Quantum optical and quantum information processing networks and their nonclassical properties
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András Gilyén, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex: Exponential Sensitivity and its Cost in Quantum Physics, Scientific Reports 6, 20076, 2016 | Molnár E, Varga A, Mogyorosi G, Adam P: Quantum state engineering with linear optical tools, Kvantumelektronika 2014: VII. Szimpózium a hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményeiről. P14., 2014 | Szarvas T, Kis Zs: Hullámterjedés modellezése periodikusan strukturált felületű dielektrikumokban, Kvantumelektronika 2014: VII. Szimpózium a hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményeiről. P02., 2014 | G. Tóth and I. Apellaniz: Quantum metrology from a quantum information science perspective, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47, 424006, 2014 | N. Behbood, F. Martin Ciurana, G. Colangelo, M. Napolitano, G. Tóth, R.J. Sewell, M.W. Mitchell: Generation of macroscopic singlet states in a cold atomic ensemble, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 093601, 2014 | C. Schwemmer, G. Tóth, A. Niggebaum, T. Moroder, D. Gross, O. Gühne, and H. Weinfurter: Experimental Comparison of Efficient Tomography Schemes for a Six-Qubit State, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 040503, 2014 | B. Lücke, J. Peise, G. Vitagliano, J. Arlt, L. Santos, G. Tóth, and C. Klempt: Detecting multiparticle entanglement of Dicke states, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 155304, 2014 | Schreiber A, Gábris A, Rohde PP, Laiho K, Štefaňak M, Potoček V, Hamilton C, Jex I, Silberhorn C: Simulations of two-particle interactions with 2D quantum walks in time, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1633: pp. 204-209., 2014 | Eltschka, Christopher and Tóth, Géza and Siewert, Jens: Partial transposition as a direct link between concurrence and negativity, Physical Review A, 91, 032327, 2015 | Tóth, Géza and Moroder, Tobias and Gühne, Otfried: Evaluating convex roof entanglement measures, Physical review letters 114, 160501, 2015 | Iagoba Apellaniz and Bernd Lücke and Jan Peise and Carsten Klempt and Géza Tóth: Detecting metrologically useful entanglement in the vicinity of Dicke states, New Journal of Physics, 17, 083027, 2015 | C. Budroni, G. Vitagliano, G. Colangelo, R. J. Sewell, O. Gühne, G. Tóth, and M. W. Mitchell: Quantum Nondemolition Measurement Enables Macroscopic Leggett-Garg Tests, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 200403, 2015 | P. Sinkovicz, Z. Kurucz, T. Kiss, and J. K. Asbóth: Quantized recurrence time in unital iterated open quantum dynamics, Phys. Rev. A 91, 042108, 2015 | Stefanak M, Barnett SM, Kollar B, Kiss T, Jex I: Directional correlations in quantum walks with two particles., NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 13: Paper 033029, 2011 | Lavicka H, Potocek V, Kiss T, Lutz E, Jex I: Quantum walk with jumps., EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D 64:(1) pp. 119-129. (2011), 2011 | Kiss T, Vymětal S, Tóth L D, Gábris A, Jex I, Alber G: Measurement-Induced Chaos with Entangled States, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 107:(10) Paper 100501. p. 4 (2011), 2011 | Kálmán O, Kiss T, Fortágh J, Domokos P: Quantum Galvanometer by Interfacing a Vibrating Nanowire and Cold Atoms., NANO LETTERS 12, 435-439, 2012 | Brougham T, Kost ak V, Jex I, Andersson E, Kiss T: Entanglement preparation using symmetric multiports, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D 61:(1) pp. 231-236. (2011), 2011 | Adam P, Darazs Z, Kiss T, Mechler M: Double self-Kerr scheme for optical Schrodinger-cat state preparation., PHYSICA SCRIPTA T143: Paper 014002. (2011), 2011 | Schreiber A, Cassemiro K. N. , Potoček V, Gábris A, Jex I and Silberhorn Ch: Decoherence and disorder in quantum walks: From ballistic spread to localization, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 180403 (2011), 2011 | Koniorczyk M, Szabó L, Adam P: Hardy’s paradox and the entanglementlike structure of forward-scattered waves, Phys. Rev. A 84, 044102 (2011), 2011 | Vitagliano G, Hyllus P, Egusquiza I L, Tóth G: Spin Squeezing Inequalities for Arbitrary Spin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 240502 (2011), 2011 | Tóth G: Multipartite entanglement and high precision metrology, Phys. Rev. A, 85, 022322, 2012 | A. Schreiber, A. Gábris, P. P. Rohde, K. Laiho, M. Štefaňák, V. Potoček, C. Hamilton, I. Jex, and Ch. Silberhorn: A 2D Quantum Walk Simulation of Two-Particle Dynamics, Science 336, 55, 2012 | B. Kollar, T. Kiss, J. Novotny, I. Jex.: Asymptotic Dynamics of Coined Quantum Walks on Percolation Graphs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 230505, 2012 | G. Nyitray and Z. Kis: Self-confining waves, J. Mod. Optics v59, 1558-1568, 2012 | Ádám P, Szabó L, Mechler M, Koniorczyk M: Forward-scattered wave analysis of an optical Hardy-like setup, Phys Scr; T147, 014001/1-4, 2012 | Hyllus P, Pezzé L, Smerzi A, Tóth G: Entanglement and extreme spin squeezing for a fluctuating number of indistinguishable particles, Phys Rev A; 86, 012337/1-11, 2012 | Moroder T, Hyllus P, Tóth G, Schwemmer C, Niggebaum A, Gaile S., Gühne O, Weinfurter H: Permutationally invariant state reconstruction, New J Phys; 14, 105001/1-25, 2012 | Zsolt Kis, Gabor Demeter, and Jozsef Janszky: Pulse propagation in a dressed, degenerate system, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B / Vol. 30, No. 4, 829, 2013 | Zoltán Darázs, Tamás Kiss: Time evolution of continuous-time quantum walks on dynamical percolation graphs, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 375305, 2013 | Kruse R, Katzschmann F, Christ A, Schreiber A, Wilhelm S, Laiho K, Gábris A, Hamilton CS, Jex I, Silberhorn C: Spatio-spectral characteristics of parametric down-conversion in waveguide arrays, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 15: Paper 083046, 2013 | Urizar-Lanz I, Hyllus P, Egusquiza IL, Mitchell MW, Tóth G: Macroscopic singlet states for gradient magnetometry, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 88:(1) Paper 013626. 13 p., 2013 | Tóth G, Petz D: Extremal properties of the variance and the quantum Fisher information, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 87:(3) Paper 032324. 11 p., 2013 | Bálint Kollár, Jaroslav Novotny, Tamás Kiss, Igor Jex: Percolation induced effects in two-dimensional coined quantum walks: analytic asymptotic solutions, New Journal of Physics 16, 023002, 2014 | B. Kollár, M. Koniorczyk: Entropy rate of message sources driven by quantum walks, Phys. Rev. A 89, 022338, 2014 | Giuseppe Vitagliano, Iagoba Apellaniz, Iñigo L. Egusquiza, and Géza Tóth: Spin squeezing and entanglement for an arbitrary spin, Phys. Rev. A 89, 032307, 2014 | Z. Darázs, Z. Kurucz, O. Kálmán, T. Kiss, J. Fortágh, and P. Domokos: Parametric Amplification of the Mechanical Vibrations of a Suspended Nanowire by Magnetic Coupling to a Bose-Einstein Condensate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 133603, 2014 | Adam P, Andreev VA, Janszky J, Man'Ko MA, Man'Ko VI: Tensor-product representation of qubits and tensor realization of one-qubit operators, PHYSICA SCRIPTA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS 87:(T153) Paper 014001. 3 p., 2013 | Adam P, Andreev VA, Ghiu I, Isar A, Man'ko MA, Man'ko VI: Wigner Functions and Spin Tomograms for Qubit States, JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN LASER RESEARCH 35:(1) pp. 3-13., 2014 | Szalay V, Ádám P.: Variational properties of the discrete variable representation: discrete variable representation via effective operators., J Chem Phys. 2012 Aug 14;137(6):064118., 2012 | Kollár B, Kiss T, Jex I: Strongly trapped two-dimensional quantum walks, PHYS REV A 91: (2) , 2015 | Kollar B, Novotny J, Kiss T, Jex I: Discrete time quantum walks on percolation graphs, EUR PHYS J PLUS 129: (5) , 2014 | Darázs Z, Anishchenko A, Kiss T, Blumen A, Mülken O: Transport properties of continuous-time quantum walks on Sierpinski fractals, PHYS REV E STAT NONLIN 90: (3) , 2014 | Adam P, Andreev VA, Janszky J, Man'ko MA, Man'ko VI: Preparation of tensor-product representation of qubits, PHYSICA SCRIPTA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS T160: 014001, 2014 | Adam P, Mechler M, Szalay V, Koniorczyk M: Intelligent states for a number-operator–annihilation-operator uncertainty relation, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 89:(6) 062108, 2014 | Adam P, Mechler M , Santa I, Koniorczyk M: Optimization of periodic single-photon sources, PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90:(5) 053834, 2014 | Adam P, Andreev VA, Ghiu I, Isar A, Man'ko MA, Man'ko VI: Finite Phase Space, Wigner Functions, and Tomography for Two-Qubit States, JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN LASER RESEARCH 35:(5) pp. 427-436., 2014 | Adam P, Mechler M, Szalay V, Molnar E, Koniorczyk M: Intelligent states for number operator-annihilation operator uncertainty relation, Kvantumelektronika 2014: VII. Szimpózium a hazai kvantumelektronikai kutatások eredményeiről. P63., 2014 |





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