Stellar oscillation studies with the Kepler space telescope: the micromagnitude revolution  Page description

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Type K
Principal investigator Szabó, Róbert
Title in Hungarian Csillagrezgések kutatása a Kepler-űrtávcsővel: a mikromagnitúdós forradalom
Title in English Stellar oscillation studies with the Kepler space telescope: the micromagnitude revolution
Keywords in Hungarian csillagpulzáció, űrfotometria, Kepler-űrtávcső, cefeida, RR Lyrae, asztroszeizmológia, nemlineáris folyamatok
Keywords in English stellar pulsation, space photometry, Kepler space telescope, Cepheids, RR Lyrae, asteroseismology, nonlinear dynamics
Astronomy (Council of Physical Sciences)100 %
Ortelius classification: Astrophysics
Panel Physics 1
Department or equivalent Konkoly Thege Miklós Astronomical Institute (Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences)
Participants Benko, József
Derekas, Alíz
Kiss L., László
Kolláth, Zoltán
Molnár, László
Nuspl, János
Plachy, Emese
Szabados, László
Starting date 2011-04-01
Closing date 2015-03-31
Funding (in million HUF) 39.438
FTE (full time equivalent) 17.88
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
Pályázatunk cefeidák és RR Lyrae csillagok nemlineáris dinamikai jelenségeinek tanulmányozását célozza a rendkívüli pontosságot és folyamatos megfigyelést biztosító Kepler-űrtávcső fotometriai adatai, spektroszkópiai megfigyelések és a legkorszerűbb numerikus hidrodinamikai szimulációk segítségével. A korábban elérhetetlen folytonosságú, mikromagnitúdó pontosságú adatok új megközelítést jelentenek az évszázados megoldatlan problémák, többek között az RR Lyrae csillagok amplitúdó- és fázismodulációjának, a Blazhko-effektusnak a megértésében, lehetővé teszik strange és nemradiális módusok, valamint ismeretlen rezonanciák kimutatását az említett változócsillagokban. Ezen kívül kitűnő eszközt jelentenek a kettősség pulzációra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálatára, valamint csillag-, illetve bolygókísérők felfedezésére pulzáló változócsillagok körül. Szabó Róbert vezető szerepet játszik a Kepler Asztroszeizmológiai Tudományos Konzorcium cefeida és RR Lyrae munkacsoportjainak koordinálásában. A jelen pályázat egyrészt az egyedülálló minőségű adatokhoz való exkluzív hozzáférésünkre, másrészt a részt vevő kutatók a csillagpulzáció numerikus modellezésében szerzett több évtizedes tapasztalatára épít. A kettő együttes alkalmazása világszínvonalú hozzájárulást tesz lehetővé az adott tudományterületen.
We aim at studying the nonlinear dynamics of stellar pulsation in Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars, based on the continuous, ultra-precise Kepler space photometry, spectroscopic observations and state-of-the-art numerical hydrodynamical simulations. The unique, continuously sampled, micromagnitude precision data will shed new light on the century-old unsolved problem, the amplitude and phase modulation of RR Lyrae stars, known as the Blazhko-effect. They allow the unambiguous detection of strange and nonradial modes, as well as new phenomena, such as hitherto unknown resonances in these objects. In addition, Kepler data offer an excellent tool to study the effect of binarity on pulsation and to discover stellar and planetary companions around pulsating variable stars. The principal investigator plays a leading role in the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium Cepheid and RR Lyrae Working Groups. This proposal exploits our exclusive access to data of unprecedented quality and is supported by the team's decades-long experience in numerical modelling of stellar pulsation. This synergy places our research in the forefront of present-day astrophysical studies.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A Kepler-űrtávcső négyévnyi folyamatos, ultraprecíz adatait felhasználva RR Lyrae csillagok fényváltozásait elemeztük. Új dinamikai jelenségeket tártunk fel, ezeket hidrodinamikai modellekkel megerősítettük. Az amplitúdó- és fázismoduláció évszázados (Blazskó-)rejtélyére új, az eddigieknél megalapozottabb magyarázatot adtunk. Az RR Lyrae csillagok vizsgálatában kutatócsoportunk nemzetközileg elismert, vezető szerepet vívott ki. Cefeidák fényváltozását vizsgálva a Kepler és a MOST űrtávcsövekkel periódus- és fénygörbealak-ingadozását fedeztünk fel. Egyedülálló, triplán fedő hierarchikus hármas rendszert azonosítottunk (HD 181068) és publikáltunk a Science c. folyóiratban. Felfedeztük az első aszimmetrikus fedési fénymenetet mutató exobolygót (Kepler-13b); a jelenséget a csillag gyors forgásával magyaráztunk. Számos, egyéb, a Keplerrel végzett kutatási területbe bekapcsolódtunk, úgy mint asztroszeizmológia, csillaghalmazok, fedési kettősök, fősorozati és vörös változók, aktív csillagok. A Kepler Asztroszeizmológiai Tudományos Konzorcium (KASC) több munkacsoportját vezettük, és csoportunk rendezte a KASC 5. nemzetközi konferenciáját 2012-ben. Részt vettünk a Kepler második küldetésének (K2) tudományos előkészítésében, számos sikeres távcsőidő-pályázatot írtunk. Bekapcsolódtunk a következő európai űrfotometriai missziók előkészítésébe (CHEOPS, PLATO). Száznál több ismeretterjesztő cikket és több tucatnyi ismeretterjesztő előadást tartottunk csak a Kepler eredményeire alapozva.
Results in English
We analyzed the light variations of RR Lyrae stars using the four-year-long ultra-precise, continuous observations of the Kepler space telescope. We discovered new dynamical phenomena, and modeled them with numerical hydrodynamic simulations. We developed a new explanation for the century-old Blazhko-problem, i.e. the amplitude and phase modulation of RR Lyrae stars. Our team became a renown, world-leading research group in this field. By using the Kepler and MOST space telescopes, we unveiled tiny period and light curve shape variations of Cepheids. We discovered a unique, triply eclipsing hierarchical triple stellar system (HD 181068), and published the results in the Science Magazine. We found the first exoplanet (Kepler-13b) with an asymmetric transit curve, which is caused by the rapid rotation of the host star. We contributed to several Kepler-related research areas, like asteroseismology, stellar clusters, eclipsing binaries, red and main-sequence pulsating variables, and stellar activity. We led several working groups of the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC), and our group organized the 5th international conference of KASC in 2012. We took part in the scientific preparatory work of the successor mission of Kepler (K2), we have several successful K2 target proposals. We worked on planning future European space photometric missions (CHEOPS, PLATO). We wrote more than 100 popular astronomy papers and gave dozens of talks based on the results of Kepler.
