvolgyi, J. Pach, G. Toth:: Survey on the decomposition of of multiple coverings,, Geometry--Intuitive, Discrete and Convex, Bolyai Math. Soc. Studies, 2013 | E. Ackerman, J. Pach, R. Pinchasi, R. Radoicic, G. Toth: A note on coloring line arrangements, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2014 | E. Ackerman, J. Pach, R. Pinchasi, R. Radoicic, G. Toth: A note on coloring line arrangements, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2014 | J. Kyncl, J. Pach, R. Radoicic, G. Toth: Saturated simple and $k$-simple topological graphs, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 2015 | I. Kovacs, G. Toth: Multiple coverings with closed polygons, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2015 | I. Barany, E. Roldan Pensado, G. Toth: Erdos-Szekeres theorem for lines, submitted, Discrete Computational Geometry, 2015 | I. Barany, J-I. Ito, A. Vilcu, T. Zamfirescu:: Every points is critical,, accepted in Advances in Math., 2013 | J. Pach, G. Toth: Monotone crossing number, Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 2, 18-33, 2012 | G. Toth: A better bound for the pair-crossing number, Thirty Essays in Geometric Graph Theory (J. Pach ed.) Springer, New York, 563-567, 2013 | J. Pach, R. Radoicic, G. Toth: Tangled thrackles, Proc. EGC 2011, 45-53, 2012 | I Barany: On a question of V. I. Arnold, Acta Math Hung 137, 72–81, 2012 | I Barany, E Roldan Pensado: Longest convex lattice chains in triangles, Computational Geometry: Theory and Appl. 47 367–376, 2014 | I Barany, J Pach: Homogeneous selections from hyperplanes, JCT B 104, 81–87, 2011 | I Barany, E Roldan Pensado:: On a forgotten question from a famous paper of Erdos,, Discrete and Comp. Gometry, 50, 253–261, 2013 | I. Barany J-F. Marckert, M. Reitzner ,: Many empty triangles have a common edge,, Discrete and Comp. Geometry, 50, 244–252, 2013 | I. Barany, J-I. Ito, A. Vilcu, T. Zamfirescu:: Every points is critical,, Advances in Math. 235, 390–397, 2013 | G. Tóth: A better bound for the pair-crossing number, In: J Pach (szerk.) 30 Essays in Geometric Graph Theory. 563-567, 2013 | D Gerbner, G Toth: Separating families of convex sets., COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 46: pp. 1056-1058., 2013 | Černý J; Kynčl J; Tóth G: Improvement on the Decay of Crossing Numbers, GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS (ISSN: 0911-0119) 29: (3) pp. 365-371., 2013 | Pach. J; Tóth G.: Monochromatic empty triangles in two-colored point sets, DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ISSN: 0166-218X) 161: pp. 1259-1261., 2013 | Bárány I.; Fodor F.; Montejano, L.; Oliveros, D.; Pór, A.: Colourful and Fractional (p, q)-theorems, DISCRETE AND COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY (ISSN: 0179-5376) In press Published online: 12 November 2013, 2014 | Bárány I.; Pach J.: Homogeneous selections from hyperplanes, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B (ISSN: 0095-8956) 104: pp. 81-87., 2014 | BárányI.; Ginzburg BD; Grinberg VS: 2013 unit vectors in the plane, DISCRETE MATHEMATICS (ISSN: 0012-365X) &: p. &. Article in Press, 2014 | Bárány I; Steiger W: On the variance of random polygons, COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (ISSN: 0925-7721) 46: (2) pp. 173-180., 2013 | Bárány I.; Blagojević P; Dimitrijević Blagojević A: Functions, Measures, and Equipartitioning Convex k-Fans, DISCRETE AND COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY (ISSN: 0179-5376) 49: (2) pp. 382-401., 2013 | Bárány I.; Roldán-Pensado E: A Question from a Famous Paper of Erdős, DISCRETE AND COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY (ISSN: 0179-5376) 50: (1) pp. 253-261., 2013 | Bárány I; Marckert J-F; Reitzner M: Many Empty Triangles have a Common Edge, DISCRETE AND COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY (ISSN: 0179-5376) 50: (1) pp. 244-252., 2013 | Bárány I; Itoh J-I; Vîlcu C; Zamfirescu T: Every point is critical, ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS (ISSN: 0001-8708) 235: pp. 390-397., 2013 | Bárány I; Zamfirescu T: Holding Circles and Fixing Frames, DISCRETE AND COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY (ISSN: 0179-5376) 50: (4) pp. 1101-1111., 2013 | Bárány I.; Zamfirescu T: On circles holding convex bodies, LIBERTAS MATHEMATICA (ISSN: 0278-5307) 33: pp. 21-26., 2013 | I Barany: On a question of V. I. Arnold, Acta Math Hung, 2012 | I Barany, E Roldan Pensado: Longest convex lattice chains in triangles, submitted to Computational Geometry: Theory and Appl., 2011 | I Barany, J Pach: Homogeneous selections from hyperplanes, submitted to JCT B, 2011 | I Barany, R Karasev: Notes on the Caratheodory number, Discrete and Comp. Geometry, 2012 | J. Cerny, J. Kyncl, G. Toth: Improvement on the decay of crossing numbers, to appear in Graphs and Combinatorics, 2012 | J. Pach, G. Toth: Monotone crossing number, Graph Drawing 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7034 (2012) 278-289, 2012 | G. Toth: A better bound for the pair--crossing number, Proceedings of the Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Kyoto, 473-477, 2011 | J. Pach, R. Radoicic, G. Toth: Tangled thrackles, Geombinatorics 21, 4, 2012 | I Barany, E Roldan Pensado:: On a forgotten question from a famous paper of Erdos,, accepted in Discrete and Comp. Gometry, 2013 | I. Barany:: Tensors, colours, octahedra, Pisa conference, 2013 | I. Barany J-F. Marckert, M. Reitzner ,: Many empty triangles have a common edge,, submitted in Discrete and Comp. Geometry, 2013 | I. Barany, R Schneider:: Universal points of convex bodies and bisectors in Minkowski spaces,, accepted in Advances in Geometry, 2013 | I. Barany, P. Blagojevic and A. Dmitrijevic Blagojevic:: Functions, measures, and equipartitioning convex $k$-fans,, Discrete and Comp. Geometry, 2013 |





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