Kilo-processor array computing architectures in solution of complex computationally intensive problems
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Bérci N, Szolgay P: Real-time multi-finger tracking in 3D for a mouseless desktop, In: Zarándy Ákos (szerk.) (szerk.) Focal-plane sensor-processor chips. New York: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011. pp. 283-299., 2011 | Zoltán Kincses, László Orzó, Zoltán Nagy, György Mező and Péter Szolgay: High-Speed, SAD Based Wavefront Sensor Architecture Implementation on FPGA, JOURNAL OF SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS Volume 64, Number 3, 279-290, 2011 | Cs. Nemes, Z.Nagy, P.Szolgay,: Efficient mapping of mathematical expressions to FPGAs: Exploring different design methodologies, Proc. ECCTD, pp. 717-720, 2011 | Z. Kincses, L.Orzó, Z.Nagy, Gy Mező, P.Szolgay: High-speed SAD based wavefront sensor architecture implementation on FPGA, Journal of Signal Processing Systems,, 2011 | Z. Nagy, Cs.Nemes, A.Hiba, A.Kiss, Á. Csík, P.Szolgay: AcceleratingUnstructured Finite Volume Solution of 2-DEuler Equations on FPGAs, Proc. of Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow, pp.941-948, 2012 | Z. Nagy, Cs. Nemes, A. Hiba, A.Kiss, Á.Csík, P.Szolgay: FPGA Based Acceleration of Computational Fluid Flow Simulation on Unstructured Mesh Geometry, Proc. of 22nd International Conferenceon Field Programmable Logic and Applications, 2012 | Z.Kincses, Zs. Vörösházi, Z. Nagy, P.Szolgay, T.Laviniu, A.Gacsádi: Investigation of area and speed trade-offs in FPGA implementation of an image correlation algorithm, Proc. of 13th Int. Workshop on CNNA,, 2012 | A. Kiss, Z. Nagy, Á.Csík, P.Szolgay: Examination the Accuracy and the Precision of PDEs for FPGA Computation, Proc. of 13th Int. Workshop on CNNA, 2012 | E. László, Z. Nagy, P.Szolgay: Analysisof a GPU based CNN implementation, Proc. of 13thInt. Workshop on CNNA, 2012 | Cs. Nemes, Z.Nagy, P.Szolgay: Automatic generation of locally controlled arithmetic unitr via floorplan based partitioning, Proc. of 13th Int. Workshop on CNNA, 2012 | Cs.Nemes, G.Barcza, Z.Nagy, Ö.Legeza, P.Szolgay: Implementation trade-offs of the density matrix renormalization group algorithm on Kilo-processor architectures, Proc. of ECCTD2013, 2013 | Z.Nagy, Cs Nemes, A.Hiba, Á.Csík, A.Kiss, M.Ruszinkó, P.Szolgay: Accelerating unstructure finite volume computation on fieldprogrammable gate arrays, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2013 | B.J.Borbély, P.Szolgay, Z.Kincses, Zs.Vörösházi: Analysis of myoelectronic signals using a field programmable SoC, Proc. of ECCTD2013, 2013 | B.J.Borbély, P.Szolgay: Estimatingwrist flexion angle from multi-channel surface EMG of forearm muscles, Proc. of BIOCAS, 2013 | A.Kiss,Z.Nagy,Gy.Csaba: FPGA-implementation of a Holographic Pattern-matching Algorithm, Proc. of ECCTD2013, 2013 | Z.Nagy, Cs. Nemes, A. Hiba, Á. Csík,A. Kiss, M. Ruszinkó, P. Szolgay: FPGA-based accelaration of unstructured finite volume computations, Jedlik Laboratories Report, JLR-3/2013, 2013 | A. Kiss, Z. Nagy P. Szolgay, T. Roska, Gy. Csaba, S. Hu, W. Porod: FPGA-based simulation of 3D light Propagation, Proc CNNA2014, Notre Dame, 2014, 2014 | L.Tepelea V.Tiponut, P.Szolgay, A.Gacsádi: Multicore portable system for assisting visualyy impared people, Proc. CNNA2014, Notre Dame, 2014 | B.J. Borbély, Z.Kincses, Zs.Vörösházi, Z. Nagy, P. Szolgay: A Modular tsrt platform for real-time measurement and analysis of EMG signals for improved prosthesis control, Proc CNNA2014, Notre Dame, 2014 | A. Hiba, Z. Nagy, M. Ruszinkó and P.Szolgay: Data locality-basedmesh partitioning methods for dataflow machines, Proc CNNA2014, Notre Dame, 2014 | E. László, M.B. Giles, J. Appleyard, P. Szolgay: Methods to utilize SIMT and SIMD instruction level parallelism in triagonal solvers, Proc CNNA2014, Notre Dame, 2014 | N. Sárkány, A. Tihanyi, P. Szolgay: The design of a mobile multichannel bio-signal measuring system for rehabilitation purposes, Proc CNNA2014, Notre Dame, 2014 | Z. Nagy, Á. Zarándy, A. Kiss, M. Németh, T. Zsedrovics: FPGA implementation of a foveal image processing system for UAV applications, Proc CNNA2014, Notre Dame, 2014 | Á. Zarándy , M. Németh , Z. Nagy , A. Kiss , L. Sántha , T. Zsedrovits: A real-time multi-camera vision system for UAV collision warning and navigation, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, doi: 10.1007/s11554-014-0449-3, 2014 | Nagy Zoltán, Nemes Csaba, Hiba Antal, Csík Árpád, Kiss András, Ruszinkó Miklós, Szolgay Péter: Accelerating unstructured finite volume computations on field-programmable gate arrays, CONCURR COMPUT PRACT EX 26: (3) 615-643, 2014 | Nemes Cs, Barcza G, Nagy Z, Legeza Ö, Szolgay P: The density matrix renormalization group algorithm on kilo-processor architectures: Implementation and trade-offs, COMPUT PHYS COMMUN 185: (6) 1570-1581, 2014 |




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