Full text


List of publications

Derekas A; Kiss LL; Borkovits T; Huber D; Lehmann H; Southworth J; Bedding TR; Balam D; Hartmann M; Hrudkova M; Ireland MJ; Kovács J; Mező Gy; Moór A; Niemczura E; Sarty G; Szabó GyM; Szabó R; Telting JH; Tkachenko A; Uytterhoeven K; Benkő J; Bryson ST; Maestro V; Simon A; Stello D; Schaefer G; Aerts C; ten Brummelaar TA; De Cat P; McAlister HA; Maceroni C; Merand A; Still M; Sturmann J; Sturmann L; Turner N; Tuthill PG; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Kjeldsen H; Quintana EV; Tenenbaum P; Twicken JD: HD 181068: A Red Giant in a Triply Eclipsing Compact Hierarchical Triple System, Science, 332: 216-218, 2011
Benkő JM; Plachy E; Szabó R; Molnár L; Kolláth Z: Long-timescale Behavior of the Blazhko Effect from Rectified Kepler Data, ApJS 214: 31 (pp. 20), 2014
Metcalfe TS; Creevey OL; Doğan G; Mathur S; Xu H; Bedding TR; Chaplin WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Karoff C; Trampedach R; Benomar O; Brown BP; Buzasi DL; Campante TL; Çelik Z; Cunha MS; Davies GR; Deheuvels S; Derekas A; Di Mauro MP; García RA; Guzik JA; Howe R; MacGregor KB; Mazumdar A; Montalbán J; Monteiro MJPFG; Salabert D; Serenelli A; Stello D; Steslicki M; Suran MD; Yıldız M; Aksoy C; Elsworth Y; Gruberbauer M; Guenther DB; Lebreton Y; Molaverdikhani K; Pricopi D; Simoniello R; White TR: Properties of 42 Solar-type Kepler Targets from the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal, ApJS, 214: 27 (13pp), 2014
Jurcsik J; SmitolaP; Hajdu G; Sódor Á; Nuspl J; Kolenberg K; Fűrész G; Moór A; Kun E; Pál A; Bakos J; Kelemen J; Kovács T; Kriskovics L; Sárneczky K; Szalai T; Szing A; Vida K: Overtone and multi-mode RR Lyrae stars in the globular cluster M3, ApJS, 2015
Szabó R; Szabados L; Ngeow C-C; Smolec R; Derekas A; Moskalik P; Nuspl J; Lehmann H; Fűrész G; Molenda-Żakowicz J; Bryson ST; Henden AA; Kurtz DW; Stello D; Nemec JM; Benkő JM; Berdnikov L; Bruntt H; Evans NR; Gorynya NA; Pastukhova EN; Simcoe RJ; Grindlay JE; Los EJ; Doane A; Laycock SG; Mink DJ; Champine G; Sliski A; Handler G; Kiss LL; Kolláth Z; Kovács J; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Allen C; Thompson SE; van Cleve J: Cepheid investigations using the Kepler space telescope, MNRAS, 413: 2709-2720, 2011
Kolláth Z; Molnár L; Szabó R: Period doubling bifurcation and high-order resonances in RR Lyrae hydrodynamical models, MNRAS, 414: 1111-1118, 2011
Buchler JR; Kolláth Z: On the Blazhko effect in RR Lyrae stars, ApJ 731: 24, 2011
Benkő JM; Szabó R; Paparó M: Blazhko RR Lyrae light curves as modulated signals, MNRAS, 417: 974-991, 2011
Szabó GyM; Szabó R; Benkő JM; Lehmann H; Mező Gy; Simon AE; Kővári Zs; Hodosán G; Regály Zs; Kiss LL: Asymmetric transit curves as indication of orbital obliquity: clues from the brown dwarf companion in KOI-13, ApJL 736: L4 (6pp), 2011
Bíró IB; Nuspl J: Photometric mode identification methods of nonradial pulsations in eclipsing binaries I. - Dynamic Eclipse Mapping, MNRAS, 416: 1601-1615, 2011
Nemec JM; Smolec R; Benkő JM; Moskalik P; Kolenberg K; Szabó R; Kurtz DW; Bryson S; Guggenberger E; Chadid M; Jeon Y-B; Kunder A; Layden AC; Kinemuchi K; Kiss LL; Poretti E; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Caldwell D; Ripepi V; Derekas A; Nuspl J; Mullally F; Thompson SE; Borucki WJ: Fourier analysis of non-Blazhko ab-type RR Lyr stars observed with the Kepler space telescope, MNRAS, 417: 1022-1053, 2011
Guggenberger E; Kolenberg K; Poretti E; Chapellier E; Szabó R; Benkő JM; Paparó M: The CoRoT star 105288363: strong cycle to cycle changes of the Blazhko modulation, MNRAS, 415: 1577-1589, 2011
Breger M; Balona L; Lenz P; Hollek JK; Kurtz DW; Catanzaro G; Marconi M; Pamyatnykh AA; Smalley B; Suarez JC; Szabó R; Uytterhoeven K; Ripepi V; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Fanelli MN; Ibrahim KA; Uddin K: Regularities in frequency spacings of delta Scuti stars: the Kepler star KIC 9700322, MNRAS, 414 1721-1731, 2011
Balona LA; Pigulski A; De Cat P; Handler G; Gutierrez-Soto J; Engelbrecht CA; Frescura F; Briquet M; Cuypers J; Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J; Degroote P; Dukes RJ; Garcia RA; Green EM; Heber U; Kawaler S; Lehmann H; Leroy B; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Neiner C; Noels A; Nuspl J; Ostensen R; Pricopi D; Roxburgh I; Salmon S; Smith MA; Suarez JC; Suran M; Szabó R; Uytterhoeven K; Borucki WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Koch DG: Kepler observations of variability in B-type stars, MNRAS, 413: 2403-2420, 2011
Stello D; Huber D; Kallinger T; Basu S; Mosser B; Hekker S; Mathur S; Garcia RA; Bedding TR; Kjeldsen H; Gilliland RL; Verner GA; Chaplin WJ; Benomar O; Meibom S; Grundahl F; Elsworth YP; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Szabó R; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Tennenbaum P; Twicken JD; Uddin K: Amplitudes of solar-like oscillations: constraints from red giants in open clusters observed by Kepler, ApJL 737: L10 (6pp), 2011
Stello D; Meibom S; Gilliland RL; Grundahl F; Hekker S; Mosser B; Kallinger T; Mathur S; Garcia RA; Huber D; Basu S; Bedding TR; Brogaard K; Chaplin WJ; Elsworth YP; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Szabó R; Still M; Jenkins JM; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Serenelli AM; Wohler B: An asteroseismic membership study of the red giants in three open clusters observed by Kepler: NGC 6791, NGC 6819, and NGC 6811, ApJ, 739: 13 (13pp), 2011
Uytterhoeven K; Moya A; Grigahcene A; Guzik JA; Gutierrez-Soto J; Smalley B; Handler G; Balona LA; Niemczura E; Fox Machado L; Benatti S; Chapellier E; Tkachenko A; Szabó R; Suarez JC; Ripepi V; Pascual J; Mathias P; Martin-Ruiz S; Lehmann H; Jackiewicz J; Hekker S; Gruberbauer M; Garcia RA; Dumusque X; Diaz-Fraile D; Bradley P; Antoci V; Roth M; Leroy B; Murphy SJ; De Cat P; Cuypers J; Kjeldsen H; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Breger M; Pigulski A; Kiss LL; Still M; Thompson SE; Van Cleve J: The Kepler characterization of the variability amongst A- and F-type stars I. General analysis, A&A 534: A125 (70pp), 2011
Paparó M; Chadid M; Chapellier E; Benkő JM; Szabó R; Kolenberg K; Guggenberger E; Regály Zs; Auvergne M; Baglin A; Weiss WW: Periodicity search as a tool for disentangling the contaminated colour light curve of CoRoT 102781750, A&A 531: A135 (12pp), 2011
Hekker S; Basu S; Stello D; Kallinger T; Grundahl F; Mathur S; Garcia RA; Mosser B; Huber D; Bedding TR; Szabó R; De Ridder J; Chaplin WJ; Elsworth Y; Hale SJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Still M; McCauliff S; Quintana EV: Asteroseismic inferences on red giants in open clusters NGC 6791, NGC 6819 and NGC 6811 using Kepler, A&A 530: A100 (9pp), 2011
