Investigation of the role of transient receptor potential receptor (TRP) channels in vascular biology
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Czikora A, Lizanecz E, Bako P, Rutkai I, Ruzsnavszky F, Magyar J, Porszasz R, Kark T, Facsko A, Papp Z, Edes I, Toth A: Structure-activity relationships of vanilloid receptor agonists for arteriolar TRPV1., BR J PHARMACOL 165: (6) 1801-1812, 2012 | Czikora Á, Lizanecz E, Bakó P, Rutkai I, Ruzsnavszky F, Magyar J, Pórszász R, Kark T, Facskó A, Papp Z, Edes I, Tóth A.: Structure-activity relationships of vanilloid receptor agonists for arteriolar TRPV1., Br J Pharmacol. 2012 Mar;165(6):1801-12. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2011.01645.x., 2012 | Czikora A, Lizanecz E, Boczan J, Darago A, Papp Z, Edes I, Toth A: Vascular metabolism of anandamide to arachidonic acid affects myogenic constriction in response to intraluminal pressure elevation., LIFE SCIENCES 90:(11-12) pp. 407-415. (2012), 2012 | Czikora Á, Lizanecz E, Boczán J, Daragó A, Papp Z, Édes I, Tóth A.: Vascular metabolism of anandamide to arachidonic acid affects myogenic constriction in response to intraluminal pressure elevation., Life Sci. 2012 Mar 10;90(11-12):407-15. Epub 2012 Jan 17., 2012 | Szántó M, Rutkai I, Hegedus C, Czikora Á, Rózsahegyi M, Kiss B, Virág L, Gergely P, Tóth A, Bai P.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 depletion reduces doxorubicin-induced damage through SIRT1 induction., Cardiovasc Res. 2011 Dec 1;92(3):430-8. Epub 2011 Sep 15., 2011 | Tóth A, Czikora Á, Pásztor ET, Dienes B, Bai P, Csernoch L, Rutkai I, Csató V, Mányiné IS, Pórszász R, Édes I, Papp Z, Boczán J: Vanilloid receptor-1 (TRPV1) expression and function in the vasculature of the rat, J HISTOCHEM CYTOCHEM 62: (2) 129-144, 2014 | Czikora Ágnes, Rutkai Ibolya, Pásztor Enikő T, Szalai Andrea, Pórszász Róbert, Boczán Judit, Édes István, Papp Zoltán, Tóth Attila: Different Desensitization Patterns for Sensory and Vascular TRPV1 Populations in the Rat: Expression, Localization and Functional Consequences, PLOS ONE 8: (11) e78184, 2013 | Csato V, Peto A, Koller A, Edes I, Toth A, Papp Z: Hydrogen peroxide elicits constriction of skeletal muscle arterioles by activating the arachidonic Acid pathway, PLOS ONE 9: (8) , 2014 | Csató Viktória, Pető Attila, Fülöp Gábor Áron, Rutkai Ibolya, Pásztorné Tóth Enikő, Fagyas Miklós, Kalász Judit, Édes István, Tóth Attila, Papp Zoltán: Myeloperoxidase evokes substantial vasomotor responses in isolated skeletal muscle arterioles of the rat, ACTA PHYSIOL 214: (1) 109-123, 2015 | Fagyas M, Uri K, Siket IM, Darago A, Boczan J, Banyai E, Edes I, Papp Z, Toth A: New Perspectives in the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) I: Endogenous Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibition., PLOS ONE 9: (4) e87843, 2014 | Fagyas M, Uri K, Siket IM, Darago A, Boczan J, Banyai E, Edes I, Papp Z, Toth A: New Perspectives in the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) III: Endogenous Inhibition of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Provides Protection against Cardiovascular Diseases., PLOS ONE 9: (4) e93719, 2014 | Fagyas M, Uri K, Siket IM, Fulop GA, Csato V, Darago A, Boczan J, Banyai E, Szentkiralyi IE, Maros TM, Szerafin T, Edes I, Papp Z, Toth A: New Perspectives in the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS) II: Albumin Suppresses Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Activity in Human., PLOS ONE 9: (4) e87844, 2014 | Szántó M*, Rutkai I*, Hegedűs Cs, Czikora Á, Rózsahegyi M, Kiss B, Virág L, Gergely P, Tóth A, Bai P: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 depletion reduces doxorubicin-induced damage through SIRT1 induction, CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH 92:(3) pp. 430-438., 2011 |




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