Genetikai és epigenetikai eltérések vizsgálata az endokrin rendszer daganataiban
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Doleschall M, Szabo JA, Pazmandi J, Szilagyi A, Koncz K, Farkas H, Toth M, Igaz P, Glaz E, Prohaszka Z, Korbonits M, Racz K, Fust G, Patocs A: Common Genetic Variants of the Human Steroid 21-Hydroxylase Gene (CYP21A2) Are Related to Differences in Circulating Hormone Levels., PLOS ONE 9: (9) e107244, 2014 | Grolmusz VK, Acs OD, Feldman-Kovacs K, Szappanos A, Stenczer B, Fekete T, Szendei G, Reismann P, Racz K, Patocs A: Genetic variants of the HSD11B1 gene promoter may be protective against polycystic ovary syndrome., MOL BIOL REP 41: (9) 5961-5969, 2014 | Grolmusz VK, Stenczer B, Fekete T, Szendei G, Patócs A, Rácz K, Reismann P: Lack of Association between C385A Functional Polymorphism of the Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Gene and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome., EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & DIABETES 121:(6) pp. 338-342. (2013), 2013 | Banlaki Z, Szabo JA, Szilagyi A, Patocs A, Prohaszka Z, Fust G, Doleschall M: Intraspecific evolution of human RCCX copy number variation traced by haplotypes of the CYP21A2 gene., GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 5:(1) pp. 98-112. (2013), 2013 | Nyírő Gábor, Patócs Attila, Tihanyi Mariann, Hartwig Mariann, Tőke Judit, Szücs Nikolette, Jakab Zsuzsa, Bakó Barnabás, Rácz Károly, Tóth Miklós: A Hyperparathyreosis 2 gén új mutációi látszólag sporadikus előfordulású hyperparathyreosis-állkapocstumor szindrómában, MAGYAR BELORVOSI ARCHIVUM 66: pp. 285-291. (2013), 2013 | Szabó PM, Butz H, Igaz P, Rácz K, Hunyady L, Patócs A: Minireview: MIRomics in Endocrinology: A Novel Approach for Modeling Endocrine Diseases., MOL ENDOCRINOL 27: (4) 573-585, 2013 | Feldman K, Szappanos A, Butz H, Grolmusz V, Majnik J, Likó I, Kriszt B, Lakatos P, Tóth M, Rácz K, Patócs A: The rs4844880 polymorphism in the promoter region of the HSD11B1 gene associates with bone mineral density in healthy and postmenopausal osteoporotic women., STEROIDS 77:pp. 1345-1351. (2012), 2012 | Bánlaki Z, Szabó JA, Szilágyi A, Patócs A, Prohászka Z, Füst G, Doleschall M.: Intraspecific evolution of human RCCX copy number variation traced by haplotypes of the CYP21A2 gene., Genome Biol Evol. 2012 Dec 12. [Epub ahead of print], 2012 | Patócs Attila. Vásárhelyi Barna, Butz Henriett: Mikro-RNS-ek a laboratóriumi diagnosztikában, Orvostovábbképzô Szemle XIX. évf. 9. szám, 2012. szeptember, 2012 | Szabó PM, Butz H, Igaz P, Rácz K, Hunyady L, Patócs A: MIRomics in endocrinology: A novel approach for modeling endocrine diseases, Molecular Endocrinology (elfogadott), 2013 | Butz H, Rácz K, Hunyady L, Patócs A.: Crosstalk between TGF-β signaling and the microRNA machinery., Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2012 Jul;33(7):382-93. doi: 10.1016/j.tips.2012.04.003., 2012 | Lendvai N, Tóth M, Valkusz Z, Bekő G, Szücs N, Csajbók E, Igaz P, Kriszt B, Kovács B, Rácz K, Patócs A.: Over-representation of the G12S polymorphism of the SDHD gene in patients with MEN2A syndrome., CLINICS 67:(S1) pp. 85-89. (2012), 2012 | Banlaki Z, Raizer G, Acs B, Majnik J, Doleschall M, Szilagyi A, Racz K, Fust G, Patocs A: ACTH-induced cortisol release is related to the copy number of the C4B gene encoding the fourth component of complement in patients with non-functional adrenal incidental, Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Apr;76(4):478-84. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2011.04247., 2012 | Szabo JA, Szilagyi A, Doleschall Z, Patocs A, Farkas H, Prohaszka Z, Racz K, Fust G, Doleschall M: Both Positive and Negative Selection Pressures Contribute to the Polymorphism Pattern of the Duplicated Human CYP21A2 Gene., PLOS ONE 8:(11) Paper e81977. 15 p. (2013), 2013 | Szappanos A, Nagy Z, Kovacs B, Poor G, Toth M, Racz K, Kiss E, Patocs A: Tissue-Specific Glucocorticoid Signaling May Determine The Resistance Against Glucocorticoids In Autoimmune Diseases., CURR MED CHEM 22: (5) In press, 2015 |
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