Miglio A; Brogaard K; Chaplin WJ; D'Antona F; Montalban J; Stello D; Basu S; Bressan A; Grundahl F; Serenelli AM; Elsworth Y; Hekker S; Kallinger T; Mosser B; Ventura P; Bonanno A; Noels A; Pinsonneault M; Szabó R; Silva-Aguirre V; Li J; McCauliff S; Middour C; Kjeldsen H: Asteroseismology of old open clusters with Kepler: direct estimate of the integrated RGB mass loss in NGC 6791 and NGC 6819, MNRAS 419:2077-2088, 2012
Derekas A; Szabó GyM; Berdnikov L; Szabó R; Smolec R; Kiss LL; Szabados L; Chadid M; Evans NR: Kinemuchi K; Nemec JM; Seader SE; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P: Period and light curve fluctuations of the Kepler Cepheid V1154 Cyg, MNRAS, 425:1312-1319, 2012
Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Szabó R: Can turbulent convective variations drive the Blazhko cycle? Dynamical investigation of the Stothers idea, MNRAS 424:31-37, 2012
Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Szabó R: Uncovering hidden modes in RR Lyrae stars, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Series 31:185, 2013
Szabó R; Kolláth Z; Molnár L; Kolenberg K; Kurtz DW; WG#13 members: Period doubling in Kepler RR Lyrae stars, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series 31:81, 2013
Plachy E; Kolláth Z; Molnár L: Detection of chaos in RR Lyrae models, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Series Supp. Mat. P14, 2013
Szabó GyM; Pál A; Derekas A; Simon AE; Szalai T; Kiss LL: Spin-orbit resonance, transit duration variation and possibe secular perturbations in KOI-13, MNRAS 421:L122-L126, 2012
Kipping DM; Hartman J; Bakos GÁ; Torres G; Latham DW; Bayliss D; Kiss LL; Sato B; Béky B; Kovács G.; Quinn SN; Buchhave LA; Andersen J; Marcy GW; Howard AW; Fischer DA; Johnson JA; Noyes RW; Sasselov DD; Stefanik RP; Lázár J; Papp I; Sári P; Fűrész G: HAT-P-31b,c: A Transiting, Eccentric, Hot Jupiter and a Long-period, Massive Third Body, AJ, 142: 95 (12pp), 2011
Béky B; Bakos GÁ; Hartman J; Torres G; Latham DW; Jordán A; Arriagada P; Bayliss D; Kiss LL; Kovács G; Quinn SN; Marcy GW; Howard AW; Fischer DA; Johnson JA; Esquerdo GA; Noyes RW; Buchhave LA; Sasselov DD; Stefanik RP; Perumpilly G; Lázár J; Papp I; Sári P: HAT-P-27b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a G Star on a 3 Day Orbit, ApJ 734: 109 (11pp), 2011
Pál A; Sárneczky K; Szabó GyM; Szing A; Kiss LL; Mező Gy; Regály Zs: Transit timing variations in the HAT-P-13 planetary system, MNRAS, 413: 43-46, 2011
Szabó GyM; Kiss LL: A Short-period Censor of Sub-Jupiter Mass Exoplanets with Low Density, ApJL 727: 44 (4pp), 2011
Ngeow C-C; Szabó R; Szabados L; Henden A; Groenewegen MAT; the Kepler Cepheid Working Group: Ground-Based BVRI Follow-Up Observations of the Cepheid V1154 Cyg in Kepler’s Field, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Series, 2013
Balona LA; Breger M; Catanzaro G; Cunha MS; Handler G; Kołaczkowski Z; Kurtz DW; Murphy S; Niemczura E; Paparó M; Smalley B; Szabó R; Uytterhoeven K; Christiansen JL; Uddin K; Stumpe MC: Unusual high frequencies in the Kepler delta Scuti star KIC 4840675, MNRAS 424: 1187-1196, 2012
Szabados L; Derekas A; Kiss Cs; Klagyivik P: Discovery of the spectroscopic binary nature of the Cepheids X Puppis and XX Sagittarii, MNRAS 426: 3154-3159, 2012
Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Szabó R; Bryson S; Kolenberg K; Mullally F; Thompson SE: Nonlinear Asteroseismology of RR Lyrae, ApJ 757: L13-17, 2012
Szabó GyM; Kiss LL; Pál A; Kiss Cs, Sárneczky K; Juhász A; Hogerheijde MR: Evidence for Fresh Frost Layer on the Bare Nucleus of Comet Hale–Bopp at 32 AU Distance, ApJ 761: A8, 2012
Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Szabó R; Plachy E: New results in RR Lyrae modeling: Convective cycles, additional modes and more, AN 333: 950-953, 2012
Guggenberger E; Kolenberg K; Nemec JM; Smolec R; Benkő J; Ngeow C-C; Cohen J; Sesar B; Szabó R; Catelan M; Moskalik P; Kinemuchi K; Seader SE; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P; Kjeldsen H: he complex case of V445 Lyr observed with Kepler: Two Blazhko modulations, a non-radial mode, possible triple mode RR Lyrae pulsation, and more, MNRAS 424: 649-665, 2012
Vinkó J; Sárneczky K; Takáts K; Marion GH; Hegedűs T; Bíró IB; Borkovits T; Szegedi-Elek E; Farkas A; Klagyivik P; Kiss LL; Kovács T; Pál A; Szakáts R; Szalai N; Szalai T; Szatmáry K; Szing A; Vida K; Wheeler JC: Testing SNe Ia distance measurement methods with SN 2011fe, A&A 546: A12, 2012
Lampens P; Tkachenko A; Lehmann H; Debosscher J; Aerts C; Beck PG; Bloemen S; Kochiashvili N; Derekas A; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P; Twicken JD: Low-frequency variations of unknown origin in the Kepler δ Scuti star KIC 5988140 = HD 188774, A&A 549: A104, 2013
Maciejewski G; Dimitrov D; Seeliger M; Raetz S; Bukowiecki L; Kitze M; Errmann R; Nowak G; Niedzielski A; Popov V; Marka C; Gozdziewski K; Neuhaauser R; Ohlert J; Hinse TC; Lee JW; Lee C-U; Berndt A; Gilbert H; Ginski C; Hohle M; Mancini ML; Southworth J; Dall'Ora M; Ciceri S; Zambelli R; Corfini G; Takahashi H; Tachihara K; Benkő JM; Sárneczky K; Szabó GyM; Varga TN; Vanko M; Joshi YC; Jensen ELN; Chen WP: Multi-site campaign for transit timing variations of WASP-12 b: possible detection of a long-period signal of planetary origin, A&A 551: A108, 2013
Borkovits T; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Király A; Forgács-Dajka E; Bíró IB; Bedding TR; Bryson ST; Huber D; Szabó R: Dynamical masses, absolute radii and 3D orbits of the triply eclipsing star HD 181068 from Kepler photometry, MNRAS, 428: 1656-1672, 2013
Freeman K; Ness M; Wylie-de-Boer E; Athanassoula E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis G; Yong D; Lane R; Kiss LL; Ibata R: ARGOS - II. The Galactic bulge survey, MNRAS 428: 3660-3670, 2013
Fuller J; Derekas A; Borkovits T; Huber D; Bedding TR; Kiss LL: Tidally induced oscillations and orbital decay in compact triple-star systems, MNRAS 429: 2425-2441, 2013
Szabados L; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Kovács J; Anderson RI; Kiss C; Szalai T; Székely P; Christiansen JL: Discovery of the spectroscopic binary nature of six southern Cepheids, MNRAS 430: 2018-2028, 2013
Ness M; Freeman K; Athanassoula E; Wylie-de-Boer E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Yong D; Lane RR; Kiss LL: ARGOS - III. Stellar populations in the Galactic bulge of the Milky Way, MNRAS 430: 836-857, 2013
Plachy E; Kolláth Z: Elimination of long-term variation from chaotic light curves, AN 334, 984, 2013
Szabó R; Szabó GyM; Dálya G; Simon AE; Hodosán G; Kiss LL: Multiple planets or exomoons in Kepler hot Jupiter systems with transit timing variations?, A&A 553, A17, 2013
Murphy SJ; Pigulski A; Kurtz DW; Suarez JC; Handler G; Balona LA; Smalley B; Uytterhoeven K; Szabó R; Thygesen AO; Elkin V; Breger M; Grigahcene A; Guzik JA; Nemec JM; Southworth J: An asteroseismic case-study of KIC 11754974: a high-amplitude SX Phe star in the Kepler field, MNRAS 432, 2284, 2013
