Magnetic, mechanical and thermal properties of alloys and their surfaces
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L. Rózsa, L. Udvardi, and L. Szunyogh, J: Relativistic and thermal effects on the magnon spectrum of a ferromagnetic monolayer, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 506002, 2013 | C.J. Aas, P.J. Hasnip, R. Cuadrado, E.M. Plotnikova, L. Szunyogh, L. Udvardi, R.W. Chantrell: Exchange coupling and magnetic anisotropy at Fe/FePt interfaces, Phys. Rev. B 88, 174409, 2013 | Deák A, Szunyogh L and Ujfalussy B: Thickness-dependent magnetic structure of ultrathin Fe/Ir(001) films: From spin-spiral states toward ferromagnetic order, Physical Review B; 84, 224413- 224422, 2011 | R. Yanes, J. Jackson, L. Udvardi, L. Szunyogh and U. Nowak: Exchange Bias driven by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 217202, 2013 | A. Szilva, M. Costa, A. Bergman, L. Szunyogh, L. Nordström, and O. Eriksson: Interatomic exchange interactions in non-collinear magnets, Phy. Rev. Lett. 111, 127204, 2013 | Zhang H, Marko* P. Punkkinen J, Johansson* B, Vitos L: Elastic parameters of paramagnetic iron-based alloys from first-principles calculations, Physical Review B; 85, 054107, 2012, 2012 | Al-Zoubi N, Skorodumova N V, Medvedeva A, Andersson J, Nilson G, Johansson* B and Vitos L: Tetragonality of carbon-doped ferromagnetic iron alloys: A first-principles study, Physical Review B; 85, 014112, 2012 | Delczeg L, Johansson B, and Vitos L: Ab initio description of mono-vacancies in austenitic stainless steels, Physical Review B; 85, 174101, 2012 | Vajna Sz, Simon E, Szilva A, Palotas K, Ujfalussy B,and Szunyogh L: Higher-order contributions to the Rashba-Bychkov effect with application to the Bi/Ag(111) surface alloy, Physical Review B; 85, 075404-075411, 2012, 2012 | Delczeg-Czirjak E K, Gercsi Z, Bergqvist L, Eriksson O, Szunyogh L, Nordblad P, Johansson B and Vitos L: Magnetic exchange interactions in B-, Si- and As-doped Fe2P from first principles theory, Physical Review B; 85, 224435, 2012 | Delczeg-Czirjak K, Bergqvist L, Eriksson O, Gercsi Z, Nordblad P, Szunyogh L, Johansson B, and Vitos L: Microscopic theory of magnetism in the magnetocaloric material Fe2P1−xTx (T=B and Si), Physical Review B; 86, 045126, 2012, 2012 | Hoffmann M, Marmodoro A, Nurmi E, Kokko K, Vitos L, Ernst A, and Hergert W: Elastic anomalies and long/short range ordering effects: a first-principles investigations of the AgcPd1−c solid solution, Physical Review B; 86, 094106, 2012 | Tian, Fuyang; Delczeg, Lorand; Chen, Nanxian;Varga, LK ; Shen, J ; Vitos, L: Structural stability of NiCoFeCrAlx high-entropy alloy from ab initio theory, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 085128, 2013 | Li, Xiaoqing; Schonecker, Stephan; Zhao, Jijun; Johansson, B; Vitos, L: Ideal strength of random alloys from first principles, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 214203, 2013 | Lu, Song; Hu, Qing-Miao; Punkkinen, Marko P. J.;Johansson, B. ; Vitos, L: First-principles study of fcc-Ag/bcc-Fe interfaces, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 224104, 2013 | Li, CM; Hu, QM; Yang, R; Johansson, B; Vitos, L: Magnetic ordering and physical stability of X2Mn1+xSn1-x (X = Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Ni, Pd, Cu, and Ag) Heusler alloys from a first-principles study, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 014109, 2013 | C.J. Aas, P.J. Hasnip, R. Cuadrado, E.M. Plotnikova, L. Szunyogh, L. Udvardi, R.W. Chantrell: Exchange coupling and magnetic anisotropy at Fe/FePt interfaces, Phys. Rev. B 88, 174409, 2013 | R. Yanes, J. Jackson, L. Udvardi, L. Szunyogh and U. Nowak: Exchange Bias driven by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 217202, 2013 | A. Szilva, M. Costa, A. Bergman, L. Szunyogh, L. Nordström, and O. Eriksson: Interatomic exchange interactions in non-collinear magnets, Phy. Rev. Lett. 111, 127204, 2013 | E. Airiskallio, E. Nurmi, I. J. Väyrynen, and K. Kokko, M. Ropo, M. P. J. Punkkinen, B. Johansson, and L. Vitos: Magnetic origin of chemical balance in alloyed Fe-Cr stainless steels: first-principles and Ising model study, Computational Materials Science 92, 135-140, 2014 | J. H. Dai, Y. Song, W. Li, R. Yang, and L. Vitos: Influence of alloying elements Nb, Zr, Sn, and oxygen on structural stability and elastic properties of Ti2448 alloy, Phys. Rev. B 89, 014103, 2014 | inho Jo, Yang Mo Koo, Byeong-Joo Lee, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos, and Se Kyun Kwon: Theory for Plasticity of Face-centered Cubic Metals, PNAS 111, 6560-6565, 2014 | E. K. Delczeg-Czirjak, A. Edström, J. Rusz, N. V. Skorodumova, L. Vitos, and O. Eriksson: Stabilization of the tetragonal distortion of FexCo1−x alloys by impurities - a potential new permanent magnet, Physical Review B 89, 144403, 2014 | Wei Li, Song Lu, Se Kyun Kwon, Qing-Miao Hu, Börje Johansson, and Levente Vitos: Generalized stacking fault energies of alloys, ournal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 265005, 2014 | Fuyang Tian, Lajos Karoly Varga, Nanxian Chen, Jiang Shen, and Levente Vitos: Ab initio design of elastically isotropic TiZrNbMoVx high-entropy alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 599, 19-15, 2014 | Fuyang Tian Lajos K. Varga, Nanxian Chen, Jiang Shen, and Levente Vitos: Empirical design of single phase high-entropy alloys with high hardness, Intermetallics 58, 1-6, 2015 | Mikhail Kuzmin, Marko P. J. Punkkinen, Pekka Laukkanen, Jouko J. K. Lång, Johnny Dahl, Levente Vitos, and Kalevi Kokko: Atomic-Level Understanding of Interfaces in the Synthesis of Crystalline Oxides on Semiconductors: Sr- and Ba/Si(100)(2x3) Reconstructions, J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 1894-1902, 2014 | H. Levämäki, M.P.J. Punkkinen, K. Kokko, and L. Vitos: Flexibility of the quasi-non-uniform exchange-correlation approximation, Physical Review B 89, 115107, 2014 | Song Lu, Qing-Miao Hu, Marko P. J. Punkkinen, Börje Johansson, and Levente Vitos: Magnetic effect on the interfacial energy of the Ni(111)/Cr(110) interface, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 355001, 2014 | Ujfalussy, B; Simon, E: Exchange interaction between magnetic impurities on surfaces of CuxPd1-x and CuxAu1-x random substitutional alloys, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 26, 274211, 2014 | Simon, E.; Palotas, K.; Ujfalussy, B: Spin-correlations and magnetic structure in an Fe monolayer on 5d transition metal surfaces, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, 26, 186001, 2014 | Samolyuk, G. D.; Ujfalussy, B.; Stocks, G. M.: The distribution alloying elements in alnico 8 and 9 magnets: Site preference of ternary Ti, Fe, Co, and Ni additions in DO3 Fe3Al, Co3Al, and Ni3Al based intermetallic phases, J. App. Phys. 116,173908, 2014 | J. Kudrnovský, V. Drchal, L. Bergqvist, J. Rusz, I. Turek, B. Újfalussy, and I. Vincze: Unified approach to electronic, thermodynamical, and transport properties of Fe3Si and Fe3Al alloys, Phys. Rev. B 90, 134408, 2014 | N. Al-Zoubi, M. P. J. Punkkinen, B. Johansson and L. Vitos: Influence of Magnesium on hydrogenated ScAl1-xMgx alloys: a theoretical study, Computational Materials Science 50, 2848-2853, 2011 | M.P.J. Punkkinen, S. K. Kwon, J. Kollár, B. Johansson, and L. Vitos: Compressive surface stress in magnetic transition metals, Physical Review Letters 106, 057202, 2011 | F. Beiuseanu, C. Horea, E.