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Otte, R.A., Winkler, I., Braeken, M.A.K.A., Stekelenburg, J.J., van der Stelt, O., Van den Bergh, B.R.H.: Detecting violations of temporal regularities in waking and sleeping two-month-old infants., Biological Psychology, 92(2), 315-322., 2013 | Otte, R.A., Winkler, I., Braeken, M.A.K.A., Stekelenburg, J.J., van der Stelt, O., Van den Bergh, B.R.H.: Detecting violations of temporal regularities in waking and sleeping two-month-old infants., Biological Psychology, 92(2), 315-322., 2013 | Háden, G.P., Honing, H., Winkler, I.: Newborn infants are sensitive to sound timing, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition and the 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Sciences of Musi, 2012 | Háden, G.P., Németh, R., Török, M., Drávucz, S., Winkler, I.: Context effects on processing widely deviant sounds in newborn infants, Frontiers in Psychology, 4:674, 2013 | Kushnerenko, E.V., Van den Bergh, B.R.H., & Winkler, I.: Separating acoustic deviance from novelty during the first year of life: A review of event-related potential evidence, Frontiers in Psychology, 4:595, 2013 | Otte, R.A., Winkler, I., Braeken, M.A.K.A., Stekelenburg, J.J., van der Stelt, O., Van den Bergh, B.R.H.: Detecting violations of temporal regularities in waking and sleeping two-month-old infants., Biological Psychology, 92(2), 315-322, 2013 | Háden, G.P., Németh, R., Török, M., Drávucz, S., Winkler, I.: Context effects on processing widely deviant sounds in newborn infants, Frontiers in Psychology, 4:674, 2013 | Kushnerenko, E.V., Van den Bergh, B.R.H., & Winkler, I.: Separating acoustic deviance from novelty during the first year of life: A review of event-related potential evidence, Frontiers in Psychology, 4:595, 2013 | van den Heuvel, M.I., Donkers, F.C.L., Winkler, I., Otte, R.A., Van den Bergh, B.R.H.: Maternal mindfulness and anxiety during pregnancy affect infants’ neural responses to sounds, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(3), 453-460, 2015 | Háden, G.P., Honing, H., Török, M., Winkler, I.: Detecting the temporal structure of sound sequences in newborn infants, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 96(1), 23-28, 2015 | Bendixen, A., Háden, G.P., Németh, R., Farkas, D., Török, M., Winkler, I.: Newborn infants detect cues of concurrent sound segregation, Developmental Neuroscience, 37(2), 172-181, 2015 | van den Heuvel, M.I., Otte, R.A., Braeken, M.A.K.A., Winkler, I., Kushnerenko, E., Van den Bergh, B.R.H.: Differences between human auditory event-related potentials (AERP) measured at 2 and 4 months after birth, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 97(1), 75–83, 2015 | Németh, R., Háden, G.P., Török, M., Winkler, I.: Processing of horizontal sound localization cues in newborn infants, Ear and Hearing, 36(5), 550-556, 2015 | Háden, G.P., Németh, R., Török, M., Winkler, I.: Predictive processing of pitch trends in newborn infants, Brain Research, 1626, 14-20, 2015 | Háden, G.P., Németh, R., Török, M., Winkler, I.: Mismatch response (MMR) in neonates: beyond refractoriness, Biological Psychology, 117, 26–31, 2016 | Winkler, I.: Előbb az összetett, később az egyszerű: Csecsemők magasabb szintű hangfeldolgozási képességei a beszédértés előtti időszakban, Pszichológiai Szemle, 70(4), 675-721, 2016 |
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