Kiss LL; Percy JR: Non-Mira Pulsating Red Giants and Supergiants, JAAVSO 40: 528-538, 2012
Szabó Gy.M; Szabó R; Benkő J.M; Lehmann H; Mező Gy; Simon AE; Kővári Zs; Hodosán G; Regály Zs;Kiss LL: Asymmetric transit curves as indication of orbital obliquity: clues from the brown dwarf companion in KOI-13, IAU Symposium 282: 139-140, 2012
Guggenberger E, Kolenberg K; Nemec J; Szabó, R; Benkő J: Changing Blazhko modulations: KIC6186029 in comparison with other cases of non-repetitive Blazhko cycles, ApSS Proceedings Series 31: 291-293, P11, 2013
Vida K, Oláh K; Szabó R: Looking for activity cycles in late-type Kepler stars using time–frequency analysis, MNRAS, 441: 2744-2753, 2014
Le Borgne JF; Poretti E; Klotz A; Denoux E; Smith A; Kolenberg K; Szabó R; Bryson S; Audejean M; Buil C; Caron J; Conseil E; Corp L; Drillaud C; de France T; Graham K; Hirosawa K; Klotz AN; Kugel F; Loughney D; Menzies K; Rodriguez M; Ruscitti PM: The historical vanishing of the Blazhko effect of RR Lyr from GEOS and Kepler surveys, MNRAS, 441: 1435-1443, 2014
Rauer H; Catala C; Aerts C; Appourchaux T; Benz W; Brandeker A; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Deleuil M; Gizon L; Goupil M-J; Güdel M; Janot-Pacheco E; Mas-Hesse M; Pagano I; Piotto G; Pollacco D; Santos NC; Smith A; Suárez JC; Szabó R; Udry S; Adibekyan V; Alibert Y; Almenara J-M; Amaro-Seoane P; Ammler-von Eiff M; Asplund M; Antonello E; Ball W; Barnes S; Baudin F; Belkacem K; Bergemann M; Bihain G; Birch AC; Bonfils X; Boisse I; Bonomo AS; Borsa F; Brandão IM; Brocato E; Brun S; Burleigh M; Burston R; Cabrera J; Cassisi S; Chaplin W; Charpinet S; Chiappini C; Church RP; Csizmadia Sz; Cunha M; Damasso M; Davies MB; Deeg HJ; DÍaz RF; Dreizler S; Dreyer C; Eggenberger P; Ehrenreich D; Eigmüller P; Erikson A; Farmer R; Feltzing S; de Oliveira Fialho F; Figueira P; Forveille T; Fridlund M; García RA; Giommi P; Giuffrida G; Godolt M; Gomes da Silva J; Granzer T; Grenfell JL; Grotsch-Noels A; Günther E; Haswell CA; Hatzes AP; Hébrard G; Hekker S; Helled R; Heng K; Jenkins JM; Johansen A; Khodachenko ML; Kislyakova KG; Kley W; Kolb U; Krivova N; Kupka F; Lammer H; Lanza AF; Lebreton Y; Magrin D; Marcos-Arenal P; Marrese PM; Marques JP; Martins J; Mathis S; Mathur S; Messina S; Miglio A; Montalban J; Montalto M; Monteiro MJPFG; Moradi H; Moravveji E; Mordasini C; Morel T; Mortier A; Nascimbeni V; Nelson RP; Nielsen MB; Noack L; Norton AJ; Ofir A; Oshagh M; Ouazzani R-M; Pápics P; Parro VC; Petit P; Plez B; Poretti E; Quirrenbach A; Ragazzoni R; Raimondo G; Rainer M; Reese DR; Redmer R; Reffert S; Rojas-Ayala B; Roxburgh IW; Salmon S; Santerne A; Schneider J; Schou J; Schuh S; Schunker H; Silva-Valio A; Silvotti R; Skillen I; Snellen I; Sohl F; Sousa SG; Sozzetti A; Stello D; Strassmeier KG; Švanda M; Szabó GyM; Tkachenko A; Valencia D; van Grootel V; Vauclair SD; Ventura P; Wagner FW; Walton NA; Weingrill J; Werner SC; Wheatley PJ; Zwintz K: The PLATO 2.0 Mission, Experimental Astronomy, 38: 249-330, 2014
Szabó R; Ivezić Ž; Kiss LL; Kolláth Z; Jones L; Sesar B; Becker AC; Davenport JRA; Cutri RM: High-precision 2MASS JHKs light curves and other data for RR Lyrae star SDSS J015450+001501: strong constraints for non-linear pulsation models, ApJ, 780, 92, 2014
Szabó GyM; Simon AE; Kiss LL: Mapping a star with transits: orbit precession effects in the Kepler-13 system, MNRAS, 437, 1045, 2014
Bányai E; Kiss LL; Bedding TR; Benkő J; Bódi A; Callingham J; Compton D; Csányi I; Derekas A; Dorval J; Huber D; Simon AE; Stello D; Szabó GyM; Szabó R; Szatmáry K: Variability of M giant stars based on Kepler photometry: general characteristics, MNRAS, 436, 1576, 2013
Szabados L; Anderson RI; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Szalai T; Székely, P; Christiansen JL: Discovery of the spectroscopic binary nature of three bright southern Cepheids, MNRAS, 434, 870, 2013
Plachy E; Kolláth Z; Molnár L: Low-dimensional chaos in RR Lyrae models, MNRAS, 433, 3590, 2013
Molnár L; Szabados L; Dukes RJ; Győrffy Á; Szabó R: Analysis of the possible Blazhko-effect Cepheid V473 Lyrae, AN, 334, 980, 2013
Beck PG; Hambleton K; Vos J; Kallinger T; Bloemen S; Tkachenko A; García RA; Østensen RH; Aerts C; Kurtz DW; De Ridder J; Hekker S; Pavlovski K; Mathur S; De Smedt K; Derekas A; Corsaro E; Mosser B; Van Winckel H; Huber D; Degroote P; Davies GR; Prša A; Debosscher J; Elsworth Y; Nemeth P; Siess L; Schmid VS; Pápics PI; de Vries BL; van Marle AJ; Marcos-Arenal P; Lobel A: Pulsating red giant stars in eccentric binary systems discovered from Kepler space-based photometry, A sample study and the analysis of KIC 5006817, A&A 564, A36, 2014
Ness M; Freeman K; Athanassoula E; Wylie-de-Boer E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Yong D; Lane RR; Kiss LL; Ibata R: ARGOS - IV. The kinematics of the Milky Way bulge, MNRAS, 432, 2092, 2013
Moór A; Szabó GyM; Kiss LL; Kiss Cs; Ábrahám P; Szulágyi J; Kóspál Á; Szalai T: Unveiling new members in five nearby young moving groups, MNRAS, 435, 1376, 2013
Molnár L; Szabó R; Kolenberg K; Borkovits T; Antoci V; Vida K; Ngeow CC; Guzik JA; Plachy E; Castanheira B: The Kep-Cont Mission: Continuing the observation of high-amplitude variable stars in the Kepler field of view, arXiv:1309.0740, 2013
Szabó R; Molnár L; Kołaczkowski Z; Moskalik P; Ivezić Ž; Udalski A; Szabados L; Kuehn C; Smolec R; Pigulski A; Bedding T; Ngeow CC; Guzik JA; Ostrowski J; De Cat P; Antoci V; Borkovits T; Soszyński I; Poleski R; Kozłowski Sz; Pietrukowicz P; Skowron J; Szczygieł D; Wyrzykowski Ł; Szymański M; Pietrzyński G; Ulaczyk K; Plachy E; Schou J; Evans NR; Kopaczki G: The Kepler-SEP Mission: Harvesting the South Ecliptic Pole large-amplitude variables with Kepler, Kepler White paper, arXiv:1309.0741, 2013
Derekas A; Borkovits T; Fuller J; Huber D; Lehmann H: HD 181068: A triply eclipsing system with intrinsically variable red giant component, EAS Publications Series, 64, 343–350, 2013
Csák B; Kovács J; Szabó GyM; Kiss LL; Dózsa Á; Sódor Á; Jankovics I: Affordable spectroscopy for 1m-class telescopes, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 43, 1–7, 2014
Szabados L: Pulsating stars -- plethora of variables and observational tasks, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 43, 338 – 350, 2014
Molnár L; Benkő JM; Szabó R; Kolláth Z: Kepler RR Lyrae stars: beyond period doubling, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 459, 2014
Bányai E; Kiss LL: Variability of M giant stars based on Kepler photometry: general characteristics, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 381, 2014