-V. Macocian, T. Jurcut, L. Vitos, L. Chioncel: Absence of half-metallicity in defect-free Cr, Mn-delta-doped Digital Magnetic Heterostructures, Physical Review B 83, 125107, 2011 | Song Lu, Qing-Miao Hu, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos: Composition and orientation dependence of the interfacial energy in Fe-Cr stainless steel alloys, Physica Status Solidi (b) 248, 2087–2090, 2011 | Hualei Zhang, Noura Al-Zoubi, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos: Alloying effects on the elastic parameters of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic Fe from first-principles theory, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 073707, 2011 | Chun-Mei Li, Hu-Bin Luo, Qing-Miao Hu, Rui Yang, Börje Johansson, and Levente Vitos: Site preference and elastic properties of Fe-, Co- and Cu-doped Ni2MnGa shape memory alloys from first principles, Physical Review B 84, 024206, 2011 | N. Al-Zoubi, B. Johansson, G. Nilson, and L. Vitos: The Bain path of paramagnetic Fe-Cr based alloys, Journal of Applied Physics 110, 013708, 2011 | Deak A, Szunyogh L, Ujfalussy B: Thickness dependent magnetic structure of ultrathin Fe/Ir(001) films: from spin-spiral states towards ferromagnetic order, Physical Review B, 2011 | Hualei Zhang, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos: Density-functional study of paramagnetic Fe, Physical Review B 84, 140411(R), 2011 | Kádas K, Ahuja R, Johansson** B, Eriksson* O, Vitos L: Theoretical prediction of the elastic properties of body-centered cubic Fe-Ni-Mg alloys under extreme conditions, Philosophical Magazine; 92, 888-898, 2012, 2012 | Zhang H, Johansson B, Ahuja R and Vitos L: First-principles study of solid-solution hardening in steel alloys, Computational Materials Science; 55, 269-272, 2012, 2012 | Zhang H, Marko* P. Punkkinen J, Johansson* B, Vitos L: Elastic parameters of paramagnetic iron-based alloys from first-principles calculations, Physical Review B; 85, 054107, 2012, 2012 | Al-Zoubi N, Skorodumova N V, Medvedeva A, Andersson J, Nilson G, Johansson* B and Vitos L: Tetragonality of carbon-doped ferromagnetic iron alloys: A first-principles study, Physical Review B; 85, 014112, 2012, 2012 | Lu S, Hu Q-M, Krisztina E, Delczeg-Czirjak K, Johansson* B, and Vitos L: Determining the minimum grain size in severe plastic deformation process via first-principles calculation, Acta Materialia; 60, 4506-4513, 2012, 2012 | Delczeg L, Johansson B, and Vitos L: Ab initio description of mono-vacancies in austenitic stainless steels, Physical Review B; 85, 174101, 2012, 2012 | Vajna Sz, Simon E, Szilva A, Palotas K, Ujfalussy B,and Szunyogh L: Higher-order contributions to the Rashba-Bychkov effect with application to the Bi/Ag(111) surface alloy, Physical Review B; 85, 075404-075411, 2012, 2012 | Delczeg-Czirjak E K, Gercsi Z, Bergqvist L, Eriksson O, Szunyogh L, Nordblad P, Johansson B and Vitos L: Magnetic exchange interactions in B-, Si- and As-doped Fe2P from first principles theory, Physical Review B; 85, 224435, 2012, 2012 | Delczeg-Czirjak K, Bergqvist L, Eriksson O, Gercsi Z, Nordblad P, Szunyogh L, Johansson B, and Vitos L: Microscopic theory of magnetism in the magnetocaloric material Fe2P1−xTx (T=B and Si), Physical Review B; 86, 045126, 2012, 2012 | Deák A, Szunyogh L and Ujfalussy B: Thickness-dependent magnetic structure of ultrathin Fe/Ir(001) films: From spin-spiral states toward ferromagnetic order, Physical Review B; 84, 224413- 224422, 2011, 2011 | Hoffmann M, Marmodoro A, Nurmi E, Kokko K, Vitos L, Ernst A, and Hergert W: Elastic anomalies and long/short range ordering effects: a first-principles investigations of the AgcPd1−c solid solution, Physical Review B; 86, 094106, 2012, 2012 | Okada, M ; Rotenberg, E; Kevan, SD; Schafer, J; Ujfalussy, B; Stocks, GM; Genatempo, B; Bruno; E, Plummer, EW: