Effects of programmed cell death inhibition in plants on disease resistance to biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogens
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Király L., Nádai, T., Künstler,: Elevated antioxidant capacity and programmed cell death inhibition in a superoxide tolerant tobacco is associated with enhanced susceptibility to systemic virus infection., XVI. International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Rhodes, Greece. Abstract, CS-20.3., 2014 | Künstler, A., Füzék, K., Márfi-Bacsó, R., Király L.: Enhanced, heat-induced susceptibility of barley to Bipolaris sorokiniana is marked by increased levels of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide and elevated PR-1b expression., XVI. International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Rhodes, Greece. Abstract, P009., 2014 | Viczián, O., Künstler, A., Hafez, Y.M., Király, L.: Catalases may play different roles in influencing resistance to virus-induced hypersensitive necrosis., Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hung. 49, 189–200., 2014 | Barna, B., Bittsánszky, A., Viczián, O., Király, L., Fodor, J., Gullner, G., Kőmíves, T., Király, Z.: Biotic and abiotic stress-tolerant plants with elevated antioxidant capacity., Agrisafe Final Conference, Budapest, Hungary. Proceedings, pp. 227-230, 2011 | Bacsó, R., Hafez, Y.M., Király, Z., Király, L.: Inhibition of virus replication and symptom expression by reactive oxygen species in tobacco infected with Tobacco mosaic virus., Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hung. 46, 1-10, 2011 | Juhász, Cs., Künstler A., Király, L., Almási, A., Tóbiás I., Gullner, G.: Up-regulation of genes encoding PR-proteins, lipoxygenases and a patatin-like lipase in pepper leaves inoculated with tobamoviruses., International Joint Workshop on PR-Proteins and Induced Resistance, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Abstract, p. 84, Poster No. 26, 2011 | Király, L., Hafez, Y.M., Bacsó, R., Künstler, A., Király, Z.: Resistance to disease symptoms in tobacco induced by pretreatment with low concentrations of H2O2., 10th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, Budapest, Hungary. Abstract, p. 241, L-59, 2011 | Király, L., Künstler, A., Juhász, Cs., Zechmann, B., Müller, M., Gullner, G.: Sulfate-induced resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus infection in tobacco is correlated with the induction of pathogenesis-related and antioxidant genes., International Joint Workshop on PR-Proteins and Induced Resistance, Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Abstract, p. 85, Poster No. 27, 2011 | Kolozsvári Nagy, J., Király, L., Schwarczinger, I.: Phage therapy for plant disease control with a focus on fire blight., Central Eur. J. Biol. 7, 1-12, 2012 | Gullner, G., Künstler, A., Juhász, Cs., Zechmann, B., Király, L.: A kéntartalmú anyagokkal indukált rezisztencia molekuláris alapjainak vizsgálata dohány mozaik vírussal fertőzött dohánynövényekben., I. ATK Tudományos Nap, Martonvásár, Előadáskivonatok, p. 19., 2012 | Hafez, Y.M., Bacsó, R., Király, Z., Künstler, A., Király, L.: Up-regulation of antioxidants in tobacco by low concentrations of H2O2 suppresses necrotic disease symptoms., Phytopathology, 102, 848-856., 2012 | Király, L., Künstler, A., Angel, C., Schoelz, J.: Az N vírus rezisztencia gén fogékonysági faktorként működik dohány nekrózis vírussal (TNV) fertőzött Nicotiana benthamiana-ban., I. ATK Tudományos Nap, Martonvásár, Előadáskivonatok, p. 21., 2012 | Király, L., Künstler, A., Angel, C., Schoelz, J.: The virus resistance gene N functions as a susceptibility factor in Nicotiana benthamiana during infection by Tobacco necrosis virus., FESPB-EPSO Plant Biology Congress, Freiburg, Germany. Abstract, p. 703, poster P-10-017., 2012 | Király, L., Künstler, A., Höller, K., Fattinger, M., Juhász, Cs., M., Müller, M., Gullner, G., Zechmann, B.: Sulfate supply influences compartment specific glutathione metabolism and confers enhanced resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus during a hypersensitive response., Plant Physiol. Biochem. 59, 44-54., 2012 | Király, L., Künstler, A., Bacsó, R., Hafez, Y.M., Király, Z.: Similarities and differences in plant and animal immune systems – What is inhibiting pathogens?, Acta Phytopathol. Entomol. Hung. 48, 187-206, 2013 | Király, L., Künstler, A., Hafez, Y.M., Király, Z., Bacsó, R.: Heat-induced susceptibility of barley to a biotrophic and a hemibiotrophic pathogen – differential changes in superoxide levels., 11th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, Warsaw, Poland. Abstract. BioTechnologia 94, 179, 2013 | Király, L., Nádai, T., Künstler, A.: Egy szuperoxid (paraquat) toleráns, nagy antioxidáns kapacitású dohány fokozott fogékonysága szisztemikus vírusfertőzéssel szemben., 60. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Előadáskivonatok, p. 103, 2014 | Künstler, A., Füzék, K., Király, L.: Hőkezeléssel indukált fokozott fogékonyság árpában egy hemibiotróf gombával (Bipolaris sorokiniana) szemben., 60. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Előadáskivonatok, p. 51, 2014 | Künstler, A., Lantos, F., Király, Z., Király, L.: Powdery mildew resistance graft-transmitted from cherry pepper to sweet pepper correlates with superoxide accumulation., 11th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, Warsaw, Poland. Abstract. BioTechnologia 94, 181, 2013 |
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