Plachy E; Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Benkő JM; Kolenberg K: On the interchange of alternating-amplitude pulsation cycles, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 473, 2014
Kolláth Z; Kránicz B: On the feasibility of inversion methods based on models of urban sky glow, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 139, 27-34., 2014
Nemec J; Cohen JG; Ripepi V; Derekas A; Moskalik P; Sesar B; Chadid M; Bruntt H: Metal Abundances, Radial Velocities, and Other Physical Characteristics for the RR Lyrae Stars in The Kepler Field, ApJ 773, 181, 2013
Benkő JM; Szabó R: Are RRab stars fully radial?, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 383, 2014
Evans NR; Szabó R; Szabados L; Derekas A; Matthews J; Cameron C: Subtle Flickering in Cepheids: Kepler and MOST, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 19, 2014
Szabó R: Blazhko effect in Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 241, 2014
Stello D; Compton DL; Bedding TR; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kiss LL; Kjeldsen H; Bellamy B; Garcia RA; Mathur S: Non-radial Oscillations in M-giant Semi-regular Variables: Stellar Models and Kepler Observations, ApJL, 788: L10, 2014
Molnár L; Szabados L: V473 Lyrae, a unique second-overtone Cepheid with two modulation cycles, MNRAS 442: 3222-3234, 2014
Szabados L; Cseh B; Kovács J; Csák B; Dózsa Á; Szabó GyM; Simon AE; Borkovits T; Kiss LL; Jankovics I; Mező Gy: Discovery of the spectroscopic binary nature of the classical Cepheids FN Aql and V1344 Aql, MNRAS 442: 3155-3161, 2014
Borkovits T; Derekas A; Fuller J; Szabó GyM; Pavlovski K; Csák B; Dózsa Á; Kovács J; Szabó R; Hambleton KM; Kinemuchi K; Kolbas V; Kurtz DW; Maloney F; Prša A; Southworth J; Sztakovics J; Bíró IB; Jankovics I: HD 183648: a Kepler eclipsing binary with anomalous ellipsoidal variations and a pulsating component, MNRAS 443: 3068-3081, 2014
Szabó R; Benkő JM; Paparó M; Chapellier E; Poretti E; Baglin A; Weiss WW; Kolenberg K; Guggenberger E; Le Borgne J-F: Revisiting CoRoT RR Lyrae stars: detection of period doubling and temporal variation of additional frequencies, A&A 570: A100, 2014
Plachy E; Benkő JM; Kolláth Z; Molnár L; Szabó R: Non-linear dynamical analysis of the Blazhko effect with the Kepler space telescope: the case of V783 Cyg, MNRAS 445: 2810-2817, 2014
Evans NR; Szabó R; Derekas A; Szabados L; Cameron C; Matthews JM; Sasselov D; Kuschnig R; Rowe JF; Guenther DB; Moffat AFJ; Rucinski SM; Weiss WW: Observations of Cepheids with the MOST satellite: contrast between pulsation modes, MNRAS 446: 4008-4018, 2015
Moskalik P; Smolec R; Kolenberg K; Molnár L; Kurtz DW; Szabó R; Benkő JM; Nemec JM; Chadid M; Guggenberger E; Ngeow C-C; Jeon Y-B; Kopacki G; Kanbur SM: Kepler photometry of RRc stars: peculiar double-mode pulsations and period doubling, MNRAS 447: 2348-2366, 2015
Szabó R; Sárneczky K; Szabó GyM; Pál A; Kiss CsP; Csák B; Illés L; Rácz G; Kiss LL: Main-belt Asteroids in the K2 Engineering Field of View, AJ 149: 112, 2015
Molnár L; Plachy E; Szabó R: Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars in the K2 fields, IBVS 6108, 2014
Szabó R; Benkő JM; Paparó M; Chapellier E; Poretti E; Baglin A; Weiss WW; Kolenberg K; Guggenberger E; Le Borgne JF: The space photometry revolution and our understanding of RR Lyrae stars, EPJ Web of Conferences, in press, 2015
Benkő JM; Szabó R: Connection between the period and the amplitude of the Blazhko effect, EPJ Web of Conferences, in press, 2015
Pál A; Szabó R; Szabó GyM; Kiss LL; Molnár L; Sárneczky K; Kiss Cs: Pushing the limits: K2 observations of the trans-neptunian objects 2002 GV31 and (278361) 2007 JJ43, ApJL, közlésre elfogadva, arXiv:1504.03671, 2015
Molnár L; Szabó R; Moskalik PA; Nemec J; Guggenberger E; Smolec R; Poleski R; Plachy E; Kolenberg K; Kolláth Z: An RR Lyrae family portrait: 33 stars observed in Pisces with K2, MNRAS, beküldve, 2015
Balona LA; Breger M; Catanzaro G; Cunha MS; Handler G; Kołaczkowski Z; Kurtz DW; Murphy S; Niemczura E; Paparó M; Smalley B; Szabó R; Uytterhoeven K; Christiansen JL; Uddin K; Stumpe MC: Unusual high frequencies in the Kepler delta Scuti star KIC 4840675, MNRAS 424: 1187-1196, 2012
Szabados L; Derekas A; Kiss Cs; Klagyivik P: Discovery of the spectroscopic binary nature of the Cepheids X Puppis and XX Sagittarii, MNRAS 426: 3154-3159, 2012
Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Szabó R; Bryson S; Kolenberg K; Mullally F; Thompson SE: Nonlinear Asteroseismology of RR Lyrae, ApJ 757: L13-17, 2012
Szabó GyM; Kiss LL; Pál A; Kiss Cs, Sárneczky K; Juhász A; Hogerheijde MR: Evidence for Fresh Frost Layer on the Bare Nucleus of Comet Hale–Bopp at 32 AU Distance, ApJ 761: A8, 2012
Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Szabó R; Plachy E: New results in RR Lyrae modeling: Convective cycles, additional modes and more, AN 333: 950-953, 2012
Guggenberger E; Kolenberg K; Nemec JM; Smolec R; Benkő J; Ngeow C-C; Cohen J; Sesar B; Szabó R; Catelan M; Moskalik P; Kinemuchi K; Seader SE; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P; Kjeldsen H: he complex case of V445 Lyr observed with Kepler: Two Blazhko modulations, a non-radial mode, possible triple mode RR Lyrae pulsation, and more, MNRAS 424: 649-665, 2012
Vinkó J; Sárneczky K; Takáts K; Marion GH; Hegedűs T; Bíró IB; Borkovits T; Szegedi-Elek E; Farkas A; Klagyivik P; Kiss LL; Kovács T; Pál A; Szakát R; Szalai N; Szalai T; Szatmáry K; Szing A; Vida K; Wheeler JC: Testing SNe Ia distance measurement methods with SN 2011fe, A&A 546: A12, 2012
Lampens P; Tkachenko A; Lehmann H; Debosscher J; Aerts C; Beck PG; Bloemen S; Kochiashvili N; Derekas A; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P; Twicken JD: Low-frequency variations of unknown origin in the Kepler δ Scuti star KIC 5988140 = HD 188774, A&A 549: A104, 2013
Maciejewski G; Dimitrov D; Seeliger M; Raetz S; Bukowiecki L; Kitze M; Errmann R; Nowak G; Niedzielski A; Popov V; Marka C; Gozdziewski K; Neuhaauser R; Ohlert J; Hinse TC; Lee JW; Lee C-U; Berndt A; Gilbert H; Ginski C; Hohle M; Mancini ML; Southworth J; Dall'Ora M; Ciceri S; Zambelli R; Corfini G; Takahashi H; Tachihara K; Benkő JM; Sárneczky K; Szabó GyM; Varga TN; Vanko M; Joshi YC; Jensen ELN; Chen WP: Multi-site campaign for transit timing variations of WASP-12 b: possible detection of a long-period signal of planetary origin, A&A 551: A108, 2013
Borkovits T; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Király A; Forgács-Dajka E; Bíró IB; Bedding TR; Bryson ST; Huber D; Szabó R: Dynamical masses, absolute radii and 3D orbits of the triply eclipsing star HD 181068 from Kepler photometry, MNRAS, 428: 1656-1672, 2013
Freeman K; Ness M; Wylie-de-Boer E; Athanassoula E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis G; Yong D; Lane R; Kiss LL; Ibata R: ARGOS - II. The Galactic bulge survey, MNRAS 428: 3660-3670, 2013