Evolution of the electronic structure in Mo1-xRex alloys, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 2013 | Punkkinen, M. P. J.; Kokko, K.; Levamaki, H;Ropo, M (Ropo, M.); Lu, S (Lu, S.); Delczeg, L ; Zhang, HL; Delczeg-Czirjak, EK; Johansson, B; Vitos, L: Adhesion of the iron-chromium oxide interface from first-principles theory, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 49 495501, 2013 | Narsu, B.; Wang, Gui-Sheng; Johansson, B.; Vitos, L: Large magneto-chemical-elastic coupling in highly magnetostrictive Fe-Ga alloys, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 103, 231903, 2013 | Wang, Guisheng; Hu, Qing-Miao; Kokko, Kalevi;Johansson, Borje; Vitos, Levente: Ab initio investigation of the elastic properties of Ni3Fe, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 2013 | Tian, Fuyang; Delczeg, Lorand; Chen, Nanxian;Varga, LK ; Shen, J ; Vitos, L: Structural stability of NiCoFeCrAlx high-entropy alloy from ab initio theory, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 085128, 2013 | By: Schonecker, S.; Kwon, S. K.; Johansson, B.; Vitos L.: Surface parameters of ferritic iron-rich Fe-Cr alloy, J. Phys. Condens. Matetter, 25,305002, 2013 | Li, Xiaoqing; Schonecker, Stephan; Zhao, Jijun; Johansson, B; Vitos, L: Ideal strength of random alloys from first principles, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 214203, 2013 | Lu, Song; Hu, Qing-Miao; Punkkinen, Marko P. J.;Johansson, B. ; Vitos, L: First-principles study of fcc-Ag/bcc-Fe interfaces, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 224104, 2013 | Pitkanen, H.; Alatalo, M.; Puisto, A.; Ropo, M; Kokko, K; Vitos, L: Ab initio study of the surface properties of austenitic stainless steel alloys, Surface Science, 609, 190, 2013 | Wang, Gui-Sheng; Delczeg-Czirjak, Erna Krisztina; Hu, Qing-Miao; Kokko, K; Johansson, B; Vitos, L: The effect of long-range order on the elastic properties of Cu3Au, J. Phys, Condens. Matter, 24, 085401, 2013 | Tian, Fuyang; Varga, Lajos Karoly; Chen, Nanxian; Delczeg, L; Vitos, L: Ab initio investigation of high-entropy alloys of 3d elements, Phys. Rev. B, 87, 075144, 2013 | Li, CM; Hu, QM; Yang, R; Johansson, B; Vitos, L: Magnetic ordering and physical stability of X2Mn1+xSn1-x (X = Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Ni, Pd, Cu, and Ag) Heusler alloys from a first-principles study, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 014109, 2013 | Peiyu Cao, Xiaodong Ni, Fuyang Tian, Lajos K. Varga and Levente Vitos: Ab initio study of AlxMoNbTiV high-entropy alloys, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 075401, 2015 | P. Rakyta, B. Ujfalussy, L. Szunyogh: Band bending at the surface of Bi2Se3 studied from first principles, arXiv:1504.05071, 2015 | Xiaoqing Li, Stephan Schönecker, Eszter Simon, Lars Bergqvist, Hualei Zhang, László Szunyogh, Jijun Zhao, Börje Johansson, and Levente Vitos: "Hot" ideal tensile strength of Fe, arXiv:1501.05774, 2015 | A. Szilva, P. Balla, O. Eriksson, G. Zaránd, L. Szunyogh: Universal distribution of magnetic anisotropy of impurities in ordered and disordered nanograins, Phys. Rev. B 91, 134421, 2015 | Sergii Khmelevskyi, Eszter Simon, Laszlo Szunyogh: Antiferromagnetism in Ru2MnZ (Z=Sn, Sb, Ge, Si) full Heusler alloys: effects of magnetic frustration and chemical disorder, Phys. Rev. B 91, 094432, 2015 | G. Hasselberg, R. Yanes, D. Hinzke, P. Sessi, M. Bode, L. Szunyogh, and U. Nowak: Thermal properties of a spin spiral: manganese on tungsten(110), Phys. Rev. B 91, 064402, 2015 | László Oroszlány, András Deák, Sergeii Khmelevskyi, László Szunyogh: Magnetism of gadolinium: a first-principles perspective, arXiv:1503.08940, 2015 |





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