Fuller J; Derekas A; Borkovits T; Huber D; Bedding TR; Kiss LL: Tidally induced oscillations and orbital decay in compact triple-star systems, MNRAS 429: 2425-2441, 2013
Szabados L; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Kovács J; Anderson RI; Kiss C; Szalai T; Székely P; Christiansen JL: Discovery of the spectroscopic binary nature of six southern Cepheids, MNRAS 430: 2018-2028, 2013
Ness M; Freeman K; Athanassoula E; Wylie-de-Boer E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Yong D; Lane RR; Kiss LL: ARGOS - III. Stellar populations in the Galactic bulge of the Milky Way, MNRAS 430: 836-857, 2013
Plachy E; Kolláth Z: Elimination of long-term variation from chaotic light curves, AN in press, arXiv:1303.3560, 2013
Szabó R; Szabó GyM; Dálya G; Simon AE; Hodosán G; Kiss LL: Multiple planets or exomoons in Kepler hot Jupiter systems with transit timing variations?, A&A in press, arXiv:1207.7229, 2013
Murphy SJ; Pigulski A; Kurtz DW; Suarez JC; Handler G; Balona LA; Smalley B; Uytterhoeven K; Szabó R; Thygesen AO; Elkin V; Breger M; Grigahcene A; Guzik JA; Nemec JM; Southworth J: An asteroseismic case-study of KIC 11754974: a high-amplitude SX Phe star in the Kepler field, MNRAS in press, arXiv:1304.1543, 2013
Kiss LL; Percy JR: Non-Mira Pulsating Red Giants and Supergiants, JAAVSO 40: 528-538, 2012
Szabó Gy.M; Szabó R; Benkő J.M; Lehmann H; Mező Gy; Simon AE; Kővári Zs; Hodosán G; Regály Zs;Kiss LL: Asymmetric transit curves as indication of orbital obliquity: clues from the brown dwarf companion in KOI-13, IAU Symposium 282: 139-140, 2012
Guggenberger E, Kolenberg K; Nemec J; Szabó, R; Benkő J: Changing Blazhko modulations: KIC6186029 in comparison with other cases of non-repetitive Blazhko cycles, ApSS Proceedings Series 31: 291-293, P11, 2013
Vinkó J; Sárneczky K; Takáts K; Marion GH; Hegedűs T; Bíró IB; Borkovits T; Szegedi-Elek E; Farkas A; Klagyivik P; Kiss LL; Kovács T; Pál A; Szakáts R; Szalai N; Szalai T; Szatmáry K; Szing A; Vida K; Wheeler JC: Testing SNe Ia distance measurement methods with SN 2011fe, A&A 546: A12, 2012
Lampens P; Tkachenko A; Lehmann H; Debosscher J; Aerts C; Beck PG; Bloemen S; Kochiashvili N; Derekas A; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P; Twicken JD: Low-frequency variations of unknown origin in the Kepler δ Scuti star KIC 5988140 = HD 188774, A&A 549: A104, 2013
Maciejewski G; Dimitrov D; Seeliger M; Raetz S; Bukowiecki L; Kitze M; Errmann R; Nowak G; Niedzielski A; Popov V; Marka C; Gozdziewski K; Neuhaauser R; Ohlert J; Hinse TC; Lee JW; Lee C-U; Berndt A; Gilbert H; Ginski C; Hohle M; Mancini ML; Southworth J; Dall'Ora M; Ciceri S; Zambelli R; Corfini G; Takahashi H; Tachihara K; Benkő JM; Sárneczky K; Szabó GyM; Varga TN; Vanko M; Joshi YC; Jensen ELN; Chen WP: Multi-site campaign for transit timing variations of WASP-12 b: possible detection of a long-period signal of planetary origin, A&A 551: A108, 2013
Borkovits T; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Király A; Forgács-Dajka E; Bíró IB; Bedding TR; Bryson ST; Huber D; Szabó R: Dynamical masses, absolute radii and 3D orbits of the triply eclipsing star HD 181068 from Kepler photometry, MNRAS, 428: 1656-1672, 2013
Freeman K; Ness M; Wylie-de-Boer E; Athanassoula E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis G; Yong D; Lane R; Kiss LL; Ibata R: ARGOS - II. The Galactic bulge survey, MNRAS 428: 3660-3670, 2013
Fuller J; Derekas A; Borkovits T; Huber D; Bedding TR; Kiss LL: Tidally induced oscillations and orbital decay in compact triple-star systems, MNRAS 429: 2425-2441, 2013
Szabados L; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Kovács J; Anderson RI; Kiss C; Szalai T; Székely P; Christiansen JL: Discovery of the spectroscopic binary nature of six southern Cepheids, MNRAS 430: 2018-2028, 2013
Ness M; Freeman K; Athanassoula E; Wylie-de-Boer E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Yong D; Lane RR; Kiss LL: ARGOS - III. Stellar populations in the Galactic bulge of the Milky Way, MNRAS 430: 836-857, 2013
Plachy E; Kolláth Z: Elimination of long-term variation from chaotic light curves, AN 334, 984, 2013
Szabó R; Szabó GyM; Dálya G; Simon AE; Hodosán G; Kiss LL: Multiple planets or exomoons in Kepler hot Jupiter systems with transit timing variations?, A&A 553, A17, 2013
Murphy SJ; Pigulski A; Kurtz DW; Suarez JC; Handler G; Balona LA; Smalley B; Uytterhoeven K; Szabó R; Thygesen AO; Elkin V; Breger M; Grigahcene A; Guzik JA; Nemec JM; Southworth J: An asteroseismic case-study of KIC 11754974: a high-amplitude SX Phe star in the Kepler field, MNRAS 432, 2284, 2013
Vida K, Oláh K; Szabó R: Looking for activity cycles in late-type Kepler stars using time–frequency analysis, MNRAS, in press, arXiv:1404.4359, 2014
Le Borgne JF; Poretti E; Klotz A; Denoux E; Smith A; Kolenberg K; Szabó R; Bryson S; Audejean M; Buil C; Caron J; Conseil E; Corp L; Drillaud C; de France T; Graham K; Hirosawa K; Klotz AN; Kugel F; Loughney D; Menzies K; Rodriguez M; Ruscitti PM: The historical vanishing of the Blazhko effect of RR Lyr from GEOS and Kepler surveys, MNRAS, in press, 2014
Rauer H; Catala C; Aerts C; Appourchaux T; Benz W; Brandeker A; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Deleuil M; Gizon L; Goupil M-J; Güdel M; Janot-Pacheco E; Mas-Hesse M; Pagano I; Piotto G; Pollacco D; Santos NC; Smith A; Suárez JC; Szabó R; Udry S; Adibekyan V; Alibert Y; Almenara J-M; Amaro-Seoane P; Ammler-von Eiff M; Asplund M; Antonello E; Ball W; Barnes S; Baudin F; Belkacem K; Bergemann M; Bihain G; Birch AC; Bonfils X; Boisse I; Bonomo AS; Borsa F; Brandão IM; Brocato E; Brun S; Burleigh M; Burston R; Cabrera J; Cassisi S; Chaplin W; Charpinet S; Chiappini C; Church RP; Csizmadia Sz; Cunha M; Damasso M; Davies MB; Deeg HJ; DÍaz RF; Dreizler S; Dreyer C; Eggenberger P; Ehrenreich D; Eigmüller P; Erikson A; Farmer R; Feltzing S; de Oliveira Fialho F; Figueira P; Forveille T; Fridlund M; García RA; Giommi P; Giuffrida G; Godolt M; Gomes da Silva J; Granzer T; Grenfell JL; Grotsch-Noels A; Günther E; Haswell CA; Hatzes AP; Hébrard G; Hekker S; Helled R; Heng K; Jenkins JM; Johansen A; Khodachenko ML; Kislyakova KG; Kley W; Kolb U; Krivova N; Kupka F; Lammer H; Lanza AF; Lebreton Y; Magrin D; Marcos-Arenal P; Marrese PM; Marques JP; Martins J; Mathis S; Mathur S; Messina S; Miglio A; Montalban J; Montalto M; Monteiro MJPFG; Moradi H; Moravveji E; Mordasini C; Morel T; Mortier A; Nascimbeni V; Nelson RP; Nielsen MB; Noack L; Norton AJ; Ofir A; Oshagh M; Ouazzani R-M; Pápics P; Parro VC; Petit P; Plez B; Poretti E; Quirrenbach A; Ragazzoni R; Raimondo G; Rainer M; Reese DR; Redmer R; Reffert S; Rojas-Ayala B; Roxburgh IW; Salmon S; Santerne A; Schneider J; Schou J; Schuh S; Schunker H; Silva-Valio A; Silvotti R; Skillen I; Snellen I; Sohl F; Sousa SG; Sozzetti A; Stello D; Strassmeier KG; Švanda M; Szabó GyM; Tkachenko A; Valencia D; van Grootel V; Vauclair SD; Ventura P; Wagner FW; Walton NA; Weingrill J; Werner SC; Wheatley PJ; Zwintz K: The PLATO 2.0 Mission, Experimental Astronomy, in press, arXiv:1310.0696, 2014
Szabó R; Ivezić Ž; Kiss LL; Kolláth Z; Jones L; Sesar B; Becker AC; Davenport JRA; Cutri RM: High-precision 2MASS JHKs light curves and other data for RR Lyrae star SDSS J015450+001501: strong constraints for non-linear pulsation models, ApJ, 780, 92, 2014
Szabó GyM; Simon AE; Kiss LL: Mapping a star with transits: orbit precession effects in the Kepler-13 system, MNRAS, 437, 1045, 2014
Bányai E; Kiss LL; Bedding TR; Benkő J; Bódi A; Callingham J; Compton D; Csányi I; Derekas A; Dorval J; Huber D; Simon AE; Stello D; Szabó GyM; Szabó R; Szatmáry K: Variability of M giant stars based on Kepler photometry: general characteristics, MNRAS, 436, 1576, 2013
Szabados L; Anderson RI; Derekas A; Kiss LL; Szalai T; Székely, P; Christiansen JL: Discovery of the spectroscopic binary nature of three bright southern Cepheids, MNRAS, 434, 870, 2013
Plachy E; Kolláth Z; Molnár L: Low-dimensional chaos in RR Lyrae models, MNRAS, 433, 3590, 2013
Molnár L; Szabados L; Dukes RJ; Győrffy Á; Szabó R: Analysis of the possible Blazhko-effect Cepheid V473 Lyrae, AN, 334, 980, 2013
Beck PG; Hambleton K; Vos J; Kallinger T; Bloemen S; Tkachenko A; García RA; Østensen RH; Aerts C; Kurtz DW; De Ridder J; Hekker S; Pavlovski K; Mathur S; De Smedt K; Derekas A; Corsaro E; Mosser B; Van Winckel H; Huber D; Degroote P; Davies GR; Prša A; Debosscher J; Elsworth Y; Nemeth P; Siess L; Schmid VS; Pápics PI; de Vries BL; van Marle AJ; Marcos-Arenal P; Lobel A: Pulsating red giant stars in eccentric binary systems discovered from Kepler space-based photometry, A sample study and the analysis of KIC 5006817, A&A 564, A36, 2014
Ness M; Freeman K; Athanassoula E; Wylie-de-Boer E; Bland-Hawthorn J; Asplund M; Lewis GF; Yong D; Lane RR; Kiss LL; Ibata R: ARGOS - IV. The kinematics of the Milky Way bulge, MNRAS, 432, 2092, 2013
Moór A; Szabó GyM; Kiss LL; Kiss Cs; Ábrahám P; Szulágyi J; Kóspál Á; Szalai T: Unveiling new members in five nearby young moving groups, MNRAS, 435, 1376, 2013
Molnár L; Szabó R; Kolenberg K; Borkovits T; Antoci V; Vida K; Ngeow CC; Guzik JA; Plachy E; Castanheira B: The Kep-Cont Mission: Continuing the observation of high-amplitude variable stars in the Kepler field of view, arXiv:1309.0740, 2013
Szabó R; Molnár L; Kołaczkowski Z; Moskalik P; Ivezić Ž; Udalski A; Szabados L; Kuehn C; Smolec R; Pigulski A; Bedding T; Ngeow CC; Guzik JA; Ostrowski J; De Cat P; Antoci V; Borkovits T; Soszyński I; Poleski R; Kozłowski Sz; Pietrukowicz P; Skowron J; Szczygieł D; Wyrzykowski Ł; Szymański M; Pietrzyński G; Ulaczyk K; Plachy E; Schou J; Evans NR; Kopaczki G: The Kepler-SEP Mission: Harvesting the South Ecliptic Pole large-amplitude variables with Kepler, Kepler White paper, arXiv:1309.0741, 2013
Derekas A; Borkovits T; Fuller J; Huber D; Lehmann H: HD 181068: A triply eclipsing system with intrinsically variable red giant component, EAS Publications Series, 64, 343–350, 2013
Csák B; Kovács J; Szabó GyM; Kiss LL; Dózsa Á; Sódor Á; Jankovics I: Affordable spectroscopy for 1m-class telescopes, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 43, 1–7, 2014
Szabados L: Pulsating stars -- plethora of variables and observational tasks, Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso 43, 338 – 350, 2014
Molnár L; Benkő JM; Szabó R; Kolláth Z: Kepler RR Lyrae stars: beyond period doubling, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 459, 2014
Bányai E; Kiss LL: Variability of M giant stars based on Kepler photometry: general characteristics, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 381, 2014
Plachy E; Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Benkő JM; Kolenberg K: On the interchange of alternating-amplitude pulsation cycles, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 473, 2014
Lampens P; Tkachenko A; Lehmann H; Debosscher J; Aerts C; Beck PG; Bloemen S; Kochiashvili N; Derekas A; Smith J; Tenenbaum P; Twicken J: Puzzling Low-Frequency Variations in the δ Scuti-type Kepler Star KIC 5988140 (HD 188774), ASP Conference Proceedings, 479, 99, 2013
Kolláth Z; Kránicz B: On the feasibility of inversion methods based on models of urban sky glow, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 139, 27-34., 2014
Nemec J; Cohen JG; Ripepi V; Derekas A; Moskalik P; Sesar B; Chadid M; Bruntt H: Metal Abundances, Radial Velocities, and Other Physical Characteristics for the RR Lyrae Stars in The Kepler Field, ApJ 773, 181, 2013
Benkő JM; Szabó R: Are RRab stars fully radial?, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 383, 2014
Evans NR; Szabó R; Szabados L; Derekas A; Matthews J; Cameron C: Subtle Flickering in Cepheids: Kepler and MOST, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 19, 2014
Szabó R: Blazhko effect in Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars, Proceedings of the IAU, 301, 241, 2014
Derekas A; Kiss LL; Borkovits T; Huber D; Lehmann H; Southworth J; Bedding TR; Balam D; Hartmann M; Hrudkova M; Ireland MJ; Kovács J; Mező Gy; Moór A; Niemczura E; Sarty G; Szabó GyM; Szabó R; Telting JH; Tkachenko A; Uytterhoeven K; Benkő J; Bryson ST; Maestro V; Simon A; Stello D; Schaefer G; Aerts C; ten Brummelaar TA; De Cat P; McAlister HA; Maceroni C; Merand A; Still M; Sturmann J; Sturmann L; Turner N; Tuthill PG; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Kjeldsen H; Quintana EV; Tenenbaum P; Twicken JD: HD 181068: A Red Giant in a Triply Eclipsing Compact Hierarchical Triple System, Science, 332: 216-218, 2011
Szabó R; Szabados L; Ngeow C-C; Smolec R; Derekas A; Moskalik P; Nuspl J; Lehmann H; Fűrész G; Molenda-Żakowicz J; Bryson ST; Henden AA; Kurtz DW; Stello D; Nemec JM; Benkő JM; Berdnikov L; Bruntt H; Evans NR; Gorynya NA; Pastukhova EN; Simcoe RJ; Grindlay JE; Los EJ; Doane A; Laycock SG; Mink DJ; Champine G; Sliski A; Handler G; Kiss LL; Kolláth Z; Kovács J; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Allen C; Thompson SE; van Cleve J: Cepheid investigations using the Kepler space telescope, MNRAS, 413: 2709-2720, 2011
Kolláth Z; Molnár L; Szabó R: Period doubling bifurcation and high-order resonances in RR Lyrae hydrodynamical models, MNRAS, 414: 1111-1118, 2011
Buchler JR; Kolláth Z: On the Blazhko effect in RR Lyrae stars, ApJ 731: 24, 2011
Benkő JM; Szabó R; Paparó M: Blazhko RR Lyrae light curves as modulated signals, MNRAS, 417: 974-991, 2011
Szabó GyM; Szabó R; Benkő JM; Lehmann H; Mező Gy; Simon AE; Kővári Zs; Hodosán G; Regály Zs; Kiss LL: Asymmetric transit curves as indication of orbital obliquity: clues from the brown dwarf companion in KOI-13, ApJL 736: L4 (6pp), 2011
Bíró IB; Nuspl J: Photometric mode identification methods of nonradial pulsations in eclipsing binaries I. - Dynamic Eclipse Mapping, MNRAS, 416: 1601-1615, 2011
Nemec JM; Smolec R; Benkő JM; Moskalik P; Kolenberg K; Szabó R; Kurtz DW; Bryson S; Guggenberger E; Chadid M; Jeon Y-B; Kunder A; Layden AC; Kinemuchi K; Kiss LL; Poretti E; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Caldwell D; Ripepi V; Derekas A; Nuspl J; Mullally F; Thompson SE; Borucki WJ: Fourier analysis of non-Blazhko ab-type RR Lyr stars observed with the Kepler space telescope, MNRAS, 417: 1022-1053, 2011
Guggenberger E; Kolenberg K; Poretti E; Chapellier E; Szabó R; Benkő JM; Paparó M: The CoRoT star 105288363: strong cycle to cycle changes of the Blazhko modulation, MNRAS, 415: 1577-1589, 2011
Breger M; Balona L; Lenz P; Hollek JK; Kurtz DW; Catanzaro G; Marconi M; Pamyatnykh AA; Smalley B; Suarez JC; Szabó R; Uytterhoeven K; Ripepi V; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Fanelli MN; Ibrahim KA; Uddin K: Regularities in frequency spacings of delta Scuti stars: the Kepler star KIC 9700322, MNRAS, 414 1721-1731, 2011
Balona LA; Pigulski A; De Cat P; Handler G; Gutierrez-Soto J; Engelbrecht CA; Frescura F; Briquet M; Cuypers J; Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J; Degroote P; Dukes RJ; Garcia RA; Green EM; Heber U; Kawaler S; Lehmann H; Leroy B; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Neiner C; Noels A; Nuspl J; Ostensen R; Pricopi D; Roxburgh I; Salmon S; Smith MA; Suarez JC; Suran M; Szabó R; Uytterhoeven K; Borucki WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Koch DG: Kepler observations of variability in B-type stars, MNRAS, 413: 2403-2420, 2011
Stello D; Huber D; Kallinger T; Basu S; Mosser B; Hekker S; Mathur S; Garcia RA; Bedding TR; Kjeldsen H; Gilliland RL; Verner GA; Chaplin WJ; Benomar O; Meibom S; Grundahl F; Elsworth YP; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Szabó R; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Tennenbaum P; Twicken JD; Uddin K: Amplitudes of solar-like oscillations: constraints from red giants in open clusters observed by Kepler, ApJL 737: L10 (6pp), 2011
Stello D; Meibom S; Gilliland RL; Grundahl F; Hekker S; Mosser B; Kallinger T; Mathur S; Garcia RA; Huber D; Basu S; Bedding TR; Brogaard K; Chaplin WJ; Elsworth YP; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Szabó R; Still M; Jenkins JM; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Serenelli AM; Wohler B: An asteroseismic membership study of the red giants in three open clusters observed by Kepler: NGC 6791, NGC 6819, and NGC 6811, ApJ, 739: 13 (13pp), 2011
Uytterhoeven K; Moya A; Grigahcene A; Guzik JA; Gutierrez-Soto J; Smalley B; Handler G; Balona LA; Niemczura E; Fox Machado L; Benatti S; Chapellier E; Tkachenko A; Szabó R; Suarez JC; Ripepi V; Pascual J; Mathias P; Martin-Ruiz S; Lehmann H; Jackiewicz J; Hekker S; Gruberbauer M; Garcia RA; Dumusque X; Diaz-Fraile D; Bradley P; Antoci V; Roth M; Leroy B; Murphy SJ; De Cat P; Cuypers J; Kjeldsen H; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Breger M; Pigulski A; Kiss LL; Still M; Thompson SE; Van Cleve J: The Kepler characterization of the variability amongst A- and F-type stars I. General analysis, A&A 534: A125 (70pp), 2011
Paparó M; Chadid M; Chapellier E; Benkő JM; Szabó R; Kolenberg K; Guggenberger E; Regály Zs; Auvergne M; Baglin A; Weiss WW: Periodicity search as a tool for disentangling the contaminated colour light curve of CoRoT 102781750, A&A 531: A135 (12pp), 2011
Hekker S; Basu S; Stello D; Kallinger T; Grundahl F; Mathur S; Garcia RA; Mosser B; Huber D; Bedding TR; Szabó R; De Ridder J; Chaplin WJ; Elsworth Y; Hale SJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Still M; McCauliff S; Quintana EV: Asteroseismic inferences on red giants in open clusters NGC 6791, NGC 6819 and NGC 6811 using Kepler, A&A 530: A100 (9pp), 2011
Miglio A; Brogaard K; Chaplin WJ; D'Antona F; Montalban J; Stello D; Basu S; Bressan A; Grundahl F; Serenelli AM; Elsworth Y; Hekker S; Kallinger T; Mosser B; Ventura P; Bonanno A; Noels A; Pinsonneault M; Szabó R; Silva-Aguirre V; Li J; McCauliff S; Middour C; Kjeldsen H: Asteroseismology of old open clusters with Kepler: direct estimate of the integrated RGB mass loss in NGC 6791 and NGC 6819, MNRAS 419:2077-2088, 2012
Derekas A; Szabó GyM; Berdnikov L; Szabó R; Smolec R; Kiss LL; Szabados L; Chadid M; Evans NR: Kinemuchi K; Nemec JM; Seader SE; Smith JC; Tenenbaum P: Period and light curve fluctuations of the Kepler Cepheid V1154 Cyg, MNRAS, 425:1312-1319, 2012
Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Szabó R: Can turbulent convective variations drive the Blazhko cycle? Dynamical investigation of the Stothers idea, MNRAS 424:31-37, 2012
Molnár L; Kolláth Z; Szabó R: Uncovering hidden modes in RR Lyrae stars, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Series 31:185, 2013
Szabó R; Kolláth Z; Molnár L; Kolenberg K; Kurtz DW; WG#13 members: Period doubling in Kepler RR Lyrae stars, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings series 31:81, 2013
Plachy E; Kolláth Z; Molnár L: Detection of chaos in RR Lyrae models, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Series Supp. Mat. P14, 2013
Szabó GyM; Pál A; Derekas A; Simon AE; Szalai T; Kiss LL: Spin-orbit resonance, transit duration variation and possibe secular perturbations in KOI-13, MNRAS 421:L122-L126, 2012
Kipping DM; Hartman J; Bakos GÁ; Torres G; Latham DW; Bayliss D; Kiss LL; Sato B; Béky B; Kovács G.; Quinn SN; Buchhave LA; Andersen J; Marcy GW; Howard AW; Fischer DA; Johnson JA; Noyes RW; Sasselov DD; Stefanik RP; Lázár J; Papp I; Sári P; Fűrész G: HAT-P-31b,c: A Transiting, Eccentric, Hot Jupiter and a Long-period, Massive Third Body, AJ, 142: 95 (12pp), 2011
Béky B; Bakos GÁ; Hartman J; Torres G; Latham DW; Jordán A; Arriagada P; Bayliss D; Kiss LL; Kovács G; Quinn SN; Marcy GW; Howard AW; Fischer DA; Johnson JA; Esquerdo GA; Noyes RW; Buchhave LA; Sasselov DD; Stefanik RP; Perumpilly G; Lázár J; Papp I; Sári P: HAT-P-27b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a G Star on a 3 Day Orbit, ApJ 734: 109 (11pp), 2011
Pál A; Sárneczky K; Szabó GyM; Szing A; Kiss LL; Mező Gy; Regály Zs: Transit timing variations in the HAT-P-13 planetary system, MNRAS, 413: 43-46, 2011
Szabó GyM; Kiss LL: A Short-period Censor of Sub-Jupiter Mass Exoplanets with Low Density, ApJL 727: 44 (4pp), 2011
Ngeow C-C; Szabó R; Szabados L; Henden A; Groenewegen MAT; the Kepler Cepheid Working Group: Ground-Based BVRI Follow-Up Observations of the Cepheid V1154 Cyg in Kepler’s Field, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings Series, 2013


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